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Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

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>Old Thread
first for Aruacaria Aruacana
Replace lawns with bamboo!
it's arau, not arua
Can I put my peace lily on the balcony? It's a roofed balcony, facing north, so it gets most direct sunlight maybe between 5 and 7PM.
Ok, satan
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My jalapeno plant grows like japanese knotweed. Probably should have pruned it I know but I didn't
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cute pic of the wife in our garden today
Should all plants be bottom watered or the ones without "special" soil? I read that if you have different soil or rocks on the bottom, you shouldn't.
If you're trying to avoid fungus flies then you have to keep the top of the soil dry which usually means watering from the bottom. If you do get an infestation then pour boiling water down all of your drains and change your watering habits.
I think the only time you wouldn't want to bottom water a plant is to flush the soil. If you have rocks on the bottom, its going to create a buffer between the soil and water which will make it harder to bottom water it, but if you're putting rocks in the bottom of your pot, you're already making a mistake.
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God bless you my friend

You're the brit guy right?
Is nepenthes bro still around? I wanna see an update of your set up :3
When is it considered too hot to transplant? Ive been having high 90s to low 100s past few daysbut I wamted to plant some elderberry and hazelnut in my yard. If I keep them well watered will they be fine?
These are some autistic looking trees.
If this is real then nice work (on both the garden and wife)
Harden then off first. There's a million guides online. Basically you take them outside for longer periods each day before you transplant them so they can adjust to the new conditions.
Todays additions:

Hedera Helix Camouflage
Philodendron Silver Sword
Aluminium Pilea
I am a denizen of that accursed isle, yes.
bro, you should give it less light so it will grow less
Calm down Mengele
I believe that is me
Not around the greenhouse atm but can post some stuff later
Just hard repotted my big truncata today, it was suffering for the past couple of years due to very compacted peat I think
That's what I do with mine and my porch is roofed and faces north as well. Mine do well with a few hours of late sun. It gets hot where I am so I just check them every few days to see if they need water. Mine love being outside. As soon as it gets warm enough in spring for them, I put them out and keep them out there until fall when the temperature starts to get too low for them.
Based, im looking forward to it :3
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truncata repotted and topped off with some live sphagnum. Hopefully get a nice response from it in a couple of months
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Fully expecting the response to be good as I have exactly the same clone taken from a cutting which is just sitting in water and still produces better pitchers than the main plant
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Humidity was bad for a few weeks whilst I was working out how to keep it high in the new setup, a few of the plants didn't like it and their pitchers wilted like this ventricosa
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New fogger, seems to do the trick for the humidity in addition to all the capillary matting I put in to keep things damp
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N. tentaculata didn't mind the period of lower humidity so much, I'm finding it is such a tough plant
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Nice N. sanguinea upper
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N. maxima upper
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N. ampullaria in the warm tub
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N. albomarginata also in warm tub
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N. jacquelineae getting a bit bigger and the classic pitcher shape of the species becoming more apparent
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N. mikei similarly putting on some size. Can see a dropper for the irrigation system I am experimenting with
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Colourful and beautifully shaped N. singalana pitchers
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N. veitchii pitchers. These are on a cutting; the mother plant seems to be about to make some as well a few weeks after I gave it a hard repot like the truncata so looming forward to seeing those which should be a good size
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Drosera spiralis, seems to be responding well to a brighter position
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D. madagascariensis has gone a bit wild
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D. oblanceolata, underrated species and one of only a small number of carnivorous plant species endemic to China
Had neighbors who kinda did that.
1) Tremendous amount of leaves get into the gutters.
2) The small, but thick, forest became home to numerous creatures, and made a whole ecosystem of vermin. Cockroache, mosquito, and mice population exploded.
3) Bamboos hitting each other makes a pleasant at first, but quickly annoying racket. It sounded like it was raining 24/7.

Aside from the fresh shoots you can harvest (no point if there's a wild forest near you), there is very little benefits to plant them even as a wind break.
Are predatory mites a scam? I'm running out of options to kill these fucking spider mites and thrips.
They work but they're expensive. May may want to try examining you soil before buying some.
>may want to try examining your soil
What does this mean?
Look for predatory mites that are already in your soil. If you find them then move that soil to the plants affected with spider mites.
I asked for advice in the last thread. How would you transplant these?
Is it possible to visually distinguish predatory mites from plant-killing mites?
The only plant killing mites I'm aware of are the spider mites, so look at the ones infesting your plant and don't move those. The predatory mites I found in my soil and that were available online were both red, but there's a lot of red mites that aren't predatory so that's not a definite indicator. In my case I noticed the spider mite colony collapse and saw the red mites crawling across the soil, probably to lay eggs, which is why I tried moving the soil to the other pots. If your infestation doesn't clear up or visibly improve after a week or so after you try introducing mites that you've found, then just buy predatory mites and eat the cost.
volcel if wouldnt
Are you in the northern hemisphere or southern? Your sarracenia flower is either really late or really early
If northern hemisphere just wait until next spring and pot it into something looser, 50:50 peat:perlite is good. You can separate off the drosera as well into pure peat if you want or keep them with the sarracenia, they aren't doing any harm

What are you trying to circle here?

I'm in the uk and my sarracenia almost died but managed to save it. The sundew vanished but came back. I think my water was too much for it so I use rain water now and have it in a green tent. I want to separate the two and not kill either. Thanks for replying, no one did last time lol. I love all your photos. Your tube plants are what I want along with sarracenia but want to make sure in capable first. Both sundew and sarracenia are flowering.
I was trying to circle the dead sarracenia I wanted to cut off. I used this pic in the last thread and described it. Sorry
Picked up more trees for my privacy hedges, was hoping to get more arbovitae and yews, but ended up with mostly Holly trees. There's a local nursery that does 75% off their entire inventory at the end of June before they shut down for the summer so I can't be too picky about exactly what I get since it's such a good deal.
That reminds me... I have a rain collection barrel that gets absolutely swarmed with concrete mites for some reason. I should try to relocate some to my greenhouse. Thanks.
Based nepenthes bro, did you add anything new to the collection?
Why do professional waterers at my company water the plants by watering from the top?
They probably control for fungus flies or don't care if they get them.
Damn… bamboo fucking sucks…
“Privacy hedges”? As in, you want them to hide you from people?
>bamboo sucks
I've never tried putting my dick into bamboo. Does it really suck? What phenomenon causes that, then?
Water pressure.
As your penis enters the cane from its top at 12 feet, your penis will create positive pressure against the water within the lower part of the bamboo, pushing the water down and back into the soil.
Thus when you try and retract your penis there is negative pressure pulling against it, aka; suction.

If you are going to do this please use a ladder, and possibly have someone holding it for you just encase.
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Me mum said she's gonna hold the ladder. Good to go
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As in creating a visual barrier, I wouldn't call it hiding, it's not a secret that there's a house on the other side of the hedge, but some people can't keep their eyes to themselves.

On an unrelated note my only beach tree has the beach leaf disease that's going around lately.
Got a couple of new Heliamphora and Brocchinia hechtioides back in May, waiting for N. rajah which I ordered a while back to arrive as well

Sent off some Nepenthes pollen to other growers, at least one has made some seeds which I'll try and germinate
>Imagine driving a portion of the hydrologic cycle with your dick
This, some people are nosy as fuck and look over the fence. It's really fucking annoying. That is why there is a fence...
Is there any way to contain my Zanaduzie. It's still in the pot it came in but I'm thinking to get a bigger pot that it'll sit lower in so the walls of the pot won't allow it to spread out so much. Will that be ok?
I mean I do every time I have a piss
I'm on a busy road too, so there's not much privacy, and most of my yard is lower than the road, so people would be able to see over top of a 6ft fence
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So, uh, I ordered a plant (a peace lily, because they're "not complicated") delivery. They didn't sell these locally in my town. Even though the estimated delivery was 2 days, based on notifications, I assume it spent about 5 days wrapped in a carton package. I don't know why I expected some special package. They also stored it horizontally the entire time. This is basically how it looked within 1 hour after I opened the package, after I cleaned up the spilled dirt all over.

As someone who hasn't taken care of a plant for at least 10+ years, I can't tell how bad this is. The stalks look like they gave up on life. I gave it water. Poured from the bottom. Feels like they're even limper than before. Should I do anything about the wilted / brown leaves? Should I place it closer to the wall so it looks more like it's standing up? I heard it doesn't like wind and it doesn't like direct sunlight, but it likes good temperature, so I put it in the corner of my balcony for now where it was protected from the wind and almost entirely in the shade.

But it was extra windy today so just in the process of me transporting it to the balcony, the wind blew into it quite strongly, and it blew some of the dirt straight into my right eye, and I couldn't get it out for like 20 minutes, that was hilarious.
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And followup question - why did it arrive in a bot within a pot? Should I trust the experts or remove one of the pots? The inner pot seems a bit more flexible. Both have holes in the bottom. I didn't know if the water would reach the plant if there are two pot layers separating it from the said water (which I poured into the plastic container housing the pot and stabilizing it further against the wind). When I picked it up, water poured from the four holes on the bottom, so I assume it is sucking up water at least from the bottommost pot.
Nah, it's fine. Trim off the yellow parts of the stock and put in on the soil. Give it some time to adjust and it will look great.

No idea why they gave you two pots. Usually if someone does something like that the inner one is a really cheap pot with holes and the outer one is decorative with no holes.
It's fine. Peace lilies are very hardy. They just needed some water and some time to recover from the trip. A few hours of morning or late sun would be fine as long as it's not terribly hot. I've never had any problem with wind with my peace lilies. I'm not sure if wind is supposed to be an issue or not because my plants have never had a problem with it. They get hit with any wind that happens to blow outside because they sit right out there on the porch (but not in direct sun until a couple of hours before the sun sets).
Mate forget Flowers, buy a Chinese Jade plant and be done with it
That should be fine as long as it gets enough light. A friend of mine has an edible weed growing like that.
What's the prettiest flower I can give to my gf? I've given her a few roses so far, but I want something to match her beauty.
A thistle. JK, I'm sure she's great. Make an arrangement of wildflowers and grasses or some shit.
Titan arum
Do springtails cause any problems? At least I assume these are springtails, they're really tiny light grey bugs and they've managed to get into nearly every plant I have and there's quite a lot of them. Always scurrying around the soil, almost never seen on the plant itself.

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