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Post cosplays you're working on, plan to work on, or want feeback on, and motivate each other. Let's get back to our roots and away from the softcore porn, or at the very least survive alongside it.
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I'm working on a big hat Logan cosplay. I have everything designed and I've just started working on the hat. This is what I have so far.
Thanks for making this thread! When I saw it, I was happy and it made me think about how nice it would be if this board could truly make a comeback to what it used to be. I’m glad I’m not the only one who missed these kinds of threads

Anyway I’m looking for advice on what people recommend to use for finishing props. I have a large prop that I had finished using a generic spray clear coat. It looked nice enough, but since then it’s gotten some scuffs in the paint
>big hat Logan
very cool anon. What's the gameplan for the hat?
I've always been a fan of polyurethane coatings to add durability and they come in both gloss and matte finishes. The fumes can be pretty gnarly though and the matte is pretty susceptible to scratching. Maybe another anon has a better answer
About the hat, it has a wood and metal structure under it and I plan to add a cone at the top with some rope and a golden "ribbon" around the edge (I also have to finish sewing some things). This is the first cosplay I make and I'm exited to see how it turns out. I'll probably share the final result here once I finish it.
Can try using a 2k clear coat but its more expensive and the cans go bad after opening.

Or the best answer is to weather your props so any minor damage which will always happen doesn't look as bad and can add more weathering to hide it.
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I'll add a few to a dead board. Bondrewd helmet.
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Black knight from fire emblem.
is this 3D printed? will you be able to see out of it/do you have any plans for leds? looks well made.
Thank you! Yep it's 3d printed. I've moved to 3d printing for almost all my props and costumes. Works with my career too.
Can't see shit currently, gonna finish it and make some heat formed, tinted lenses to replace the frontt.
Yes adding LEDs as well. This will be my first led cosplay. Very excited for that.
Kahaku / male Guardian from To Your Eternity. About half the stuff I need arrived yesterday. I made a great fabric choice for n00bs like me, fake cashmere looks the same on both sides of the fabric & doesn't fray when cut.
>Forgot I have no iron or ruler. Measuring everything by finger widths like a caveman. Hoping something metal heated up in the oven makes a good pseudo iron.
>Shirt - Realized I can just fold the shirt cuff to achieve his 手甲 / arm guard.
>Cut fringes off scarves, cut main gold border for chest piece out, figured out how to pin red scarf to achieve canon angle.
>Wig, pants, shoes, shirt ordered. Shoes are black 地下足袋 from Japan, I got waterproof leather touchup paint to paint them white and help them survive Seattle weather.
Plan is to dye the remainders of the gold fabric black to use for the socks that look kinda like 剣先脛巾 / pointed gaiters, if that doesn't work then I'll use his less recognizable outfit of white leg wraps out of old bedsheets I got free from a hotel. I'll make a prototype 障子板 / neck guard out of styrofoam, which I then cover with diy worbla. Armor plates will hopefully be made of thin leftover wood pieces.

He has various versions of his outfit including one with most of the parts missing so if I fuck everything up, as long as I just get his cape right I'll still be canon.
anon why would you not just buy a cheapo iron from kohl's or amazon or something
I had one then gave it away recently as I never used it. Live in the middle of nowhere, no sewing goods shops around, shipping takes a while. I recently got severe brain damage affecting my logic capabilities and impulse control and honestly didn't realize I could probably borrow one... Thanks anon.
>Thanks for making this thread! When I saw it, I was happy and it made me think about how nice it would be if this board could truly make a comeback to what it used to be.

ntayrt, but wow, how exciting for a project like this to be your first. Best of luck, anon! Thank you for sharing :)

Okay, I've always been curious. How does it feel to wear a 3d printed helmet? I mean no visibility is a given, but is it hot? Does it echo in there or alter your hearing in some way? Is it heavy??
You pad the fuck out of it with foam so it fits secure on your head. So that kills the echo mostly. It does dampen incoming sound. So whoever I'm with usually has to tap me when people ask for pics, otherwise it seems like I'm ignoring them lol. It does get hot, but most cosplay does. You can do like the furry community does and put fans in the bigger helmets though. Visibility isn't terrible in some of them, the bondrewd helmet will be really good by the time the tinted lenses go in, but some with individual eye holes really make it hard in crowded areas.
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The samus one isn't bad. Nor the bondrewd one. But the dark knight one is actually pretty heavy. All depends on how the helmet is modeled. The knight was a freelance job I had made and the model or makes THICC armor.
Decided I should rip out all manga accurate yellow fabric and go for more anime accurate camel fabric. Or am I trippin?

Thermoplastic and drill arrived so I got started working on the armor.
The camel fabric
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I want to make a mask of Fujita from dorohedoro. The references I've found online are either 3D printed or homemade projects where they just post the end result without showing the process. I figure I can do what one person did and get a tengu mask off Amazon and modify it down to the shape.

Pic related for those who don't know
The plastic is thin enough to cut without much trouble; I'll just hollow out the gold in the eyeholes and remove the mouth and forehead sections.

I didn't expect the nose to come in two pieces either but it'll probably make thinning the end out easier.
So, how to I whittle the nose bump down to a point? It's going to have to come off no matter what, but them how to build off it? I'm thinking epoxy over something
You could try heating up the plastic and squeezing it into shape once its flexible. Alternatively, just shape a new nose out of a light air dry clay or something similiar. Then you could even add in some of the weathering/cracks with a dremel
Path of Radiance was my first game
*in the series
I sorta planned a Kenshiro Cosplay, but I should workout more...

I also want to do Gregor Eisenhorn (pic related), but that...
Will take some time...
At least I have the gun
Sort of
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I’ll probably pop off the eyes later and reglue them in later but it’s a proof of concept. There are LED’s right behind the lens
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revamping the Fallout cosplay I've been wearing for nearly 10 years
Char wears white tabi shoes, the ones i could find were black, began painting what will be the visible areas white. hoping that by the time i get 3 layers of white on they won't look so crappy

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