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My girlfriend wants to get me into lolita cosplays but I don't know anything about it and want to at least do some research before she starts dolling me up. What are some good brands to buy from and can I have some cute inspo pics to show her? TYSM <3
lolita isn't cosplay, it's a fashion!
taobao brands might be the more cheaper option and seems to be a good starter, although I have to say (from personal experience) it can't even come close to japanese brand pieces and you will eventually regret spending money on taobao, at least I did. But there might be some really good taobao brands out there but I'm not really familiar with them, I think they got some fairly good accessories in my opinion, I like the headdresses from "rococoheroin"
stay away from devilinspired (taobaoreseller) because they mark up their prices a lot and the customer service is dogshit, 42lolita would be a little bit better if you don't want to order via taobao directly / proxy services

for japanese brand, closetchild and wunderwelt are reliable second hand (online) stores, maybe checkout lace market or whatever second hand platform is popular in your country
I would also recommend having a look at different substyles (sweet, gothic, classic) and think about what would suit you the best so you can narrow your options
>lolita isn't cosplay, it's a fashion!
Oh, better!
gonna take a look at the recs tysm <3
Is she already into it?

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