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how does one become a self-love coach? is it well paid?
dubai porta potty
I want to do this but correctly. I’m sure she’s a money sink. I want to do it right by rehabilitating shut ins and people without social skills. I have a competitive because I was an incel and turned it around. Understanding the mentality is half the work. breaking the thought patterns is the other. I’m sure in 2024 it’s a gold mine, but I don’t know where to start business-wise. My current best guess is to sell a one-size fits all deal where you just pay upfront and I do the rest.
Another win for non-white men! I can already hear the seething lmao
imagine seething about a 32 year old woman, holy shit this place is in shambles

>in b4 show tits whore
I’m not seething though. Good for her scamming airhead bougies. I’m just saying I want to do that same thing, but with an actual purpose other than giving people placebo and probably pussy
I self love every day iykwim.
She has nice tots
Self love coach = “I sell JOI videos on onlyfans”
anyone who uses gay chan cliches is a total loser. also the one guy said he liked her idea and wanted to emulate it. youre a loser
By getting your back blown out for 10 years by mystery meat, then teaching other women how to do it.
>tfw no scammer waifu
I can’t choose to be born a hottie
Ten years ago she was on tinder, now she's on bumble. Sugoi!
>learn about and understand self-love
>truly implement loving yourself
Kind of in the same boat, but selling myself in that way just isn't something I think I can do.
Do women not realize how much a red flag they are when they make their profiles?

She is admitting to being a travel hoe during all her youth and now as a post wall roastie is in regret and suffers from mental illness and instead of being honest with herself and admitting to her past mistakes she instead gaslights herself with “self help” bullshit as a coping mechanism as her ego is too large and fragile to admit to messing up.
There was a girl in 'married at first sight', who told the audience that she always thought that her biggest attribute in the dating scene, was her tattoos and her riding a motorcycle, and a date of hers* brought it up to her that these things are not really attractive to most men.

It made a strong impression on me, that someone genuinely had no idea what men in general would find attractive, what qualities and appearance that was deemed attractive.

*it was an offscreen date she had in the past and shared her little story with the audience/camera.
Fact is women have all the power in the dating market so no it won’t hurt her chances of getting some simp to wife her up
it is an attribute in her eyes because it filters away any man with standards and leaves her with desperate dudes who will put a ring on anything who texts them back.
>Self love coach

People don't need help with being selfish, it comes naturally
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Men have all the power in the marriage market and the only cucks that’d wife up a woman like this would be at most a 6/10 guy and to women anything not 8+ is sub human and they’d rather kill themselves
They write it to attract themselves. It's masturbation
Can you believe it, the "self love coach" is in love with herself
you're an 888 out of 1000 on the seethe scale right now
>self-love coach
that's code for prostitute
she has to launder that money somehow
its probably even more of a grift.. taking health insurance money

i hate women so much its unreal
it's not just 4chan, everyone is shit now
>professional cuddler
hole for hire
have to be a foid or instagram chad to make it work. i see plenty of personal trainers moving into 'breathwork' and self love garbage
You make a social media account posting travelling pictures with "feel good" captions imposed over them, then try and sell "self-love" courses for $100 per person. The courses just being repackaged self help book material sprinkled in the style of whatever aesthetic you use for social media.
>10 years living abroad on and off
Pretty much this >>58699579
She can also be a trust fund kid but even if she is she probably prostituted herself for that lifestyle.

aka getting my holes pounded by strangers, especially niggers and other shitskins
Prerequisites would include: 1) Being female, 2) No useful skill sets or qualifications, 3) Fluent in Oprahesque new-age bullshit speak, 4) Being a shameless, entitled narcissist, 5) Being a sexual and conversational cure for insomnia, 6) etcetera, fucking etcetera....
le checked

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