I shared the most ridiculous example just to illustrate how beards change a mens' looks99% of us dont have Greek God jawline model genetics so we dont look amazing without beards...according to ofher menEverytime ive had sex it was me and my weak ass jawline (good haircut though) just existing. After growing a full beard i literally only ever get compliments from other men and thats itFuck, i even grew a huge Chevron moustache last year and i unironically only attracted faggot men at the gym, they would literally make passes at meIs it just us men that like facial hair? North America is full of men with beards now unless theyre high schoolersWhats the fucking consensus here
>>21885621beard = basedcuck hipster faggot
>>21885621>he's worried about other people's opinions>mentions he attracts faggots...what?
>>21885623You dont feel physically disgusted by faggots lusting over you? I do
>>21885621imagine not being able to think for yourself
>>21885621My girlfriend left me for a man with a pretty good beard. I have spotty facial hair, although it still looks nice.
>>21885624Here, let me rephrase>faggot/woman shit>whines about faggots(faggot shit)You should try treating garbage like garbage, possibly starting with yourself.
>>21885621i shave everyday so i can show off my jawline
>>21885621beards are based only because i'm too lazy to shave
>>21885621I work the 5 o'clock shadow
>>21885627Wow you really showed me there anon, i'll be a better man after this breakthrough
>>21885621I look like a more attractive version of Henri cavilI use to have a beard and hobaxing looksThen when I went clean shaven women behaved totally different towards meI hate women
>>21885621beard = make up of man.
Beards are like mayo: it won't fix a bad sandwich, but it can improve a good sandwich.
>>21885631>i'll be a better man after this breakthroughYou're responding like a faggot. Are you sure you are not, in fact, a faggot, and thus incapable of being a better man?
>>21885634liquid condiments are fucking vile
>>21885621I wear face stubble like on the right and definitely get more attention from random women than when I’m clean shaven.
If you put any stock into the opinions of women, surveys have shown that they prefer stubble to a full beard, and a full beard to a clean shave. But if you have a Chad jawline then you will probably have more success with the clean shave so you can show that off.
>>21885632So do you get more pussy with or without you french frog?
>>21885629Anon grab a trimmer and just maintain at the longest setting, usually 1", youre all set in 5 mins>>21885634Good analogy, but what kind of beard tho? Like the pic or lumberjack or in between?
>>21885621Beards are for söyjaks.
>>21885632>I look like a more attractive version of Henri cavilt. Anon. I lol'd IRL
>>21885621>Whats the fucking consensus hereAnonymous concensus?Op is a faggot
>>21885621You may either have 1-4 days stubble or look like Saddam in his hidey hole. Everything else is vain and homofagual.
heavy stubble is the way to go desu
>>21885645The problem with 1-4 day stubble is day 0 kek, i guess its better to do it right after work
Does anyone else here look better clean-shaven? I’m chad with a really good jawline so I look better and younger.
>>21885621Large beards are physical armour against being punched
>>21885647Just shave with a trimmer that leaves stubble. Using razors on your face is dumb and only exists in current year because of "omg wow such a close shave" marketing.
>>21885621>look, this gigachad jawline doesn’t look better with two days of hair growthWhat the fuck is your point, you fucking retard?
Some men look better with beards, some look better clean shaven. There's no one-size-fits-all answer.
Beards are for ugly men and chinlets. The guys who have weak chins from the side profile. That's who grow beards. Men are supposed to shave our faces. It's just what we do. Like wearing a tie. It's associated with men. I dunno WHY we wear ties when we dress up, what purpose they serve, but we do it. It's a rule about masculinity. Same with shaving our faces.
>>21885654this but only clip-ons because it's a tactical disadvantage to provide your opponents a rope around your neck to hold you by
>>21885621try fucking having a goatee where the only people you attract are gays with amazing hair genetics or woman who want you to treat them like a princess with ass. Fucking annoying as shit. Cavil at least has the option to be an anti-feminist dick at any social hierarchy, I just get laughed at.
>>21885654Thank you for combining your shit takes with several markers of ignorance and naiveté.
>>21885656What monster is forcing you to have a goatee, anon.
>>21885621>Women: I like shaved guys>example is left>Women: I like bearded guys>example is right
>>21885621totally different focal lengththat's the actual differenceChadville looks chad with beard or without
>>21885654>I dunno WHY we wear ties when we dress up, what purpose they serve, but we do it.Ties, lapels and collars all work together to frame your face the same way a nice frame goes with art. They exist to direct the viewer's focus on the object. Autists hate this which is why they hate suits and ties. They're insecure closeted liberals and deserved to get bully their entire lives because their meekness is unmanly.
I think this is what people mean by stubble>>21885650 thats already beard
>>21885621Eh, I didn’t even think I could grow a proper beard until I gave it a shot about a year ago, and now I’ve got a full one. Beards can be great, but they’re definitely not for everyone—it really depends on the person.
>>21885621Woman preferring beard vs clean shaven is a function of culture and who her male role models were growing up. If her celebrity crushes or her dad or whoever had beards, she'll probably like them. When you look at what kind of face shape women prefer, there are some men where the jaw line being obscured by a beard can help. Specifically, if you have a strong brow and a big nose, but a mid or weak jaw, a proper beard will hide the jaw line and women will fill in the blank with what fits naturally according to the rest of you. But if the rest of your face doesn't imply a strong jaw, then getting a beard won't help.
>>21885658>What monster is forcing you to have a goatee, anon.can't grow a beard or a stache beyond rubble looks. Trying clean shaven overly grilled shrimp shell hanging down my neck. >creamy brown
>>21885621Men who shave their beards off all want to be more feminine. They all secretly - or not so secretly - wish they were women.The only non-bearded men who don't wish they were women are the poor souls who can't grow beards. And they have my sympathy.
>>21885622Someone lacks testosterone