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are bananas good for you?
dont stick em up your bum and youll be fine
Why are you reposting anon?
this is important information, thank you for sharing.
meds, i just made this image.
yes! good snack lots of nutrients and protein
No you did not.
your desperation to get a single W is just getting sad at this point.
That's the guy that beat you up
I'm not a schizo you did not take this photo just now.
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yes you are and yes i did, take your meds.
Yea you just took that photo using your phone and changed its name to 1722025978964.jpg?
False. Rectal insertion provides quicker nutrient absorption. People in comas were kept alive by feeding them through their asses in medieval times. So shove that banana up your ass, OP. You go, girlfriend!
i use the the program !GLITCH to lower photos taken in resolution so that they fit within the 2MB image size limit.
!GLITCH also gives the resized image a fresh unix timestamp filename.
a simple solution for this board's abysmal file size limit.
Maybe im a schizo or it's a a false memory.
probably not schizo since this gimmick has done tomatoes, silver and bell peppers so far, but this is the first time for bananas.
Oh fuck that's why i totally forgot that this shit was on /bant/ before but with different things.
yes, a dumb parody of "is coffee good for you" posting without the coom bait image.
Have you completed your epic quest for no brown spots?
almost, so very close, got away with just a little stipling around the end of it.
also i take back the whole line about W's, at first i thought your line was a precursor line to getting report spammed as occasionally happens around here.
jannies only delete your ID get threads, you don't have to worry about getting banned because you're a paypig
they certainly have a weird take on that, the only kind of shitposting not allowed on a board meant to contain nonsense not allowed on /pol/.
fishtank has like 4 simultaneous generals going right now but heaven forbid if people try to have fun
yeah stinktankers can get obnoxious and uppity at times, like they forget that they're /tv/'s unwanted garbage.
It's coombait if someone faps to it.
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only if inserted in the proper hole
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Dr. who visits from the other realm

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