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Inspo for "post-lolita" style coords, aka aristocrat, madame, lady, shokujo, classical, etc. This thread is not for a specific style so much as a vibe. Abilletage is a brand that exemplifies it.
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honestly, goals for how i want to look in 30+ years
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all in all, say no to corsets, and look the right proportions of classy and femenine
Nothing wrong with corsets per say if they're the right length and shape. The two most common problems with corsets in lolita (or maybe even j-fashion in general) is when people wear corsets that are too long from the waist down, which interferes with the silhouette of the skirt, and/or the corset just isn't curvy enough and makes the torso look more like a tube than it is without the corset. You sometimes see the latter with dresses and skirts that have a boned waistband or boned bodice. The biggest offender is probably AtePie.
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I don’t like her coords, they’re always a tacky mess. She needs to try doing simpler and more elegant coding
Pretty girl but that length of dress is drowning her, this coord would look way better with a knee length or slightly longer dress
I love her outfits, is this Fanny Rosie or am I faceblind
What an absolute clusterfuck mess, yikes

Jeez wtf is this 900 second timer, it’s incredible there are any posts left on this site.

Great thread though, abilletage is so gorgeous it’s nice to see coords with their pieces
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Is she wearing that corset upside down?
i wish i had something to add, but i just hope this thread doesn't die for a while because i really love it... and (You)
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