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lastthread@ >>3879394
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pls credit if you know the artist
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pls credit if you know the artist.
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Lofi_xpol general
I see that she's drawing an au where will and eleven are catholics now. At least Mike is the devil, I can't get enough of devilmike.
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Whats that 3rd character in the word after ты? I don't think i've seen it in russian language tables.
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I'd assume it's the Cyrillic L, I recall seeing it spelled like that before
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You seem to be right. I was confused because it looked like the greek letter lambda, but it isn't too surprising now that I think about it, other characters are similar to some greek ones.
Pretty sure that's because Greek is to Cyrillic roughly as Etruscan is to Latin.
Is there genuinely no fanfiction for this? Given its psychotic crackhead Byler which sounds like ao3 catnip you'd think there'd be at least a few fics floating round.
Yeah, it's cool to see how the language evolved to it's current state.
There's a few floating around on wattpad and I found at least one on ficbook. The quality is uh...
Perfect as it is. No notes.
I should be sleeping but I went onto ficbook again and am actually somewhat impressed with some of the owm fics I saw. One even had fanart ("sweatshirt"). Searching for Russian fics in general is difficult though, one piece man seems to share the russian owm acronym, OПM.
I am considering making a fan fan comic where will kidnaps mike. Should i?
Hell yeah
Even if you don't finish it I think it'd be cool.
That seems like an average Tuesday for those boys
Slow times for the owm fandom. People seem to be moving on because of the slow release schedule.
Given the nature of this board, it's less slow times and more un-fast times for a property as small as this one
I was more referring to people drawing fanart and stuff. A few seem to not draw owm stuff so much. Luckily the next two parts should come fairly soon and that'll revitalise interest.
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He says he has the next two parts ready/almost ready but isn't posting them. Also barely anything shippy in the comic for a while now.
*by that I mean that he just hasn't posted them, not that he isn't planning to post them.
New part
(Picrel by Apfel666)
Also Ronnie's girlfriend made a new animation

What did you guys think of the part?

I think it's interesting how, the moment that dream Mike shows even the slightest willingness to listen to Will, Will immediately tells everything he feels to him. That, along with the fact that Will's entire dream hall shows is just pictures of Mike, really shows how much he cares for Mike and his opinion despite his anger and sometimes murderous intent towards him.
Ronnie and his girlfriend (posting it because it's cute and she looks enough like a boy to make it vaguely /cm/ related)
I fucking love this artist
I want one wheat mark friends but I don't speak russian
assholenigaa again. This was posted a few minutes ago
don't know who made this one sorry
I love bad translations. You really get a look into the grammar and metaphor of a language that way.
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It was a good part but the most interesting thing to me was the possibility that wills possession might end up being a plot point later because so far it'd just been played for jokes. Hopefully it kills eleven.
Lol I saw this idk why they edited the pedo pride flag on but stranger things fans are weird in general.
Picrel by n4v1_0 (instagram)
Most reddit thread ever.
I also hope eleven dies. I think Ronnie added her into the story because he got a girlfriend and feels obligated to add women into it for her
Would Mike kidnap Will or would Will kidnap Mike?
I think that Will would want to kidnap Mike but would be too physically weak to do so
vodkk1 again
Mike is a redditor
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Hmm, maybe. He at the very least planned adding her in around a year ago because he posted a wip panel with her and I think he would've shoved her in a lot sooner if this is what he was going for. Funnily enough he also planned to add in warrior cats.
I don't think Mike cares enough to or has the attention span to kidnap him, he abandoned will after he passed out from heatstroke after all.
Socials for this person? I can't find any, their art is great.
I need friends to talk to this comic about, it's in my head 24/7
>Socials for this person? I can't find any, their art is great
The only thing I have is their Pinterest, you can message them there and ask for their other socials (if they have any). Though they're Russian
>Hmm, maybe. He at the very least planned adding her in around a year ago because he posted a wip panel with her and I think he would've shoved her in a lot sooner if this is what he was going for. Funnily enough he also planned to add in warrior cats.
I wish he had added Warrior Cats instead of eleven. Maybe they'll show up and save the day to kill Eleven.
Is Ronnie a furry? He seems to have an "ironic" fixation of furries. It all starts with irony...
Also where did you find the wip panels? I believe you, I just want to see them too because I like his art
I keep forgetting to attach the images
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He posts stuff on his twitter (@rawndog05). Usually he only posts upcoming panels right before he posts a new part and he has a habit of deleting old tweets so it's good to archive what you can.
I am 99% sure that he's actually a furry and not just hyper irony posting, I am undecided on Mike.
A guy at school saw me drawing stuff from One Wheat Mark and said it looked nice. Then he walked away and probably told everyone in the world that I'm gay, irreversibly damaging my reputation at school. I have to kill myself because of this. Goodbye
Call them chuds and move on.
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Kill him, ez.
Call them Chads and Kiss them.

New part released on May 22 but I forgot to post it here:
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chezburgerdawg03 (despite the watermark, the artist changed their name on Instagram)
I'm retarded, I actually DID post it. I just forgot I did. Sorry!
Truckstoptiger05 (awesome!)
I made a dub of the new part
>Mike kidnaps Will
>Forgets about him in a closet
>Will dies of starvation
Many such cases.
New TST post
antiquity vibes
I didn't know there were trousers you could unzip into shorts. They look super ugly though.
Very cool, congrats on 1k subs. Do you voice every character yourself?
Russian Ronnie
>Very cool, congrats on 1k subs. Do you voice every character yourself?
Thanks. Yeah I voice everything. I don't even try to differentiate the voices between them too much because I'm sort of bad, but I try.
This is my personal dump thread atp
bubblenabi also had a One Wheat Mark birthday cake which I find awesome
Happy birthday triston
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This is a soul eater crossover thing by the way
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If they were alive in the modern day, I think Will would listen to Weezer's Pinkerton and OK Human but hate everything else they've ever put out. Mike would mostly listen to Kanye.
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I also believe Mike would defend Kanye by saying that everything he did was ironic and that Will is too dumb to understand irony.
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In an alternate universe where Mike and Will aren't from Stranger Things, I think Will would be only vaguely aware of the show. Mike would either hate it because it's popular or love it because it's popular.
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Most of these artists that I'm posting right now are from Instagram by the way
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I hate stranger things, the only good thing stranger things has ever done is inspire one wheat mark
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There's a surprising amount of Ronnie fanart
forgot to credit the artist for this one. It's ffucko_ again
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Ronnie is an Asian who bleaches his hair. I hate that Asians can get away wirh bleaching their hair and look good while doing it while Latinx are forced to have poopy brown hair that looks terrible If we bleach it. Blondfags have no idea how good they have it.
It's so loud in this room, these niggas won't stop screaming.
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Did you slowly have a mental breakdown while posting all of these.
I would post more fanart but for the most part i'm just here for Ronnies posts and artstyle. I wish he would post a bit more, but its understandable.
I always heard that darker hair types were worse to bleach light so i'm not sure why latinx can't do the same as Ronnie, who I think has black hair naturally. Is it hair type?
I kind of wanted to try dyeing mine but was put off because it's dark brown/black (sort of like Mikes).
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Man that last bit came out kind of tarded I tried to put way too many ideas in one sentence.
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>Did you slowly have a mental breakdown while posting all of these.
I'm in a very loud room right now and it's making me angry.
Also latinx can't Bleach their hair because bleached hair looks weird on latinx faces. It might look less weird on me as I'm "white" Hispanic (Portuguese) but I've seen too many horrifying images of Mexicans with bleached hair to actually try it myself. So I'm stuck with poop color.
I will post more art soon. I will also probably draw Will getting lobotomized as a prank but I will not post it because my art is too cringe.
Google translate translation: he doesn't have a favorite toilet"
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I believe humanity is in the verge of total war
The situation in the West right now is comparable to that of the West right before the first world war
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This image is cute. Maybe they'll change clothes for the first time in the whole comic
This artist says Ronnie hates them
I've seen the character on the far left (hes the guy from The Virus Game) being compared to Mike a lot. Im going to try to find a full Russian playthrough of the virus game so I can run it through Google translate and see if I can understand the basic story
You won't believe what I forgot to do!
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I swear this says skibidi toilet. "shkibidi tualyeta".
I think it'll be a few years before we see something happen. Somehow i'm not angry about it. I think people in my country would be outraged at conscription unless the Russians were on our doorstep anyway.
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This person only has the bad end translated.
I think it's just jarring to see darker skinned people with light hair because it's rare. I'm sure they could pull it off if it was styled a certain way.
Not One Wheat Mark but it's related because the guy sort of looks like Mike
>This person only has the bad end translated
Apparently the game has a built in translation, so I downloaded it and played it. It was nice I think. Reminded me a little of One Wheat Mark shitpost phenotype of humor so I understand why people like it.
>I swear this says skibidi toilet. "shkibidi tualyeta".
Am I schizophrenic or does the One Wheat Mark fandom seem to be obsessed with skibidi toilet? I constantly see people putting references to skibidi toilet in drawings and saying that One Wheat Mark is their skibidi toilet. Is this gen alpha?
>I think it'll be a few years before we see something happen
Maybe it'll be a few years, but it won't be more than five I think. This weekend's election cemented Europe as completely politically polarized and everything seems to be failing. Also there's the whole climate change meme which is already beginning to show its consequences (2023 hit record high temperatures). I'm mostly panicked about it and have been trying to distract myself with media-induced escapism.
Back to wheatposting now
Breaking mark
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I don't.
The only real global flashpoint is Taiwan, as China actually does seem to have the capacity to endure a war with the other superpowers.
It's never been tested, though, and it's still a question whether the CCP is foolhardy enough to risk the total destruction of the nation and itself on achieving their long-term geopolitical goals in ideological fulfillment via national unification and the hope of escaping technovassalization under the West.
Is it?
The web of alliances in Europe is, for the most part, against Russia, at least nominally. The issue that's making it a bit more WW1 is how some spoiler states remain sympathetic to Russia despite what's happened and deflect blame for the current situation away from it and onto their supposed new allies in the West. They and the peaceniks who think they can Sudetenland their way back to the European order of the 2000s.
The only genuine danger is if the current trend of Russia chipping away at the frontline by throwing Iranian drones and the bodies of jailbirds, the Muslim minority, and Central Asian Muslim migrants into the Ukrainian grinder works for them, and they are rewarded for their troubles by annexation of their currently claimed territories.
If the state continues being a wartime economy, it may gain enough resources to eventually try again.
I would say that this is unlikely, given that Putin is ultimately a pragmatist, the only reason for him OK-ing the current invasion being his military intel's assurances that their war-but-not-a-war would be over in 3 days. But Putin is not going to live forever.
There is a genuine possibility that the Erdogan-esque Putin will be replaced by a genuine lunatic, a true ethorevanchist, like what is almost guaranteed to happen in the next generation of Israeli politics with Netanyahu having crossed the red line of an alliance with the far right four years ago.
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Most likely, what we're seeing in the eventual breakdown of the extant global security order is a bunch of littler, still devastating wars being fought with no one stopping them.
You might say: oh, but that's already been happening, I've seen it.
To that I say: not like this you haven't.
The Ukraine invasion and the sheer extent to which Israel and Azerbaijan had pushed international law with basically no repercussions are strong precedents for what our future holds.

Russia turning out to be a paper tiger has basically killed the CSTO, so the states that were under the collective hallucination that we may call Pax Russica have far less holding them back from warring with each other. The ethnic and border conflicts of Central Asia could explode, and nothing would stop them. Hundreds of thousands are at risk, but given that what Central Asia holds are relatively small potatoes to anyone but Russia, a nation whose economy is the size of Texas', the West is less likely to intervene.

The future in general is likely to be marked by a lack of international intervention in smaller but still catastrophic state conflicts and the blunting of the disincentivization that's designed to prevent other "special military operations."
interest in the Sudanese civil war had led to scant media attention and scant international intervention, and thus, the RSF has effectively restarted the decades-long Darfur genocide unimpeded in a conflict that had already killed more than 15K and is threatening the lives of millions with famine.
States like Syria and Ethiopia have killed more than a combined half a million at the very least of their own citizens in internal conflicts, with Syria's government enjoying slow rehabilitation among the Arab states. States like Rwanda allegedly cause instability in their neighbors by arming groups like M23 to commit large-scale atrocities, and Wagner has found a safe haven in the new juntas of West Africa.
Israel, if it weren't insane, would've been free to conduct far-reaching military ops on its neighbors. It's been free to do so for the past 40 years, but never so brazen, even in the face of nearly universal international condemnation minus the West(andIndia).
Israel should've taken from the example of Azerbaijan: it's so far faced basically no consequences for its own ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh, only some alleged massacres here and there. Unlike Israel's destruction of mosques, Azerbaijan (with which Israel has somewhat friendly relations, even buying weapons from it to end its 30-year conflict with Armenia) had only quietly demolished an Armenian church to no international condemnation. Erdogan's purely performative decision to turn the Hagia Sophia back into a mosque with no bloodshed necessary received more media traction.
The other (but not separate from Ukraine) European flashpoint is, as always, in the Balkans: ethnic Serbians stoking sectarian conflict in their enclave of Kosovo, pushing for union with Serbia, even if it means violent confrontation with the police. A nascent separatist conflict in European territory.
In goofier news, Latin America: oil-rich Venezuela becoming re-interested in the Essequibo region of Guyana after massive amounts of oil were discovered therein and threatening to invade the country despite it inevitably facing off against the United States in the process. This was likely a form of wolf-warrior diplomacy a la China to engender support for Maduro, but still: the very fact of this threat is significant, as was the breaking of international norms in Ecuador's raid on the Mexican embassy.
If there's any pattern in all this, it's that states are becoming increasingly aware that unless they go real goofy and wacky like Israel, there is basically no real consequence for breaking the international norms that your parents' hopes for global peace hinged on.
Welcome to the 21st century.
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>record high temperatures
I've been having the hottest summer of my life 3 years in a row.
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>Blondfags have no idea how good they have it
fr, if it looks good, then they're instantly considered beautiful, and if it doesn't look good, then it's not really a problem changing it! Too OP.
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My absolute thing ever is brunettes who look really good with brown hair turning out to be natural blondes. Something about that is just so incredibly moe to me. Really gets me going
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Telling apart people and seeing the number of posters using filenames is becoming harder.
I think skibidi toilet has kind of passed into an ironic thing now.
A nice analysis, although I wonder how all of this will change if more severe climate change effects are seen.
I've seen a lot of people say that the victory for national rally in France was because of protest votes but I don't know enough about French politics to know if that's true. People are just fed up with the politicians and parties they've had or seen in the spotlight for so long.
This is probably true; it's a good analysis of things. Even if it isn't total war though, it seems as the world is on the verge of collapse. Everything seems to be getting worse. Things are gradually becoming a little more expensive, staying afloat is becoming a little bit harder, resources are becoming a little more scarce. Perhaps I just like to catastrophize doe.
>if it doesn't look good, then it's not really a problem changing it! Too OP.
Exactly, they can just dye it without doing anything to it first. It's the easy mode of hair.
Also I really like the picrel, something about his expression and pose is so cute.
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What a lovely comic. Just found out about it. But why are there so many Russians? I am starting to seriously consider that I only like this comic due to my own slavic blood.
Slavs are really into skinny teenage boys with poofy hair for some reason.
ms_car (I forgot to attach image)
I really hate this artist. I keep stumbling across their art while I look for One Wheat Mark stuff and it makes me very angry every time I do. Their style is really ugly and it makes me mad.
>more severe climate change
Refugees for one.
Rural Bangladesh is becoming too hot and flooded, and the ability of the already dense Dhaka to sustain its denizens is being tested to the brink. Many such cases.
Soon, much of the Sahel will become too hot to sustain the already struggling nations therein, and millions more will flee north, to the Arab world and Europe.
The European solution to this has become quite clear as of late: the total numbers of deaths in migrations to Greece (popular entry point) for 2023 was as high as in 2015, despite 2023 having only about 5% of the number of migrants as record-breaking 2015.
Ethnic conflicts in the Sahel will likely worsen, as the ethnic groups that rely on herding will have fewer and fewer grazing lands, and the bandit conflicts already destabilizing north Nigeria will get even worse.
Water is running out in Iran, among others.
The Soviets effectively destroyed the Aral Sea, leaving a puddle in its stead. Parts of the lake became a dumping ground for toxic waste, and with the water gone, huge sandstorms have arisen, filling the air with swirling dust and poison. Drinkable water is running out there, some see war over the horizon.
The Biblical Tigris and Euphrates evaporate in the baking heat in Iraq.
Deserts like the Sahara are growing, encroaching on already scarce arable land.
An entire city in South Africa had run out of water, but refugee still run there. Where else could they go?
Some of the locals are blaming migrants for the problems of their clusterfuck country with the trainwreck government. They sing, burn the foreigner.
Temperatures in India reach the high 40s in the summer, and it's worse in West Asia.
Weather here is increasingly unpredictable. I have never felt such heat, despite the rain.
It's hot in Pakistan now, but very recently, up to a tenth of the country was underwater.
I like this album, Music for People in Trouble by Susanne Sundfor. It's soothing but not vacuous.
new thread??? >>3897181

As we speak, it is naked of images
Laughs in American food supply.
Enormous tomatoes

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