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Old thread: >>10925510
Aussie Idols: >>10928590
Featured: PAiDA and A-MUSE PROJECT with BabyBeard

Previous thread topics:
>Pros and Cons of having a manager/producer/handler
>What could kaigai idols be doing to level up?

Don't shit it up.
Did anyone go to Super Summer Festa at Florida Super Con? How was it?
I didn't go, but I saw some snippets on insta stories. A lot of the acts looked so....low energy. Except Funva. She was cute.
Low energy is a word to describe it. There were a lot of newer idols and groups so my expectations weren’t very high. Funva was super cute. Mariposa had some potential. Vanity was alright but was very obviously lip syncing. Cosplay groups were cosplay groups. The set list was really enjoyable.
I didn't notice any lip syncing with vanity, tho the backing vocals were loud so I could see where you think that. But again this is just from the clips I saw. Maybe some parts had main vocals as back up idk.
His mic was a full foot and a half from his face for most of it. It’s fine, it doesn’t make him bad if he was lip syncing to his own backing track. A lot of idols do it and everyone needs to start somewhere. I just prefer live singing.
Does anyone have the tea about what’s happening with Rapid Steps? They changed their guidelines a few times, extended their application period, and apparently have only sold a single ticket. I thought venue based events were supposed to be the next big thing.
Their community is catered towards cosidols. Plus, the MIU doesn't have the clout the TIU has.
The midwest just doesn’t have the same priorities as the northeast or socal. Both the northeast and socal have already existing audiences and enough decent original idols to make venue events worth going to check out for new audiences that are curious. It also helps that both regions are drivable and have good enough public transit for a day trip.

It also doesn’t help that rapid steps seems to have rushed this massive event out and have been very sloppy. the event is also outside of ohio where most of the midwest community is, and it’s taking place the week before nwif where people are really going to want to spend their money.

i’m not sure about clout but tiu is also more tighter and more organized than miu and has existed for longer. tiu was started with a specific community purpose with a set of specific goals in mind. miu was started as vanity project to boost the ego of someone that got rejected by the community for being a problem.
Is the midwest even worth paying attention to?
we should gatekeep idols that lip sync its cheap and screams insecure
gatekeep? do you know how words work?
yes i do lmao. i think original idols that do this stop qualifying as idols, theyre just glorified dance coverists. idols that lip sync to loud asf backing tracks and pretend theyre singing live shouldn’t be given performance opportunities especially if theyre selling themselves on having a good singing voice. unless there’s a real technical reason to lip sync while performing live like having no microphones they shouldnt be doing it.
they should get better at singing and stop being afraid to have flaws while singing live.
Similar question, did anyone go to AFO Idolfest? I saw clips and some of the cosplay groups were kinda decent
Anon, your Autism is showing.
Big agree. Anytime I see an idol at a showcase lip syncing, I instantly check out kek
Thinking lip syncing is dumb and that it’s a little cringe when they soak up “wooow your voice is soooo stable” compliments is barely a hot take. It’s extremely common opinion. The only people who have an issue with this take are those who lip sync to their own tracks themselves.

There are some idols you should pay attention to like Chiri Girls and Elfoxu. Other than that, it’s dire out here.

Highkey agree that Rapid Steps is a very sloppy event. At this point, they should just postpone it.
I was hoping someone would point this out. He did the same thing at Metro Voice last year where he moved really awkwardly and held the mic super far away from his face. He also did the same far away mic thing in the video of him performing with his group at NWIF. You can barely hear him if he is actually singing because of how far away the mic is and if he’s intentionally trying to lip sync, it gives away the illusion. It seems like a nervous tic and he probably doesn’t realize he’s doing it.
I always say at the very least, sing on top of your mix if you're so nervous. lip syncing all by itself just lacks excitement. you may make a mistake, but that's what live performing is all about. we can't feel inspired by an idol's growth if that idol doesn't allow themselves to be vulnerable enough to sing live. There's nothing to be afraid of. ok so maybe you sing live and it's fucking horrible? just keep practicing and you for sure will be a little better next time. if you never get better and it's constantly stessing you, idol might not be for you. not everyone can be an idol.
ok well that's still not what gatekeeping is.

gatekeeping is like literally keeping a gate up from allowing people to enter a community. it's like how cosplayers complain we "gatekeep" the word "idol" and the idol community because we say idols actual singers and dancers and not cosplay dancers.
same anon. you worded it dumb. you should have said, we should gatekeep lip syncers FROM being idols and using the term "idol"
Personally I don't care if anyone dances to their own vocals. Especially if the song is super choreo-heavy and the focus is on dance skill. It is kind of cheesy if they're holding a mic as a prop though.
a headset mic would be kinda cute for a lipsynced dance focused performance. most headset mics don't work well anyway.
AYRT I 100% agree!! I have the same sentiment about this. I think people have seen idols that do this get roasted for their voice not being perfect live and now get scared. Hell, I’ve seen some of those same idols that lip sync live roast the vocals idols who sing live’s vocals but they do it because they’re worried about their own voice!
You’ll only get better singing live when you start getting comfortable with it.
>if you never get better and it's constantly stessing you, idol might not be for you. not everyone can be an idol.
I agree with this too, singing over a vocal mix is still valid compared to lip synch. Even if your voice is scuffed, we can appreciate the effort. Now if you go into a show completely off key and without practice, then that is going to get criticized.
And yeah if ultimately the singing part doesn't work out you can still be a good dancer! Dance showcases and random dance plays are still a thing and fun to watch and participate in.
On the topic of professionalism, I’m curious if your opinions.

I was recently watching Berry’s YouTube vlogs. She was explaining at a recent show that her and her staff’s badges were stolen from registration before she got there because the staff hadn’t checked anyone’s IDs.
While that is a very wild situation and does not make the event look good, is it appropriate to be talking about it publically? I feel like she can kids the opportunity to perform at this event next year goodbye. Yes, they fucked up but maybe she could’ve discussed the fuck up with them privately.

On the other hand, it does give some insight to fellow kaigai idols of the difficulties you can some have at shows. Is it worth damaging your relationship with events though? Thoughts?
If the stolen badges resulted in her having to pay out for replacements, or resulted in being late or absent from the show, then it's justified to mention public. If it was resolved quietly without too much delay, then it should be kept private because it only hurts your relationship with the event without a real benefit. In this case if you want to give insight to fellow idols then it's something to share in private channels.
Public sharing can be justified with the involved persons anonymized as a PSA to the community.
Something like "One time our badges got stolen at an unnamed con before we picked them up. Here's how you can protect yourself and manage risk..." etc
Bringing back the manager discusson from last thread, does anyone actually have any experience with having a person that kind of role as a non-performer manager or helper staff within a group or as a soloist?
From the last thread, I dug up the staff girl’s handle with the vlogs of behind the scenes Non Sweet stuff, it’s miripurin_ on tiktok.

I asked my friends who are Vancouver locals that attended the one man/go to their shows regularly. She is at 95% of their shows/events including out of town ones. I wouldn’t be surprised if she went to Japan with them as well. She has been in the Vancouver scene for a long time and has probably gotten to know the girls over that period of time, specifically she used to be in an akb cover group with Stella almost 10 years ago. The point being, I think the reason she is around and so committed is because she is long time friends with them so they trust her completely. Personally I would not want some random joining me at all my shows if I were them so I understand why they get a close personal friend to do it. She is also very clearly understanding of the community considering she’s been in it for that long which probably helps knowing what to do when it comes to organizing a show, doing sales and meet and greet etc.

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