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When did anime conventions in the west become pride events?
well we always had yaoi shit
most of the yaoi lesbians back then would be they/them folx now
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>cross dressing is a noble tradition of the con
>yaoi is super popular
>fujos are one of the main demographics
>gays are welcome and it's a great place to get your cock sucked by a handsome Goku
It's not rocket science anon

Also: a few flags and one table with no one being engaged doesn't mean shit to the grand design of the con. Don't be hysterical like a woman.
Roughly 15 years ago autistic straight people discovered the concept of gender identity and slowly started transitioning en masse. Because gender ideology is built on lies, they were told this now made them "gay." Their previous autistic fixations on videogame lore or whatever was supplanted by an autistic fixation on gay culture, which they brought to their local conventions. And because there is such a high proportion of autists (read:troons) at anime conventions, there's also a disproportionate number of people advertising themselves as queer. Proportions of actually gay/bi attendees have stayed the same across the same time period.

cons were always gay as hell
Cons are full of autistic betas and autistic betas are the most likely to get press-ganged into the LGBT movement.
Uh oh looks like someone is trying to make shit up with out knowing anything about anime conventions.
Cons have always been a place for outcasts, queer people have been out casts most of America's life
>one panel = entire event
I hate /pol/ baiters so much
they were always kinda like this because autists are all lgbt. It has just become acceptable to be so shameless about it due to larger social trends
Cool false premise
You can see the Flame con logo on the shirt and hat. Flame Con is a queer comic con. As I CIS gender male I wouldn't go to it, but that's because it's not for me. Not everything has to be about CIS people. Why do retards get so upset at queers for existing?
I've been going to cons for over a decade and, yeah, most of the LGBT shit comes from autistic (mostly white) people.
Autistic weirdos were always LGBT, but society got way more permssive and laudatory about this stuff
they're pandered to shit now so they arent outcasts. it isnt the 1950s anymore
liking anime is gay
how are you JUST getting this
Neither are anime and comic fans, id say they are more pandered to now than queer people.
Cons on both sides are pride events as well but the only difference is that the gays hooking up at a east side con (read:dragoncon) are exponentially higher
Wokeness has become like a secular form of religion to liberal people. Liberals love wokeness because they have white guilt, and guilt over their privilege (like the privilege of being a straight “cis” person). Since one can’t identify as a different race without considerable social pushback (although there are some people who’ve been caught faking being Native American or Hispanic for woke points), calling yourself “queer” or transgender is an easy way to turn yourself from a privileged oppressor into a marginalized victim (and as a victim you can do no wrong, everything bad that happens is the fault of the evil oppressive patriarchy). So you have a bunch of straight men and women (a lot of men troon out due to porn addiction, incelism, and feeling like they’ve failed at being a man, a lot of women troon out due to sexual trauma and wanting to escape misogyny) who want to feel special, so they call themselves queer and transgender. Vendors at cons will sell whatever makes them the most money, and thus every booth at a con in current year sells rainbow flag and pronoun merchandise. It’s like if we were living in 70 AD Rome, when Christianity was first taking off among the masses - instead of signaling that you’re a member of the new faith with a cross necklace or a Jesus fish symbol, people are wearing rainbow pride stuff to show that they’re a member of the woke faith.
Where did you get your degree?
I actually do have a BA in religious studies lol
Ah that makes sense. You trying to be a priest or something?
fags and yaoi are concore and way better than straight moid coomers and tim tranny freaks
No I’m just an autist who likes pondering the mysteries of human behavior. My degree is irrelevant for the job I ended up getting and it’s currently gathering dust in my closet. It seems that its most fruitful use has been musing on the nature of troonism and wokeness on Laotian yodeling forums.
Sounds like your job isn't keeping you busy enough if you spend your time bitching about trans people and "wokeness"online.
not the only thing in your closet. youre obviously pretty close to going full troon yourself.
autistically pondering the mysteries of human behavior is what the autistic queer people are doing too. Two sides of the same coin. Why do some of you people seethe every time you see a rainbow
Like within the past 7-8 years. Now cons are even banning any remotely cishet clothing that displays even minorly sexualized women like ahegao print and the like, sure it's cringe but it's fun to have a laugh.
Those ahegao hoodies and print merch are genuinely the most cringe-inducing shit on the planet.
Everything about liking and dressing up as chinese cartoon characters is cringe. Why not embrace it?
That is not true.
They openly sell porn at cons, many have hentai amvs, vendors openly sell lewd Loli dakis, and I've seen plenty of cringe ahegao hoodies.
You are literally creating a scenario to be mad at.
It's Japanese cartoons, nawt Chinese. Fuck China.
Cons have always been gay but now the white queers are profiting from it. I'm gay and Japanese so I'm kinda used to everything being profited to shit.
What has China done to you?
lol just making shit up huh? gay stuff is all over anime, you fucking tourist.
Yeah but it's gay (Japan) vs gay (America). Kawoshin is wholesome and pure.
You're being defensive as fuck like most autists are when challenged kek.

And no, gay porn and BL shit made for women's sexual gratification is not the same as rainbow flag Amerimutt "LGBT culture." The women in Japan who make and consume that shit do not give a fuck about American gay pride or trans rights or whatever.
>gay porn and BL shit made for women's sexual gratification is not the same as rainbow flag Amerimutt "LGBT culture." The women in Japan who make and consume that shit do not give a fuck about American gay pride or trans rights or whatever.
This. The term Fujoshi literally means rotten girl. The obsession with BL is the idea of a forbidden love. Nothing about this is about pride or accepting homosexuality.
absolutely based summary
Non arguments. LGBT activism needs to die in cons. It is cringe. Get over it.
Hello tourists. If 4chan is too weird for you maybe you should go back to facebook.
You're the only one complaining about it. It's pretty easy to walk by an artist selling a print of Goku holding a pride flag or whatever gay shit they have. It's that easy just keep walking. You honestly don't even need to post shit about it online. But it sounds like you need to get.over some shit.
isn't the issue more that these tumblr types bring other unnecessary shit to cons? like shitty diversity panels and cultural appropriation bs?
I think those types dumped cultural appropriation because it's dumb.
There's usually a few panels on "lesbian representation in anime" or whatever. They're usually pretty inoffensive and they aren't mandatory either.
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“pride events” and its just 1 or 2 booths in the exhibit halls
Despite crossdressing most of the cons I've been to, I have no interest in drag queen guests and think they should fuck off from anime cons.
Don't care much about gay tables tho. Tacky and usually ugly, but whatever. It's a small part that I'd rather see over some gay car insurance/ credit card/ unrelated ad shit table
Those dudes sure are enthusiastic about letting everyone know that they fuck members of the same sex. I don't get it personally (displaying your sexual preferences loudly and proudly for all to see)

I haven't got a problem with it, I just don't get it. Like.

>Look look! Look at this flag!! You know what THAT means?

>You're a dude that likes to fuck other dudes? ...cool man...
It's almost like it was illegal for couple hundred years in North America or something.
it never was, but you would get judged a little harshly if found out
gay sex wasn't even a legally protected action until 2003 in lawrence vs texas. oldfags have been going to conventions since long before that.
not being legally protected doesn't mean illegal
They took Genshin Impact rolls from us and it has never been the same.
I wish irl was like my animu and everything was over dramatic. that way the gay booth guys and the army booth guys would be at each other’s throat (or in each other’s throat) trying to recruit people.
Eating cereal with water instead of milk isn't legally protected.

I need a month, flag and a parade about it.
So what you are saying is that you want them sucking and fucking in public to a nice backing instrumental track?
that part was a joke I ain’t no stinky fujoshi. but if I was working a booth I’d be screaming out catchy slogans like I was selling counterfeit goods at the night market while side eyeing my compilation. “Come (out of the closet) and join our booth!” “Don’t join those guy and dress like a dweeb. Join us and look fabulous.” I’d probably google some better stuff to shout out but you get the point
Every state banned sodomy, while most states have repealed them some states still have it in their laws even though it's unconstitutional and now unenforced.
It's not a hard thing to Google.
There were also federal laws regarding it
ive never been to a con before. considering going to one. what can i expect other than the obvious lack of social skills and personal hygiene. pic unrel.
>r*ddit spacing
I fucking hate 2016 election tourists so much. Go back.
god forbid you make your long reply readable
Cry more.
Please look up stonewall and what actually led to gay rights existing, police were actively raiding and violently assaulting gay people. If you don't know anything about the movement you can just say so. Your personal distaste doesn't equate to a lack of necessity.
I think this is the first time I've ever seen a text-only reply get straight up deleted on /cgl/ Like, Im kinda surprised lol. Like I've seen pics or like dox stuff deleted. But someone's opinion just discarded lmao
probably got removed for being off topic. I don't know why people are so embarrassed to admit nerd culture has always been an outcast culture until only fairly recently- especially with the satanic panic- so of course marginalized people will be a part of it as well and want to feel welcomed. There might be a tendency for corporate to water down these ideas and make it hot white guy with glasses who's "just a little quirky" but I seriously don't like seeing it amongst our own.
You're all autistic as fuck and you know it. I am too. Normies don't discriminate and absolutely see you fucks in the same light but you think you're better because at least you're not "degenerate" or some retard shit.
Also just some of the dumbest shit I've read. Like the dude was too fucking dumb to even be too hateful.
Always have been a den of faggoty
An actual factual unironic sperg made this assessment.
I'm in a wheelchair, but want to participate in larping. especially combat. Any tips/ideas?
same time that going outside in (((the west))) became a pride event
It is more socially unacceptable to be homophobic (or just far-right in general) than gay in the West. You literally have pride parades at the White House and yet somehow you're "outcasts".
Gay people are ok but trannies/gendies are cringe and need to fuck off, but they're fun to piss off when you pretend to be "one of them" and out them or talk shit about them lol. Like troons are really really aggressive on the net but they don't do shit irl when you confront them.
Also idk I saw a parent shushing away some autistic preteen from buying a pride pin and it was based, not only for the usual reasons but there's people that like to put scalping prices on pride pins cuz idiots will pay big bucks for them.
It’s both.
There’s always been gay ass shit like yaoi and handsome goku to suck you off but now it’s ULTRA gay because of the autists.
turn ur wheelchair into a horse

or rp as a ballista idk lol
yaoi is fun and sexy, please don't group BL with these child grooming pronouns in bio
BL is just for female pedophiles, don't be delusional
It’s still GAY wtf are you not understanding about my comment, fagbaby?
You sound like a fag.
Too much blatant bait in this thread for any reasonable or insightful conversation, but I guess that makes sense since the post itself is bait. Seethe and mald, or something.
who is the guy in the overalls supposed to be? gay mario?
No it's literally not. Everyone needs to stop being a little bitch about something that is drawn and fiction.
Choosing to like sexual depictions of children vs adults is disgusting even if you don't think it's pedo. Or are you going to claim it's not?
most yaoi is about underage boys, rape, or both and written by untouchable middle aged women. degenerate as hell to defend. i hate fujoshis.
it's also a direct pipeline to turning into a female to male tranny
I guess a childhood of Stacey's Mom and Romeo & Juliet led me to Nabokov's Pnin & Lolita in high school which led me to Harada as an adult. Even when I read het it's stuff like Iyagatteru Kimi ga Suki. Tell me oh wise soul, how do I reach the stage of enlightenment of one who is an adult yet has remained so pure they only watch tame shit like Tenchi Muyo and I've Been Reincarnated As A Slime Who Peeps Up Girls' Skirts.
i only read 20th century seinen manga and yuri. sounds like a skill issue.
could literally say the same about yuri, kys scrotoid
You don't get it. Seinen is the biggest contender of shounen ai. Sanctuary, Monster & Devilman are three examples.
the characters being massive fags doesn't make the source material yaoi
Who the fuck do you think consumes yuri, you thoughtless whore? Men? Only transvestite gooners and fujos like yuri.
Its the other side of the coin that consumes yuri, untouchable middle age men that are sliding down the autogynephilic troons pipeline. both genres are just made for loser men/womenchildren to fantasize about fag teens in compromising situations.
most yuri is written by lesbians and intended to be consumed by lesbians.
you're clearly retarded if you think only troons and lesbians consume yuri. most yuri is made for the male gaze with no consideration for an actual lesbian audience. women consuming and creating yuri content is actually the minority, even lesbians prefer to consume yaoi because it is made for the female gaze.
>lesbians prefer to consume yaoi because it is made for the female gaze.
How are you a lesbian and consuming content feature male sexuality and getting off to it? Also what the fuck is the difference between dyke content written for men? is just more focus on the sexual content?
delusional cope. actual lesbians have no interest in yaoi.
You're a scrote
You don't know anything about lesbians
Yaoi lesbians have been around since before you were born
all you had to do to know this information is true and be alive and go to cons in the early 2010s and see hetalia crossdressers making out. you're too young. nowadays all those lesbians are becoming tifs though.
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Your not a fucking lesbian if you flick your bean to men fucking each other in the ass. Your probably just have a fear of real men and rationalize your prison gay bullshit as a real sexuality instead of going to therapy. If a dude admitting to beating his meat to gay porn and called himself straight, everyone in the room would laugh. Its insane how histrionic women just get to say and do anything and where all supposed to smile and nod.
>you don't know anything about lesbians
you only wank to porn with zero women in it and you want my dyke card? maybe i'm just old fashioned but back in my day lesbians weren't turned on by men.

those are called straight women. what type of mental gymnastics convinced you lesbians would larp as gay men?

finally someone who knows what a lesbian is.
are you guys fucking new to the internet? lesbian weebs into yaoi have been around since 2000s. they are fakebois or tifs now probably but lesbians and yaoi go hand in hand. if you knew how much lesbians hate male gaze yuri you'd stop embarrassing yourself.
You're not dykes
You're not even women
Sit down
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By definition, If you find sexually pleasure in the male form, your bi at the very least. This literally sounds like some smelly shutin foids fucked up sexuality and how she rationalize herself being lesbian just because she hates men but still finds them attractive. Chad giving you a surprise facial and not talking to you again at school doesn't qualify you as queer, you just need to go to therapy, or troon out.
Doesn't matter how much some terminally online weirdos 15 years ago wanted to redefine, twist and stretch definitions so they don't feel left out of a group, it doesn't make what your saying make sense. And you still haven't explained what "male gaze" yuri is and how some dyke can enjoy it too.
women are not like men who are cavemen who get turned on by tits and ass. women are more turned on by concepts and stories which yaoi tend to have better ones more catered to women.
reading yuri is a dogwhistle to being a TIM nowadays and anything "sapphic" is pretty much for and by TIMs and handmaiden straight women. YWNBAW.
Oh I will claim it's not.
I don't think the Hetalia people were lesbians lol
the sheer mental gymnastics you're using to deny being straight is insane. sorry you aren't attracted to women but this cope is unhealthy.
70% of them trooned out and chopped their tits off to date other fakebois/tifs. unless you think they're just gay men now kek.
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If women being attracted to women dressed like men are straight

Does that mean men being attracted to men dressed like women are straight?
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They took this from me...
that still doesn't make them lesbians. if they're larping as men to fuck gay men that makes them straight women.
>women larping as gay men to date other women larping as gay men
>not les
most TIFs are not interested in other TIFs, they're just glorified faghags and cry victim when gay men don't want to fuck them.
I dont even read yaoi because I think even drawn men are gross and disgusting but go off retard
most males in this website cope that liking dick is heterosexual because the dicked person is wearing makeup and a wig therefore is a girl.
that's where you're wrong, men will fuck nearly anything with a hole (despite claiming they will only fuck a 10/10 kek), most if not all yaoi tifs dont pass anyway, so tifs are able to find men willing to fuck them very easily. it's very unlikely tims who wish to date women but are too gross and end up being t4t out of necessity.
>When did everything in the west become pride events?
The answer: When we gave them an inch.
ok, so the girls are still fucking men and are therefore still straight?
I'd say most tifs if not all are bisexual.
Nta but a lot of Yuri is simply made for people who fetishize japanese high-school lesbians. I don't enjoy it. It's a very hyper-feminized-through-the-lens-of-men experience even when written by a woman, because a lot of women in japan are so used to sexist bullshit they just repeat it like girls are some untouchable lovely flowers. There are a few exceptions of course, but a lot of it is just cringe. I could go into a lot of detail on very obvious male gaze tropes but it would be a long conversation.
I mean from what I saw at the Hetalia groups from that era pretty sure most of them are still cis-female if I see them at modern cons (the ones who still go to cons)...

Also pretty sure most transmascs end up dating cis dudes (bi dudes often)

Lol the "no cis men" rules though I see enough of that shit actually, some of them will avoid cis men

Transmale and transfemale pairings?
this is only half true. there are a lot of genuinely compelling yuri series out there, but most of them never get translated or even scanned. the yuri that actually makes it to the western audience is the stuff that appeals to larger demographics instead.
Yeah, I really wish that the "blanket popular" stuff wasn't made for such obvious reasons- I do totally acknowledge the subset of genuine lesbian relationship manga that is out there, completely inaccessible to our weeb eyes.
as a yurifag, i'd say it's only somewhat true.
you have the stuff you're talking about, but i'd argue that's less about fetishization and more just girls only casts are more otaku friendly, since otakus get triggered by men being around their waifus.

you have 2 side of yuri really, the CGDCT anime like you're talking about, where it's just overly cute. and then you have the more lgbt heavy romance side of things, and there's a spattering of random generic romance in the middle as well.

you do have plenty of yuri artists like takemiya jin that does tend to go heavier on the actual gay culture of japan, and most other long term yuri artists have written works or talked about their experiences with it.

the CGDCT sometimes dabbles in actually going gay, but the vast majority of the time it's just some flirty lines and girls being cute so that nobody gets triggered about used goods or whatever.
Gay stuff has always been at cons in some way, but there was definitely a point when it went from "LGBT things welcome" to being a pride event like you said. I remember going to A-Kon in 2018 (the last year when they were at the FWCC which was GOATed but also bankrupted them); the con is in June during pride month and that was the first con where I definitely noticed a ton of people running around with pride flags, so I'd say 2018 is when they became pride events. But I also haven't seen too many pride things at cons after the lockdowns ended, so looks like they also stopped being pride events in 2021.

Ahegao prints died because they were a stupid fad to begin with. No one outright banned them, people just realized they were cringe.

>They openly sell porn at cons
It's getting harder to find at cons from what I've seen, but I think it's less about NSFW things being banned and more that it's a demand issue (why buy doujins when I can just read them or torrent them?). It's also one of the reasons why there are fewer vendors selling anime DVD/blurays.

>the facebook and tumblr boogeymen (boogeytheys?)
yeah, i think doujin became less popular when scanlations became more common place. no one buys hard copy porn if you can find a scan online for free.

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