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marfa tx is a psyop
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Needs my girthy uncut Indian cock
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i wish two cute blondes would pet my wie-...nevermind
She went from mall goth to total snowbunny
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imagine restoring an old truck with syd
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I only drive electric
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good evening saar
imagine converting an old truck to electric with syd
Totally forgot i had a walmart sub sandwich to eat for dinner.
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I love Meika.
so cute
boring boring boring
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Wow after finishing that sandwich i am noticing it has a strong lingering spicy. Maybe from the italian meats
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I'm glad I've been too drunk to be here mostly, beady is a nightmare, and coke spiced is not fucking good
When are you not drunk?
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not much
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Uhhh, I will stroke my white cock now to Jenna....sorry....
do you ever reach out to her? I have. she replied to me one time.
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still wondering who was filming this
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she's a comedian who's been on lots of shows and specials. link to your imdb.
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Nah I've never tried. I've had friends pay her to say my name n stuff like that lol she'll do things where she'll say stuff to you if you pay her, but I've never messaged her or anything myself.
when I was 12 I sent a letter to Kate Beckinsale talking about how much I loved her and her underworld movies and she wrote me back lol. I think I still have her reply printed out somewhere
far out, dude. I reached out to many girls. none of them ever replied. I think I've been blacklisted or something, on an NSA database.
the only girl who ever replied is Meika.
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People like me are a nightmare for people like you.
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No offense but I doubt anyone cares to do that to you. 99% of them probably didn't see whatever you sent them. They aren't checking their dm's from anyone they aren't totally close to
not a celebs
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I did
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Some poor dude so far inside the friend zone he can't see stars.
No. They do check it.

OP, who is that piece of fuck meat?
Sydney Sweeney
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OMW to my flop house.

Which one a y'all goonin me?
I do not pay her. but she definitely appreciated what I gave to her. as did other girls.
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Well any famous pretty enough girl is going to get thousands and thousands of dm's all the time from the bottom of the barrel of humanity, meaning brown people mostly, so, yeah idk
I used to send Emrata the best BBC webms I had saved on instagram and they all went through (have sent her other stuff on other accounts and it gave me the "waiting for message to be accepted" or whatever) and like 2 months later that vid was released of her sucking that nogs face outside of that club lol beyond stupid to think it's connected but I can't help myself
Good job anon
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lil ari went to the mall!
there's a few other girls that replied aswell. some of them don't reply though.
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>that vid was released of her sucking that nogs face outside of that club
The fuck are you talking about
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the men were giving lil ari bad looks!
And you think she dated and kissed him in public because you DMed her BBC webms on Instagram?
shut the fuck up nigger stop instigating and acting like a girl. go create something or talk to someone to kill yourself lol idc just do something
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lol what a fucking loser
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I am just trying to help you understand how fucked up in the head you are for having delusions like that
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ask your mom she'll fill you in we talk all night after
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Back at the flop house playing music on my speaker full blast while my roommate is trying to sleep. Haha.
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You're ugly as fucking shit bruh
good, fuck your roommate
Ask my mother about how messed up your mind is? I have no doubt she will understand just how bad it is for you within a minute of explaining
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Yep, he's pissed me off too many fucking times.

I get home when he's asleep, he's gonna hear my blasting music every fucking night.
She's beautiful
yeah fuck your roomate, fuck that girl who had kids that you broke into the place of, fuck other people here who wanna post and have fun and make friends. fuck them all fuck them all fuck them all. be lonely and miserable and lazy and stupid forever
If you have proven anything, it's that you're a reasonable person who has possible standards.
Fuck everyone who doesn't meet your desires. you deserve other people catering to you
Are you trying to get kicked out on purpose?
Are you retarded or something. shut the fuck up faggot
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Nope, but wouldn't care too much if I did.
I practically have a death wish. I am the last person this piece of shit wants to fuck with.
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He's so fucking stupid and he's also so goddamn ugly lol
I love really do loving knowing that he'll just keep suffering before he dies given how much of a massive cunt piece of crap he's always been here
You are being extra delusional and bitchy today
hmm? almost some chloëbutt? do go on
you're more worthless than he is shut the fuck up not a celeb
Where would you go if they tell you to move out?
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Well for starters they can't just "tell me to move" they would have go to theough the LTB which will literally take longer than for my lease to end and second if I got kicked out I would simply become homeless again except this time closer to my job. From there I would probably end up leaving this city entirely.
love that there's almost always a hilary poster around, bless you guys <3
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Nigga blasts music to piss roommates off after he's spent over 10 years pissing other people off, and complains about "wahhh im so horrible and worthless wahhh"

omfg nigger I would beat the fuck out of you if you lived with me for one day I sear
Northy and Beady death sentence. I'd give my left hand for it. fuck you both. fucking losers
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By they, I meant the people responsible for the housing program, not your deadbeat roommates.
Do you know which city you are going to go to yet?
I'm probably about to be homeless, I had it all, paid for house, 2 vehicles, great job, practically no bills, fucking all that up drinking
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Nobody gives a fuck
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>By they, I meant the people responsible for the housing program
I have a proper rental agreement. I have the same boilerplate rental agreement as everyone else in the province. They would have to go through the LTB to kick me out. Making too much noise isn't exactly a high priority.

And I would head east towards the ocean, obviously.

I would figure out which city to settle in on my way there.

I don't want to dox myself before I even get there.
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Jesus, why though?

What made you drink so heavily in the first place?
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We'd have good posters here and it would be fun and instead we get to all sit here listening to you bitch and moan for the trillionth time after you brag about blasting fucking music

Holy shit you are fucking GARBAGE TRASH
well you cared enough to respond
if I knew that answer I wouldn't be in this predicament, shit just runs in my family I guess, lot of us have died
Have you ever considered trying to settle down where you are and returning to school?
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Yeah we used to have good posters here until you dumbass decided that posting pics and contributing was worth less than spamming everyone with "MMMMMMMMMM MY COCK".

Only reply you're getting from me for tonight.

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actual good posters who had lives and could be caring and fun and lewd and all that
we could have all that

and we get none of that. instead we get fucking beady talking about his retarded ass worthless life after he's been flooding this place for over a decade

You have the be the dumbest motherfucker ever to support or like this fucking person

Holy shit fucking hell WHAT THE FUCKKKK
What runs in your family is low self control and stupidity
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How come it got so bad after you were doing so good?

I have, but only in passing interest. I'm too old to do anything about it now and I have no help.
I'm of a Russian czech and native American background, im destined to drink lol I'm gonna post vicky a little I'm not gonna be awake much longer
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This fucking retarded ass waste of shit literally BRAGS about blasting music and annoying others and he has spent over 10 years literally ruining this place and doing everything he can to make it all about him

This guy is fucking horrible to the tenth degree
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A fellow Vicky enjoyer?!
We must be from the same tribe.
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well if that's how you feel I can't do much about that. I don't really care
It's never too late to get an education. It will probably help with getting a job that pays enough money for you to afford a house on your own
You are a fucking trash asshole, Parker. You are so fucking beyond annoying and fucking trash retarded it hurts.

It actually fucking hurts me soul seeing how goddamn fucking retarded and annoying you are

Oh my fucking god I fucking hate you

fuck you
"You cared enough to respond"
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oh good Troy's here, I'm out have a good night everyone
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>It will probably help with getting a job that pays enough money for you to afford a house on your own

Boy oh boy. I understand that Canada is insignificant but you must not have heard of the housing crisis.

But yeah you're right.
Obviously washing dishes isn't great but what am I to do about it. I have no guidance or direction.

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Stephanie Pham
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if you lived with me and I annoyed you or whatever and you did that shit I'd break that fucking speaker over your head you narcissistic ugly mug lazy homeless retard fucking loser

You have destroyed this place and you're too mentally and fucking stupid to even care or admit it

you're a bitch ass nigger. Enjoy your week faggot. you'll probably feel horrible throughout all of it because you're retarded and have zero discipline
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you wouldn't do shit you're too fucking fat, go lust over your niece and leave the thread, fat fuck
You had an apartment and a stable job at the bakery. You had every opportunity to better your life. And you still do, it's never too late. As much as you hate it, you are lucky enough to live in a decent enough country where people struggling get some help. Try to take advantage of it
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I will go to the nearest school and ask for one education please.
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Two educations?

Nah I don't wanna get greedy.
mommy daughter porn please
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Needy milf
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I posted all my shit and you haven't lol. I stil run every night. I bloodied my hands with my heavy bag everyday in highschool and fought with my older brothers everyday in middleschool. I have loving siblings female and male. I've had everything of mine posted besides a literal close up face like mr homeless ugly mug retard lol but I have anyway tho of me as a child.
You guys are all trash poser idiots boring faggots LOLOLOL
absolutely zero of this is true
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It took me 2 minutes to look up for a program in your area for people in similar situations to yours. I am sure you can find a way to get your diploma
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after you flood for over 10 years then invent pretend people and talk to yourself for another like 2 years now

Most entitled ugly fucking retard on the planet
I'd fucking stuff that speaker up your ass you ugly fucking defective shit stain on the planet

get your GED and get a real job and get therapy and fucking read books or some shit. get audible. goddamn you are fucking retarded lol
nope, I don't give a fuck about you or what you lie about troy, eat shit fatass die in a fire
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you spam more that he does at this point, go fuck yourself you fat shit
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a small oriental midget of a man cames ups
and saids he wanted to taste lil aris bum!
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not a celeb
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My niece is gonna be with me two days a week now big thing planning I had with sibling why I was gone for a lil holy shit I'm so excited and I'm so fucking glad that Beady has an omega based roommate
I hope beady blasts his fucking gas all over and gets kicked out and eats mud just to survive BAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
poo in loo
wash hands with soap
A sliver of hope emerges
he tried to climb into lil aris bum!
Why did you choose to ruin my meme?
goddamn I hate troy so fucking much, there's holes in my wall and dents in my fridge because of him, I REALLY fucking hate him, god what a worthless fat sack of shit, fuck your ai it fucking sucks and so do you, fat bitch
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he saids his fried noodles are there!
he ordered thems fresh and whiles
he eats and ates them sitting insides
of lil ari's bum he wants to hear her
sing sweet music! one of her songs!
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aff arse isnt that the sweetest cherish
he saids as lil aris vocals lit through the
halls of the mall and drew the rusk!
damn mommy's nips a little hard there
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Always teasing us
your basic writing is no good you can't move fast enough and you dont have enough strength and your movements are like a street writer it's too easy for me to trip you up
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fap to Cara Dillon

she's a hot Irish singer, it makes me happy when people fap to her and enjoy her
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>/soc/ thread area literally lasting 45 miutes because so many people are posting celebs.
>Almost 4 hours.
>Not even close to finished.
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Jesus Christ did I have a fucking stroke typing that?

You get the idea though, these threads fucking SUCK lmao
you're almost 40. you've never seen how I move or any strength. people even bigger than me would size me up and act intimidated with me in highschool. I'm not even 30 yet and have so much resentment and rage in me. I would fucking kill you
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isn't she cute
Why did you spam a soc thread yesterday?
you're not wrong. It's hard to watch.
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not a celeb
holy vicky boobs
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you can never play at writing each move requires all your strength cmon
Beady's spamming the fucking goon thread kek
>schizo posting
>when the celeb thread sucks too much for beady to spam it

He'll be back though. He always fucking is.
he's been in other threads alot lately says alot about this fucking place
This place is dying (a lot of it cause of him) but he's really going off the rails generally a lot more these past few weeks
agreed, he's been completely losing his shit, more than usual
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>I start spamming.
>Posts my discord that I don't even use anymore.
>Links to his own post.

The fact that you're in every single fucking thread not contributing is both hilarious and disturbing.
As proved by this:

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>/soc/ lapped us again.
my names is chen en he saids!
and yours names in lil ariana!
and so pleased here am i supping
noodles and sitting inside your bum!
earls.sleek on discord make me cum
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And that's including Kate's bot spamming.

>bot spamming.
There's some irony here somewhere...
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I wish alison was here, no I dont
So you want cel to be more like soc?
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i delights an off ance he saids
and refreshments a five sized drink!
it has been for years, it's more soc than soc is
you can stop, thanks
the idiot is still spamming the goon thread btw
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He just hates the idea of anyone having fun at this point
He's so fucking beyond any form of help
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dammit I fucked myself up pretty good last night, both knees and elbows are like bruised and scraped I guess from falling again, whatever, I can't drink anymore im broke, sucks
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Why are you even here
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5 hour celeb thread.

You can't make this stuff up folks.
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the fuck else is there to do
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Why is this a bad thing?
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go learn a skill or something
you need to do something about your "lil bro" he's out of fucking control
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Because it means no one's posting celebs. :^)

There is literally zero discussion going on in this thread.

There is literally zero image swapping going on in this thread.

And somehow with all the bots and spammers it's still taking 5 hours to finish a thread.
not a celeb
not a celeb
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What's the problem? I just opened the thread up.
Naturally that's what happens when Troy gets in here. People check out.
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And Kate, oh boy, in all His genius, thinks, nay, KNOWS it's a good idea to punish people who post celebs!


He doesn't even try to properly bot spam. He's so fucking lazy. It's insulting that he thinks anyone is going to fall for it. Maybe that's what he's going for? IDK.
Troy hasn't even been here, and beady is starting to spam other threads now because it sucks so much here
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Blessed be those of us worthy to behold His (Kate) Miracle.

The glory of living!

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since when are famous singers not celebrities
Honestly I have no idea what his end game is.
Ngl that's funny as fk lmao
I got mosquito bites 7 days ago and they still itch
>Me: "Uhhh, these threads are kinda shitty... maybe we should try focusing on rewarding people who contribute celebs, you know like make sure we give them some sort of benefit to helping these threads out?"
is this chad?
yea what's up
Im one of the only anons who actually does post new pics every single day. Idk why you keep saying i dont post celebs anymore. You either dont know who i post or you are simply telling a lie for some reason. Maybe you like telling lies or something. One of lifes mysteries i guess


Do you mean rare pics of actual celebs? cool.

Because if you meant rare celebs, rare is the opposite of celeb.

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