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It has just been leaked that David Schwartz, one of the Ripple XRP guys is one of the satoshis. This is very big deals since obviously this means satoshi owns huge amounts of XRP and BTC. Check out Mickle on youtube he actually had proof from it in an SEC filing. Very interesting stuff.
Yeah I saw it too. Pretty crazy find. If anyone is then it must be him.
oh wow
He was behind NVIDIA too.
nvidia built this man
Wow i'm surprised someone else here watches Mickle too. He has the best information regarding Ripple XRP on Youtube.

Thats fucking crazy. Is this legit? That is fucking big holy shit.
Alright, im interested to see how this plays out. Expecting a huge price explosion in XRP once the normies find out.
No fucking way. Why the fuck isn't this shit mooning harder?
That’s some desperate XRP cope.
Hey dude I thought it was bullshit too but it's from an SEC filing. Shit appears legit.
Please anyone what is a good place to buy some XRP?

Is Uphold exchange any good?
Yeah it's a good one.
No way

yeaaaaaahhh still not buying your mouldy old bags.
enjoy your poverty
fucking grifters and you're all retards for falling for it lmfao
Thats wild
>Implying I would sell them to you anyway.
Lol. Lmao. Fuck you, you'll have to get some from the exchanges because I'm never selling.
You XRP baggies are hilarious
>1 post by this ID
Everyone with a brain already knew he was Satoshi.
>XRP creator says satoshi "probably" held an "enormous" amount of XRP under deposition
>this is somehow news and not just someone hyping up his own bags
fucking /biz/ wasted 5 minutes of my time. fuck you guys.
>bunch of low iq scam peddling fags from a youtube nigger's tg / discord decide "hurrr lets circlejerk this thread on biz it won't be obvious at all"
kill yourselves
it is news for normieville
Thats pretty big.
thankz for ze bumpz saar
Be sure to check out Mickle on youtube and twitter for all latest XRP news and updates
What the fuck. Thats crazy
Big if true
This is old news.
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he is not satoshi
he might have known one or many of the satoshis. satoshi was the guy who wrote the whitepaper. it is possible to do an analysis of the writing style. its british english and double spaces at the end. Cross reference the writing style and you find the writer.
The guys who wrote the protocol and the brainstorming behind it was multiple people.
they were 4 people and its most likely NSA/CIA.
What is more interesting is the subsidiary company XRP fund 2 that paid the xrp to other entities and the fact that ripple already got sued in 2015. The fuddies are going to have a hard time upcoming period with everything coming up. Everyone posting in the thread is mentally challenged including myself
Everyone with a brain already knew DS was Satoshi.
He is connected somehow for sure, Schwartz has done work for the NSA, his multilevel distributed computer system patent expired in 2008 and "Satoshi" said in an email he is something something Ripple.
i'm even sad for you guys that some believe it is a big thing
absolute midwits
It will come out one who the satoshis are, it will either pump or dump BTC depending who they are. I think there's a reason why it's not public knowledge.
It has been confirmed already that DS worked for the NSA and early BTC back in the day when they started Ripple.
I mean Satoshi comes out on the news and everyone clapped kinda moment. Not just tin foil hat people making connections.
This could judt as easily be a link thread
Interesting find, thanks anon
BTC and XRP originated on the same ip address.
>DS is Satoshi
>surprised pickachu face.gif
This fucking coin never does anything
That’s because the token is unironically not needed
This is about XRP not chainlink
The guy from Ripple said Satoshi probably held a lot of XRP?
That means it MUST be true!?

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>max copium
>for desperate
>xrp bag holders


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