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File: IMG_3666.jpg (365 KB, 1569x1044)
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Who’s your fave?
Hi Martin
Hi person who thinks the standard iPhone naming system indicates that your name is Martin
Nice one Martin
I'm not even an australian, but the thread could have been started by anyone who got the direct files distributed to them. So while it may not the the photographer, it will be whoever got the files from them. still easy to narrow down. good job at social suicide nonnie. you won't be nonnie soon!
[spoiler]Martin is my oshi[/spoiler]
But honestly the whole Aus scene has been gradually stepping it up in concepts, costumes, and music. I mainly follow Citrus plus and their adjacents and former members. Sometimes the vocals can be a bit scuffed but they make up for it in stage presence and energy. The one thing they are not is shy on stage and I love that in an idol group.
Also when you save a photo onto your iPhone, it gets renamed in this format. So it's not whoever Martin is.
Martin must have a shitty reputation
you got greedy Martin
I will never expose my oshi on here because she is mine.
Now that the Babybeard tour is over and Crazy Fantasy have performed a few times, whats the thoughts on Paida, Amuse and Crazy Fantasy?

Also nobody has an oshi cause literally everyone is DD here
Ctrp is always good

Haha no offense but do you even hear how they sing
Why does Bee always end up ruining the groups she’s in? She from Perth. She’s been in a lot of groups such as BerrySweet, CandyHeart, DreamyPop, DefunctLove and every single group she’s in, she claims to have been the victim of…
doesn’t really matter as long as everything else is good

victim of what, anon?

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