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Whats with all the estrogen? We need some test on this board. Post manly cosplays.
Yeah somebody tried that already. It immediately turned into a thread of female larpers
yet you post the most homosexual picture ever.
>bad photoshop
>bad genetics
Poor guy
how get into cosplay as dude who dressed like he's 16 and sleeps on the floor despite having decent life
Get some adult basics, they're boring but a safe choice (as long as the dresscode isn't formal) and timeless so they won't look outdated in 5 years. Not that I expect clothes made now will last 5 years of regular wear.

I slept on a mattress on the floor for a while as well. If you use a mattress it should be put on its side after you wake up to make sure the bottom doesn't develop mold and musty odours. Futons need to be aired as well, but I'm not sure if they can be put on their side without falling over. In the long term it's best to get an actual bed (bed frame + bed base) so your mattress won't be directly on the floor.

What would you like to do or learn when it comes to cosplay? Learning how to sew decently is a good idea, and so is learning how to make armor and other non textile elements (if relevant). There are beginner friendly ways to get started, so ask the cosplay questions thread (if there is one up right now, if not then you can make a general cosplay questions thread) for more guidance.
The floor bed tech is lovely and you are a nice person but i literally just sleep on the ground without anything else. It just works

I've been wanting to learn to sew but without any actual project to use as practice it's been hard to get experience. I guess i could probably just do literally anything for the sake of it. Armor seems cool and I do have a 3d printer but I've only ever used that to make small functional parts for things and trinkets, never anything large like armor. I'll keep my eyes open for some of the q/a threads
are you talking about that "feminine men" thread that's entirely just pictures of ftm twinks and crossdressing women?
Do you mean you sleep on the floor without a matrass? If you like sleeping that way that's totally fine.

People usually cosplay out of love for an anime/manga/video game/etc. character they are a fan of. If there is a character you would like to cosplay then that would be a good place to start even if it's not a beginner friendly project. It's easier to get through the frustrating parts of a project if you're motivated by love for a character. On the other hand if a project is so easy there are no frustrating parts then that's also a good way to dip your toes into the hobby.

I'm not aware of 3d printers being used for larger pieces of a costume, in my circle those are usually made with worbla, foam or paper mache. Or just random objects that were the right shape and size. I mostly work with textile so I'm not the best person to ask.
This shit is disgusting. Why do all men resemble apes? Even if they have thinner bodies, they have caveman-like brow bones. Men really are just animals and it should be considered bestiality to be attracted to them.
We are all monkeys, hole.
Then why are women so much less visibly so? We're more evolved. You moids need to be put in a zoo.
Dude on right is more steroid than human
I really do not recommend 3d printing armour. It's extremely expensive and a huge hassle. Use it to print small detailed pieces that are hard to make with foam.

Whether you decide to start with sewing or armor making you will have to learn how to make patterns. If you know 3D modelling there's software like pepakura to turn them into patterns.
>Whats with all the estrogen?
CGL was always a female board
At least, it used to be
stop falling for this lame genderwar bait.
That just means hes more of an alpha.
>Whats with all the estrogen?
the turbowhores in this board like twinks

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