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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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AI Cat boys, stinky boy edition.
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Just cat boys or are other AI generated boys fine?
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I love catboys!
Still waiting for an answer to this crucial question.
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I feel like just cat boys is too restrictive
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Canadian confederates
Le jour du rĂ¢teau est proche
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What's the male version of the name Wendy. Wendell?

Very cute. Very eemgy little guy.
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Made Lucas from mother 3
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Ok last one
I love the lighting style here
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Found it harder to get decent results for ness
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Whats the state of the AI boys? Should i use Bing or still use nesusona?
Thank you for delivering anon
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Are you the guy that asked for more of picrel?
What program are you using?
Nai, pulling my hair out trying to rangle its retarded interface.
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shota ass
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xiaohei's butt cheeks
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this feels like an au gon where hisoka succesfuly seduces him
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Tactical Killua
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I'm addicted to generating killua pics...
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I didn't even add Gon as a prompt lol
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What were the ai generators called? I forgot the name and I kinda feel like trying to generate sumthing, why are the links not at the beginning, baka OP.

Uuuuuuoh, boy pits, erotic, uuuuuoooh
felt like generating cute shos, here are the spoils
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You forgot about bing.com/create
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It is so difficult to get my husband just right, this one is so far the best
It really is difficult to pull off right
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Bing ai gets way better results. Nemu is really outdated.
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>tfw no cute pyromancer bf
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True, but I don't feel like feeding more info to Microsoft than needed
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Spoiled bratty shota with rich parents
Did you perchance say "reindeer in the background" human?
You heard about wolf sho, fox sho, dog sho, cat sho, and jackal sho but are you truly ready for a reindeer sho?
The bear is such a chad that he gre six legs to maul seals even faster
This one is really cute
Thule riders, truly the greatest mistake was that Inuits decided to ride huskies instead of majestic ursines.
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made some progress
Take it off.
i tried
I've mostly generated "femboys". I know that they're a bit memed and hated on this board, so I'm not sure if it would be fine to post them in this thread?
If they're boyish post them.
Your Killua isn't that accurate, if you want help with the description tell me.
Don't know this one, but Bing is good.
Posting a few randoms from this chibi style mix.
>reindeer sho?
Gus from Sweet tooth?
>that trigger discipline
Absolute state of scouts
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What's your prompt?
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>tfw ywn marry a cute jrpg hero after years of adventuring together
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>a screenshot from a PlayStation 2 horror game, young man wearing a school uniform, abandoned Japanese village, heavy rain

I've used "Xbox 360" as well, the results are relatively the same.
It has so much soul compared to regular bingslop
New thread?
New thread >>3883822

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