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Thread for discussing cobbee and cobbee adjacent topics

Metal filter edition

If you're untutored start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're tutored what's your daily brewing method?

Previous thread: >>20607163
I get Vietnamese coffee all the time and I assume they use cafe du monde but when I made it myself with a phin filter it fucking sucked.

I've used other grinds with a phin filter and it came out okay, but the top piece always tips over while the coffee is blooming so it doesn't get as much pressure. It's just not the same as when it's made by a Vietnamese grandma
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Making some coffee just for this thread
you are sure they don't use vietnamese robusta? ask the grandma next time while she hanfles the phin
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i actually quite like the lance hedrick aeropress thing where you brew ~20-30g coarse at 80c, it's helping a lot for paring down my excess supply. when you're the cobbee guy of your immediate group people buy you all kinds of retarded shit and it adds up so fast. i wish i had a refractometer or whatever to confirm for myself if it's actually a half-caff dovgh, and i also like to dilute with hotter wotter because 80c for a sipping starting point is rother low for my tastes
how do you like the cobbee shelf?
I haven't seen the grounds so they might. Hard to taste over the condensed milk.
This weekend I got together with friends and pulled 8 consecutive shots on a Flair. Good thing they're patient people.
>he doesnt have a hot swap system incase he has company
Look man, back when I only made filter all except for 2 of my friends said no thanks. This time all my friends and their gfs and siblings and the entire damn family wanted to have some espresso.
Based. The trick is to pull your shot last after its nice and preheated. Warm a little milk up on the stove and froth it up a bit in a french press and you've got a cortado party going.
I've yet to try lattes with a frother but that's definitely the next step. I still need to find a proper workflow for back to back shots though. Most of the time was spent weighing and grinding every single dose so next time I might just pre grind all the coffee an hour in advance (While we're still preparing lunch).
it's alright, a bit shaky but at least the machine is off the table and organized
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the portafilter this Breville came with is pretty shit honestly, it usually shoots coffee to the sides and my cup is barely big enough
remember to descale your equipment
What the fuck are you muppets doing drinking hot coffee still? From June-mid September it's cold brew season ONLY.
i generally wake up with clogged sinuses and nothing clears it out but hot cobbee
i think you meant flash chilled. also i used hoffmans method for my decaf tea and its delicious.
kek that word broke you
i have air conditioning
It's winter here and -2° so
>their gfs
Yikes. A bunch of females on caffeine spinning their hamster wheel .
tfw coffee too hot to drink
cool it (the cobbee)
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Ah, a fellow bambino enjoyer
I got a replacement naked portafilter, but I can't find the order to give you the link to it. It looks like pic related I think.
Dip your balls in it to cool it down
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did it help you extract coffee perfectly?
Mainly it just looks nicer and you don't have to deal with the retarded spouts. I still use the original bambino basket with it.
thanks, yeah I wanna get a replacement but trying to not fall into the trap of buying all the random gadgets since this is my first machine and I've had it for less than a month
For me its the hario switch.
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so which one of this is less shit?
Blue bottle and ladro are the only two I'd risk.
illy and nescafe clasico (hoffdaddy said it wasnt bad in a video iirc) would be my guess.
i recently had a medium roast blue bottle and many of of the beans were crispy. like, shit got stuck in the roaster crispy.
Based Curry-Howard enthousiast
why are anti-coffee fags so insufferable? it's like the vegans of beverages I swear to fucking god I don't care you don't like coffee no I don't drink it because I'm a "caffeine junkie" why do they have to be so insufferable for not understanding the appeal of a cuppa'cofi
new coffee tomorrow
(and some goffee too)
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New beans blend brohs.

>Signature Blend
>This coffee has softness of cacao and malt, spicy notes, has a round body and leaves the palate with some fruitiness.

Strong pleasant cocoa taste on the first sip, followed by some maltiness and some cinnamon. Syrupy body and medium lasting aftertaste. Not bad.
>spicy notes
i like when goffee does that
because its so unexpected
>its so unexpected
Indeed. I have two blends from this roaster with opposing tasting notes and did not remember which was which. So i went in blind, but could not detect the fruitiness. Cocoa, malt and cinnamon were the most upfront notes.
It's a shame they don't specify the origins in the blend, but it's 100% arabica mix of grains washed and naturally treated.
Love me moka pot
Simple as
>been doing espresso for 2 years
>still can't articulate why I like some beans and don't like others beyond roasting
How do I learn to articulate the distinct flavors that I am noticing in each shot?
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Just brewed a pot of this for the first time. It’s nice for a change, very mellow, but I slightly prefer the Crema e Gusto.
>If you're untutored start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

This is the most pretentious sack of horse shit I have ever read. It’s just a fucking cup of coffee mate no need to be such a snob.
I was a pleb pre-ground coffee drinker.

But since then I've upped my game, have a grinder, use a Chemex and buy Ethiopian, single-origin beanz from some hipster fags.

It's a game changer, coffee doesn't taste like burnt water, you get an actual flavour of fruit.

Coffee faggotry is a redeeming hobby.
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>It's a game changer, coffee doesn't taste like burnt water, you get an actual flavour of fruit.

My coffee doesn’t taste like burnt water though, it’s nice. I have pretty cheap kit - I use an aroma boy which seems to come out at the perfect temperature, a sealed coffee pot that keeps the coffee nice and fresh and generally Lavazza.
welcome :)
the screen isnt for pressure. its a shower screen to more evenly distribute the water as you pour.
The honestly shocking thing is that I'm not fussy. I don't mind "normal" coffee, in fact drinking the super fancy stuff too often makes it less special.

Anyone hear of a "tonic espresso?" It's such a hit or miss when you want to order it, given many places haven't a clue what it is.
Im drinking a nice cold brew now but the mornings here are still like 50 degrees in june so ive also been having french press and turkish some days.
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I love my nanopresso! I got one the other day for $5 and the espresso is absolitely delicious!

This coffee didn't make me shit my guts out or give me hemmoroids!
930g because the container is 70g so 1 unopened = 1kg
but why?
not having any friends or many social encounters, probably (like me)
i just saw it said 930g and thought "huh why so close to 1000g" and then i realized it was a logistics thing
Yeah, also likely want to confuse customers when comparing prices at the store, but that doesn't work on us cus we bring our calculators with us to the store WOO
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Good morning
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nice table
math pdh, 400k starting
Why are American starting salaries so grossly inflated?
I thought only french and italians were doing type theory
what does pdh stand for?
pretty dick huge
Psychopathic delusional human.
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>Anyone hear of a "tonic espresso?"
April Switch Kino.
>10 years warranty
>espresso came out too fast and bitter today
what do
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Grind finer? Play with ratio?
>Grind finer?
won't that further increase bitterness?
Sorry I meant coarser
Dual wall
I'm out of cobbee
I make this at home but with flash-chilled filter coffee and flavored seltzer
Make more
I'm gonna take an afternoon nap and make some more coffee when I wake up
>flavored seltzer
I put a little fermented blood orange syrup in the tonic water for that one.
I forgot my grinder and specialty coffee at my gf's place. Such cases.
i don’t like the starbucks and cafe bustelo is fucking garbage. if you’re a preground Chad like me get Peet’s or Death Wish.
I just fucking got two packs of Bustelo
never buy two packs of an untasted coffee. fortunately it’s cheap as dirt. maybe you’ll like it, plenty of redditers swear by it. just tasted very dirty to me.
Ignore otheranon, bustelo is an acquired taste
>t. Bustelodrinker
Maybe a dumb idea, but could you theoretically break up green beans (coarser than actually grinding, maybe more like chunking) to maximize the amount of surface area for the maillard reaction during roasting? This would theoretically produce a sweeter, more caramel-y roast, right? Kind of like cubing meat before browning it.

You can take SCA sensory courses, I guess. Heard a guy on a podcast talking about a new tasting form he made called the coffee rose recently, maybe look into that.
Anyone here use a K-Ultra? What grind setting do you do for V60?
you’re brown.
That was you? Thanks bro! Enjoying a mean cuppa coffee right now.
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brewing some 'telo
Wait you don't have a grinder?
no ;_;
You should have bought a grinder instead.
Get some chinese handgrinder, they're pretty cheap and quite good. Also get better beans.
I'm trying to get a feel for the machine and which coffee I like and then buying a decent grinder. A hand grinder is not a big investment, but I wouldn't use it after getting an electric one. I guess.. shill me?
Depends how much coffee you make, but handgrinding your coffee in the morning has a special feeling. Also it makes it quite easy to take it away, so when you visit the your mom you can make better moka in the morning. Buy a K6 or any other chinese stuff
I'm not spending 100 bucks on a manual grinder
Keeping larping with bustelo then.
>drinking coffee is now larping
I wouldn't consider d tier preground through a pressurized basket to be espresso.
Ayyyy wats good
I got a chink grinder for $6 and it grinds just fine. Not Turkish fine but good for espresso.
bustelo is "coffee" at best
not that guy's coffee apparently
bitches mirin my 'telo

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