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Continuation of >>4377895

Post more of Eva's best girl!
Discussion is welcome but don't forget to post an Asuka pic!
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Asuka's birthday is coming!
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Next week...23 yo our girl is growing up
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How is every piece of Chibisuka art so adorable?
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That's precious
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Super cute...
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Because she is
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she piedi
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Be strong anon. I like piedi too btw but we need to stay strong or Aska will call us pervs
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Imagine... mmmggff~
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That's why i want be kaji
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The right eye is scary
Maybe that's just her Shiki eye acting up again, who knows? I just saw the perfect opportunity to make a funny gif, blame the artist for that one.
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Sorry Anon, My post was not meant to be mean, just silly...
I appreciate the cute gif
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That's a curious dress
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DiscoSuka = coolSuka
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Uoooohh strapless! Uoooooh sharking! Asuka's little boobies!
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It's Suka's Birthday.
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Happy birthday to the coolest girl in the world!
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Happy birthday love
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Happy birthday Asuka!
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Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Asuka!
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