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post hideous dresses
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it looked better in other pictures but this will always stay with me
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I hate the realistic rocks and milk jugs, the bright red collars and the general colour scheme
This is gorgeous.
Good to know it's not just me, as I tend to dislike realistic elements in prints.
We could fill this thread with a thousand ugly Chinese indie brand monstrosities, but that's no fun.

The floral part looks like it was colored in by a child. But this dress did look better in other pictures so it's not really all that fair of me to include it. But I couldn't forget about it.
this is adorable, fuck you
If you're looking to dress up your toddler yes.
are you a blind person enjoying the fashion caz everything about this fashion is childish
Anything old from Jane Marple, i swear their stuff just looks like gypsycore couture
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low hanging fruit but anything lady sloth
This woman needs to get past her pastel goth Tumblr phase
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this abomination
Nayrt, the fact that it's childish isn't the issue. I simply think it's ugly and not cute.
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The cut is bad but Night Carnival is a fucking awesome print.

It's not even pastel goth. It's like 'middle aged witchy cat lady' or something. It takes some of the motifs and basic colorscheme of the fashion then regurgitates it into pure garbage.
Mustard colored dress. My bf said it looks like Heinz packet
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I still can't believe this is real
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Chinese crap always reaches a new low, and someone thinks that this dress is fit for her wedding
kek I picture tranny wearing this shit
ew this screams ddlg
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this isnt horrible, this is fucking awesome
>I simply think
Why do you only ever see old busted women wearing Western brand prints
Most people who love western brand prints haven't been in the fashion that long and found out about lolita later in their lives. They tend to have found lolita when they were 30 or older, and have now been wearing lolita for only up to a few years. They're also typically fat. Western indie brands often offer larger sizes.
I hate captcha so much
Fuck modern moitie
I would punch you through my screen if I could
god, this release is so unfortunate. moitie fucking sucks now.
I actually like this one. Very rare to see it coorded properly though.
I’m currently imagining the late 30s deformed fat autist lolitas who salivate over this dress saying this

This is the ugliest dress I can think of atm.
ayrt, I would never want to wear this apron but it's darn cute imo.
2nd thing I purchased, I want to make it work but it's just the lace up is so wide and the material is so thick I feel like tightening the front would make it pucker weirdly. The only way I can think to make it work is completely covering the top with a band shirt for a casual punk look. At least the sax colorway is the cutest one, the green photo on lolibrary looks so sad.
Or covering it up with brooches. It feels very empty as-is, which makes it weird for both deco/sweet or punk
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Double baiting the old schoolers by calling this age play.
I've never seen a child wearing this.
I love how weird meta is but some of their stuff is truly hideous
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I don't love this cut with the harsh contrast trim, but the print itself is really cute. I have it in the special set, which I prefer. It has a bunch of pets looking out the windows, and it reminds me of "the twilight bark" from the 101 Dalmatians book where all the dogs start barking at twilight to share the news of the day.
Are there any brand Disney collabs that actually look good? This thing >>10903561 looks like childrens' pajamas from K-mart.
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I suggest going through the collaboration tag on lolibrary. I personally don't recall any Disney collaboration I liked, not even from my favourite brand.
Nope. Also unrelated to lolita, but when I was obsessed with the idea of a selkie dress for a second, they had a The Last Unicorn print, and I love that movie, but the print was... Nightgown from K-mart
(I'm so glad I got into lolita instead of the selkie dress trading scene, they seem like even more of a scalper's paradise)
I like AP's Alice dress. It's not the best one though considering you can find a lot of lolita Alice dresses, just not Disney. You're better off getting one of the many other Alice prints.
never 4get the AP rat sack
as someone who hates all the high waisted/sack cuts in lolita selkie is like my worst nightmare kek. They always look really ugly when worn too
This is the conclusion I came to too. I was gonna get a skirt or something but just they sell NOTHING that would actually look good on me. Just the pretty photography reeled me in
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Whatever the fuck this was
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the jetj pattern: solid tag on lolibrary is a gold mine of truly hideous dresses
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Whatever this abomination is
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Anything from Classical Puppets, really, but this one takes the cake
This cannot be topped.
i like the colorblock corset but the rest is awful
looks like scraps swept up from a sewing room floor
I wonder if anyone actually bought this thing
Only people who don't have a single wrinkle or spot on their face can wear this and even then it won't be their best look
"Fabric with the actual texture of a fresh scoop of ice cream" sounds amazing on paper, but it looks like curdled Pepto bismol in execution.8kjjp
it doesn't matter how young you look or are, it would look shit on toddlers cause it is a hideous monster of a "dress". good thing the only people who will buy this are shoop'd to fuck chinese anachans and landwhale weebs.
did cinderella's mice make this
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I'm surprised you said this to that dress and not >>10904594 lel
the PlayStation 1 Houndstooth dress
that pattern actually hurts my eyes to look at
No idea how anybody could realistically make this look good but I think it's really adorable in a "too-much" way
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Looks way too much like an Amazon lace monster to me
the lace looks so cheap
I think it's the white ribbon not matching the lace and the hem hanging way too far off the bottom that throws this off. Take out the front lacing and the weird marie antoinette ruffles completely, shorten the hem, and it'd be a lot better. The shiny fabric is still tough though...
What on earth is this? I feel like only a western indie brand could come up with something this hideous.
Via reverse image search:
The entire site makes my eyes bleed.
To make matters worse, that dress has see through fabric, you can see that tattoos on her arm here.
Why are western indie brands so bad? I could understand some issues with quality control since they’re all beginners basically, but quality is the least alarming part of their designs. At least taobao brands often have stuff that’s cute but needs better execution. Indie brands just have the wildest shit ideas and run with them.
Somehow perma-itas with bad taste are the people with the most confidence to start their own brands.
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Whoever thought to add fucking brown and black to the rainbow flag, needs to commit seppuku and Im a fckung brown bi womin
I've found that it's because people who have the know-how don't have the right resources to make what they want to standard, so the only brands that exist are shit like this. I've done a lot of research into this actually. I'm great at sewing and have made things for myself, but I know that unless I do handmade, extremely high-priced, limited runs it's impossible to make the product I'd feel comfortable selling. Good fabric printing companies have high MOQs for yardage and I'd need the pieces to be factory made to keep costs down, and it's just not viable, especially since I'm not in China and don't have good ties to mainland. The ease of access just isn't there for tiny western brands to thrive. I wish I had the ability, because I have a lot of ideas that aren't just cheap, poorly designed spoonflower ita monsters with bad prints.
I won’t name them here because it’s just an invite for people to shit on them, but there are a handful of western indie brands that are nice and worth supporting and I do buy from them. I can only think of three I’d even *consider* buying from though, so you’re not wrong.
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IW why
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Gross. Looks like an ugly wedding cake.
This isn't TOO offensive. The black needs to change to a dark brown and different shoes would be going a long way to making something cute.
Remember when people had concrete geese and would dress them in different outfits on holidays? Grandma Goose on Halloween.
Teddy Bear outfit maybe?
That's nearly sickening.
This looks like a cocktail waitress' uniform.
please be considerate of others and kys. thanks.
Consider losing weight. Fatty.
are you that cringe western clothing faggot in the other thread? go stick your terrible opinion down your dickhole.
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Not a dress, but I’m so sick of seeing these hideous shoes.
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im sick of seeing the fat whales attached to these shoes
No-one I know who has these is fat, so I wonder where your association comes from.
I dislike that these shoes are higher in the back (I prefer flatter platforms, or actual platform heels) and the vertical cuts down the sole, and I've seen them a little bit too much but I don't hate them.
Amen bitch, these shoes are a plague among itas.
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Couldn't find a proper stock image of this.
that is some paper party napkin tier shit
It looks like a black trans dick intruding upon the rest of the flag, a good metaphor for reality.
i like the maleficent series from aatp, at least in terms of design. haven't seen it in person so unsure on the quality.
holy shit this is awful. i love it. i'd buy it if i came across it
Not ugly, but I swear every single person who's new to lolita owns this thing and I'm getting sick of seeing it in beginner's coords without a blouse, a petticoat, shit accessories (if they're even wearing any) and shit shoes.
the brand name itself is hideous
Queen Rose Princess Dress Set

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