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how many days would you need to be starving before you would eat this highly dubious soup?
It would take a lot of days working as a Walmart cashier and nights spent in a shed with fumos before I got this desperate
imagine the smell
is this soup from the shed of that fucker who was talking about stealing shelves to organize their chemicals?
i bet it smells better than it looks
Yes that's why there's fingernails in it
oh god
>your soup looks like poop hhahahehehe
what is this kindergarten
Come on man look at that shit, does that in any way look appetizing to you? It's not a schoolyard joke, it literally looks like shart
it looks like beef and bean soup
I've made that a few times and not once has it looked like shart
it looks like shart soup lol
what are you 9
eleventeen and a half
Ummmm if you didn't fry your retinas watching gay scat bdsm hentai for 18 hours every day you would be able to see that it is literally fucking shart soup
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>fry your retinas watching gay scat bdsm hentai for 18 hours every day
Did I stutter, nigger?
Man I am not going to eat that
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Let's be honest, most of the anons here belong there.
quite fitting.
most of them actually fit this character type to the T, complete with trash can home.
and he was so proud of it LOL
people generally do not want their food to look like excrement, that's the source of the humor
Do you think Oscar would eat a bowl of poop? Do you think he clips his nails?
anon you are mentally ill
Answer the question.
I wonder if nail clippings would be like fritos for a creature that literally eats garbage. thanks /bant/ for making me consider such things.
I'm not entertaining your mental illness, seek professional help.
Do you like Pokemon?
you would be better off ignoring these threads than covertly posting in them
post your favorite soup recipe in your country
sliding the whole board is very 2023
i don't understand what the irish anon is doing
should i report?
one of the cirno threads got slid
he's trying to flush the fishtank threads I think
/poopsoup/ general must survive
oh shit that's based actually
no he upvoted them
ftl threads are the only ones I saw that didn't get niggerbumped so I just assumed that was it
the cirno shit was totally incidental, he even bumped them I just fired a lucky shot when they went past the end of the catty, you're welcome
thank you for your service
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I would eat it now. And I just got done with breakfast, it looks like some type of gumbo and id definitely eat it, idk what you people are on about.
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Let’s be honest anon, most of the anons do not belong there.
trip doko

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