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This produces high trust but also makes us uniquely vulnerable to malicious, Machiavellian people who would seek to take advantage of us.
Enter WHITE ( except SWEDISH)
They've never had a society of their own.
They've only ever existed within preexisting successful nations.
They always take advantage of the host for their personal benefit.
Until they get kicked out. ( We kick out brittish)
Their innate lack of morals, integrity and aversion to vice gives them tremendous advantages in moral environments.
Things INDIAN MEN refuse to do.
>still can’t invent a toilet
Niggers and alboboons are more bearable than rapejeets.
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>high innate morality
is that what you call a pile of poo on the beach sir?
Why the hate ?
Sydney loves us
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>Things INDIAN MEN refuse to do
what is poo in the loo?
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>I think the stripper really likes me dude!
I don't hate you. Would colonize again.
the country known for gang raping elderly women and children is NOT a moral place. lmfao. they had free will that you violated and you are going to hell forever for it pajeet NIGGER
What is tech innovation?
>Posta video from Bangladesh
You not white
Even though you are trolling there are some Jai Hindus who unironically believe India is a high trust society.
how about you innovate a way to fix your fucked up country and stop flooding ours with shit, poo boy
Niggers have more of a right to tell me I'm not white than your flag ever will, Pookesh.
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Who made this ?
Whites can't create, so a paki
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Why is Sydney so fat? She needs to get on a diet ASAP!
>high innate morality
this goes against everything I've witnessed and know about indians.
You're the most scummy, dishonest, scammy, despicable bunch of liars I've ever interacted with.
This is completely correct. I came to the same conclusion.

It wouldn’t even occur to the average Indian how evil and selfish the majority of people are.

The only way to compete in such an environment is to be able to think like your competitors which Indians are increasingly able to do….

The real question here is if you should sacrifice your morality for material benefit like they do (vicious circle that never makes you content) or whether to pursue spirituality and connection to the divine consciousness with faith that the universal law (dharma) will correct the structure eventually (ie what’s already happening where people trust us more than each other to do the right thing) which also inexorably leads to material power also.
>high innate morality.
a lack of self awareness this severe (or audacity to use such bait) is literally offensive at this point
>Things INDIAN MEN refuse to do.
there is literally no evil that indian men havent dabbled in
>whites cant create
holy fuck, this has to be bait
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It would be a crime against humanity not to have those bobs on display.
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Remember to never argue with pajeets. Only bullets.
>It wouldn’t even occur to the average Indian how evil and selfish the majority of people are.
of course it would, most indians are literally the exact same
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We can only ever blame ourselves.

The laws of physics apply equally to everyone. Life is fair.

I believe the reason many people from developing nations are unsuccessful (where success is taken to mean the western concept of success ie material wealth) is because they are not even able to contemplate the misinformation and greed and evil they are dealing with. Their minds are just too simple and pure.

You can’t be a good actor in a game with bad actors and still win. You must be able to think as one of the bad actors to be able to defeat the bad actors.
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you know, if an entire country remains a shithole because their people are too busy competing with each other (dog eat dog world), that's a bigger sign that the very culture is a dogshit one.
Americans arent used to competition, because they didnt need to. Post ww2 economic boom ensure everyone had enough to eat, to live, and then with the spare time, actual autists who are in love with their fields came up with innovations organically without any need for competition that universities made use of
Thousands of hours of videotaped evidence proves otherwise subhuman.
Just to let you know I was scammed by a Pajeet and another tried to scam me here in Honduras and my friend was scammed by a jeet back in 2007 in Greece it was the first time we ever see a pajeet.

I will assume most Pajeets aren't like that but stop pretending you are a race of noble people, you aren't exactly evil is just that there are many of you.

Let's not pretend the goverment and rich people wants to import you as a race of slaves to compete with China at the cost of destroying the demographic forever.
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Yes saar. We bring standard of living down to India level so we all wins!!!
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You have no innate morality. You’re the rape capital of Asia to such a degree that graves have to be covered with bars so that corpses aren’t dig up and raped. Also, the filthiness and squalor you live in and think nothing of belies the chaos and disorder of your racial soul.
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Remember, thinking like those evil actors doesn’t mean becoming them!

And so like a battle between angels and demons, we must use their greatest sins against them as it is their greatest weakness and capitalise on our strengths (morality).

Do not forsake your core values and end up becoming a demon. Have faith that Truth and the universe will bring you glory.

Don’t you want to see how it all plays out?
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Go back
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>muh free will muh jew hell
Another display of the white man's complete lack of morality and theology that he developed independently. Meanwhile, during the Bhakti movement alone we had literally 1000's of saints and sages across the India subcontinent that all came up with and debated with each other their own understanding of consciousness, morality and the nature of reality itself, without killing each other over "muh heresy" against some jewish tribal god.
I think most medical and technical innovations are stolen and rebranded from other countries through various methods but largely agree with the rest of your sentiment
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Preach on my bhaee saar
>except SWEDISH
Are you high on fucking crack?
That's why nobody likes you Rajeet.
>Americans arent used to competition

Yes they are they just became Lazy, fat weak, stupid and demoralized, Pajeets thriving at the cost of many many other pajeets suffering.

In contrast Pajeets are willing to literally eat excrement to survive while normal people would just prefer to die.

You are accustomed to so little you will overwork for nothing not realizing it doesn't matter because even your own women hates you.
Rape is remarkably uncommon in India, that’s why it makes headlines whenever it happens. Also in India if you say to a girl that you will one day marry her and have consensual sex and then don’t marry her. That’s rape in Indian law. It’s one of the strictest laws in the world.

Most Indians are virgins at marriage and stay married until death.

You have been brainwashed into thinking that way.
> scam elderly ladies out of $12 billion a year
kys shitjeet
They literally eat shit. That's why they're also full of shit and always scammers. Including you with this post. Your pride is absolute bullshit. You wouldn't be here trying to hover around a white board if you loved being an Indian so much.
I think you are Coping, of course there are genius Pajeets you are objectively 2 billions even if 0.00000001% of pajeets were genius that would be 2 millions.

India alone is triple of Latin America

You are the most dysgenic people only Abbos are below you.
Good take. Sir, you are the based Saint of San Pedro Sula. Sure wish your fellow countrymen in the US weren't such retarded niggers.
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Do I judge all white Americans as though they are represented by edge cases like Timothy Mcveigh?

No, because that’s retarded.
Why are you so retarded if you live in “muh greatest country on earth”
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Nigger 85% of Indian girls were raped by relatives, you are the world's champions.

It makes it to the headlines because they cant keep ignoring it Underreporting Rape is the norm.
Bloody bastard. You are reprehensible swine. Even Nehru admitted that Britain left India better than she found it. There you are, pissing on Nehru's face like a street corner. You are nasty little devil. China is building ports in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, all-fucking-around-you! You're still looking at the past. Silly bugger. I hope China will not fuck you gently, but will fuck you hard and long!
new trend on pol?
lust provoking image
ridicules indian claims
Timothy Mcveigh would be based but it was all bullshit by the CIA and Free Masons
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>only Abbos are below you
Nah. Abos are funny and retvrn2monkepilled. Jeets have no redeeming qualities and are thus at the bottom.
That’s bullshit lol
You believe in bullshit and so you will not be able to compete against people who are able to view reality
Good luck to you sir
>think most medical and technical innovations are stolen and rebranded from other countrie
youre wrong, malaun subhuman.
Technological innovations are a form of knowledge, knowledge cant be "stolen".
And no, america alone came up with a lot of innovations on their own.
What kind of retard picks two tubs of mint choc chip ice cream as their last meal?
>Abos are funny and retvrn2monkepilled
abos are pretty subhuman as well.
They are inbred because fathers always end up fucking any (and I mean ANY) children he has, male or female.
You're all scammers tho
every other call I get, it's a thick ass poojeet on the other end, trying to fuck with me.
Shouldn't Indians be building infrastructure?
and NOT calling my dumb ass?
What the fuck is wrong with you pieces of shit?
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Here's the one with text
Also the world (China included) was infatuated with Old Europe for their culture and white people, not for stupid talmudic bullshit like GDP etc.
>high trust society
That's Muslim society you dumb nigger, not Indian. In Indian society (i.e Hindu society with its native culture) even women that are not related to you are addressed as sister, aunt, mother, grandmother etc depending upon their age. You don't just call them by their name like degenerates. So the thought of raping them doesn't even cross the minds of Indian men, because they're all seen as family, unlike in your degenerate societies where every woman, no matter her age, is a potential one night stand whore.
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America is able to use its superior economic clout to buy or incentivise technology theft. Eg hiring AMD or NVidia engineers from other countries into California with nice salaries, buy start ups and perform hostile takeovers.

It’s like a giant corporation and there’s nothing wrong with that. But trying to claim it’s due to some kind of racial supremacy of the people of the USA when it is literally a nation of immigrants from the entire word is retarded

Also in most fields China is currently ahead. This is because China is able to in the last few decades incentivise its best to stay onshore
>Believing the media
>caring about eating

You are not normal.
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Yes, but they are so animal-like it's hilarious. They also don't make 9000 posts-per-day (because they probably can't even read) copeposting like jeets, so I prefer the petrol huffing noonga to the Dunning-Krugermaxxing jeet.
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It is remarkably high trust compared to the U.K. or USA
it absolutely fucking isnt.
Ive been to canada and the US
>scamming on a nationwide scale
>most of them are genuine rapists
>lying about anything and everything
During the worst years of the holodomor, starving people had to be discouraged from eating the dead. These jeets aren't hungry, just absolute subhumans
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Exactly which was the "preexisting successful nation" that preceded ancient Greece? You won't find the answer in your shit, Ramalamsamalabama.
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lovely milky
she is the new Marilyn Monroe
>unlike in your degenerate societies where every woman, no matter her age, is a potential one night stand whore
gross, are you over 6 feet tall? Do you make 6 figures? Is your dick over 6 inches?
that's what your "whore" is gonna demand of you before you get to touch or see. Sound fair?
>Implying she wouldn't be excited about it
The high innate morality is a genetic trait of your African ancestors who navigated the Indian ocean between East Africa and Kerala and formed merchant outpost on the Indian coast; and introduced such African concepts as kindness, compassion, divine dharma, yoga (originally a a Nilotic term meaning stopping your thoughts till you and the sky are one, that is, to understand you are part of the environment and must respect it), dharma, shunya (the innate holy blackness of the universe), ishvara, and bhakti; and mingled with local women which led to the birth of Indian luminaries as Ramanuja, Shankara, Abhinavagupta, Vyasa, Panini, Caitanya.
This is an example of African Zanzibar art. The faces have broad cheeks, thick lips, and flattened noses of Bantu people.
Okay, we won't argue with you getting an indian husband
>Enter WHITE ( except SWEDISH)
What do you mean by this?
You people have no morality at all you gang raping street shitting subhuman vermin. It would be a mercy to wipe your entire race from the Earth.
I'm curious about Tim Hortons sales compared to previous years.
Good one.
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>you are addressed as sister, aunt, mother, grandmother etc depending upon their age
you stole this from the muslims, have you no shame?
>You don't just call them by their name like degenerates.
how the FUCK does this make you a degenerate?
How the FUCK is the country infamous for rape, moralfagging about DEGENERACY of all things?
>So the thought of raping them doesn't even cross the minds of Indian men, because they're all seen as family,
Most rape in india happens to actual family members, lol
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Yes it is. Even backward states like UP and Bihar. The only threat women used to have was from in the past was from the goons of political parties run by gangsters (like the SP and RJD) who used to abuse their power, not regular Indian men. Now that they are out of power, and especially with Yogi Adityanath in charge, those kinds of crimes are almost non-existent. It's even more high trust in the western and southern states.

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>What the fuck is wrong with you pieces of shit?
England let them live
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Jewish claws typed this post
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Indians the only race that can’t convince anyone to like them kek
>you stole this from the muslims,
LMAO you dumb niggers can't stop sucking Arab dicks, can you? This practice goes back to the Vedic era and beyond you, retard. Men address every non-blood related women as mata (mother) or putri (daughter) in the Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas etc. Also, most rapes in India are done by mudslimes. Before the mudslime invasion of India, women used to literally walk around topless and nobody cared.
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Indian people scam elderly widows daily for there life saving, I wouldn’t even call them people
>high innate morality
lol, you are the scammer capital of the world. nothing moral about that.
>This practice goes back to the Vedic era and beyond you, retard
prove men address wome as mata and putri.
And why do every other muslim region and the chinese have this?
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>around topless and nobody cared.
there was a breast tax that caused this LOL.
It was meant to humiliate lower castes.
NO brahmin women roamed around topless.
I died laughing kek
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>The laws of physics apply equally to everyone. Life is fair.
Some alien nigger could be traveling faster than lightspeed for all you know.
India has neither High Trust or innate morality.
>first hand experience to India.
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what's your take on indians in the US using america to take over the world and spreading feminism and transgender mania? is that moral?
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indian men hate feminism. I work with indian feminists to help spread feminism and turn indian women against indian men
>rape capital of the world
>scam capital of the world
I'd also argue that being a disgusting, disease-ridden street shitter that dumps trash in the river is immoral.
and yes, feminism is moral. Saving indian women from the rape culture of indian men, is moral.
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They have obviously lied about that statistics , cheating is literally embedded in Indian culture along with scamming innocent elderly people of course
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indian men see nothing wrong with rape. They do not have morals
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>high trust
>bobbles head
XD it’s actually un believable how Indian people are on 4chan keep coping pajeet
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indian males are mentally ill, and out of touch with reality.
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Because this is a common practice in all of Asia. Won't say they got it from India through Buddhism, but wouldn't be surprised if they did. And you muhammadans of the Indian subcontinent got it from us. The guru as well is seen as a father and his wife as a mother. Here's one from Chanakya Niti (375 BC).
Lmao I’ve noticed that these things or whatever are so fucking weird I don’t know why? They go as far as to claim that they are aryan like wtf?XD
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you are so fucking mentally ill
indian men are mentally ill because their parents never disciplined them so they grow up with MASSIVE EGOS
Stop trying to think that you are better than Muslims , you dickheads are the lowest of the low
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In reply to the Hindu complaints about the British suppression of suttee, General Napier declared:
>Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.
We also banned them from raping kids and they’ve been seething at us ever since
>but der britishers ser!!! $100,000,000 stolen from my dung heap!
>Won't say they got it from India through Buddhism
they fucking didnt subhuman, if you met SEA buddhists, youd know that buddhists dont call their elders aunty or anything of the sort.
Its a purely confucian thing when we talk about slant eyed people.
As for the rest of the muslim world outside south asia, how would you explain that? God you malaun subhumans have zero fucking shame when it comes to lying and self delusions
>deserve the status of mother
isnt the fucking same as, calling women youve never met "aunty"
And, for that matter, teaching them how to cook.
I wonder what the average poo male would do to be allowed to just sniff the feet of a white woman.
saaaaaaaaaaaaar you missed a couple zeroes there saaaaaaaaaaaaaar
>muh breast tax
Never existed, you fucking retard. And that was allegedly in Kerala, not all of India. But of course a muhammadan wouldn't know anything about his own history. That statue is from Bihar.
>t. coping paki
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>Indians are the ONLY race to have ever developed high innate morality.
>India literally one of the worst countries when it comes filth, rape, murder, corruption and other crimes with no foreign interference
If what you say was true, you would have easily recovered as a nation after colonisation, but you continue to be a shithole with zero chances of recovery.
I would suck on those redneck feeders til the cows come home.
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Buddhists are respectful peaceful people the Dali larmar I think is the most respectful people I’ve ever seen and watched about . Don’t be fooled 4 chan this is just another pajeet trying to be better than another race
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LOL you filthy goatfucking dog of Arabs. Two cultures can come up with the same thing independently. Doesn't mean one stole it from the other you stupid fucking nigger. I never said Arabs stole it from Indians, despite the practice being older in India and predating the invasion of mudslimes. But your pathetic slave brain can't accept that something was given to you by someone other than your Arab masters whose dicks you can't stop sucking.
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>Indians are the ONLY race to have ever developed high innate morality.
Kys street shitter scammer.
You are literally the same fucking plague destroying cultures and nations across the globe , Canada then Japan . Everywhere you things go you destroy.
>Two cultures can come up with the same thing independently
you absolute illiterate subhuman.
I literally talked about two cultures that came up with it independently, the arabs and the confucians.
BUT, indians didnt come up with it, they dont have any precedence doing this before the british arrived
>despite the practice being older in India and predating the invasion of mudslimes.
Absolute horseshit with zero basis in reality
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indian girls are loving white boys tho
this AI slop garbage is not funny. Post real images or fuck off. Requesting videos of indians and trains, those are always funny
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>buddhists are confucian
This is your brain on the mudslime virus. You pathetic dog, south-east Asian culture is heavily influenced by India and its Hindu-Buddhist culture. Their entire language is filled with Sanskrit and their script is based on the Brahmi script. No amount of coping will change reality. And unlike you shameless dogs of Arabs in the Indian subcontinent, they have enough self-respect to retain their original culture, instead of spreading their asses and letting themselves get completely Arabized.
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how about this one?
low quality effort of a meme. I ask for reasons to be racist, not for reasons to see you as a cringemaster
>indians didnt come up with it, they dont have any precedence doing
LOL god you're such a pathetic nigger. You being an uneducated dog doesn't change reality. Not my problem if you aren't familiar with Indian culture and history. You can blame your buckbroken Arabized country for that.
That’s a 16 year old child in the video you sick fucks
That's a lot of text that I'm not gonna read.
Build a toilet.
Indonesia and malaysia are muslim, they saw that even arab culture has more value than indian.
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This thread is just a bunch of jeets jerking each other off
You will never be White. Jeets have no morality, and live only by "might makes right." That's why you're sycophantic and ball sucking until you are given even the slightest spec of authority, when you turn abusive and exploitive. That's why you consider your laziness and shoddy work a power flex.
You need to go back, sandnigger.
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Other Indians say your a liar.
gave my number to the hot lil indian chick at Mr Hero's..
she text me that night and came over to blow my nice circumcised white cock.
it was nice, now shes my gf and ill begin breeding the indian out of her soon
she actually doesnt even look very indian, just has an accent and thats fine because shes a sexy and cooks/cleans
> shits on the street
> rapes random woman
> eats holy cow shit
> washes face in cow urine
> shits some more, wipes with hand, eats with same hand
>Until they get kicked out. ( We kick out brittish)
The Germans bombed London, they had to reconstruct, you lazyfucks were lucky in that timegap
Czech'd and /thread'd
>anybody who disagrees with me is a sandnigger
Indian iq at work here.
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Prove it. Denounce muhammad, allah and quran.
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Muslim culture is 10x better than any Indian culture it’s only in the 20 first century has Muslims been letting themselves down with immigration and extremism. Before the 1700 hundreds Muslims were doing excellent with science medicine and maths (creating algebra) . Meanwhile Indians have been doing fuck all for the past millions of years, eating cow shit .
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XD me going on 4chan 1 month ago is the best my camera role is filled with these Indian memes
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>Indians are the ONLY race to have ever developed high innate morality
These HAVE to be bait threads, they always use a jeet flag and phrases pulled straight from memes against jeets. This thread for example is begging anon to post this video:


Hats off to you sir, doing God's work.
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>creating algebra
LOL nigger, literally the guy who supposedly created algebra (Al-Khwarizmi) credits Indians for what he wrote, because Algebra existed long before him. And there was no "muh golden age of pisslam". It was all just a bunch of Arabs and Persians writing commentaries and translations on Indian, Greek and Persian works. Picrel is Indian mathematics just from the classical era. It doesn't even include the contributions from the Hrappan, Vedic and Buddhist/Jain periods, which is even bigger.
Modern western "hustle & bustle" culture is of a remarkable Indian character.
Reminder that old nobility considered a shame to do menial work.
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this must be a troll on an indian vpn >>21889644
if not, die
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>Indian works
You can’t even build fucking toilets after 2000 years
a lot of seethe in your post.
But youre not debunking what ive said
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There's not a 60lb little Indian man alive who could ever recreate that. Mostly because white people built India. Without it, it would be the Immolation and Rape capital of the world. It's not that God turned his back on India, it's that he's never looked there at all.

No Indians are made in God's image, that's why your own religion reveals you're made of mud and clay and barely genetically separate from capuchin.


Oh, well.

Enjoy your opposable thumbs while they last.
That's bullshit, al khwarizmi created trigonometry because he studied how shadows from the tents in the desert behave.
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OK, poop creature
Shameless liar.
fuck I hate them
As long as you and your ilk stay wherever the fuck you are and don't come here then I have no qualms with you. Trust me when I say that from what I've witnessed over the years the infusion of Indians has not helped my country one bit.
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Don’t you people gang rape women to death?
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Ah yes, the good old unhinged we wuzzing nigger cope when you can't refute facts.
Read the picture, retard. Trigonometry in India predates the invention of Islam. It was already being used in Surya Siddhanta in 400 AD.
That picture is bullshit, that's my point.
Euros are the only people with innate morality which was brought and taught to you by scythia
Cope harder.
I'm not the one shitting outside on the streets.
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>invention this invention that
Does not matter you are still an Indian who shits in the street
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They put their dicks in its poop hole, only in india.
Kek, delusional pajeet. This one is particularly rife with tales of supposedly holy men cursing others left and right for the slightest inconvenience, cooming at the mere sight of a woman and being just as unhygienic and unclean as the current day pajeet
XD naw it’s proven , Indian 4chan posters are all mentally ill , Indian people daily on 4chan pose as anything but Indian
what do you think high trust means
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I like breasts saar
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Doesn't matter, retard. It predates pisslam (written between 600 BC to 400 AD), let alone its invasion of India.
When are you going back, paki?
You’ve got pure gems on here XD these are cracking me up
oh i had so much fun last night, white boy
These are cracking me up man XD
screaming and creaming and dreaming!!!!!
how could you, an indian, EVER accuse anyone else of we wuzzing?
>this book is actually pretty subhuman and here's how
>REEEE doesnt matter as long as it predated izzzlam
any indian who has never left india, is simply incapable of comprehending what it means
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Keep coping harder Arab dog. It's hilarious seeing you cope so hard over the simple fact that your masters didn't introduce the idea of addressing non-related women as aunties. God it must be so tiresome to be a pathetic slave of Arabs and constantly trying to prove your loyalty to them.
you hindus are fucking demonic. The level of abuse of women that you engage in, is pure evil, inhuman. YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING HUMAN BEING
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This. Indians from my perspective appears to be demons of some kind, born in hell and brought here by Jewish sorcerers. The sheer inhumanity, filthiest, and scammed deceptiveness of them fills me with a kind of ancient rage, when men sought to discipline unprincipled nature in both himself and his surroundings, to beat the bloodlust our and make a home that is safe and nurturing to him and his progeny.

The filthy jeet even accused of being parasites. Kikes are parasites. You're a literal shit demon given human skin, and if you don't return to India I will do everything in my mortal power to fund/see to it that your country's population is drastically reduced or exterminated. India's food and water supply needed contraceptives and sterility inducing chemicals 20 years ago. Never too late though.
Back to Hell with you, jeet.
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you are a literal demon and God hates you
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they are demons, who mass rape and abuse women. They spawned from Hell
>it's easier to scam people who aren't part of my shitty scammy culture
>I will assume most Pajeets aren't like that
This is a mistake.
whats there to cope about?
I already KNOW I am right.
Youre just accusing me of cope without any evidence
the level of abuse of women, rape of women, that indian men engage in, is satanic, evil.

They are evil little demon golems that mass abuse women. God hates them, indian males are cursed by God
indians are fucking evil. The level of abuse of women that goes on in their evil culture is demonic.
sounds like jews
Why do you bother arguing with that dung golem?
Indians are pre-selection pilled
Same reason people punch a punching bag
yep India just screams high trust society
indian males are demons who mass abuse women and children. They are demons from Hell
theyre worse
Sorry I lost the plot here. Talking to the OP, who appears to be in India. The first poster I'm responding to is alright.
India, a country where women and children are mass abused and raped on a level never seen anywhere else in this world.

It is a demonic culture
Right about what, moron? Imagine being so pathetic that you think everything you have was given to you by the invaders that buckbroke and enslaved you. What a sad and pathetic existence the mudslimes of the Indian subcontinent live.
you indian males are literal cockroaches who abuse women and children.

You cannot fight an adult male cause you'll get your skull smashed in. You are such a fucking coward that you can only abuse women and children. You are a literal demon from Hell, a golem. YOU ARE NOT HUMAN, DEMON!
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>mfw jeet speaks
Buddha was a foreigner.
The Daoist scriptures day that Lao-Tsu became the Buddha after he journeyed West. Some historians trace the Buddha to the white people of Central Asia - he was something of a Zoroastrian preacher.
It's pretty obvious that Buddha, who developed a doctrine that criticized and upturned all the rules of the Hindu society, was either foreigner or the only high IQ Indian in existence.
So Buddhism doesn't equal proper Hindu culture. It developed as a reaction to Hindu culture an was always at war with the scamming brahmins. Also, it's Buddhism that introduced to India the idea of healthcare, of charity, of banking, of the university. Not Hinduism.
The only true Hinduism that came with the cattle herders is the worship of cows, fire, the sun, the wind, the horse fucking ritual, and the consumption of some heretofore unindetified psychoactive plant (the contemporary consensus being ephedra). So, yeah your proper ancestor were cow dung worshiping tweakers.
Shiva and yoga, which ended in the synthesis of Abhinavagupta, obviosuly came from the Dravidian, that is abo, Harappa and Mohenjo Daro civolizations, who by the way had plumbing, Imagine being the only race on Earth who were outsmarted by fucking abos of all thing. No wonder you genocided them.
Shankara came from Southern India, which means he was a Dravidian, that is an abo. Even the peak of Hindu philosophy is abo; and you appropriated it through scamming and historical we wuzzing. There's nothing inherently Aryan in India outside cow worship, the case system, and kinky sex. Everything else you stole from the local abos and different foreigners.
Either Dravidians, that is abos, or the North-Eastern descendant of the Greco-Bactrian kingdoms, that is, whites. Once again the scamming cocoa brown pajeet attributes achievements of others to his own mutt race.
Im talking about calling strangers aunties, specifically.
This didnt exist in south asia before the turks came.
This existed among arabs, zoroastrians and confucians.
NOT jeets.
Keep seething, subhuman
You eat cow shit and poo in the street.
Mortality is lost you completely and what's more it would be utterly wasted lol
I don't think so pajeet
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The kangladeshi still thinks he's somehow different from Indians LMAO.
>Some historians trace the Buddha to the white people of Central Asia - he was something of a Zoroastrian preacher.
You're talking about Bodhidharma, retard, not Buddha.
>So Buddhism doesn't equal proper Hindu culture. It developed as a reaction to Hindu culture
Buddhism is just Vedic philosophy without invoking Brhaman and Atman. That's the only difference. Buddhists and "Hindus" were never some distinct sects.
>Buddhism that introduced to India the idea of healthcare, of charity, of banking, of the university. Not Hinduism.
LOL universities in India existed before Buddhism. The Takshashila university goes back to 900 BC. And similar type of education existed in Gurukuls on smaller scale everywhere in India since at least the Vedic period. Same goes for Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine and healthcare, which predates Buddhism. WTF kind of cope is this?
>muh greeks muh dravidians
God you we wuzzing niggers are so pathetic. Go learn some basic history you stupid fuck. The Gangetic plains were heavily urbanized long before even Rome was a thing. The entire reason why the Vedic sages retreated into the forests and later Buddhism and Jainism emerged was because they were getting tired of the urbanized materialistic lifestyle that was prevalent across India for millennia by then. Not even going to get into the rest of the we wuzzing retardedness.

Again, you're stupid fucking retard if you think that. But not surprising, since none of you Arabized slaves have read your own country's literature and scriptures that predate the mudslimeism.
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The only thing in the universe that would be harder than this cope would be my dick if India got nuked
Buddhism is NOT vedic philosophy
>LOL universities in India existed before Buddhism.
WHITE people, assumed some stone buildings were universities. If they didnt dig them up, youd never know, because a culture or need for universities was long extinguished before the brits arrived
>The Gangetic plains were heavily urbanized long before even Rome was a thing.
id hate to even address this

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