Previous: >>10937149
It's already apparent to me that cosplay femtists or he / they's don't like to party and aren't very good for conversation either. I know this. So why do I keep thinking it'll change?
Desu cosplaying looks like an attractive guy or average girl hobby, I wish I wasn't turning 27 this year, never got to try it.I have to say the photos here look good though Feels bad that they're way younger than meWay to go wasting my youth
>see hardcore porn>no boner>randomly remember the 2019 con where my friend's sister needed help climbing onto some rocks for a picture and, as I lifted her, her bare cheeks ended up in my face>rock hardI have lost gallons to this memory over the last 5 years. She moved away and got married, however. My friend was arrested for DUI and stopped cosplaying. And the con organizer? Went on vacation to Australia and drowned.
>mfw got fat during covid>stil haven't lost weight after>look at plus size friendly burando releases (meta, atepie)>listed measurements are a bit TOO largeat least some pieces can be tightened/laced up but blouses have been a pain to buy so far. considering this a sign to finally lose weight properly.
>>10941913Last cone I went to, I saw someone try to shoplift something by grabbing it and sprinting to the exit. He was caught, obviously.Then he went to the Fb group and whined about being bant for 2 years.
I want her in my life
>>10942105A 2 year ban actually sounds quite fair. A lot of the time they'll just do lifetime bans, but he gets a chance to improve without having his whole life ruined.
>>10942074Why do you always make up weird shit about little sisters
>>10941913My son keeps calling the con shuttle the "bussy" and idk wtf igd.
>tfw travel several hours to cosplay all three days just for the chance of getting a split second appearance in an Instagram compilation reel
>>10941913>finally got over my fear of women and asking women out>managed to do it before I hit twink deathNext few years of cons are gonna be fun, hopefully I'll manage to find a wife at one of these before I turn into leather
>>10942167Hey congrats + same + also congrats for posting this without regard for whether or not you'd be told to kill yourself
>tfw /cgl/ is dyingWhere'd everyone move on to?
>>10942202Nursing homes
i will forever be ita because i have the appearance of a motorcycle dude
>>10942146>tfw travel several hours to cosplay all three days just for the chance of meeting someone who I want to talk keep talking to
>>10942202lolcowcrystal cafeinstagramonlyfans
>be me, planning my first self-made cosplay>asking my mom if I can use her sewing machine>now I have to explain why I need itI plan to make a Gregor Eisenhorn cosplayI also want to participate at a contest>>10942167>did that a few years ago>all women said no
>>10942018I'm 31 and plan to enter a cosplay-contest in February
>>10941913>new girl likes every one of my IG posts and storiesIs this what the kids call "down bad?"
chat would I be dumb if I quit my job, buy a luffy cosplay off aliexpress and go on a adventure looking for one of the five treasure chests in that treasure hunting book that just came out? I could probably hunt for aliens on the side too. idk if I need the treasures tho because once i find some aliens im gonna pk them and steal their spaceship. adulting is so hard you kids wouldnt understand >>10942132damn you got kidsss
Last year I decided to say hi at a con to some girls I've met 2 years early at the same con, while I was in line for the cosplay contest. At the time I was doing Asgor from deltarune, wigs, horns and everything.Managed to meet only one, the conversation went some like this:>say hi and ask her if she remembered me>awkward silence >"oh, but you're BALD">"oh, but you're OLD""Oh, but you're a furry too?"I died inside that day
>>10942102i believe in your health goals
>>10942318"engagement farming"
>look at old lolita blogs>western lolita blogs have good quality pics>can see all coord details, the good and the bad>japanese lolita blogs from the same era have the grubbiest blurriest potato-tier mirror selfies possible>can't see shitit's like japanese lolitas were stuck in 2004 for more than a decade. maddeningly poor quality pics.
>>10942328>that treasure hunting book that just came out?What?
>>10942393there's treasure inside by jcb
>>10941913>How yo pussy? Mine in shambles.This doesn't belong in the comm group chat. Just say you started your period, if you have to.
I quit lolita a few years ago but recently got that Ozempic hookup. Thinking of making a comeback just to wear to dream dresses of my enemies.
>Sunday's comm meeting was uphillWhat a terrible day to wear a flannel thong.
Is it just me or are there more deadbeat sellers on lacemarket lately? People that don't fucking ship
>>10942468Grow up, don’t ruin your health for people omfg, loosing weight in a healthy way is better
>Go to con>Refuse to pay parking on principle>Get a fine in the mail from a MORE than sus looking company>Discover a local news report where the mayor says to never pay at their lots, and they're thieves>Ask around, learn some of my guys have been duped by them too>Dig again, see another popular con venue also uses them for an insane rate ($15 an hour)>Waiting for their next empty threat so I can send them a check of $0.00 to the order of "Suck My Fucking Dick"my feeling when I BLEW THIS CASE WIIIDE OPEN
>PAX in my town every year>I should go this year>it's months away, put it off>check PA one day>ramble mentions that it's sold outno one to blame but myself
>watching AFO con videos>camera pans to a vendor>it's a smut artist >visible dicks front and center>camera holds for a good 10 seconds
>>10942804They weren't "supposed to" do that desu, there were signs for it. Not that I care bu still
>>10942536I struggle with severe binge eating and it actually helps to keep me at my daily caloric intake of 1200 calories. The ones that turn out unhealthy because of it are the ones not doing it right.
>>10942916Unless you're a midget, 1200 is medically anorexia
>>10942925No it isn't. There is not a single study that actually says this.
>>10942925it literally depends on how much you weigh and how active you are.
My friend was a cosplayer and the smartest, funniest, cutest girl I've ever known, but she wound up homeless in LA after running away from a bad marriage. I let her stay with me on and off and tried to help her get her back to her family in another country but she never really wanted it, she was so determined to do everything on her own and not rely on any man again and she'd run off and end up on the street hanging around with junkies she met around the welfare offices etc., which led to horrible things happening to her, which led to worse and worse mental health issues, which led to worse and worse drug problems. She last disappeared from my place in August and then hit me up out of the blue in early November asking for help but I wasn't able to offer it. I got a message from her dad early this morning and he told me that he'd heard from the coroner's office yesterday. She was big into astrology, numerology, things like that, I guess she probably would have appreciated that it was Friday the 13th.
I strongly hate how in the cosplay / nerd / geek community there's so much people who have strong mental issues and they don't fix it, or they brandish it becoming a nuisance to people who just want to have fun and have good times. Goddamn. Now I understand the Austrian painter just removing those with disabilities.
>want to make a cosplay>consider even entering a competition>I have no idea how to sew and how to make coatsDamn it...
>>10943304I at least continued on some other parts on itBaby steps I guess
How do you count age? I mean say you were born a few months ago. Are you a one year old, or will you be a one year old once you have over 12 months under your belt?
>>10942192>>10942295I got two girls' numbers since I made that post (>>10942167), both of them ghosted and idk what to do now besides continue playing the numbers game
>>10941913Hotel experience was good. My friend's wife walked in on me watching TV with my hand down my pants, BUT then she farted while peeing. In terms of embarrassment, we are tied.
>>10941913I don't know if I'm built for this hobby>I've been to a few cons by this point >I've always gone by myself, I have no irl friends btw, people act shocked if I say I came by myself and that I had nobody to go with>I get along fine with people irl, have been invited to room parties and stuff>But the people I've met all end up ghosting or being the most dry basic texters ever, that's if they actually even open my DMs at all, seriously how am I supposed to actually develop friendships with people if I'm the only one putting effort in?>that goes for my entire social history btw, no matter who or what or when or where, people my age or younger are always one sided as shit with me. I've only ever been able to get along well with people way older than meI said this stuff on /adv/ and I got told that I'm mature minded and yet I went to a place full of people playing dress up and pretend and am supposed to be surpised that they act immature as shit. It's so disappointing to feel like this since I always wanted to get into this hobby and I've only started trying to do so post-covid because before that I was living with very conservative parents who hate all hobbies, and in general it's very soul crushing to not have friends or a relationship. I have no idea where young people hangout and I literally never see people my age out in public. Night clubs aren't my thing and bars in my area at least are full of older people. I'm not religious so I'm not interested in going to church or anything like that either, but it just sucks so much that I don't have any kind of community at all that I am part of>>10942167>>10943407trying to rizz up cosplayers just seems like more trouble than it's worth since they all end up ghosting and you're also competing for her attention with literally hundreds of other guys (but that applies to dating in 2024 in general)
>>10943176they don't want to fix it when they instead get praise and validation for having it, it's why people fake mental and physical disabilities so they can get attention and sympathy from others
>>10943427making friends at cons is kind of a crapshoot because you need consistent interaction, try going to hobby clubs
>>10943427For any frustration you might be feeling, just you know you're already tried harder than "IT'S OVER" sadsacks around here. And I've been in a similar enough boat, at least as far as texting goes. After a while, it's less about being a luddite and eventually actually IS way harder than just talking directly>>10943439>try going to hobby clubsSeconding this, particularly if there's some local one day event that's cosplay adjacent. That filters down to the most committed regulars, automatically>>10943407So it goes. Given the dates, I don't suppose you were at AWA? Cuz I wasn't but got sidelined by two girls who did
>>10943428>people fake mental and physical disabilitiesIt's ok, anon, you can say it. There's a word for this type of person, and everybody figures it out after a while: "Girls"
I was able to somehow paint the Skull for my cosplay decentlyOne step doneAbout over 100 still to do
>>10942925I am really short. 1200 is what my primary recommended way before even going on it.
>>10943427>I have no idea where young people hangoutever since covid they just hangout at each other's houses, and everyone already has their own friend group. if you're not part of their friend group, it's virtually impossible to break into it. conventions are also full of people who are walking around in groups and not interacting with anybody outside their group
>>10943176I doesn't help that the current media they base their cosplay off of panders to their mental deficiency harder than shows did 15 years ago. Like we all thought narutards were bad back in the day but hazbin and helluva spergs make them look tame in comparison.Shit even furry and brony behavior is less cringe now compared to some other fandoms
>>10943176>>10943651IMO it's not just our communities, it's society at large right now. There's a serious problem with the way people have started treating mental illness and the people who have it, basically refusing to address the actual problems and instead putting the rights of the mentally ill ahead of everybody else's and demanding that we all just tolerate and play along with it. You see it everywhere from the homeless situation to all the gender stuff to completely wacko conspiracy schizo stuff entering the political mainstream to every toxic douchebag out there using it as a personal get out of jail free card.
>>10943439>>10943441Where do you guys even find hobby clubs? I'm American btw
>>10943703I've unironically seen tons of people say that being murdered by a homeless person is "just part of the risk of daily life" aka do literally nothing about the violent schizo crackheads. And this entire thread honestly just shows how broken society at large is, with how nobody knows how to socialize and talk to people anymoreBut don't forget that a lot of the mentally ill and wannabe mentally ill cosplay girls are or were part of spaces that promote self harm and eating disorders which totally didn't fuck them up even more
>>10943176the good thing is that normal people are starting to get sick of em
>>10943706due to the yassification of civil rights movements, (mostly white middle class) kids view oppression as a form of clout, so they try to rack up as many oppression points as possible by collecting identities like funko pops. every mental illness they fake or intentionally give themselves, every race they can claim to be mixed with, and every idiotic pride flag they can pin to their profile makes them feel more secure that they have the high ground compared to their peers. they know if anyone ever disagrees with them, they can play one of those cards and get some virtue signalling retards coming to to 'cancel' the offender. if they don't like someone or something, they can simply claim it's bigoted, and score woke points by being a hater. none of them actually give a fuck about brown people or fags or cripples (most of them will even attack on sight, since these groups make them look Less Woke by comparison), it's just because social justice is mainstream enough to be marketable. it's basically chuunibyou, except they've managed to trick most of the internet into playing along. i blame social media, flash death, and the defederation of the internet.
>>10941913Don't take kids to cons after 7pm. I still remember a little girl seeing a cos thot and screaming "I can see her bottom!"
>>10943176people who are fans of the austrian painter are some of the most miserable people around and are often times just as mentally deranged as the scapegoats they attackreactionaries are bottom tier people fighting to not be lowest
>go to con >not autistic enough for the average con goer>not normal enough to be a normie either
>>10943758>>10943766centrist gang wins again >>10943840I'm in this boat too, my bare minimum to interact with people is that they don't smell bad (which eliminates the actual autists) and I'm stuck trying to be a normie with people who's anime taste is whatever the top 5 most popular things are
>>10943705>"just part of the risk of daily life" aka do literally nothingThis here is maybe the biggest cancer I've seen spread over the last few years. Not even virtue signaling anymore since it's pride in *explicitly* doing nothing. More like libertarianism, only everybody's allowed to tread on you. Just don't dare think you can return the favor, because that's out of line.>We're all different>They have their reasons>It's not your place to enforce>Karma will sort them out somedayAnyway, *zero drinks later*...
>>10943840>go to con>too autistic for the average con goer>end up not interacting with anyone
>>10943704Desu I'm just referring to con related events like planned events at an arcade or bar. Hobby clubs? Probably a board at the library or city hall>>10943840This is actually a superpower if you know how to wield it correctly
>self posted on /cgl once>everyone asked if I had a wiener> knowing they’d like me more if I did
>>10941913Am I getting too old for this hobby? Cosplay girls born when I was in middle school are already on OF with huge asses.
>>10944083Speaking of older cosplayers, you've reminded me of the girl in our comm who complained about "Jessica Niggery" for like 10 minutes on Saturday, and yeah she pronounced it that way every time.
>>10943726That's the main problem with wokeism brought to the point. Except that the only thing to blame is social media, especially reddit. It is an echo chamber and forces people to think completely alike, everyone who doesn't fit into the crowd gets hammered down and silenced. And so a system is created where everyone fishes for pity points, self righteousness is rewarded and everyone who goes against the stream gets filtered out. (Yeah I have to admit I went there to look what the hype was about and was repulsed, even completely shocked about this system!)
>>10944083You think that's bad, I was in college when they were born.
For some reason being alone on New Year always hits the worst. Probably cuz it's been like that since I was even a little kid. I'll probably go out but no clue where, really>cosplay boardIt's related. There's an event at the arcade and the con frequenting weebs like hanging out there but the mood doesn't really strike for that either
>been around the con scene long enough to see yourself turn into that con creep
>haven’t gone to a convention in age>look at the official social media to see if the followers are people with similar interest to me so I can befriend them>almost everyone are mainstream as hell, or damn teenagers who are probably way too young to have some cosplay social mediasI am just too niche or I’m just too old for this ?Dammit I just wanted to find a friend.
I feel very lonely. I feel abandoned and futureless.I typed this and left my phone down for one moment until the captcha loads, and the single worst person, my emotional abuser from whom I have been hiding my heart, picked it up and read these two lines. I feel like God has cursed me.
I want to cry but I don't have the privacy to do even that.
u sad bro?everything looks perfectly smooth for me, sad that u sad though
>>10943877I wish I could wife touko
>>10944530>>10944531Sometimes the facade of Versailles is hiding a house made out of webs. I Congratulate those able to see through the veil and escape the Beldam. The stories are just playing out as told, try not to lose your head over it.
Why don't lonely girls just get nice fulfilling bfs
10 years since lolita gooding event.i scroll through the empty facebook groups trying to think of something else but my path always leads to /cgl/. i stare at the screen for hours and try to end the greediness. i try other hobbies but it is no good. i flame wunderwelt in their Facebook page and try to resist them but it is all meaningless. the end is near.i then usually watch some old deerstalker vods and cry myself to sleep.Niche copypasta aside, maybe I'm not looking in the right spaces but lolita communities have felt quite dead to me. I could barely name a new release outside of my substyle (classic). I appreciate burando efforts to announce their releases on social media, but at the same time, I miss the discussions that would happen because people would make posts about new releases. You know a community is truly dead when there aren't even people left to make the "is lolita dying???" posts.
>>10944730Yeah, it's sad that there's nowhere really to discuss new releases. I think a lot of it is that the westerners who are really into lolita are too fat and poor to buy the Japanese brands, or just have bad taste. Plenty of people to discuss egglien and other non lolita trash.Maybe ozempic will bring some people back. I honestly miss the covidlitas.
>>10944489>thinking of hitting up cons for nostalgia>look at guest lists of cons for the year>all of them invite drag queens nowI remember when people got mad when Storm Troopers showed up to cons because they were not anime. What the hell happened?
>>10944747the cost to run a convention has become too high. back in the day, anime cons were anime-only, because any other stupid nerd hobby could just make their own convention. drag queens at one point had a convention. now those small, niche cons can't afford to continue, and the long standing anime cons are struggling to stay afloat, so they've been casting a wide net trying to pull in normies and other bullshit hobbies that 10 years ago would've been at their own convention in a desperate effort rake in extra badge cash and save money on cheap guests. the problem is anime cons have also started watering down what veteran con goers liked about them in the first place to avoid alienating these new demographics. it's the same reason modern social media is fucking insufferable compared to the hundreds of niche forums the early internet had. when you try and make a space appealing to everyone (or at least, several large groups that have nothing in common), you end up with a space that doesn't really appeal to anyone. you could also blame the fact weeb merch is now available in mainstream stores and easy to get online, or the rise of copyright strikes and crunchyroll rendering viewing parties obsolete, but i really think the de-federation of every single social space is the main culprit here. not every convention has to be "for everyone", especially if it comes at the cost of alienating the original audience. we need to relearn this.
>>10944588Nice isn't fulfilling. Hell, nice isn't necessarily good either. Nice is usually a way for people to either get something out of you or to shield themselves from being thought ill of.>>10944730You see me now a veteranOf a thousand flame warsMy money's spent to lastAnd my burando is destroyedI've used up all of my printsAnd I'll lonely and I'm boredDead groups are all I stare at aside I know how you feel and you have my sympathy.
>>10944753There is a part of me that wants to make the space for the new era of kids getting into anime that I had or as close as I can. Go back to the era of single hallway in a cheap hotel single day event.
>want to try cosplaying>get told its a waste of money
My grandma just died. My emotional responses are delayed so I am not feeling the loss just yet. She was over 100 years old. Throughout my life I was reluctant to visit her due to a personal trauma but I feel ashamed I let it prevent me from making someone I loved happy. Lately I was feeling so ashamed and worried that I wanted to go down and dedicate all my time to her. But I got sick over the weekend and even now I can't get out. I am typing this on my phone in bed with a thermometer up my armpit. Last night I woke up drenched in sweat but feeling better and I thought today I would be well enough to run to the store and pack some stuff so I could leave tomorrow morning.She was "running out of time" for the last twenty years but lately she started telling me "how long will I last". I used to be told the same by an aunt I rushed to the hospital and who died there, which alarmed me. I hadn't seen her face to face for years. On the phone I would tell her that I am strong as the mountain and that everything is going fine to not worry her even though my body is falling apart and mentally I am in such a perpetual state of despair that I wish I had died instantly in an accident back in the late 2000s. She would call every time she heard there was a flu or a riot in my city. Other relatives on the other hand would call her daily to play a circus of tears and they would literally worry her sick.However something in me is suspicious that she was trying to manipulate me in some way. Her mind was sharp and cunning till the end. She would adopt a miserable voice on the phone and she would never tell me that she had contact with anyone else but she would tell others about being in contact with me.
>>10944956She would make it seem like she was all alone and forgotten despite my father having moved in with her to look after her years ago, and she would occassionally plead with me to go down and see her regardless of my circumstances. And whenever I was visiting she would do nothing with me, even as a child. She just wanted to have me next to her. She wouldn't talk about anything or ask about anything and she would tell me to come back inside whenever I would chill on my own in the garden for too long. In a way she was the nicest stranger I knew. My mind says this is possessive and stifling but my heart knows what it's like to be crushed by loneliness and alienation, and being afraid of the ticking clock.At least I got to tell her I loved her over the phone on Christmas. That will have to do as closure. I would like to attend her funeral but depression has gotten me so fat that all my formal and semi formal clothes don't fit me anymore and I don't want to spread deseases to my relatives, most of whom are old.>>10944921Perhaps people are telling you that because they don't value what you'll get out of it as much as you do.
>>10944921It is. But that's what hobbies are. You waste time and money on them and get fun in return.
It seems like I won't get my cosplay finished in time...Well yeah, whatever...
>>10945232I am jelly of how often americans have cons but at the same time the level of the average cosplay is so high that you can't really stand out if you aren't award-winning tier.
I hate the American lolita community so much it's unreal
>>10945249If you're in Europe, I think you might actually have more cons within a reasonable distance than we do in most parts of the US. Even in California, where there are the most cons, there are only three major anime cons a year and one of them is 6 hours away from the other two. Everything else is a minor one- or two-day local thing that's hardly worth thinking about. Anywhere else is an even worse situation too, where I live the two nearest major cons in the year are six hours north of me or nine hours south.
>have autistic meltdown if i menstruate>birth control prevents menstruation but kills my libido, can't even properly orgasm anymorebeing born female is a curse. what the hell is the answer here
>intersex >everyone tells me I look like stevonnie from steven universe and should cosplay herI dont know why but it bothers me
>>10945376Get pregnant, fixed.
I'm broke as shit so good cosplay is impossibleHow the hell can so many afford this shit
>>10945431being pregnant includes menstruation-like issues plus a million other problemsyeet ur ute, problems solved
I was always spergy/anxious and used to be kinda chubby so I was incredibly unsuccessful with women while growing up and I had very few friends. I got in shape & got passable enough social skills just in time to hit twink death. I usually make friends at cons I go to now but I still have no idea how to flirt with women (though women do definitely treat me better in general) and I'm pushing 30 at this point so I don't even know where/how to start.
>>10945467yet each con I go there's some random teenager with professional cosplays, it's like they are given those for free
>>10945535most kids at cons are funded by family, this isn't new
>>10941913>goofing around /vt/ archives>see pics of my irl friend's cosplay>posted many times, all by one guy with some variant of "PLZ convince her to do Onlyfans!!"Some people are too horny.
>>10941913all the toilets at the venue clogged...
Well I, for one, am glad that zoomer girls started calling themselves "demure and mindful" instead of "submissive and breedable."
>savannah animazing gets postponed the day before >mfw the coast cities didn't even get hit by the deep south snowstorm I hate January
Damn, Resin is a b*tch to work withBut I guess I just suck at it>>10945249I'm actually european
>Gooned to a ero-cosplayer getting fucked by her husband>thought she was cute so i decided to check her twitter >shes 8 years younger than me>Post nut clarity and "oh my god im old" ephinany 1-2 punch hits so hard I vomit up my dinner
>>10946356dude I'm 38, I've got 15+ years on most of these cosplayers. It is what it is.
>>10941913I’m a bit pissed. I didn’t go to a convention in a while so I check the social media page and accounts following, to see what kind of people there is.But not only there’s almost no one with common interest, but it’s almost all women, many still teenagers.Dammit where the hell are the men and the older women. I just wanna find someone who is into niche stuff I don’t care about FOTM cosplayers and youngsters. Are all the older folks gone ?
>>10946416After attending a few gatherings, I think this is very tied to the fandom, some skew very young but older series seem to also attract older folks. Older people might also self-select themselves out of these events due to growing commitments and responsibilities or just want to do their own thing during them. I can relate to your pain, I want to nerd out with people but they're all too young.
>>10941913I knew sneaky crossplayed, but what the fuck did I just watch, is he actually full homo now or how does that work?
>>10941913Well, I sat on my nuts at the con. And when I tried to stand up, some thot dressed as a bare assed Pikachu told me I had to "sit on them for a while." I was on them for six hours and she stared the whole time.
>>10943441>So it goesBased Vonnegut poster
>>10941913>been hitting the gym the past 2 years trying to look fit enough to cosplay Beam from Chainsaw Man>part 2 has been so ass lately that I'm losing interest in cosplaying anything from CSMHopefully the Reze movie will be good and get me back in the mood to cosplay Beam, otherwise idk what I'm gonna do
>>10943441>Given the dates, I don't suppose you were at AWA?Nope>>10943427>that applies to dating in 2024 in generalGhosting is apparently really common now. I've talked with people who are in relationships and got into their relationship after the covid lockdowns, and basically everyone said that ghosting is something you have to deal with and to keep playing the numbers game because you can't really do much else.>how am I supposed to actually develop friendships with people if I'm the only one putting effort in?In most friend groups I'm in, all the organizing is usually done by one or two people, so if you're finding yourself always being the only one putting hangouts together then you've likely been designated that person by the group.>>10943428>it's why people fake mental and physical disabilitiesThe physical disabilities part pisses me off in particular; I have to cope with a rare leg condition that makes it hurt when I walk and so I end up limping everywhere like I've been shot despite trying to hide it, meanwhile there are all these zoomers running around with canes even though physically nothing major is wrong with them. Maybe I should start canemaxxing too.
>>10943706>>10943726>>10944115Whites are the least gay/trans race in the US though, "intersectionality" is the true faggotryNon-whites will just take ANY excuse to blame whites for everythingEven right now you're specifically harping on this as always to avoid calling out terrible behavior from non-whitesAnd then if asked to pick a group of whites you would pick US whites in statistical ignorance of the absolute state of Europeans for decades nowAnd then you would invariably misattribute it to a derivation of Christian morality, or "neopuritanism" when it is very clearly the opposite of that.It's crazy how even at this juncture even the "extreme fascist anti-woke" crowd on the internet CANNOT admit that marxism is fucking cancer
Well...... my son sharted in his $635.26 cosplay pants.
>>10941913>Millennial thots: "Nya, nya! Welcome home, master!">Zoomer thots: "Yeah boi, I fart loud as FRICK."What happened?
Where can I find more cosplayers willing to be slutty
>>10946779Tsumicon from what I've heard.Wish I could go, girls with exhibitionism fetishes are my fetish, but I'm in escrow on a house that closes March 10th so I'll be in the middle of moving into it that weekend.
Made this meme a couple years back. Spoiler alert, Youmacon 2024 did suck, and despite it being my only local con I'm probably not going this year. Feels bad man
>wanted to go to a convention over the weekend>got sickDamn itWell, at least I can save money
>>10946821Go anyway.
>>10946824The convention is at least 4 to 5 hours away with the carAnd while I'm not that much sick (yet), I doubt I can enjoy it to my fullestOn other good news, I improved at resin-casting
>want to message someone from a con I met over a month ago>feel like I'll just annoy them, it was a month ago, they probably forgot about me and don't care anymore
>>10946876I have no sense of object permanence and forget about people all the time but I am absolutely delighted to chat with them again out of the blue. Go for it.
Did a cosplay, a pretty mediocre one but it was fun enough, I ended up VASTLY overestimating how known the franchise I wanted to cosplay was. So barely anyone recognized me.Those who did, I made their day. Though they didn’t stick around for more than a picture. Is making new friends now almost impossible unless you cosplay more popular things ? It’s bittersweet.
>When you wanna get opinions on someone you know from a con>Prolly shouldn't do that cuz literally everyone I can think of knows them too>Even if I THINK they don't, they probably doHad one too many incidents where I know two people through separate means and then find out later they're both great friend. Not makin that mistake again
>>10946907Which series was it?
I'm tired of putting up an invulnerable front and keepinging everything bottled up. But whenever I show vulnerability, people mock me for it. Why are so many people so predatory and looking to destroy others for fun?>>10946976Try asking other people for their opinion without giving yours. Reply with stuff like "I don't what to think about this person, which is why I asked you" when asked.
Have not been to a con in years but I remember it being common for smaller comic and webcomic creators to have stalls at large cons ~2010. Is this still a thing? None of the people I used to read do cons anymore.
>>10947420definitely still a thing, though it depends on the con. iirc san japan and kumoricon (last two cons i attended) both had an 'industry aisle' for comic artists and novelists. been to a lot of cons where there's only a few comic artists if any and they're confined to artist alley, though.
>>10941913>/cgl/ is slow as shit nowI know there's already a thread about it, but I'm still sad about it. I used to have a lot of fun coming here once a month to catch up on things, but something happened last year and now everything here just kinda stopped. I don't really use Discord to talk to people I don't know personally, so with this place dying I don't have a way to find out about new cons in my area anymore.
>>10947477>last yearBrother this board has been dead for like 8 years
>>10947307As a certified schizobro, I have an uncanny ability to make people speak verbatim, on my behalf without me asking any from them. By which I mean, somebody already took care of it for me. But hey, good advice, I'll keep it in mind for next time. Cheers, friend
>>10941913My female friend bruised her tit with a seatbelt. She showed it to me and it looks like a damn potato with a nipple. Will it be healed by the con? It's definitely gonna peek out of her cosplay.
>>10947477/cgl/ meets in 2006-2008 were how I made my main friend group that I still hang with today. I hope younger anons get to have that same experience
>>10947517Just like concealing facial bruises she can use makeup. Or just give up and cook alive in a skintight high-denier top, leotard, or bodystocking. It's not like you have to be 100% accurate just make it look good.
>white spandex>things that look like a garter belt>purposed posing>after all that proceed to speak about it like you don't obviously know all the posing and a lot of your costume is sexual or sexual-inducing like if you didn't knew the cosplay fandom is full of virgins, nymphomaniacs, sexual predators and high libido people in generalWhy are cosplayers like this?
>>10947571>Pristine armour (what little there is of it)>Clean everything>Flimsy fabric everywhere>"Mandalorian Queen"Get this bitch out of here.
>>10941913A regular at our cons died 10 years ago. She'd be 27 now. I didn't really know her, but I remember her every once in a while. The first few years, people would drop by her profile for the occasional "I still miss you, RIP" post. The past few years, nothing.
>>10947599People move on, anon. You are a good person for still remembering them though. If they have any cosplay photos, get a physical copy and keep it as a memory for them, even if their profile gets wiped.
>>10947599Shit, I hadn't even realized that this year is the 10th anniversary of one of my old con friends dying too. He and I were pretty good friends for about a decade before that, met when we both reached for the same piece of somewhat obscure waifu merch and I still think of him every time I see anything to do with that series or quite a few others. He was also an anon here, not sure if he spent much time on /cgl/ even though he was a pretty active cosplayer but he was on /a/ constantly.
>>10947477>but something happened last year and now everything here just kinda stopped.Not since 5 years?
>haven't been to a con in at least five years>love cosplay>had so much fun>26 now>all the girls I could meet are much younger>almost zero meetups near me for themIs it too late for me
>>10947699shut up and go cosplay at a con you stupid idiot
It feels like no one wathces anime anymore, even though it's supposed to be more mainstream than ever. I've tried talking in my local cons discord, but no one knows any titles outside of OP, JJK, MHA or whatever is on Netflix.It makes me really sad that the one place where my interests are supposed to be shared outside of online spaces has been watered down so much. I just want to be able to talk about anime at a fucking anime con, is that so much to ask??
>>10947703Most cons these days have been watered down to just being nerdslop flea markets where there's also a rave; if you want to get meaningful anime discussions at most cons, go back in time 10+ years. You can also try your luck at 18+ conventions (not porno cons but just cons that ban kids such as UshiCon) since you're more likely to run into boomers there that are in it for the love of the game instead of zoomers who can't enjoy anything beyond a superficial aesthetic level.
>>10947721why would i want to talk to boomers instead of hot girls tho?
>>10947703What are you currently watching, anon?
>>10947727You're not gonna be talking to girls either way
>>10947751looking at a mirror bud?
Here is a story that will haunt me for the rest of my life.>My friend's son's are big MegaMan fans because of me.>Oldest is 10 youngest was about 6 or 7>The youngest really liked watching his brother play MegaMan II on a plug n play toy I bought for them during the holidays.>Halloween is coming up, I want to surprise his brother with something big.>I spend the end of August all through the beginning of September making him a heatman costume since I didn't have the money to make armor, so I used 2 cardboard boxes.>Ended up spending more than I expected on it but every penny was worth it for such a sweet child.>Before giving it to him, I upload the costume in its separate pieces to /cgl/ and get a lot of supporting comments.>The next day, I show him his costume.>Seeing his happy excited face made all of the hard work worth it.>He wants to wear it to show mommy and daddy.>Me and his brother help him out it on and we walk over to his home.>Parents are taking photos and are so grateful.>We make a plan for next week to all go trick or treating because I will be there with him to hold his hand help him walk since the costume was a bit heavy.>4 days later, his heart starts to give out (he had heart issues since he was a baby and they would get worse during the fall, I wasn't aware of this until it happened.)>He gets rushed into the hospital.>He passes away.>Parents call me to break the news>Felt a feeling that I've never felt before.>I throw away the costume because with him in it it's a box with yellow duct tape plastered on it as well as I reminder that the little angel you made this for is in God's hands.>The grief was unreal and I visit with the parents everyday.I'm definitely am probably leaving out some details but it's hard for me to write this. I'm almost positive the heat man costume picture I mentioned before is floating around on a cgl archival site if you're interested. It was hard to type this out. We just miss him
I am so tired of failing at everything I do.>>10947785You are a good person. You put some happiness in the kid's life. I hope you and his family pull through the grief.
>>10947826You aren’t a failure. We are all on a journey and you will get there someday. Don’t isolate yourself and reach out to people, someone will show you love.
I've developed an ambivalent opinion on "line cons", as they're called around here. As much as we might gripe about them...why?>It's gonna take a long time to do anythingWell, yeah but how bout the opposite?>No lines for anything, anywhereIf that's the first thing I see, I wanna leave immediately. So I guess by necessity, line con is the preferred choice
>>10947483>>10947664I think I only started being a regular on /cgl/ in 2018 when it was already slow, so I never got to see it at full speed, but last year it feels like things seemed to have slown down dramatically. I guess just that many people abandoned /cgl/ for the 'cord in 2024, maybe because so many cons started having official discords post-covid.
>>10947984It's just not necessary for cons to be like this. It's a choice and shows bad managementI've been to literally hundreds of cons for all sorts of things. Only anime cons have line cons, and it's not all of them. It's bad management.
>>10948017That may be true for some cons, but others are just fucked. AX is the obvious prime example, the LACC is just woefully inadequate for an urban area with nearly 20 million people, and SPJA are in a catch-22 situation with it because if they move anywhere bigger they might not have the local attendees to actually justify the size, plus anywhere else is going to be harder to fly international guests etc. into.
>>10948017AYRT and it's less about lines for me, more what they represent. They're ""good"" because I'd rather feel there's some enthusiasm than pitiful empty hallways or bored people twiddling their thumbs in the corner. (It also doesn't hurt that monster lines are for things I don't care about like autographs or industry panels)