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Imagine wooing a girl for 6-12 months as a loser virgin because you want to get some pussy.

Paying thousands for ceremony to indicate to everyone you are a virgin loser and you're gonna put your cock in this slut.

And then you finally do it and have post nut clarity realising this pussy it mid. Now you have to wonder for the rest of your life what other pussy tastes like.

Chad doesn't have this problem. He is fully aware. He fucks multiple women and he picks the one with the best pussy and personality. Then he calls her girl-"friend" when he is friends with multiple girls.

Chad refuses to cuck. He knows marriage is a scam and a cuck ceremony.
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Oh look, more niggerspam
modern "marriage" isn't marriage
they want you to throw the baby out with the bathwater by coming to this conclusion:
>Chad refuses to cuck. He knows marriage is a scam and a cuck ceremony.

you know you actually have more options than
1. slowly die the second death
2. get your nut off & get a bag
this isn't how men and women were meant to live

fucking CIA i swear to god
that looks like a fun party
>he thinks partying with niggers looks like a fun time
Holy ngmi
i already made it, the problem is now it's been unmade, and i have to start from square one
but just know that the nigs in that image are living it up properly
No retard. Chad doesn't need to spend thousands on a "I'm gonna lose muh virginity!" ceremony to keep a woman.

His girl naturally binds to him. She is free but chooses to stay. No need for a prison ceremony. Marriage's sole purpose is for virgin losers to entrap women.
Dating in the UK sounds like an unhinged affair.
You truly are the US of Europe. The Hungary of the Atlantic East Coast.
Cuck, Bull or Incel? the choice is yuors...
the CIA do be putting that forth as the only 3 options
really makes you think
I choose no relationships and females only allowed in limited amount. I will not play the games by the rules others set that are bad rules overall.
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same energy, and you know it
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Sounds like cope to be. Imagine you life being ruined by some random Indian in India. Everyone knows it's fake if they claim to have slept with her and suddenly no contact.
you didn't listen to me
what you're describing isn't marriage, it's a mockery of the convention
Anon >>21887201 his hand is on her crotch and she's okay with it. Indians do the hover hand.
whether you sugar coat it with rituals or not the outcome is the same.

Why must you marry a girl to keep her?

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