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How do you do today, fellow spice lords? What are the best hot sauces for beating the summer heat?
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Also welcome the newest addition to the family, as mentioned by an anon in the previous thread. This seems to have replaced an old favorite at my Walmart, the creamy ghost pepper wing sauce. While I will miss the wing sauce, I think this new sauce may be even better!
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I use the louisiana brand sauce on deenz
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>oh, waitress! *snaps fingers* come hither, my poppet, I've decided on what I shall dine upon today.
>Oh, and of COURSE! My apologies for not realizing that the hot sauce menu was a subset of the MAIN menu (albeit a separate pamphlet detailing the intricacies of each sauce, as well as pairing suggestions, would be a welcome addition (pass that along to your sauce monger)). I shall sample your in-house BEELZEBUTT'S 7,000,000 SCOVILLE HEMORRHOID HOLOCAUST NUCLEAR ANAL LEAKAGE XXXXXX FECAL FURY SAUCE; and, my sweet, mayhaps a bottle of it to go? Though I am yet to taste it, I am sure that my buddies at the barcade - yes, a portmanteau of 'bar' and 'arcade,' and YES, you can actually DRINK as you PLAY VIDEO GAMES, whatever will they think of next? - will be utterly TICKLED by the label your crew has concocted for that bottle!
*taps glass*
>and another round of your hoppiest IPA, please!
That's what I ate for lunch today.
Kek, I'd bet $100 OP looks exactly like that image.
>google “deenz”
>first thing that pops up is some tranny picture from Reddit about sardines
Love hot sauces, but you make them seem uncool faggot OP.
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Bought this. It's alright.
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Um actually I wear contacts..
Fucking newfag
Post timestamped weight fatty
based OP. the seething you've caused others could power a small country
You need The Yuk Green sauce to fill out this collection
I need to get me another bottle of Texas Pete and Dave's personally
Needs crystal, I finally found a bottle of extra hot but the taste is a little off, normal is still the best.
I only need one hot sauce
I don’t care about the rest

>3 bottles of el yucateco

a man of fine taste. i keep it around at all times its my go to. i need to order a new collection online tho i miss more interesting things.


i do el yucateco on king oscar tiny tots
These are all wuss hot sauces from the grocery store. Where’s reaper squeezins, gator sauce, extreme regret, da bomb, etc? Give yourself reflux you gigantic pussy
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We have crystals down in the regular house. Keep it down there so there’s at least one hot sauce I can enjoy outside of the cabin
I can’t stand the taste of all that capsaicin extract shit so I just add ground up reaper pepper to whatever sauce I’m using
Reaper squeezins and gator sauce, at least, don’t use extract. Don’t know about the other ones offhand.
This one is just essentially reaper mash, vinegar, and a bit of powdered reaper pepper. It’s about 92% reaper peppers and 8% vinegar. Pucker butt is ed currie, the dude who actually developed the reaper pepper. Not that other people can’t grow it but he seriously knows his shit

They also have gator sauce:
This uses a blend that includes pepper x. Pepper x is 2.69 million scovilles vs the reapers 1.64. Bear mace is 2.2 lmao. Similar deal, pepper mash and vinegar for ingredients. What’s interesting is they say this one isn’t as hot, that reaper squeezins is their hottest. I don’t know if they just haven’t updated their copy since they debuted pepper x (which has the guiness world record) but this shit is serious

Fwiw I don’t have the pepper powder you’ve pictured but I have tried one of wickeds sauce, the purple label one (forget the name). It’s not bad. Solid middle of the ground. Overpriced because it had some goofy edgelord wax seal bullshit but decent flavor and heat
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>Puckerbutt Pepper Company
the memes are true
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Oh very much so. Picrel which is an actual company someone filed paperwork to incorporate. But most of the truly ridiculous names come from small batch runs of questionable quality and are usually quite shit desu. Like you go to a “hot sauce store” and they have these and they’re pretty hot but not exceptionally so and just kind of taste bad. Colon cleanser, rectal rocket fuel, anal angst, queen of farts, etc are some I’ve seen.
Cabinbrah >>20628065
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I haven’t weighed in since Wednesday but I was 250lbs then.

Tomorrow is gonna be a legendary cheat day before I get back on track Sunday. I wouldn’t be surprised if I fuck up 10 days worth of progress tomorrow, but it’s gonna be fun.
Why the cheat day, something special? You still have a lomg way to go.
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My parents are leaving out early tomorrow morning to go to a comedy show that’s 3 hours away and they are staying in a hotel and won’t be back till late Sunday. I quit drinking and smoking at the beginning of the year, but tomorrow I’m gonna party like it’s 2023 for that single day and see if I still have it in me like I used to. I’m gonna smoke a bunch of weed, I have a pack of cigarettes, and lots of booze.

A lot of people of people keep asking if I’m back and I haven’t really had an answer, but yeah I’m thinking I’m back(just for tomorrow).
i just eat harrisa, dried chilli or chilli paste. Ready made hot sauces are too much other shit not enough spicy.
Welcome back (just for tomorrow)!
What's a good flavorful hot sauce? I like El Yucateo and don't want anything vinegary or retardly blow-your-head-off hot
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Ever tried this one? It’s very flavorful and doesn’t seem overally hot or vinegar filled. Has a bit of an onion flavor that took me a little getting used to.
If you ran that label though ai img to img you could get something passable for the market
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I'm still using this bottle. I love the spice, heat, hurt ritual, but my job has me working every day so I don't have time off to poop at home properly
I’d try it.
>i do el yucateco on king oscar tiny tots
I’m going to give this a try, thanks bro
Thanks I'll try that, I like habanero
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It’s hard to beat the yuc
Melindas peri peri garlic sauce on schnitzel
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>hot sauce thread
Is this an official subreddit?
Hey, shedfat (double entendre). I feel like your thread would be perfect to sneak in a little Big Texan action. 72oz bros care to weigh in here?
What in tarnation are you rambling about cowpoke?
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>hot sauce
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Can’t handle the heat little fella?
hot sauce is based as fuck, specially for making faggot seethe eternally
I remember that time maybe three years ago or so when you drank a shit ton of whiskey. I egged you on. Good luck
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guise, I'm really really really butthurt about hot sauce
Did you get a job or run out of money yet, lard ape?
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lol I don’t even remember it man but I believe it. I used to drink whiskey maybe 4 times a year and would often post here a lot while doing it.
I have more money than before actually but still neet
>I have more money than before
Explain. Tax return? Sell something of value? You better not be receiving money for your birthday at your age.
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I did a side gig type job a few days ago that paid me $300 for just 3 hours of yard work type shit. Also sold $1000 worth of bullshit on eBay that mostly included old Pokémon games or dvd box sets that I can just play via emulation
I approve
You don't belong here, fucking faggot. Get lost.
>n-no, y-you!
Goodbye, pedo
you're on the pedo website, newfaggot
I'm embarrassed for you. Get help, seek Christ.
>seek Christ.
kekmaoing you're also on the antisemitic website, you retarded spiritual jew, peak newfaggotry
Your autism is showing. Now, I know you're going to find this very difficult, but there is a whole entire world outside of the little bubble known as your brain.
wtf is going on?
you're on a big bubble, called being a redditor newfaggot, kys
Hateful pedo tranny showed up to the sauce thread. Many such cases.
Damn homosexual (aka pedophile) posters.
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This is my personal holy trinity.
shouldn't you be praying while your pastor fucks you in the ass, faggot? kys
>holy trinity
I hate peppery hot sauce, give me tomatoey or give me death
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I pray every day but don't go to church. You sure do talk a whole lot about faggots and assfucking. Anything you want to tell us?
christcuck, pls
Lol idk what it is about these threads that make the common tranny seethe to death. They truly have no joy and will not be "happy" until you are brought down to their dingy depths. Sad
that's what they talked about in church last week. don't only talk to god during the good and the bad, talk to him every day
it's insane how much these people love their jesus, then they sing the worst kind of songs. the five minutes of repeating the same 3 things in a row. music is so much better when it's about 2 minutes long and doesn't repeat much.
Wew, assblasted. Loose asshole assblasted at that. Damn. I'd say you had your jimmies quite rustled, but you've had them surgically removed.
I love Christ but church and Christian music hurts to be around. All that pomp and circumstance in church... it just drives most people away from Christ. I know it did that to me for some time. Was lost but now I'm found. And it sure wasn't thanks to the church
>Wew, assblasted.
kek I'm not a christcuck getting buttfucked by his pastor on the regular, miss me with that gay shit
>that's what they talked about in church last week
tell me more, so I won't read, I couldn't be less interested in your spiritual jewery, kys
The old recipe of this was so, so much better - tasted a lot like Tabasco Scorpion with a similar heat level.
I miss it because Tabasco Scorpion is stupidly overpriced for the tiny fucking ripoff bottle.
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the stuff the chinese places have. it comes in sriracha bottles but it ain't sriracha
I didn't say that part about church. I don't go to church. You're replying to two different anons. You'd know that if you weren't seethe blind right now. Keep being the most upset person on the board. Really working our for you
I don't care faggot, go worship jews some more, kys
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I don't even like jews. Especially their religious texts. Christ was born a jew but died a Christian. The OG. I know your autistic little mind won't allow you to understand. Maybe one day, little buddy
I fell in love when I first tried that ghost pepper mash. "Sweet Melinda, sweet Melinda, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear.
that reads like pure copium 2bh, look if you want to wroship jews that's ok, but if you step in my direction I'm going to have to bitch slap you, that's just how it is
You've already outed yourself and seethe replied to everything whilst spouting that you don't care. You clearly care and no one is afraid of you.
>nooooo pls care pls pls
pfft pathetic
Really tired of kid rapists (homosexuals)
yes, they can't abolish christcuckery soon enough 2bh, all those christcuck children raped by the pastors, this needs to stop
Who would you lads say was the king of milking the seethe out of /ck/? Right now I'd say the top 3 are Stewart, Shedcuck, and Imaginefag
I say we make homosexuals lives hell till they kill themselves. Don't you just hate those subhuman degenerates?
sounds kind of sick for a bunch of closet homosexuals you are, based on pedohomo cloud that surrounds your kind
Right, I don't like those homosexuals (pedophiles) like yourself. Stop projecting.
the statistics are as real as it gets, enjoy following a pedohomo jewish cult, faggot
Ok pedophile (homosexual)

Boy, it really gets worked up when you point out the degeneracy of its people huh...
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Supplies for a gay sex ordeal. Nice
Why are they all on the game shelf? The best for generally anything is Texas Pete, other stuff is more particular, Louisiana and Tabasco with Blood Mary, Yucateco with things like sardines or corned beef on crackers, Buffalo sauce with fried chicken, etc.
Had some Melinda's habanero garlick on some pizza just now, pretty good
Ha, yeah. You put away a fifth AFTER already being drunk, iirc. I actually ended up moving close to where you live, actually. I’d love to hang out and do cabin debauchery with you, but that’ll never happen. God speed, cabinbrah. Make sure to pound some water after your binge.
>I'd love to do x
>that'll never happen
>unless y, haha?
The jalapeño is probably the least impressive. The chipotle one is legitimately excellent
I just came here to ask how soy am I for having Crystal's, plus El Yucateco extra hot. I prefer the extra hot, as I believe it has more flavor, even if it has more heat.
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I love the green one that Pancheros has but I haevn't seen it in forever and I wonder if they stopped making it.
>Boy, it really gets worked up when you point out the degeneracy of its people huh...
hahahahah, says the worshipper of the jewish pedohomo cult
Play fallout new vegas while your drinking whiskey and smoking. There is a good DUDE LMAO mod for it on the nexus, I think it's called marijuana plant assets.
bro is that even weed, are you sure? at least tell me that you grinded it yourself, getting really scammy vibes from that "weed", just google "marihuana bud" that's how weed is supposed to look like
You seem obsessed.
am I worshipping a jew raised by a cuck, or is that what you're doing? just saying
I actually played a lot of Fallout 4 yesterday but usually I prefer New Vegas
Yeah I grinded it up, works for me
yes, some people here have a life outside of their computer, I know pretty sick, once that said I don't smoke weed but I've done so in the past and I know what it looks like
>Yeah I grinded it up, works for me
safe then, never ever buy weed that looks like that
yeah, sick meem
Not even a coherent statement
then you need to go to retard school, maybe you'll get it after that
Check your run-on sentence again, faggot. I'm also guessing you meant to say
>with that being said
ESL or just a dumbass kid?
What'd you get banned for this time?
I hate this obese blogposting faggot so much.

Speaking of blog posters, what happened to the guy who'd post pictures of del taco, medium rare burgers and his anime figurines? I think he was a cook.
Eyy gringo were here and ain't go anywhere. You better get used to our style of speaking or go back to where you came from, comprende? This is our land now bitch boy.
You can stay in my lands but you need to go back to your website. You know what I'm talking about, faggot.
He has a name: Cabinfat
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Cabinfat rules
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son.
It's Shedfat. Because he spends most of the time in that shed and he's fat. But also because of his weight loss journey, in which he is shedding fat. He's Shedfat and he's going to accept it just like you are
He shouldn't have grown to a fat piece of shit in the first place. No reward should be given for losing weight that was already excessive.
You're right. Better spend all your existence seething.
BFD. You still look weird as fuck, even more weird being skinnyfat.
You need to learn your place bitch boy, this is our hood now. We run this joint and you're no longer part of the cool club, lo entendiste?
Nice. Time to hit the gym. That head is way too big not to get buff. You can finally get gf #2 as well.
looks skinnyfat now
You're embarrassing yourself, kid
You can buff my head homo if you catch my drift. I do need to hit the gym, there's lots of cute dudes there.
This is the ideal hot sauce. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
This is the candy crush saga of hot sauces.
You look good, dude. Keep up the good work. Our autistic friends find no joy in the success of others.
he got ban evasion again.according to 4bans
I also bought that. It is alright.
I'm waiting for someone to make a hypersaturated solution resiniferatoxin in some tomato sauce and just be done with the whole thing.
I still need to get my hands on some of that black label valentino
this sauce is s-tier maybe even the best
That’s my favorite from the brand, by far. I had a chance to try a bunch of them at a party and bought that one after. I like their ghost pepper ones too but I don’t regularly enjoy very hot food, great flavors though for anyone who has a higher tolerance.
70 pounds in three in a half months is kind of insane. I mean, good for you but seems like an unhealthy pace. CDC says 8 pounds per month is the limit for healthy weight loss.
Sriracha is the only hot sauce I ever liked. Is there anything similar to its taste but hotter?
It is fine.
There are few things worse for your overall health than being obese. I think this guy was eating omad <1k cal at the time. It’s not a strategy for everyone but it does work, trick is to not develop an eating disorder from it.
i heard he is dead. he used to talk about driving drunk.
hotter sriracha
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>I do need to hit the gym, there's lots of cute dudes there.
There is no way OP made this reply. Fake and gay. Cabin-anon is real and straight.
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I remember those days. It’s true
I didn’t think anyone believed that was me
You sound fun, anon. My favorite one is Tabasco, but I am open for more challenging thing. Tell me the best sauce for my beef burger.

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