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pic related
you can type yourself here
>inb4 horoscope
even horoscope has some surprisingly accurate things to say
After getting my type I've tested it researched not only some positive but also negative aspects like extremely bad at remembering names or talking way too much and MBTI has been spot on on many aspects of my personality
even if you think it's a horoscope you can't deny that there are people who are more detail oriented and then those who are big picture oriented.
people who are facts first and then people who are theories and concepts first.
people who decide logically and those who decide more with their heart/emotions.
people who are more things oriented and those who are more people oriented.
people who are externally stimulated and those who are mentally/intellectually stimulated.
those who get nervous when they go for long periods without doing nothing and those who get nervous by having any obligations at all.
those who love to argue disregarding the feelings and those who love to keep the harmony disregarding the logic
now it's up to you /pol/
find your type. understand yourself. the wold is your oyster
It’s not accurate because your answers are easily influenced by the state of your life presently or even your mood or self esteem that day. You know a BPD person who takes that quiz will not be honest and their type won’t reflect reality at all.
That's been considered. Questions are asked several times in different ways and scored in context of your other answers.

Results have been found to be consistent despite changes in mood and situation and even despite changes in lifestyle eg the same person gets consistent results even when they took it when they were poor vs when they were rich.

There's a reason intelligence agencies use these tests.
The only MBTI personalities that exist are ISTJ, ESFJ, and ENFJ.
apparently the reason these 4 attributes (the 5th hidden one being IQ) are well made is because they were created 'backwards'.

i.e. : they took the data from the tests and looked for patterns in people, instead of trying to pontificate and create up patterns that people 'should' fit into

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