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Can you buy these in the US? Wanna see what all the hype is about.
I am also trans, and I moved to Japan 3 years ago to find a lesbian Japanese gf. I am still single. I drink 6 boxes of strong zero every day to numb the pain, it gets the job done.
why are you being gangstalked by trannies?
Yes but they were disappointing. Grapefruit was best, peach worst. Also they're only 6% in the states and overpriced. Idk how seltzers end up more expensive than beer when there's less ingredients
Trans here. I get drunk on these and pretend I'm Nanako lol. It's pretty tough waking up and remembering that I'm not
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I get drunk on this because I want to feel kawaii, rather than hate myself for being otaku and feeling baka, senpai. I feel like a woman, apart from when I'm making love to my dakimakura. Then I cry.
Heck no, we don't get or want shit with sneak attack jap moon runes on them.
The hype is that it's relatively cheap and for a 9% has a relatively mild taste
Worth maybe trying if you see one but not worth any actual effort
Nanako from P4? AKA the only good persoyna game?
No, not to my knowledge.
Strong Zero isn't seltzer. If that's what you had, it wasn't Strong Zero. If you mean the - 196 lemon stuff, that still isn't Strong Zero.
There is an american one going around, but its only 6% and surprisingly expensive for what it is. Kind of misses the point as to why Strong Zero is so beloved.
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Stfu weeb
Nagatoro is absolute dogshit. Takagi is way better.
I wish I was him so fucking bad bros...
They will give you one motherfucker of a hangover.
Yeah the ones in the states aren't strong zero they are the weaker 6% vodka seltzers not real chuhai and they aren't good. Honestly Strong Zero is fucking terrible but you learn to enjoy it because it us like $2 for a tallboy 9%apv and you can crush it outside of a konbini to pregame on your way to wherever you are headed for the night. Or alternatively, to drown the sorrows and miseries of being an English teacher in Japan every night.
You can pay a girl right now to do it. I once paid a hooker to squeeze my head but she said I look like her ex so she did it for free. Apparently her ex cheated by fucking the hooker next door. I was all in for it and she really squeezed my neck pretty good, maybe a bit too hard. But given the circumstances I held through it.
>mike's hard lemonade:
>maiksu hardo remonaidu:
The pear flavored one is the most vile thing i have ever drank. The citrus ones are alright, pretty boozy though wouldn't have bought them if they weren't like 1,5€ per can for 9%
Part of the novelty of these is the constant stream of new flavors being released what seems like every other month in Japan. Yes, the are terrible, but they are strong and cheap and it is fun to try the seasonal flavors and see just how bad or maybe tolerable they can be. And Strong Zero is the most famous but other brands have their equivalent who are also releasing seasonal flavors regularly so the shitty chuhai market always has something new.
The pear is my very favorite
Buy squirt and dump vodka in it, same idea, it'll actually taste good, and it won't have japanese bpd runway vibes.
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New Strong Zero cans rebranded as -196°C spotted.
That's -321°F or 77.1K
Pure ethanol freezing point is -173°F
How do they do it?
I thought they were decent when I had a few in Japan. Lemon flavor, no alcohol aftertaste, pairs well with something carby and salty like onigiri or miso soup. I bought a few cans, stuffed them in my backpack, and went to karaoke with some people instead of paying $20 for all you can drink, and 2 Strong Zeros gets you loosened up enough to sing better.
we only get 6% in australia, but my view is that lemon is good, peach is smooth & nice & grape is mid.
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He even has great taste in manga. What am fucking king.
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The novelty of the brand (the real chuhai) is how all the spines pop out of the can and form a grip when you pop the top.

But everyone’s right, the string zeros in America are fake and gay.
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Dawg if you’re in Nippon, get the real ones
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>Can't be called strong Zero because it has 3g carb
The west has fallen. Japan gets 3% more booze and 3g less sugar....
just mix vodka and grape soda.
Holy fuck this was awful. It was a real fight to down a can
Can the Japanese really drink to the extreme or is that just a Japan 0: meme? I feel like the average drinking Wisconsinite or Norfman or Slav could easily outdrink a Japanese alcoholic.
Has there never been in the history of Japan a westerner who's found a job there other than as an English teacher? Surely, assuming you know the language, you can just get an office job or something?
they know they can sell it on weeb brand recognition and don't have to market it like other drinks, 6% made in italy slop for you
software development and finance are two other niches where westerners get hired all the time, you better know japanese tho
Stop being obtuse. You know better.
>Cortu forty fivu
Tyrone, please.
It’s a fucking nasty alcoholic’s/poorfag drink.

2 stories—-went up to the station in my neighborhood one day to shop at the ATRE (station department store, etc) I got there just before as it opened at 10am, and there was a foreign guy sitting on a bench outside the exit shaking uncontrollably as he tried in vain to crack his first can of the day. Depressing as fuck late-stage alcoholism. That’s who drinks that shit. Next one—-met up with a group of friends one night at the park in our area. Nice party, everyone drinking this crap, so figured why not. I can drink a lot, but this shit fucked me sideways. When I left, I got about 5 meters before crashing my bike. Then left it and staggered 20 minutes home, unable to walk anything resembling a straight line. Murderous hangover the next day. Murderous. Like I said, I can drink a lot of whiskey, mezcal, beer, nihonshu, whatever, but I’ve never been as fucked as I was on that shit. And yeah, I understand the ABV of it—-it wasn’t that. Shit is poison.
Your blog highlights you to be a ladyboy
I want them to bring more shochu to the US instead desu
ord engrish 800
I love these things so much it's unreal. They are cheap come in 0,5 l and you really don't taste the alcohol.
I don't know if you can buy them in the US, but it's just a highball with lemon soda and shochu. Bars will often make their own. They really like highballs there.
I drank a lot of those when I visited Japan as a teenager because I thought it was funny that they didn't check ID. I think I usually bought the Kirin ones. I'm old and have an alcohol intolerance now so idgaf.
>software development
Truly? Can't you just do that from the other side of the globe?
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Thankfully, my reactions to "ethanol" and "ethanol, Japan" are identical, in that it's appalling that a known chemical neurotoxin is legally purchasable in any culture, at any age.
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how do you quit the addiction to a known chemical neurotoxin?

just how?

don't fuckin tell me get therapy or will power bullshit. that shit doesn't work.

tell me something i can do or eat that will lower or eliminate the desire to drink it.
You just don't get it.
Naltrexone can be used to help alcoholics quit drinking by blocking the dopamine release that alcohol provides, particularly in people genetically predisposed to alcoholism
if you seriously have an issue, worth checking with your doctor about it
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forgot to mention, that you should suggest anything BUT tricky pharma shit made by the jude rat
lock yourself in a dark room for a few days and just sweat the withdrawal out then, i guess
what do i do about the demons whispering me to drink again 1 week later or 2 weeks later? they never stop...
change your entire lifestyle and the people you associate with so you wont be tempted to drink
theres no good solution that isnt either the aforementioned drugs or literally just willpowering through it/preventing temptation in the first place
>now crafted in the u.s.
into the trash
it's all bullshit cattle advice the real question is how to get more willpower then?
god damn i cant stand /pol/yps like you
>no i cant take meds its da joos
>no therapy is bad
>no this advice is for subhuman cattle
>somehow cant figure out how to have a basic modicum of willpower and not poison himself 24/7
>somehow cant figure out how to have a basic modicum of willpower and not poison himself 24/7

stfu retarded cattle why don't you give me something healthier to replace this neurotoxin that numbs my pain ah?
lucky you you dont feel the need coz you're so healthy, but what about me?
Naltrexone isn't a life time medication unless you're retarded. It may take a year or two, but it's going to rewire your brain to the point you don't want to drink anymore and don't even care to. You'll associate drinking with becoming ill without any of the fun. Your genetics are fighting you over this and you lost as soon as you started drinking. There is no way to get around this without the use of some medication.
There are also ketamine infusions, but that's also a pharmaceutical drug. The other option is harm reduction, where you basically just learn to moderate your intake. Look up the HAMS harm reduction website. It will look like a very 2000s website.

>replace this neurotoxin that numbs my pain ah?
You simply have to live with the pain and find a better coping mechanism.
>You'll associate drinking with becoming ill without any of the fun
what's stopping me from flushing your jew drugs down the toiled and enjoying some delicious beer?
fuckin useless.
its effective because you dont stop drinking immediately while using it, it allows you to taper your drinking off until you're able to actually quit
its obvious you dont want actual, usable strategies and instead want a magic solution that requires no effort on your part, so i'm going to stop wasting my time
>what's stopping me from flushing your jew drugs down the toiled and enjoying some delicious beer?
Literally you. You're the only one stopping yourself. There's no magical cure out there that's going keep you from drinking unless you decide to actually take initiative in it. You're genetically prone to be an alcoholic and there's nothing you can do about it. You either use the methods that work and eventually stop drinking and not have to take them anymore, or you stop pretending you want to stop drinking and just dive right into the bed you've made yourself.
And naltrexone doesn't make you violently ill like antabuse does, which most people do just stop taking because of how bad the reaction is. Naltrexone is more subtle, and you stop feeling the pleasure in drinking which is the main reason for alcoholism.
kys jew rat
Fuck you dumbass.You want to know why you're a dumbass? Because you complain about the Jews yet you're buying into the alcohol Jew. You're giving money to a Jew every time you buy that bottle of McCormick vodka. Yet somehow you're "based" and won't give money to a medication something to get out of that because it's "Jewish". You have no idea what you're talking about because that neurotoxin you've addicted to has diluted whatever brain you have left. Yet anytime someone tells you how to get off of it, the alcohol comes back and tells you "NOOO THAT'S JEWISH REEE!" because you're a useless addict.
I'm an exalcoholic that used naltrexone to quit. Guess what? I don't drink anymore nor do I take naltrexone anymore. Why did I do it? Because I wanted to stop killing myself slowly and painfully. Unlike you. Who demands a magical cure, but all you really want is to kill yourself. So go do it. Listen to these "demons" in your own schizophrenic head. Go drink a handle of vodka in a night. Choke on your own vomit and die. Thankfully you won't get a memorial and be thrown in a ditch.
There are plenty of jobs but most will relate to the fact that you're a foreigner, it's nearly impossible to get a job that would otherwise go to a normal Japanese person. I ran international marketing and sales for a smallish Japanese company for a while and had a few other friends in similar positions, and I also know people who lived in Japan as reps for international companies.
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>Thankfully you won't get a memorial and be thrown in a ditch

as if a king who is dead will feel a difference when they jerk off to his dead body...both a hobbo and a king equal in death. none feel or sense anything.
it's all meaningless, you dumb fucking cattle judenrat scum.
What's that? I can't hear you over the amount of cheap alcohol you're chugging down to forget your pathetic existence. The way you type tells me you're an ESL too. Fucking lmao. Bet you're a fucking Indian too. DON'T REDEEM SAAAR! I NEED THE MONEY FOR MY ALCOHOL! NOOOOOOOOOO DON'T REDEEEM!
Go ahead. Drink that handle of cheap vodka. All in 3 hours. It will be good for you.
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>the boys
>an amajew show based off a graphic novel where they had a villian named Stormfront who was changed into a woman
>no i'm not cattle lol
Holy fuck you're so fucking retarded it hurts. Please die of alcohol poisoning you alcoholic scum.
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yeah sure go the pajeet route again you fuckin cattle, look at all the fucks i give. you're a fuckin slave. kys.
>a literal slave to alcohol
>no you're the slave
I'm literal lmaoing at you. You're going to die in your own vomit kek.
>pajeet getting mad
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meds, now
>no i won't take meds
>tells others to take meds
LMAOing at you kek. Did Microsoft reject your 20th application despite being a poo? Looks like you're too much of a dalit to even get accepted by Microsoft kek. So keep giving the alcohol jew your money, it's the only medicine you can afford after all lmao.
meme alcohol
you seriously need help, bro
Oh I got help. Now I'm not addicted to alcohol. Unlike you. So go take another shot of whatever swill they sell in India. I'll be going to sleep soundly, knowing I'm not paying into the alcohol Jew like you.
Weird that this became a thread of degnerate yelling about quitting alcohol. These strong zeros look tasty, kinda like white claws?

Also, Just stop. It's that easy. Distract yourself when craving. Associate with experiences without alcohol and people who don't drink. It's a process. I have learned to hate the hangover, and now hate feeling drunk. Substitute drinking with healthy eating. Good luck!
you got other jew vices, don't kid yourself, maybe sweet things? sugar? fruit? non-vegan shit? porn?you're no saint. you'll die like the rest of the cattle.
The funniest part is you're just calling yourself a cattle here too. So you're going to die like the rest of us "cattle" here too because you, too, are a cattle.
Also you're outing yourself again, pajeet with "non-vegan shit". Because all you dalits are forced to be vegans kek. Funniest part here is your stupid poos worship cows and literally eat their shit. Yet you call other cattles. This is getting better by the second. Keep posting more.
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funny how you don't deny you gonna rot and die like the rest of the cattle ;)
Why would I need to defend myself against a dalit? You will literally rot and die, and no one will care. So keep on drinking that alcohol until your liver liquidizes.
so you don't deny you gonna rot and die a cattle?
Lmao you wish. I heard this a dalit defense from a brahman who said that dalits are lower than animals. So they talk about others "dying like cattle", yet they're lower than cattle on a western view point.
so you don't deny you gonna rot and die like a cattle?
So you don't deny being a dalit?
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i do deny it, not that you care since you're too butthurt about rotting and dying like a cattle you'd shift topic to projecting pajeet shit kek xD
Damn did I get you mad. I hope your alcoholic sleep treats you well. While I sleep like a king, and will die like a king.
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get rekt pajeet xD bye loser
I see I have broken the dalit's mind. I hope the local brahman can help you.
I will now go to sleep, and enjoy sleeping in on my day off for the birth of my country. I hope you drink a little less alcohol tonight.
take your meds before sleep, just being caring about your mental health bro
That would be liquid nitrogen then.
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9% beers destroy me
No idea how nips can guzzle these things
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For a relaxing times, make it Suntory time.
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You should try these instead anon. Slice of lemon in the can, good shit.
>Can the Japanese really drink
Yes. They're some of the strongest drinkers I know, besides myself. Their tiny bodies are exceptionally good at processing alcohol for some reason.
Apparently they've started selling Minus 196 in Bongland but I've never seen it
Maybe its only in the biggest cities
Yes. There's a Japanese supermarket near Chicago that sells them. They're pretty good, they have that real lemon flavor you get from Italian sodas.
I bought one and didn't know it was an alcoholic drink. 9%, it's a bum beer, who the fuck drink that shit besides homeless ?
Hibiki <3
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switch to a different drug that scratches the itch but you don't enjoy nearly as much (just not benzos)
its a lot easier to break the psychical addiction separately from the mental addiction
A 24 pack for $180? What the fuck?
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psychology is not nor ever was intended for helping people, it was invented for military strategists to better understand how to fuck with their adversaries.
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Ausfag here. local Asian mart has the imported 9% version (the for local market product is 6%).
As for me I like the "plain" DRY. Occasionally pick one up to chug if I'm out walking that way (or a Suntory highball).
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It's dogshit, the winter limited edition mikan flavour is passable though

Picrel is the superior choice
>Coca cola
Kill yourself kike
9% suntory highball is all I need. None of this fruity shit.
I drink with my boss and a buddy every few months or so. I drink a lot and never get black out drunk.
He gets drunk quick but will keep drinking until literally 5pm the next day if you bet him for it. Alot of japs are the same. I don't know if it's DNA or what, but in my experience most japs are the same - drunk quick but keep drinking until not physically possible to drink any more
Normal people don't view everything through the lens of whatever culture war/anti corporation/ideaolgy/isreal related whatever you have going on. I have never once bought one of those and thought "ohhh I am going to buy this coca cola product!!! Hmm, what is the implication of me buying this? I guess I better look into the history and current state of this multinational giant conglomerate before I buy this!!!!!"
I just buy it and drink it because its good.
So I ask, what the fuck is wrong with you and how do you erven live and function like this?
I have principles
Limited pear-flavored drinks and snacks are sold in the fall, but none of them are good.
About $0.5 would be a fair rating.
Are these malted or do they taste like wine or are they like a strong white claw?
sounds pretty fucking based
Sounds like you had a great time what’s the problem? Do you sup your whiskey like some nancy?
>Murderous hangover the next day. Murderous.
This is strange to me because I specifically like it for being the lowest-hangover thing I've ever drank

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