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This series has so many cute boys, I wish it was more popular.
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I liked the anime before it went into shounen stuff which sadly wasn't very long. Wish it was just all prison shenanigans. Still love the OP and ED though.
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eternally bitter that season 2 ended on a cliffhanger and season 3 never materialised.
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At least the manga is getting translated, so there's that. You do have to put up with the webtoon format, but otherwise it has all the same charm - it's actually remarkable how faithful Satelight was to the artstyle.

That's a pretty common opinion, but I think the fight scenes are done well with strategy and creativity. There's also downtime between arcs with more of the slice of life stuff. As the manga progresses, there's also a lot of slice of life with the antagonists.
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Nico is so fine!!! God I need a bf like him.
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