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How similar do I need to be to cosplay a character? I want to cosplay Big Boss from Peace Walker (picrel) but my chin doesn't connect to my jaw chin and I'm 5'8, other than that I think I'm okay, I'm slim but in the process of building muscle. Could I pull it off?
my chin beard doesn't connect with jaw beard*, fuck
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have you considered a fake beard anon?
Use a Balaclava and cosplay a random MSF soldier instead.
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But it looks bad
I like Big Boss specifically

I did a quick sketch of the pattern of my beard if I let it grow for a while, I'm 19.
Draw in beard with makeup pencil. Use boots with lifts to make yourself taller.
It will probably connect when you grow older. 19 is still very young to have a good looking beard.

Regarding fake beards, how they look depends on the quality. There's the cheap ones that look like you glued a piece of carpet to your face and there's the expensive ones that you can't tell apart from a real one until you get close.

I do, however, think that the good ones are too overkill in terms of price and skills required to properly apply them for what you are trying to do.
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Hm, maybe I could try using a fake beard, but would it be ok if I bought a whole one and cut a small piece to just fill in my beard with it? Then I would just have to shave the cheeks down a bit.
I wanted to be big boss but im blond ;_;
But not blond enough to be liquid sbake ;_;
you just could dye your hair to dark blonde or brown
just wear a wig
you might could fill the beard out with makeup, similar to how women do eyebrows.
I think it's not enough, it will be visible that it's just makeup when there is a real beard next to it

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