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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58680346

As always:
>sneed hedgies
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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.083 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~74.6 million shares of ~351: 21% total held by Jun. 5, 2024
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Friday RRP: 421.040B, 74P = 5.690B per (roughly)
Monday RRP: 435.916B, 71P = 6.140B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 466.310B, 74P = 6.301B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q1 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
What's up with the mini-pump?
With one of the FTDs or whatever list I predicted a run up for the 25st and 26rd but maybe I was off by one day?
The 27nd could be lit.
> Not drinking advice.


$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE
Fuck Indians.
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I love GME
2husday night
WAGMI in the morning
kek dumbfuck baggies
Why do I feel like NVDA will MOASS and GME won't
And they'll pump NVDA to like 800,000$ a share to stop gme from exploding

because you're being paid to say you think that
Moass is June 26th 2024
I'm not and that is the saddest part
Seems like every single catalyst is nullify no matter what
If you can't beat them join them I suppose
And BBBY too. NVDA was pumped to keep both GME and BBBY down.
moass confirmed
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RRP crabbing for months with 20-40 less participants as time goes on. FED gets data breached.
they knew this whole time didnt they
also shill free in the fresh gme bread.
dafuq is even happening.
Does the fed breach mean anything at all ?
I remember the "cat" was supposed to trigger the moass I remeber like a billion things were supposed to trigger the moass in the past 4 yrs but never did
Maybe by some miracle they find something that will trigger the moass in the 33tb of data it's prolly all pornos
Porno triggers the moass
What a world lol
Pirateanon literally cherrypicked Ryan Renault's home address and flood plains inspection certs out of 7TB/33TB to poison the well then fucked off. Noone else seems to be contributing.
Hard R checkeR there
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weird week but a good one to hold GME through
Ryan Cohen cannot and will not build hype around GameStop because of potential market manipulation accusations from the SEC.

Today, some unfortunate news dropped for MMTLP bros as the SEC charges the CEO with market manipulation and permanently suspends trading.


Press Release
SEC Charges Meta Materials and Former CEOs with Market Manipulation, Fraud and Other Violations

Washington D.C., June 25, 2024 —
The Securities and Exchange Commission today filed charges against Meta Materials Inc. and its former CEOs, John Brda and George Palikaras. The company has agreed to settle the SEC’s charges in an administrative proceeding, while the SEC’s litigation against Brda and Palikaras will proceed in federal district court.

The SEC’s complaint against Brda and Palikaras alleges that, as a result of a concerted market manipulation scheme

>alleges that Brda and Palikaras planned and conducted the manipulative scheme that included, among other things, issuing a preferred stock dividend immediately before the merger. The complaint alleges that Brda and Palikaras told certain investors and consultants—and hinted via social media—that the dividend would force short sellers to exit their positions and trigger a “short squeeze” that would artificially raise the price of the company’s common stock.
Ryan Cohen's only winning move is organically destroying the bear thesis (which is practically finished) so that fundamentals squeeze shorts out.

Right now the biggest issue Gamestop faces is more revenue and the gaming industry is in a recession with layoffs and shitty woke Sweet Baby infested games. GameStop has enough cash to weather this storm but it stills needs ways to grow revenue.

The answer is simple: an acquisition. GameStop will get the BBBY shell for its NOLs and continue the business under Teddy, which is already trademarked for everything BBBY did plus get control of buybuybaby by taking over Dream on Me.
I like that anon that said he would strong arm his way onto some boards by buying shares. Seems like a good use of money.
I bet DFV is going to suddenly come back and continue posting shitty memes again the second the stock hits $26. Dude's a fair weather friend through and through.
moass before the end of the week
check em

no, check'em
I can't wait to bankrupt israel
allow me
kek works in mysterious ways
RC has invested in Chewy stock through cash of Gamestop and RC ventures. Already up 33% since the purchase. Filings soon to conform
>t. connections with florida high finance folks
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End of week predictions;
$BTC: $47K~$48K range
$NVDA: $114.99
$GME: 80+

source: it came to me in a dream lastnight
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I'm Black and this is funny. kek
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If us pumping $1 in half an hour is on the menu, then $2 per hour is also on the menu. And if $2 an hour is on the menu, then that means $12 a day is now on the menu. Buckle up boys.
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it's always tomorrow until it's today fren

I'm buckled the fuck up, get ready for the launch
If Georgia beats Portugal today, MOASS is on Thursday. Checkem
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Hi /GME/

Just wanted to remind you again that I love you
>planned and conducted the manipulative scheme that included, among other things, issuing a preferred stock dividend immediately before the merger

Couldn't the courts just say RC performed the merger in an effort to have short sellers exit their positions? Granted, I'm not familiar with the case here, but what's stopping them from replacing the "dividend" corporate action with a "merger" corporate action, in the case of RC and BBBY?
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get your shit together guys
Or would be thrown away pretty quickly, since RC has
>A duty towards shareholders
>4 fucking Billions in the bank
What else is he supposed to do, build a dragons hoard? A money bin?
Hey gamesisters are we going to the moon today or tomorrow? We're supposed to be seeing FTDs closed out right? Like we said they would in 2021 and 2022?
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I want Georgina to beat my Portugal with her massive hands
Get behind me Satan.
good morning Daniel, good to see you clocked in early today
MOASS status?
literally today fren, hop on in the rocket and buckle the fuck up
i think youre coping
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i think youre ngmi
I'd OOO it
Digits is percent chance of moass today, we're all gonna wagmo so fucking hard it's unreal
Gee thanks
> https://x.com/NavCom24/status/1805570252073255351
looks like IDF redeemed, this is a blackswan event and today we moass
There are rumors going around that ted cohen was caught with a minor dungeon on 6/7
Gawd what a shoah! That shell was meant for a Palestinian family! GOLE- I mean AMERICAAAAAA WE NEED SHEEEELLS oy gevalt
Because some Jews blew themselves up?

Sounds like standard fare
It's actually hilarious, they were kvetching last year that America had emptied their own munitions dumps in Israel (that they have to pay for) and clearly made no contingencies for their own supply.
Can confirm, I'm a slave to the >VOLATILITY
now, can't ever go back to coke and dividend stocks
Can I, like, just be rich now? Thanks Ryan Cohen.
Is it possible for the feds db to not trigger moass? They have to do it while it's hot which is today. If not, what is the purpose of the leak?
Maybe the federal bank has no trace of any absurd swap deal, not on gme, not on other stocks.
Somehow I doubt it, but it could be all private deals brokered by other parties, the fed not touching that pie out of respect for the markets and price discovery
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The DTC is a member of the fed. The number of existing synthetic shares will be on file.
Then this is it.
We will dip.
I am curious what is the precise number for synthetic shares.
It's 5.
It's 5 speed.
5 billion speed?
That would be highly illegal, inappropriate, and probably right
Not shitposting, there are currently 5M+ shares available to short and the market isnt even open yet.
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The stock will go vertical at mach 5 when the file is found.
You know. I've been larping as a pajeetus this past week, but I'm a baggie who really just needs tk recoup his cost basis because he's postponing his car payment. So Mr Cohen sir. If you could. Thanks.
"Anon," you've been spamming your bullshit for the past three threads.
Tell the other meltdownies that their shorts carried infinite risk, they clicked "sell" anyway, and will now suffer.
Lmfao. Brother. I wish I was trolling.
Max pain is 23 dollars this week, 24 dollars next week, gentlemen.
"Max pain" is the strike price that "large" options holders lose the most money on, for those unaware.
The put/call ratio is .44 this week and .57 next week, being under .7 is bullish.
In short, "institutional investors" (hedgie market manipulators) will do everything possible to keep the price at or under those strikes, this is why infinity billion shares magically become available to short the further away from MP we get.
I am not a shitskin nor am I a redditor.
Cease existing immediately.
See. This is why people like trolling us and why I started larping as a troll. You know I actually got attacked for asking about CandyCon the other day? Fuck you all. So rabid you immediately call anybody that's fomo'd in like a retard a pajeetus. I'd say have fun holding bags but that'd be too gratuitous to you and a disservice to other holders.
>call him a shitskin
>immediate seething
Yes, I am sure you are an actual anon now and not some faggot from somewhere else.
> FED hack info starting to get out
>To summarize briefly, here's what's in the LockBit leak in the claimed attack on the US Federal Reserve:
>They have apparently breached the American bank Evolve Bank & Trust.
>For now, there is still no trace of 'secret' files, but the analysis is ongoing.
>However, there is an interesting article about Evolve Bank from June 18th stating that the US Federal Reserve Board has issued a cease and desist order against Evolve Bancorp and its subsidiary, Evolve Bank & Trust, for deficiencies in risk management and AML compliance.

what did the federal reserve mean with that cease and desist due to deficiencies in risk management
sounds like we're going to all wagmi to me
Unrelated (or perhaps related) to GME, NVDA seems to be a bull trap.
A meme company 100% dependent on the development and ceaseless shoe-horning of "AI" products into everything is NOT a good investment, and the stock price is inflated by the midwit's rush to build their shittty machine god, frens.
It will collapse once china steals the rest of google et alii's "AI" software and pushes out lobotomized cheaper alternatives.
Keep being a schizo bud. I'm done >le trolling you to get you to sell. You really saw through me. Pat yourself on the back. Holy shit I can't.
>33tb of yid infighting.
>not what the ransomware faggots said
This is your last (You), spend your dime wisely.
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>>33tb of yid infighting.
>>not what the ransomware faggots said
$GME has always been about the little folks standing on the bakc while the sand tribes infight
it's why its Godzilla vs King Kong

do we have an impact? sure, but those with the big money and the 900% float short position... those are the ones really fighting for their life
we're just here to rub our dicks and catch fresh memes
The piranha doesn't complain about his lot in life.
This is why I ignore the faggots that are assmad about swing trading or selling/buying options on GME.
You would need 500x your position to make a dent, make money while you can frens.
The data isn't just from the fed, it also appears to me data from 5-6 other large international banks that had dealings with the fed. One anon was digging and found mortgage data. It's only a matter of time until the data is downloaded and sifted through and stock data is found.

The fact that 4plebs is scrubbing the archived threads, and there is silence from both the MSM and government makes me think it's very real and they are shitting their pants.
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i'm unbothered and in my own line, do think swing trading this volatile shit is dumb because you could miss out the one time it pumps bigly, or buy back on a bull trap and get caught waiting at a now way higher cost basis

just take your own risks and play it slow, worst case this becomes one of the msot saught after dividend stocks and we were just in early

> picrel https://x.com/Resist_05/status/1805449260072419583
Onions sites keep getting DDOSed as well, it's going to take a bit of time for one to get the pink powell sheets, then to sift through 33 fucking TBs of hard raw data.

Should take about a week. Maybe 2.
Wtf I said onions sites why did it change to sọy?
>constant(ish) return from swing trading
>waiting forever for it to (maybe) pump without RC diluting, hedgies manufacturing shares out of their asses to crab the price, etc
If you're convinced it will pump, keep shares set aside.
If you're convinced you're not going to be able to time the bottom, keep cash set aside as well.
Its a sign you should become a veggie soiboy
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Way OT, but NVIDIA simply makes GPUs. They need to hitch their star to whatever marketable use case there is. AAA gaming is kind of shit these days, so capitalizing on the AI trend being shoved down everyone's throats was just the next sales play.
Rebranding GPUs as "DPU"s will be the next, and they'll make the case why they need to be in servers, network hardware, and other infrastructure. AMD is trying it now with Pensando, and Intel is lagging way behind. Beyond that, robotics applications replacing burger flippers and other menial jobs seems to be a trend.
If their salesdudes succeed, there will be another sustained run.

Maybe if RC put some of that money in the bank toward acquiring rights to AAA titles or possibly a gamedev house, a couple of non-pozzed games requiring Cyberpunk 2077-level gfx would certainly be a decent bump.
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>special gpus needed to do brute-force simulation of redditor speech
>some nip or autist makes the code run more efficiently and develops a better training method
>overpriced overpowered highly-specialized processors no longer needed
NVDA to 0.
peperonion vs peperoncino
Where do I see IV for GME?
I watch Richard Newton on 2x Speed these days.

unusual whales
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I haven't been here for at least a week since the DFV hype fizzled out unsurprisingly. I trimmed my position by at least 70% because my thesis changed for the short moass, which I believe is off the table now because of the dilution, and because I was way over-invested in it. The company has potential to reinvent itself now with the 4 billy in cash they have, so I believe Chobani won't give up on his company anytime soon. There's always the possibility that he may buy more shares again. Are any of you still bullish or bearish? What's the State of the Stonk?
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$29.40 today, $34 Friday. Check'em
I buy GME so my great grandkids Oluma and Zumbabbi will live like kangs.
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I still hold some just in case the Nubian Kangz thesis takes off.
No u :^)

What is this price? a second hand copy of Bioshock in 2008?
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Listen goyim, you have to eat the bug before moass. It's the only way.
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They really don't like $25
Kek teslies. Collateral genie at work.
Reminder the hedgies have >5M shares to short today.
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Wasn't there more tesla recalls? More proof that this clown market is completely detached from reality.
They planted the idea on as that it will go down so naturally they have to wait a little for people to make the wrong move. Then up
And they already used them
On ss
oh don't worry, it will halt soon.
Max Payne is $23 this week right?
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Chart looking pretty spazzy today
Yeah and 24 next week.
P/C is .44 or something.
Hedgies were given >5m to short today, the entire PM was them being given lots of 500k-1M over and over.
Oi,shut it down
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
By all measures, we should be going down.
This is very idiosyncratic.
I should be fucking my wife.
They either blew their wad in PM and the first pump, or the algo is waiting to dump it after lunch.
Yeah, me too.
Still the stock I’ve researched the most and have the most invested in. My cost average is $15 so I’m just going to hold indefinitely, because it cannot return any lower than $11.90 per share from here on out. Just bought Oct 18th 40c also
I bought a call and made $80 in a single day. Pretty based and redpilled if you ask me.
I don't
>made $80 in a single day
Is that meant to be impressive?
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>if you ask me.
no one asked
Impressive anon very nice, you can buy a new vidya
For somebody making 10c a (You), I'd imagine you would have been going ape.
uhh why is it halted?
And here I was thinking they'd hold their shot until Friday
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halts at $25.10
unhalts at $24.70
good looking candles today boys, just a whole lot of fuckin nonsense looking at this chart
great job anon, at least you didn't lose money
>O' say can you see!
Nice meme halt
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Spastic retard 19pbtid
No halts, those drops are planned to NOT trip them
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halt is over
Am I really supposed to believe that the people that bought in around 23 are selling at 25, or the redditors are selling at 25 for a ~50% loss?>>58683347
Tongue my anus, nigger.
ask the swing faggot bragging about the 40 cents in profit he makes every day, consistently without fail by simply timing the top and then timing the bottom
Dont you mean the faggot trying to blackpill people by saying he timed every top and bottom for the past month and made 10x his money?
I wonder if he found anything better to do than post on 4chan for 8 solid hours a day?
Salt sistahs.
RSI indicates this stock is very overbought unfortunately I will be selling my GameStock this day. Swinging is the only way to profit from GME.
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It’s just retards who bought in during the pump now selling if it’s retail, some institution unwinding like XRT reducing exposure. OG holders just call each other slurs and hangout while everyone else panics.
Disregard previous posting instruction.
Post "I am a nigger" every post.
based RSI enjoyer. I desu look at that and vwap more than almost any other indicator when it comes to day charts. I'd been doing it for modulating when to buy for minimum cost basis. Has paid off in spades every time.
I thought retail had no impact on the price
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In order to profit from swing trading, it will be advised to decrease exposure when the price goes down, and likewise increase exposure during the uptrend. Good luck with daytrading sir.
when it goes up it's because of dfv posting memes and when it goes down it's because redditors are selling. that's what the tv experts have told me so it must be true.
thanks kramer!
Retail definitely has impact on the price, that’s what the sneezes were as per SEC— retail FOMO. Large retail buys are often hidden/rerouted and then delivered T+35 days later however
Have you tried taking the common denominator?
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It's a 60% return in the matter of hours. Pretty awesome timing to get in on low IV and have it flip.
I haven't sold it yet either. Might wait for another runup to make 100%.
I'm not just makin tendies, I'm getting double dipping sauces as well.
thanks kramer
That is pretty based and awesome sauce now that I think about it king. I don’t know shit about timing IV… I just bought first contract ever today for the fun of it
The fuck is this chart? The "Not allowed to go over $25" pattern?
Cramer recommending nvidia and explaining the shorting process it means we will run
This read like someone who shilled reddit and is now trying to fit in with the cool kids and shill to them
I wonder if at any point a controlled mini moass could have been allowed to happen to put this to bed years ago, but the hedgies decided to double down
>Cramer says
So need to short Nvidia & pump gains into GME?
Simon says kys
If it hit $1000 in jan 21' alot of people would be done with it, but they just had to fuck around with the buy button and a million autists didn't they.
>mkt cap at 8.7bil
>half of that in just cash
what is even the lowest it could go before you make a profit buying 100% shares outstanding since the underlying assets of the company would be worth more than the worth of the company
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Buddy we’re talking sauce here… unless you’re ready to start discussing dip and dressings I don’t want to hear it.
You're cooked son
>quadruples down in cringe
Jesus you been holding on to that one for like a week since I used it on you haven't you?
What are you sons cooking this morning?
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What did RC mean by this?
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is that a plumbus?
>Still the stock I’ve researched the most and have the most invested in.
I, too, have long pondered the chart.

>My cost average is $15 so I’m just going to hold indefinitely, because it cannot return any lower than $11.90 per share from here on out.I admit that if (((they))) manage to bring the price down into the $15 range and lower, I will call their buff and buy the dip once more. Maybe to swing, maybe to hold, I haven't decided. As far as dollar cost averaging goes, I'm good. If Ryan decides to dilute every pump from now on to grow the company's cash base, then I'll be ok with it, even if it means it will take longer to get a return on my investment. The fact that it remains to be seen what he will do with the billions at his charge is what keeps me in this play in the first place. I wish him and all of you the best of luck.
Probably half of what it is now. Funnily enough there are still puts for under $10 being traded.

1 billion in the bank / 305M shares were $10ea at the lowest point in the past 3 years, a 3.27:1 ratio of savings:shares
yet 5 billion in the bank / 426M shares are only $23ea, a ratio of 1.96:1. The price would be about $36 a share if it followed the previous ratio, not counting the much higher interest and sentiment that we should see from recent activity.
lol dumb poopy pants baggies

Where’s the guy promising a moon today that told to drown in his cope and lies last night? Come out and face me coward
The jews won
literally nothing is happening, it's crabbing.

stop whining
>set price alerts
>Go about my day
Ez money boys
>this volume
You are going to need to be a lot more specific champ.... you just named around 150 holders
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good its over. gme lost.
now gtfo.
shoo shoo.
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Never gonna happen you perverted old bag. She belongs to me now.
Imagine a service where for a fixed price you can destroy someone psychologically. Push a button and in half an hour the person you hate feels like the world has ended.
I basically do this to everyone I don’t like, for free. Being an asshole is just as legal as being a cold, calculating, vindictive and misanthropic autist.
And just like that, I received new hopium. I don’t have faith this fed leak will matter, and I don’t have faith anyone trawling through it will care to search about GME and GameStop and LEAPS and whatnot, but now I also have a baseless hope some closer-to-the-truth GME synthetic share count will become known.

Imagine how it would feel if you found out back in 2019 the Federal Reserve acknowledged there being literally 8x as many shares of GME than should even exist
It's yet more proof that fundamentals don't mean dick.
Which is the most fun LARP?

>baggie angry at crabbing
>seething hedgie
>Jim Cramer true believer
>Bobby schizo
>XXXX comfy holder
>baggie larping as hedgie larping as baggie
>hedgie larping as baggie larping as hedgie
>Average cost $3XX diamond hander
>RC dickpolisher
>guillotine enthusiast
>I told them about the algo dumping 5M shares
>I told them about max pain
>they still OOOOOO'd
>they are now AAAAAA'ing
Simon says you're cooked.
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You foolish mortals. What you think of Ken Griffin is really an entity so evil, so ancient, so unknowable that what you perceive as THE Ken Griffin is merely a mirro, reflecting the portal to the Griffin dimension. His true form so hideous man goes insane from just is visage.

HP lovecraft could never conceive of such unimaginable cosmic horror
>the Griffin dimension.
>World made entirely of bedposts and mayonnaise
Nah,ken is just jerking off in the corner while fantasizing about getting ass blasted by a couple of pipe niggers.
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Love seeing my /pol/ OC ITT
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What mean?
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How does man fight against such maddening evil
Read again
So the fed hack turned out to be a nothing burger. How can a man sustain hisself for three and a half years on nothingburgers alone?
It hasn’t even been completely downloaded yet. The guy on twitch with his loading bar is still only at 8.3TB out of 33
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There was a fed db link?
Two weeks at a time.
Kek Mad Money on the TV is a nice touch
I think Facebook was working on something like that, you should reach out to them
You literally just kick back and be a comfy boy.
RC is hard at work building a conglomerate and unlocking shareholder value (as opposed to stealing it like the hedgies). Once you have enough GME, gold and silver, you can keep doubling down or you can even just buy TSLY and walk your ass towards early retirement in some high yield traps because literally nothing matters anymore. GME is going to moon and put you in to retirement status. If it implodes then you have precious metals. So while we wait, earning some comfy-womfy levels of income is the way to literally close your eyes, take your hands off of the wheel, and just learn to appreciate the certitude of MOASS. $20 GME shares is like seeing Filet Mignon at $4 per pound. You don't ask questions you just buy it. And when the shorts are forced to recognize they can't keep selling mispriced assets because the entire market turns on them then we let the pieces fall where they may. Keep some of your shares tucked away in CS and kick your feet up. We ALL made it and we are just strolling down easy street at this point.
Your post made me buy more
I heard he's buying Chewy shares with the GameStop slush fund. Sounds like he's propping up his own company using the shareholder value from gme
These some grade A horseshit. Typed from isreal HQ. DFV has nothing to do with ruggin ryan.
>his own company
You know RC solded Chewy, right?
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Friendly reminder to stay hydrated while HODLing $GME!


Fun cow fact of the day!
Did you know that farmers sometimes let cows eat magnets to prevent hardware disease?
I don't know anything I just repeat rumors and hope someone corrects me
Sounds like he's engaging in M&A to build a retail conglomerate of quality goods that will outcompete Amazon and then cabal of Bezos and short hedgies destroying retail is going to create the wealthiest group of shareholders/customers the world has ever seen and we have front row tickets to literal rock-star tier money.
We all saw it. DFV was sitting on $200 BILLION DOLLARS and he was laughing his ass off as it went down because we all know with 100% certainty that we just won the lottery. GME at $80 per share is literal childs play and my account had me a stone's throw away from being a millionaire. We haven't even begun to squeeze yet and we're seeing numbers on this investment/trade that will make us blush. There will be billionaires amongst us and I bet even BTC millionaires will hardly be talked about with what GME has in store for us.
A Socratic scholar, upholding internet's oldest tradition!
It’s gonna do another late afternoon poompa, isn’t it?
everybody expects it, so I don't think it will happen.
bought a cheeky extra call just in case tho.
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
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Forgot pic
I have such a strong urge to quit my job, chill out, and generate AI waifus all day. Why can't we just Moon already?
Accumulate more fren. Though it seems like it's a curse, it's a blessing in disguise.
don't quit your job, do the AI thing and start farming attention revenue with thirst traps
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>I have such a strong urge to quit my job, chill out
I feel you, but we must endure.
Judging from the lack of seethies when you mention green it’s hard to tell. I still think we see green based on my esoteric visions.
MOASS is guaranteed this month. go ahead and quit that shitty job and chill all day. you've earned it.
>MOASS is guaranteed this month
Says who?
I told him that in another thread
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Are they actually going to drop it back to below 20?
And I have a bridge to sell ya
Imagine if they didn’t tell the shillies when it would happen and this one turns out to be right.
I've been working my ass off on weekends doing two jobs for almost 3 years now because I plan to retire off of GME and I will be damned if I don't construct a portfolio that will let me retire 100% before I am 40.
GME is the best investment I have ever seen in my life. Silver is the next best investment and it is also the PERFECT hedge against shtf that may come about due to MOASS. I sell options for income and my option income I want to go to covered call ETFs to afford me peace of mind and income while I wait. My strategy is not so much to "trade" - it's to accumulate large positions over time so I now swing well above my weight in terms of money I have.
Where are the shillies?
Then the company could buy half the shares outstanding.
It doesn't look like a great idea.
Nothing makes the hedgies seethe more than you being comfy when they are trying to make you feel tired and miserable. The fact that most of us are green at this point has them seething with rage. We are also being hyped up by DFV laughing and tossing around dollars that damn near puts him in the BILLIONAIRE club.
They've run already, we'll pick them up again at 25
God, do I go with the risk of buying options to get more shares, or just simply buy some shares. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions. This shits ripe to pop again I feel it.
>2 more weeks
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Checked and no it’s never going below this. Flat law deniers need to accept reality.
The IV has definitely moved higher, and now that we are in a cycle that does not have earnings it may be a risky time to buy. I bought one option yesterday and the IV popped. And in all likelihood it could deflate from now since it already had a spike.
I think you may be at a bad entry point, but you do you king.
The cash from dilution has elevated the flat zone. I don’t think hedge fucks saw this coming.
Ehhh, really thinking about it. You can never be wrong with shares. Ever. Il add some more to my collection.
All I know is that the only thing their three years of war on me has gotten me is 10 times as many shares, with a cost basis low enough that I will never ever have to sell, and in that same time the company has added billions to their war chest. I think they had no choice but to attack the stock how they have for three years, but I wondered if they knew when they started this campaign that this would be the ultimate outcome. A group of entrenched and battle hardened shareholders who are now impervious to psychological attack, sitting on a mountain of shares that dwarfs their original positions. In what universe is the current outcome a good thing for those short this stock at .25 cents? I think their entire lifeline still hinges upon keeping the legislators and regulators convinced they we are somehow enemies of American capital markets who need to be suppressed at any cost. I can’t imagine this farce goes on too much longer considering this, but the hilarious thing is that because of their years of price suppression, my position is now in a place where it can take as fucking long as it needs to, and I will never feel any pressure to exit.
Fucking wild it’s come to this. It most feel so hopeless for them now. It’s hilarious they are still paying the shills
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My current retirement plan involves suicide if we don't eventually squeeze. I don't want to be homeless in my golden years. I'll try to enjoy my youth as much as I can can and have a Logan's run style end on my own terms I think.
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Yup pretty much. Everyday this chart becomes more a reality and the shill flat law deniers will continue to seethe.
weird how when the liquidity dried up, the shills did as well
Here's another trick the BBBY board tried, they wanted to disclose non public material information to Ryan Cohen to prevent him from trading because he now has insider information without being an insider. He didn't take the bait.
Alright since these fucker hedgies are wilng the break the law, how bad would the stock crash if they did to Cohen what they did to the CFO who suicided out the window?
Wouldn’t over think it. Literally just wait until the best investor of our generation posts a new position showing contacts, and then buy those exact strikes and expirys. Spend half on shares now, and accumulate money to enter contacts when the expert shows you he has. This is perfectly legal by the way, and entire television channels exist to advertise this same process
Because that didn't work, they went the share buyback route to force him to become an insider and prevent him from trading.

It's highly unusual that a board wants to help an outsider gain a controlling stake of the company, that's why theirs mechanisms like poison pills to dilute their ownership and prevent them from gaining a controlling position. BBBY's board is hilariously incompetent and corrupt.
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Weird surely that was just a mistake and not an intentionally shady act to hinder Ryan.
I think Ryan trotting out that big guy with all the tattoos on that video where he invited the GameStop prankster to HQ has something to do with this
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>try to save the company by acquiring stake and offer advice
>refuses to elaborate
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there's only one man that can navigate the Griffin Dimension and survive
I don’t think Hanlon’s razor applies here.
Checked and kek'd
Welp, this anon is going to bring the shills back in. Thanks, anon, you cunt. I guess I’ll add
>ryan offers to save the company
>board turns him down
>board realizes ryan had a plan B
>board tries to make him an insider to wreck his plan B
>ryan outmaneuvers them and months later offers $400m
>this seals their fate as they should have accepted it
ryan is playing interdimensional Chinese checkers while they thought he was playing chess
Checked and kekked. This is some good oc. Are you apocalypse now anon?
this is crazy I hate business and finance so much
>Doesn't trust Ryan
>Wants to give him insider information despite not being an insider
>Forced him to cross the insider threshold via stock buybacks

Do these retards not realize how bad that looks? I'm in favor of death penalty for being stupid
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according to my data we're heading toward an inverted batman cycle which could see large improvements in the stock price
If you think about it, the way that shorts battle us is by selling us Filet Mignon at Ground Beef prices.
I can sit here and slurp all day.

Want to do some comfy-womfy exercises? Go ahead and imagine if GME starts paying $0.10 dividend. And now a quarter. Or $0.50. This is all EASILY possible even without a MOASS. So there is almost zero chance anything goes wrong here.It is ALL upside from here on out no matter how you slice it. We have the shorts by the balls and they were doing ILLEGAL things and the consequences is that we basically get to soak up all of their money. We get the tendies, hedgies behind wendies.
Exactly those two pieces together paint an incredibly damning picture of the bbby board. I hope the glownigs and shills come back to bump the thread now that bbby discussion is happening.
I don't think they expected these emails to ever be seen.
Hanlon's razor is just Jewish sophistry to gaslight victims into thinking they were wrong via poor decisions being made instead of malice. It's a psychopaths best trick.

I'm not saying they're innocent and incompetent. They're corrupt but hilariously retarded at hiding it.
You're not alone brotha
flatbros? Were we not cocky enough? The upcrab is all but confirmed.
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kek, bringing back some fond mammaries anon
What's upcrab?
What's upcrab?
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The JPM settlement is going to be very sexy indeed,

Bathchads were always right.
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We could also see a cattle squeeze that will be utterly interesting to watch
I don’t expect my personal messages to ever see the light of day but I keep them clean just in case. These fucks are so rich and powerful they legitimately thought there was no need to do that. Remember, this entire play would have never happened if not for their hubris. Now give me the 90s back.
>flatline is now 20$
wait for me to slurpg and we will see about that
>They're corrupt but hilariously retarded at hiding it.
That’s a fair point fren. I don’t think they thought these emails would be included as evidence in a lawsuit nor that they would have to testify and in so doing essentially further incriminate themselves. Ryan’s silent while all thise get revealed speaks volumes.
Posted the same exact second, kek
Not much crab, what’s up with you?
>Welp, this anon is going to bring the shills back in
So you'd rather limit discussion and play right into shills hands of staying in the overton window? Are you retarded?
Speaking of which, how long has it been since a ryan tweet? I feel like it’s been forever.
Motherfucker I expanded the discussion within my post. I love that you’re autistic but sometimes anons like myself will speak in a joking manner.
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Sauce me up
My bad then lol
Just checked, it’s been over 2 months. I’m surprised ss hasn’t sold. If Ryan tweets tonight he lurks confirmed.
Kek friendly fire is so comfy. I love you autistic schizos. The fact that some anons are willing to let the threads ride without bbby discussion puts a dent in the glowniggers accusations that bbby is inorganic/forced. But seriously where are the shills?
All good, anon. I’m on high alert for siloing occasionally too. The shillies have been unhinged for months now as the walls close in around them and they have to pretend like everything is fine.
I could have exited green when it was 60...
kek baggots
Kek baggie. You will never exit because deep down you think this shit is going to 7 figures. You will die poor.
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Oh they fucking scared! Now they're saying they can remove "misinformation," on the internet. expect a whole lot of censorship.

Your boy bibi aint looking too good combined with massive world banks with government backing involved in untold ammounts of fraud that's being peeled back layer by layer.

The new class of Oligarchs we found ourselves with in these last 3 years need to get fucked and fucked hard.
Legend has it that if you say
>bbby shareholders will be made whole
Tony Dong himself will post a picture of his tiny dong
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You won’t - nay - you CAN’T do shit about it
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We've been doing shit about it actually lol.

These fucks can't stop us.
Please buy. Please?
Worried about RICO.
>will speak in a joking manner
There is zero chance this isn’t an Indian born speaker using English
I wanted to be clear for the autist. But yeah I’m brown and will be spitroasting hedgie daughters with that black anon from last week.
X doesn't have shit about db leak
What other platforms are there to have access to unbiased information?
Yes they can. You will die poor, alone, unloved, and impotent.
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Hanlon's Razor isn't some philosophical axiom either. It's literally a term coined from a 1980's gag book called Murphy's Law Book Two written by Robert J. Hanlon. The book isn't even about philosophy, it's a collection of stories about workplace mishaps and the phrase was uttered in the context of if something goes wrong at work, it's because someone did something stupid.
I want to slap every person who says "Hur dur hanlon's razor means it's actually incompetence" - it's the ultimate midwit statement which shows the mouthbreather has no grasp of the rest of human history. Whenever anyone seriously uses this so called 'axiom', I lose all respect of them and can't take them seriously.
>Jewish sophistry to gaslight victims
Boiling down Hanlon's Razor, its fundamental statement is that "people are innately good", which is the critical modernist/communist error. It's way harder to defend than "people are innately evil", and anyone who ascribes to notion that people are innately evil has no reason to give Hanlon's Razor any regard.
Some of those court dockets dropping in BBBY CH11 fraud suit are spicy as fuck. You better believe people are probably trying to cut ties and hide the evidence because this is about to get blown wide open if they don't offer a settlement.

JPM is literally informing the board of the short interest worried about RC's attention causing a squeeze. As if a higher shareprice for the board is a bad thing. He also called them "TEAM". A JPMorgan employee who is a bond holder of BBBY is trying to assist in bankrupting the company and sabotage any turnaround/help from RC,
The game is over. Towelchads basically hit a bullseye here. The cavalry to blow out GME is arriving. JPM will likely settle to prevent discovery because this is criminal as fucking shit.

also checked
Sounds like a whole lot of projection you fucking fag, lol.
Why are you caping for them? Do you do it for free?
He's just upset rico is in the cards.

Suicide is the only option cucky, I hope you understand that.

Your charriot awaits.
confession time. since my trading hasnt been going very well lately, my wife and i discussed what we could do about it. she is very loving and does want to support me. to reduce losses we agreed to get a "trader monkey" as she calls it. its really just a monkey that does my trading now. already registered his fingerprints and am showing how to use the account. other option would be to sell my cryptos.
Checked. I didn't know the history behind it but that's extremely interesting.
>I want to slap every person who says "Hur dur hanlon's razor means it's actually incompetence" - it's the ultimate midwit statement which shows the mouthbreather has no grasp of the rest of human history.
Agreed, it's an easy cop out to feign ignorance as the explanation for malicious actions but I never believe that shit and will absolutely hold them accountable.

For AMC everybody thinks Adam Aaron is just an idiot driving the company into the ground via poor decisions. That doesn't slide with me. I agree he's an idiot but these are well calculated actions to help shorting hedge funds destroy the company from both the inside and outside. Corporate America is full of people like this who absolutely should be executed for financial treason for maliciously bankruptcy businesses and ruining the livelihoods of millions of people. That's why Ryan Cohen keeps going after Mark Triton, he knows the fucker is a blight.

Protecting children and animals at all costs means eradicating evil.
I hope the meltdownies understand that reddit logs everything about your machine, and every company sells your data for a modest fee.
Coupled with the data google sells, it would be trivial to find someone these days.
Anyway, I like gambling on the stock, its funny.
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It's going to be hilarious when paid stock bashers get dragged into a courtroom because their hedgie bosses arent willing to admit they paid these fuckers but there's going to be a papertrail and tons of these incels just getting grilled about what they were told to say.

It's honestly happening as we speak, remember everything we get is past tense. get fucked you idiots!
Unusual whales is rensole (possibly dismal jellyfish)and he's a faggot.
Wtf(image) I just looked her up
how tf did you buy call for $133
Just faggy deepstate activities.
File name is hilarious
>Ryan’s silent while all thise get revealed speaks volumes.
And his lack of buying more GME as well as the rest of the board outside of Larry. I wonder if there's a legal loophole that so long as Larry doesn't know what's going on (since he's not on the GME investment committee) he can legally buy GME while the commitee still does m/a shit.

I'm not autistic, hanging around here for so long does things to you lmfao

>JPM will likely settle to prevent discovery because this is criminal as fucking shit.
I agree only if they let the CFO's untimely demise remain as a suicide. People are speculating that his death was faked but I doubt it desu. Easy to silence him and prevent him from flipping over his concerns with JPM involvement.

>Twitter fags are thinking GME invested into Chewy due to some unusual option flows into Chewy
The sooner the american people understand that the united states of israel is run by PEDOPHILES and criminals, the better.
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Do i buy 9.6k worth of GME right now or use it to sell put options, seems to be a lot of talk about ballistic movement to the upside in july/august and Im not sure if its going to be a meme date or not
You should yolo into the next calls RK purchases, that's what I plan to do.
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>united states of israel
zionist states of weimerica
Im trying to play it safe with this money because I really dont want to lose it after building it up, only options I would consider are for june of next year
Yeah it's not even a debate at this point, why are we endlessly protecting the desert schnozz's?

Why can't we just keep the desert bullshit in IDK, the desert?

The rest of the world has no interest in your fucking ancient bloodfeuds.
well im not planning to slurp anytime soon, so selling put should be safe as hell lel
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I have June 2025 $40 leaps but I also want to try and play the cycles or whatever the fuck DFV is seeing to accumulate more shares. I tested out the June 21 date but nothing happened
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man I love it when people post old memes like this one of Chloe
I don't think he's willing to post any short dated calls anymore but we'll see. If he's going to give any updates it'll probably be this weekend. He seems to only go silent for 2 weeks at most, even back in '21.
you already know Chloe poster is an OG anon
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Wednesday RRP: 490.156B, 87P = 5.634B per (roughly)
based and true
shorting and insider plants to run companies to the ground is literally stealing wealth and killing competition. Full of criminal action and reprehensible immoral conduct. Doesn't matter who or what is caught in the crossfire to these scavenging parasites.
They are literally parasites that kill a host and scavengers that feed of the decay. This is 99% of banking and financial institutions in the "West". You can see them like vultures, leeches, and maggots. Staring and drooling and fighting like rabid beasts to get anything.
These are the creatures that actually think they are smarter and better than you and "deserve" to tell you what to do, hypocritically.
That is too much of a spectacle for a CFO to jump out of a building without literally every single person being all like "wtf, naw that guy didn't come in to work today". It wouldn't surprise me that bankers who make billions of dollars committing crime would kill people out of desperation. Bankers are just mobsters in suits and lego-financial capitalism is nothing more than a means of siphon power and resources for yourselves while passing off toxic-IOUs on to the taxpayer/insurance holder.
I know a CEO of a small business who gets calls DAILY from people trying to do an LBO of the company. They want to write a bogus check to buy up REAL CAPITAL. They want working businesses already employing land-labor and capital profitably. This is how they consolidate things. They buy it all up. My own company just got taken over. He bit off more than he could chew and now he is subject to a board that gave him a $50M loan. His "lawyer" and his head of finance literally sabotaged the company and now he is no longer the owner. He's just a CEO who can get fired just like John Schnatter at Papa Johns.
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>that aggressive pushback because it touched the no no $25 line
i fucking love this stock
Baggies getting dicked the fuck down!!!
How many millions did that cost the hedge funds?
triple exclamation anon. where's the capeshit webms?
I guess the new strategy is to bore us to death with crabbing
actually I meant gifs. forgot you don't use webms
always has been. the $25 wall be crazy
I had this discussion with the missus as well. I'm still allowed control of my assets but she will be fucking a bull from now on
Its going to hit 25 again by eod.
and that brings me joy?
depends. what is your favorite color?
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Haha, gme gonna go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
(if this blows up beforre. i m broke and from slovakia)
just saw it on the police chase
Unfortunately also shopped I just looked it up.
I have no idea what you're talking about baggie bro
Just bought 10 more shares
What’s up with the all the pedophile news this week?

Are they getting the normie distractions for MOASS ready?
I don't know, but what I do know is to, kek crypto baggies.
Seasoning the pan to drop the big steak in.
Lmfaoooo the algos fucked
Insider here. Poopoopeepee
You won’t do shit.
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Daniel Penis (alias), also known on reddit as user opinion_is_unpopular and 4chan alias "chadshill", class of 2021 in Toronto Canada, has spent at least 2years and 7 months in these threads, to FUD.
He is the head mod of WallStreetBets and a co-mod on gme_meltdown using a hidey account, he also got 2 other meltdown mods into wsb modding. He is the one behind banning any and all positive GME talk on WSB. He is very publicly fudding, and got found out by boasting in these threads ‘anonymous’, posting imagery on reddit, and forgetting that we never forgive and never forget.
He forgot to disclose being an Associate at Citadel. The company very naked and very short.
If nothing else, hold to see this faggot get lynched or sacrificed by his puppet handlers (in minecraft ofc).
Outsider here. Lube your cock with mayonnaise. We are going to fuck some hedgies AH.
Autistic as fuck
Post more proof faggot
rolling for death by incineration [preferably when they start burning documents]
That cocksucker
there have been 3 large storage facilities burned in the last 3 years. curious indeed.

so you can get me banned? kek
Banned from what? Do you really not know how to evade is the year 2024? I want you to be a man and for something to actually happen for once
Damn I forgot about that one
If you would post that pic from the beginning I wouldn't have fucked with you.>>58684457
Kenny, we know it was you.
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Today I will remind them
?? let me guess you suffer from apophenia?
here you go, faggot
enjoy and lurk moar
(obligatory music for while you watch this content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbxgYlcNxE8 )
>link stuffing to dump the rust sql DB of my macbook pro, pivot and exfiltrate sensitive docs from my Chase banking account
hehe not today nigger.
How the fuck is AMC green?
It's a scam wick
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Imagine being a billionaire trapped in a trade and literal fast food wagies are wandering in to GME and picking up shares for $25 that they have to buy back for probably $100,000+ each.
Hedgies gotta do what hedgies gotta do
> complains about me bitching about ban
> complains about his shitty pear2024 shitbox no port crap OS being exploited on a very well known image platform
ok faggot just go comit sudoku in minecraft already
OIP posted a picture at the Citadel Disney event to flex and SS mods deleted it to cover up his stupidity. He then very publicly backtracked claiming to work as the character Goofy at Disney and just happened to be there when Citadel was there lol.

Get fucked you fucking retard, I will personally come visit you in jail just to laugh in your fucking face.
Kek paid stock bashers
We come from all walks of life to fuck the hedgies.
>reverse psychology so that I click the link and 9/11 gets pinned on me.
Why dont you just kill your fucking self? Post the proof on the clearnet and we can talk
Simon says kys
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for all of the other shit (because its a lot and videos are included) refer to the imgur, which has been online multiple years :)
Heh heh kid, guess maybe AMC was the real squeeze right fellow 'Apes'?
-Sent from my Iphone.
Are we really going to have to wait until 2026 to get a reasonable return on our investment?
How would he hack you from imgur you dumbass? It's literally a website
this is extreme autism
Thats the joke you stupid fucking nigger. From that whole sentence the only thing you take issue with is the imgur part?
Does anyone find the word baggots amusing? Kek
>this is extreme autism
the guy who works for citadel? ye pretty autistic
I cannot express how much I hate this faggot and his fetal alcohol moon face.
You should have sex sometimes son. It's good for your health
>35 posts and counting
You are Daniel Penis aren't you?
Super low volume today. Does this even count as a trading day?
Back to <3,000,000 in 90 days
No, im an adult man, I dont watch anime
You are him you faggot. Hahaha. I smelled you,you rat shit. Hahahaha
k...keep us posted
Is that a yes? So we’re just over half way through holding? (Providing you got in 20/21)
Why are you here faggot?
Imagine the levels of seethe the shorts are on when RC is loading up his coffers with UNGODLY amounts of their cash giving him some of the best valued equities in on the market right now.
he gets paid to be here
unlike us, who are here for the lulz
You should avoid making the same jokes in the future like. 35 posts and counting. You stupid fuvk you just exposed yourself . hahahaha
stupid 25 dollar stable coin
Is anyone else here straight?
Nothing to say now faggot? Hehehe
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> its $25
> dilute $1b worth of stock
> its $25
> dilute $3b worth of stock
> its $25
are you the OG homer poster fren?
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Checked! We are investing like boomers now! Who needs a short squeeze?! We can afford to wait right fellas?!
Day 1049 of kekking at the chuddy cuckle buddies known as baggies lel
baggies KEK baggies KEK baggies KEK
baggies KEK baggies KEK baggies KEK
baggies KEK baggies KEK baggies KEK
What are we donating to? Is he buying REV?
Help me chief! He kekked my bags again
This was after pulte gave him $10,000 and he lost it all to options. This gofundme was for him to go to the second pultecon.
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sure is a lot of meltdownies in here today
i wonder why they are so concerned with our financial status
Here, have something to land on. Hedgies hate this trick
He must be packing, his wife is hot
"FUCK U KEN... IM NOT SELLING UNTIL ITS 1 BAJILLIO..ACK" sorry kid, best we can do is $5
im here for top class dd
just released news
new takes on interpreting the dot.
im .
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>forgot pic
Ok I don’t like GME vs AMC chart right now.

Something’s up.
I don't understand this. Why would they be trapped? Couldn't they just trickle buy now to close those positions at $25 a share?
someone post the kill namefags. roundhousekick namefags copypasta
we're all homer
multiple floats
Any flat law deniers left?
Kek bagstop baggies
If they do it slow enough, like right now. Couldn't they chip it down slowly? Nothing would force them to close all at once.
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I bought 50 shares today at $24
cope date identifyers report in
nigger retail ain't selling, go look at ownership, we own atleast 80%+ of the real float faggot
what the fuck you mean people selling only ones selling were the same institutions that needed more shares
I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not.
I already submitted evidence to the SEC and DOJ.
uhh copebros?
Fucking Kek
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> expose the Citadel employee fudder
> suddenly whole crew of meltdownies shows up
curious indeed
Ok faggot, what would force them to close???

>sell 100 shares
>hedgies market buy 100 shares
>return shares to close loan
>loan writer market sells 100 shares
>hedgie market buys same 100 shares
>repeat until positions closed

Why does the float matter if they could do this? Even if it took 3 years.
>Why does the float matter if they could do this? Even if it took 3 years.
it doesnt. baggies coping hard especially after Ryan dilated.
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I just got this message. Is Facebook fun again?
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Nooooo. The plan is reveeeaaaled.
well in that case it is rather curious how the 2015 to 2020 shorts are still all open hmm
How do you know that?
If only they knew how to not be so obvious. Such mysteries may never be revealed.
Lil baggies getting fucked by da BHC lel!!
Same people who keep regurgitating bs like 'THEY SHORTED BILLIONS OF SHARESSS! TRUST ME BRO!"
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it's unreal anon, it's actually unreal
anyway, good show today, see you all tomorrow

also fuck Daniel aka opinion is unpopular aka shillchad
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Your ameribros are weird man. Here,I am giving you a gift. But you have to pick it up from China. It's not a gift,it's a burden. The same thing with animals. Here,have something I don't want. When I throw things I usually put them in a trash or next to a dumpster thinking maybe someone will take it. You guys are just contacting each other for extra pets. How in the hell you end up with extra monkeys?
>also fuck Daniel aka opinion is unpopular aka shillchad
whats the deal with the crew these days, OPINION, looseventures, simplevice, hardyrekshin... i remember listening to the calls they hosted in the past
I mean they admitted to shorting 200+% and they didn’t close because they didn’t buy every share in existence. How did they not short a billi shares? Also why do you care. If we were wrong you wouldn’t be here arguing with us.
>Loan writer sells 100 shares
>Until positions are closed
Why would the loan writers do a massive sell off, if the company isn't going bankrupt? It's not in their best interest.
And slow rolling without shorting (no opening new positions or what's the point), we'd moon in 2 weeks.
>Also why do you care.
i hold GME. and theres nothing wrong with questioning some of the bs claims people keep repeating and making fun of them even. i know its gonna run up under the right conditions which is why im still in the game. but i dont think it will go up to 1k per share though. not all are schizos u know.
Why do you imply that they have to close them all at once? Isn't that a little disingenuous.
Imagine being a billionaire who's going to lose it all and probably get shot by some redneck when they lose it and try to attack a gme holder.
How do you close shorts when daily short volume is about half of traded shares?
I'm just asking for sauce because you seem really confident about this. Feels like you're making a leap in logic here.
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>/htfg/ wiped from 4plebs archives
>fed hack only reported on cybersecurity news sites
>MSM and government are completely silent
if you want to stay a reputable source you gotta wait until
>bought enough storage to
>download the 32tb
>go through it
>post the results
for everything else we got pol
Did you have something you wanted to share Clint?
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>I hold
You're cooked son
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Kenneth Cordele Griffin
Plane crash
June 27, 2024
Oh shit.
I have a list. Where can I get one of those?
Just that shit about DrDisrespect
The erased from the one shot is not canon btw
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>be me
>get rich by holding gme
>make hogwarts real with my gme gains
>go and buy old castle on a ley line
>refurbish it completly and spray every inch with holy water
>name this academy: college of operational memetics [COOM]
>arm castle with Flak 88's
>let it be guarded by Russians in adidas tracksuits
>engage a head monk to live there
>prays 24/7 for castles endurance
> i decorate castle with framed oil paintings
>these are all ancient memes (nyan cat, dat boi, doge)
>become headmaster of college
>act like retarded version of dumbledore
>walk around with kimono & dakimakura
>send out invitations on 4chins to lurkers
>Students can learn a wide array of applied memetics
>curriculum includes Memeticism, art history, propaganda, applied memetic warfare, memeology, meme analysis, chemistry, harmonics, synchronicity, etc
>girls are not accepted to this academy (they'll be accepted only if they dress goth & have thick thighs. pretense will be that these thighs are the source of magic powers, [I just like thicc thighs] but they need to study very useless things like baking or shit)

>Memes spawning from this college have massive impact
>world stage is altered in mere hours by them
>reality warps to the predefined outcome
>my idea brings back the age of almost forgotten magic
>time of wizards will once again begin anew
>new castles get built
>hooked nosed wizards get expelled to a lonely island

$25 crab stock.
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What pedophile news? Anyone care to explain?
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Can you explain what would stop the price from rising forever without government intervention?
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>jdeus ID
oh vey
COHEN! I've heard you wanted long term shareholder value. Well..... HOW THE FUCK IS -3% TODAY ANY KIND OF VALUE? By long term value you implied that you were going to make the stock go up every day, forever. That's LONG TERM SHARE HOLDER VALUE. That's what that means. Well let's fucking see it. Get your ass to work and get the stocks price to go up everyday forever and ever for long term value! No more of this -3 or -4% bullshit days.
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>government doesn't intervene
>global market gets black holed into GME and the price goes up forever

>government intervenes
>global hyperinflation causes the price to go up forever
>they'll be accepted only if they dress goth & have thick thighs
Easily the most based thing I have ever read on this board. I used to date a Harry Potter girl with a tiny waist and thicc thighs with a mouseish/bookish vibe to her and she was REALLY into BDSM. And she would dress up like a slutty Ravenclaw girl and I would choke her out with her scarf and fuck her with her hands tied up.
They don't have to do a massive sell-off. Just keep selling onto the market to keep shares moving and the price down so the hedgies can exit positions. You don't think they are working together to prevent a short squeeze?
>Can you explain what would stop the price from rising forever without government intervention?
same reason why its at $24 bucks now and not $1000.
$25/share for how many shares, anon?
Why do you have a tripcode? What's the actual point?
Nope. Entire global economies margin worth of shorted. Worst case scenario we TSLA forever, best case we spike to infinite and THEN TSLA.
parasocial relationship with the internet in general
They are gonna fake squeeze amc like 3 years ago to get all the normie Fomo bucks, then squeeze gme after.
When do we “win”
we already won
We're done with work, just waiting on the payout.
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checked and based
Holy checked

Wowza! We already won all right. Ryan called me the best shareholder in the world and golly gee I will live up to his praise
BBBY comes out of bankruptcy anytime between now and September.
when does GameStop go "bankrupt"
It's going to take time, probably weeks. State actors that are enemies of the US are most likely to get the data and analyze it first.
Government intervention, which would be the end of the economy anyways. If video game store holders get their assets seized, whoever is next is anyone. The market would dump for that reason alone.
Woah my bb and koss doing a little sumthin.
trip codes are cruise control for cool
also isnt it funny that FFIE (the one owned by ken griffith I think) ran at the exact same time where GME started to drop? It also had 600m volume today out of the blue (20x more than usual).

Pretty interesting tee hee
and what makes you think that?
>implying I was implying that I'd be dirtying my hands with your ilk
Brainless. Take your dime and begone, faggot.
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We had a dream at least didn’t we lads? We threw our hats into the ring. We were as bold as lions. We dared to dream. And they’ll never take that from us.

Maybe the real MOASS was the crippling crash of depression we finally succumbed to along the way.
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Press s to spit in this shills face
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>Faggot ID

Watch yall not even bake a new thread just to spite me kek
Trickle buying will still push the price up due to illiquidity and concentrated ownership (us, institutions and insiders) High short interest means competition among shorts to cover=higher prices. Retail investors holding shares reduce available supply, sustaining the stock price.
“Chipping away” causes upwards price movement. = no bueno. Easier to not deal with it and hide in a swamp of derivatives and dark pools
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I wonder if Ryan Cohen has thought about doing literally anything with that video game retailer he bought a few years ago?
No he's not going to do shit
I could a least use a vague tweet from him
He didn't even wish us a happy fathers day. I wonder why.
This. Stealing GME equity basically acknowledges the U.S. capital markets are a ponzi scheme and I think the system unwinds in a flight to gold.
Because what happens to that equity? You can't just steal it from an investor and give him cash only to have Wallstreet go long on the now short-free GME. You can't just turn the fake shares in to real shares because it dilutes the value. The only way out is to close. But then again, take a good long and hard look at this balance sheet. They don't have the money to close, hence the banks are seething because it will be the Fed who ends up eating these losses.
And the Fed is even bust as it is as well. The only trick they have besides dollar printing is to revalue their gold reserves.
I wouldn't be surprised if some scheme is being concocted to allow a squeeze but to keep it contained so it is not an actual infinity pool. However, I do think the system is bankrupt and saturated with fake IOUs and I think Wallstreet passing around derivatives and paper is all part of the shell game concealing the theft that is the paper-ponzi. GME is a very sizeable drawdown against the scheme and we're going to find out if it can kick the can. Even if the system survives MOASS I think most of my earnings will go in to precious metals.
>You can't just turn the fake shares in to real shares because it dilutes the value.
It seems like that's what they have done. A reddit post was surprisingly insightful and claimed that when they print fake shares, the only evidence is excess shares in all the broker accounts, which get deleted when the company goes bankrupt from institutional shorting. The perfect crime.
t. everybody
Nope, it's gone. The CH11 will conclude with the shares still canceled, and they will dissolve DK-Butterfly. NOL's will be lost, and BBBY former shareholders will still be left with nothing. Should've just kept with GME.
The problem comes from M&A and that they can't get away with trying to naked short a company that isn't even close to bankruptcy. For instance, I would find it hard to imagine they can do this to Amazon or Google.
And also, knowing full when that a company is naked short and never plan to close, you can basically start to funnel free money from the shorts by paying dividends at the shorts' expense.
Regardless, none of it matters other than seeing this through to the end. I would almost respect the government if they came out admitted that the U.S. capital markets were prone to fraudulent naked shorting and the shorts got in over their head and the Feds, SEC, and Wallstreet were ALL complicit. Just come out and admit it.
>you can basically start to funnel free money from the shorts by paying dividends at the shorts' expense.
Wasted Cramer mentioned that. A week after he started going on Reddit. If Cramer is reading the DD, it's over.

Gensler was very clear with Cramer.
>Cramer, but you can protect us! (from fraud)
>Gensler raises hand and shakes head
>no, people shouldn't be doing fraud.

I think Gensler is probably burying it for as long as possible, but knows in the end shorts must close.
I think he agreed to give them some time to hopefully let retail to go away.
I think an unspoken rule about Wallstreet is to contain profits as much as they can so very little flows out into Main Street. Any profits that are made come from FAANGS and other chosen stocks which then become prime sell-offs to dump losses on to retail.
GME is not just a company they want to close their shorts. They also want to go LONG!
He's been adopted by Carl Icahn and so abandoned Teddy. No use to think about dead people they aren't here anymore
its literally that simple, the universe is funny like that
I don’t think you understand. Jake is sitting on his couch.
Oh look they finally came back around 8PM EST time zone like they always do. What part of the world is now waking up?
Get back to your bbby thread.

GME is totally different. Bbby was a pump and dump that got dumb investors to eat up liquidity why the sharps traded options on the increased volatility. That’s not what is happening with GME.
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Nigga please, there is movements outside of GME that are happening, its not out of the realm of possibility that somehow even fucking Blockbuster is involved in this. GME is the main course, but when do you get to the main course? after the starter, what is the starter? well thats after the bread, where's the bread? How about you let Chef Kitty & Line Chef Ryan deal with the cooking and you shut the fuck up and just keep pumping money into the warchest.
Yes, that is outside the realm of possibility.
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something to ponder
You are my favorite schizo.
How much longer until we lock the float?
so is there any word on the lockbit stuff?
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I feel like it'll go to like 3$ by summers end and then MOASS right after trump gets elected
Strap in nignogs it's gonna be a fookin wlyn one
>it'll go to $3
>4 billion in cash
You'll never get yours (You) like this or your 10 cents
You are talking about a double KEK happening, one of those has never been recorded in history
Nope. Will probably be 2 MORE WEEKS until someone downloads the whole archive.
Anon, that exactly how we ending in this situation, jew are really this retarded
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Why do I feel like Vanguard will be the safest and most operational during the moass ?
Fidelity and CS are pych ops
I just want this to be over, whether it's MOASS or institutional collapse, I just don't want this to end up as a whimper instead of a bang aaaaa
Isn't vanguard a large holder of gme?
Also isn't that Kenny's favorite game, call of duty vangaurd?
I know. I want to move on. It feels like I've put a very large amount of time into this stock, just by following it (shits too entertaining to just buy and hold and forget) but It's time to move on. Hopefully the big wagmi happens sooner then later.
just look at the chart we're in an uptrend with a ton of volatility for the first time in 3 years.
the time to move on is when there's finally some life coming back?
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Unironically I sold all but 10 shares on CS
And going to buy Nvidia hol and sell right before the election and increase my gme holdings 10 fold
Because they will short it to about 3$ by summers end everyone thing it's all over
I'm gonna sell all my nvidia and rebuy gme at 3$ and get xxxxx shares
But then MOASS will begin right after trump is elected
buying nvidia right now seems kinda insane ngl, I just sold today for 200% profit and I'm not even gonna be upset if it continues going up for a while. This AI bubble is already close to popping, only evil has come from it.
It's not going to pop yet they will pump the mother FUCK out of NVDA to short contain GME to 3$ and when it can't be shorted anymore
It will moass and NVDA will -99%
Shrimpl as
It's a crazy clown world play but it's just how it is
I'm not dumb I still have 10 shares of GME in CSGO in case MOASS pops off early and we see millions + a share
Oh well that's all she wrote niggers....
it's already skyrocketed to largest mcap stock in less than a year I don't know how you can feel confident that it can be pumped that much higher. The whole collateral theory is fucking retarded btw. Good luck with your buys I guess.
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They can print infinite money to pump NVDA to the point that we see clown world shit soon like NVDA at 500K a share and gme at 3$
It's makes no sense but that's the world we live in
You really think they won't moon NVDA to 500K plus just stop gme from moassing for another week ?
Now that the GameStop board has proven they will dilute on any positive price action, what hope remains for a short squeeze? What could possibly remain as a catalyst? DFV's tweets have been losing steam, especially since he said on stream that this could be a 5-10 year hold. Is that it for GME then? Waiting for a 10-year turnaround?
Why tf would they wanna pump NVDA si- oh, is the GME thing that bad that they'd be fine with NVDA going up to 500k hypothetically?
no I don't, good luck
the thread was pretty sleepy for a while, I would have thought gamestop was over and sold my shares. Too bad they clocked in and ruined the silence
Nvda going to 500K is a trillion times better than gme going to billions a share for them if the thousands of pages of DD is to believed
Dilution is merely an illusion
Damn, thank goodness I bought a shred of NVDA a year ago then.
Ok "gropy"
Here's the thing
Most GME holders myself included believe 100% it will go to at least millions per share possibly tens of millions during the moass
Is NVDA going to 500K really that far fetch in the grander scope of things in play here ?
This is basically using the theory they will pump NVDA to the moon to short GME one last final fukin time before moass to 3$
So we should all just buy NVDA then? I just want to make money. I don't care which stock I make it on.
nvidia is about to crash retard. Check the insider sells
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Look at these organic NVDA posters
Fuck man last week it was BBBY bullshit now it's NVDA. NVDA is already insanely overvalued, no it's not going much higher, no we don't want institutional bags in the latest hopium pump and dump for this gay shitty financial system and the scum that rule it to survice another heckin day. Fuck off and die.
Make a new fucking thread
I honestly hold both, I'm not sure whether I should stay on the NVDA hype train at this point then.
It’s funny that the they don’t seem to have an issue with nvda posting.
Since when does anything make sense ever in these markets ?
You keep on saying nvda will crash but watch it go to 500k a share EOY
Gme MOASS is still happening after the election but silly shit will happen before like NVDA pumping to the moon
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All coiincidentally with the exact same price points.
youre fucking dumb and dont deserve to make it
I hope to see you skating a sonic milkshake to my car after moass with your dumb ass swing trade plan
NVDA exists
We're waiting for MOASS at this point, I'm not sure of what else I or anyone in here can specifically do to make it happen quicker so we're just passing the time right?
What a terrible coincidence.
I could've bought NVDA back in 2021 for a 10x my initial investment. I bought GME instead... This better pay off.
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Feels good knowing I sold NVDA at $140 and bought GME at $1
So more likely to serve as a distraction? Right?
Yes. If NVDA had been shilled in a /gme/ thread for three years then yes, it will receive the same amount of ire you BBBaggies are rightfully getting.

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