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Anyone going to the show today? Who are you excited for?
Is there a recording or stream?
So...uh...Faeble Nation, how we feeling?
As well as one can be :'<
It is what it is
1,2,5,8 are coomer approoved

It's disappointing because they haven't even performed their originals that much or worn their new outfits at all.
I guess we'll be meeting the new members soon then?
FUUUUUCK we're finally getting bikini pics!
Yeah guess so. But that'd mean that they are pre-existing idols (Noxia joining Faable tin hat anon here)

Why the Coomer gotta ruin every thread...
eheheh ur welcome guise
Thank you Azusa <3 <3 <3 Best idol
I'm not her, just the one who's been mentioning coom for some idol threads now
Now that Faeble has been gutted, anyone else feeling like the scene is starting to die out? If it's not a taiban, you usually only see like a small handful of people in person. It can't be sustainable, I don't think cheki margins are that good, doubly so if the whales stop coming. And, while I like Etude, the audience is sometimes stacked with their personal friends, so it feels a bit awkward.

Good dancer, but her voice either appeals to you as a lolicon, or it doesn't at all.
Just posted they're losing 66% of the group.
See above
>Sour Candy
Great girls, but they're more of a rave group than an idol group. Also, same thing as Etude, half the audience are their personal friends.
Awesome group, but I haven't seen them do a proper solo show without guests in a long time, so it's hard to say whether people are attending specifically for them or not
Never had a solo show and I don't know if they could sustain an audience solo
Same as above
I don't think she counts as an Aus Idol, and she seems to have a dedicated like 8 people crowd that specifically like her just because she is Japanese (no judgement here)
>New Wind
Haven't seen them live, but probably similar to the Himawari crowd
More of a performer than an idol specifically imo, she seems cool and I think she would do better not following the idol route but instead go the solo performer route. She also hasn't done a solo show yet that I'm aware of, so hard to say if she would draw in a crowd, but, she seems to bring her friends to her taiban performances

I probably missed some groups here somewhere, that are either too small or too unremarkable for me to remember.
Still has 50% of the group with 1 member to return next year. The only thing that was gutted was their number of performances this year. There was no need to be in every Idol Box/Nexus.

2 of the members have been focusing on solo stuff that's why they haven't done a lot of shows as a group.

There are whales but they support more than 1 member, probably the other groups too in the taiban.
4QNQ hosted 20 taiban events this year.
Wooly & Faeble have consistently been at all the events bar the two Melbourne shows. Himawari also.

Where are you getting these statistics of etude being at every show when they’ve only been in 7 out of 20

We need to see more CTRP but they haven’t posted anything since Reiko left
It was a guess.
I should have clarified what I meant by 'see above'. I meant what I wrote in the top part about stacking the audience with personal friends (that they are in the same university club with).
Yeah, that's why it makes it hard to tell if people are there specifically to see them, which feels like it's contributing to the decline in the industry.

It kind of feels like groups are surviving off taibans at this stage, with how many there are (and not just the ones hosted by 4QNQ).
Have you been to any of the non-taiban, solo events? We're they better or worse than the taibans?

I wonder if there's less is because none of the groups can attract enough audience
Faeble did host auditions for more members so I have hope.

As much as Na-e and mayhem were great additions to the group its not like the group is over, am quietly confident that Sunny will pull something out from behind the curtains.
I was at work for the Noop show, anyone got a TLDR on what happened?
From some of the stories it looked okay but also it was something different every time?
I've been to a handful, and unless there are multiple groups (for example, Faeble always has two guest performers), there're like 10 people maybe.
I feel like the replacement members are going to be the two girls from Noxia, as they were at a few of their last shows. I dont mind them, but no way do they have the pulling power of Na-Es dance skills or Mayhems comedic autism
I really don't think Noxia is the replacement. I personally don't think Lace or Lili fit the bill of what Faeble is and wants, Lili is a good dancer but very "Generic". This dosent mean Lili is bad in anyway.
Lace just isn't up to it, the dance and presence isn't there.

Once again personal opinion.
Also why hold auditions if ur just gonna absorb Noxia?
It's still possible to absorb Noxia, it's just that they can lie that they auditioned even if nothing happens.

You the same anon that said all this junk before? Seems like a lot of people hold the sentiment that Noxia would fit the bill.

JP idol groups absorb others. Always kinda thought Noxia was set up to be an attached group to Faeble, kinda like the AKB48 system.
NTAYRT but I feel like you're reaching.
I don't think dissolving Noxia to fill Faeble is something any of the members / either of the groups would want.

Noxia just came back and debuted new costumes, Faeble held auditions.

There is no doubt in my mind, that we're getting new members and they aren't Noxia.
All I can say is I doubt it will happen, an if I'm wrong then sure but I'd love to see your face if I am right.
The meme since the old days is that a guest performer or someone helping out as a staff member will generally become new members of the group. Perhaps they held auditions for plausible deniability, or perhaps the group auditioned themselves, or perhaps noone auditioned and so some behind the scenes happened. I haven't seen any new people hanging around and helping out, so it seems likely.

Happy to be wrong though! It'd be cool to see some new people in the hobby.
It does make sense to have trainees as staff during shows to make sure they are actually able to commit the time and they get used to the process. Also to get them used to contributing to the self-production of the group, to internalize that it's more investment than simply practice your dance and show up on the day of the stage. Far too many groups go in with the best of intentions and then collapse when everyone remembers oh yeah they have school/work/sports/chores that they also have to get done...
By that logic, Azusa has been helping at shows recently.
CTRP being absorbed by Faeble too? /s
The real question is if Faeble will keep performing thier originals with the new members regardless of who they are or will they forget about them and make new ones, cuz i love Wolf and Sakebouze
CTRP have been doing their own shows, whereas the other group hasn't. I'm confident enough that I would put money on this.
Best not to assume that new members are coming, at least not immediately. Normally you'd see some sort of clear announcement for new member reveals as this gets interest and ticket sales up, afaik there hasn't been anything like that.

It's entirely possible that Sunny will continue as a solo idol for some months/years, or even join Etude or Part of Piece or something.

Just prepare for all eventualities. Idol predictions is kind of a stupid game with stupid prizes, no point overthinking things
It's not about overthinking it. I think there's some expectation since auditions were announced, but in reality there might be nothing because circumstances happen which makes the announcement pointless. You can't really build momentum off of nothing.

Sunny will probably be doing solo. Mayhem would until she leaves. Eimi and Azusa are kinda doing it too. I wish the groups can get back to performing as soon as they can you know.

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