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Have you ever noticed how pathetic and inferior cats are? They always look so fucking ugly and diseased to the point where they can't t survive without human intervantion

While frogs are just croaking and jumping around and they don't need humanity to survive at ALL

That's why Anuran race is the most superior race
Actually this image is misleading. Cats are such good predators that they will literally genocide the fuck out of all small birds and rodents in a neighborhood.
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frogs are the reason why you have clean drinking water and not toxic goyslop sludge
frogs also keep mosquito populations down
frogs will lay eggs in small pools of water; the tadpoles then feed on any mosquito larvae in the water
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Well that's really unnecessary information

So frogs literally save us from getting a shitty disease called malaria meanwhile cats give us gondii and dogs give us rabies
Brown hands created this thread
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Ever lick a toad?

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