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For posterity and in case things like reverse image search do not work, give due credit to those who create Rei's images by indicating author and/or source if known.

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Love pics of Rei focused on her eyes.
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I want cook for rei...
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If I remember correctly, Rei disliked meat. I wonder what symbolism is behind that. Doubt She's vegitarian. There's something about meat, to eat one's flesh is symbolic itself. To take a life so one's own can continue. There is a thing called "fasting". When meat is not consumed. Maybe that adds to the "Odd" collection of differences that Rei expresses through Her actions that the other pilots do not. Like any kid created in the area that is Japan, She probably prefers rice. There was also something about white sand and cheese, but that is a story for another time.
>If I remember correctly, Rei disliked meat.
You remember correctly! I agree with your vision. I don't think she is vegan/vegetarian. Probably as you said it's a way to add another layer to her odd nature. To highlight her unique nature respect to other pilots. Also, in her monologue she says "i hate red" and blood, for all animals is red.
Well, luckly for me i am good at cook rice (where i live it's a common food as well).
It would be a westernized rice but delicate in flavor.
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Again, Rei is based on many religious beings/persons/entities. Her taste in food probobaly doesn't come from Her character alone, but from what She's based on. Rice has been called "The Bread of the Japanese" on some occasions.
Simple fact. I am no visionary, but a simple man made of flesh and blood. To understand Rei, one must look at Her from a religious perspective for She's not all flesh. The schoolgirl Rei was just flesh. As that too fell when the time came. But what inhabited the body of the schoolgirl Rei is what made Her into who She is. The "Spirit" of Rei. Or rather the "True Rei". Not some clone, but "The Person" that is Rei.
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