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unbridled envy edition

A thread for posting (non-shota) traps. It's cool if there's a regular guy in the frame, so long as the trap is the focus.

Can also be a general "crossdressing" thread.

prev: >>3861067
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Lmao why are they so incapable of letting men enjoy things without raging
penis envy
otokonoko are the apex penis envy trigger because they have the aesthetics those bitches strive for but are physically superior (male)
Post more animal ear boys
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Wimpy doge. The game treats bullying him as a running joke.
Is Genshin fun at later levels? The boys are cute but I never could get into how easy it was
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I thought you guys were joking, these are word for word the same posts that get spammed in the trap threads on /a/ and /v/.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
It’s been kinda challenging. I started a new account and did a speed run and let my world level get too high (trying to unlock inazuma and an itto/gorou event). That made enemies too strong and itto and gorou who I was lucky enough to unlock too weak since a lot of their level up materials are gated to inazuma.
It’s vaguely souls like, dodging enemies and using combinations of buffs and attacks.
do i break your autistic minds by saying i like both traps and bishonen and how fucking easy is it to like both?
what am I now? a straggot moid roastie ftm fujo?
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Also if you find it too easy you can just do a solo Gorou challenge: he’s a good support unit but so weak on the front line that some streamer called having to solo Gorou “emasculating”. Genshin on gorou mode becomes survival horror.
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>Ran straight here to complain
>i like both
nobody cares homie we all do
What thread? Tbh tho shota is creepy. Fictional pedo is still wrong. That makes the seething over adult characters with high neoteny (not morally wrong) ironic.
>Most Japanese BL artists drawing boy milk are gay men
I think he's talking about the manhwa-styled ones. Gay guys tend to either stick to bara or traps from what I've seen.
Keep the moral crusading at the door, this is a sfw board ffs.
> some streamer called having to solo Gorou “emasculating”
Kek, I’ll have to make a new acc and try that when his banner is out then
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It’s genuinely going to be miserable since his DPS is terrible, he has below average ability to take damage, and most of his skills scale on having geo teammates. You’re going to get bullied by everyone. Which fits lore wise.
Unless you do the machine gun gorou exploit but that doesn’t count.
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WHy are we talking about ittous personal cocksleeve?
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What extreme onions-pilling does to a mf. Dogs weren’t meant to eat plants.
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How Gorou buffs his men
Do women really?
you're not fooling anyone
I'm just trying to be civil and realistic, you just grow tired of seeing all schizo shit go full circle eventually, and no all men are woman haters. so perceive it however you want, buddy.
Don't reply to her, she's obsessed with (You) farming.
Only unroastie ones.
I only brought up because one of the women quoted talks about liking that and some people there don’t draw the line at art. makes it funny how they hate femboys when those are just doing weird stuff to keep their neoteny and prolong their “boyhood”
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Makoto my beloved
Somebody explain this image to me (and post the original pic of that vampire boy while you are at it). I saw it on /a/ and traced it back to this thread.
Lol what a coincidence this roastie is always on the same time as the /y/ roastie.
yeah she’s not intelligent, she always uses the same phrasing and shitty tactics
women are so petty
Yeah she's in the /a/ thread
So it looks like her strategy is

>Talk about castration
>Spam futa on male
>Talk about straight traps
>Spam ankoman porn
Guess she evolved from the "draw a girl call it a boy" strat.
imagine saving futa porn just to own the moids lol
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I really don't get what her problem is, she could just hide the thread, it's so obvious when one person is constantly trying to talk about straight traps or futa shit and everyone is ignoring them, then they start mass replying and slipping in futa links. It's such a crazy amount of autism for no real reason.
also sorry to derail.
>also sorry to derail.
you’re fine dude, everyone’s collectively getting tired of her shit both here and /y/
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You wanna see something really sad, here's her bumping a thread for a full day. At first I really wasn't certain if it was her, but someone dumped the manga she used for the OP earlier(a trap BL that got serialized) and she bumping it every 30 minutes. Sad stuff.

Sounds like she has a very unfulfilling life. Anyway, postan otoko no ko.
Can we have one fucking normal thread without screenching about a bitch in her menopause?
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it would help if you posted some pictures instead of talking about it too
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very cute
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>Trapfags aka Futanarifags piss me off even more, they claim to like yaoi but their entire fetish revolves around being straight but hating women until women have penises drawn onto their female frames.
WHEEZE that just sounds hiliarous. Shame it isn't the case
Futa is shit btw
Almost word for word the bitchposts here and /y/. 4+ years of this shit. Fujos hold vendettas forever.
Where’s the thread? I want to read?
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>wants to troon femboys because hates traps
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Please stops posting on /a/ thank.
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Remind me of this pic.
>Boyish, gay, and confusingly androgynous are what traps ought to have been made for to begin with. When they've got impossibly feminine hips and bubble asses and when Astolfo talks in a horrible, glass-shattering loli voice, it is worse than gay and not even trying.

>Part-time bishounen traps with male frames, boyish voices, and who behave awkwardly but happen to be good-looking
> every goddamned Astolfo, Felix, Jun, + Hideyoshi.

>Think Riki, Shiori, Kyouya, or any other guy who's passable but not a shota or gigantic Astolfo tranny faggot.
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False dichotomy. imediately becomes apparent if you look at bl work from japan
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You can tell their bottoms are boys but they also feminize them for odd reasons
boobless dickgirl
>>:/ jeez these god damned trapfags
boobless dickgirl, short hair
>:00000> OMG MA HECKIN BOYO TOT *fap fap fap*
That's not from /a/. Most of us don't use /a/ and never will, take your own advice and go back to your own board.
roastbeef monsters from lolcow actually think like that
I mean that twisted woman from lolcow.
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What causes such severe asspain, what the fuck. This has to be shoop'd right?
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Surprised some of them actually like Genshin when half the males in this game look female
Maybe not to them. Some chicks have a really odd gauge for what is and isn't too female for 2d males. For instance, they'll praise a cuntboy bear with a fake bulge and hips wider than his shoulders, and huge thighs, and in the same post complain about a twink for having wide hips and fat thighs. I don't really get it, buncha weirdos.
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>wanabe ftm that pretended to be a man on 4chan while seething about how males are overly feminized
>literally prays that male femboys cut their dicks off for revenge
It’s weirdly Freudian. Is ruining their manhood supposed to be revenge for something she wants? Also isn’t that going to worsen the feminized problem?
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Deleting this now, but yeah it's awful.
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>"we like REAL men"
>literal he/him ftm that draws the ugliest diversity art imaginable
>"bara is for REAL MEN"
>yumejo porn in her posts
>likes loli and talks about menstruating
Yeah that's about what I expected, not even checking the other 2 but I'm sure they're the same. They send these bitches out of factories lmfao.
I checked out the first one out of curiosity and he/him draws self harming cuntboys and women. What is she even complaining about traps for
That's what I mean. All the bara falseflagging to try to get trap lovers and bara lovers to argue has always been seething women who hate both.
This is depressing. The ftms I’ve been friends with are chill and I felt we had stuff in common. But I guess the cc people who troon are still going to be crazy and hate gnc men.
Honestly with how same shit is said, she's probably /here/ and one of the schizos. The fact that that page was also posted in a "straight trap" thread on 4chan as well.
I think they're literally just triggered by non-cuntboy femboys like that one yuri lowell schizo.
I thought the quote in >>3887978 was a crystal cafe femcel seething about femboys and equating them to trannies, gloating they’d origami their dicks in time.
Probably are jealous of men/dicks tho.
The femcel larping as a barafag would call everyone straggots while saying fem males deserve castration. Literally https://archived.moe/y/thread/3003031/#3005471
Combined with the other post sounds like they’re literally jealous of dicks and want to take them away from men they think don’t deserve them. Which sounds crazy till you read their posts.
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Sucks they didn’t match the eyes on any of those, it just looks like a trace not a cosplay.
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I think you meant to post
>Castrate, sever and abuse boobless futas. They're not real men. Get triggered straggots trannies
Which also had a photo of castration.
I thought it was just a really angry unhinged barafag but it’s now funnier knowing it’s a woman who has repeatedly wished death on femboy dicks.
You have to crossboard link like >>>/y/3005471
And no, it's not us barafags, I like bara on trap/twink.
She makes bara shitposts threads on /y/ to get at us too. Funny how bad she is at it all.
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>I like bara on trap/twink.
And that anon has serious problems even if they weren’t repeatedly wishing castration on others.
why do foids have to ruin everything, can't they just be happy as /soc/ cumrags and stop coming here
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It’s funny when you realize some of them like tighnari but he’s about as close to draw a girl as you can get in china
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I mean despite hating traps they also spam straight trap threads and futa on male.
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> straight trap
What does that even mean? This?
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To be fair, most Fujo apart from a few very maladjusted people I feel bad for are okay and soijaks are often the bigger menace.
onions-jaks running Netflix basically did a ban on feminine men and when they got backlash said they did it to be feminist https://www.thepinknews.com/2018/12/18/netflix-saint-seiya-andromeda-shun/
In reality it’s just getting rid of characters that seemed too gay and replacing them with ones they think are hot (women). Idk why this got me mad.
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Traps who only fuck women, basically josou seme but worse. They seem to just seethe at gay traps and BL.
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Weird, I was sure that was a straight male artist thing. I’m guessing their version is mostly shota which is weird too.
the whole appeal of saint seiya was the pretty boys lmao
Netflix literally removed the ones who seem too androgynous and replaced them with women and said they did it for gender equality meanwhile despite the feminine man ban Chinese companies are still spamming quality. Literal basedjak vs Chad animators.
How is this a trap? It's very clearly a twink.
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Because you could mistake for a boyish woman in their base state and if you throw on a dress you get waifu (male)
Also picrel is tagged crossdressing/male in pixiv so it’s fair game
don't reply to me you pornsick weirdo no regular adult males in anime look like any of those
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She's angry again.
Go back to lolcow
Her criteria for whether or not something is a trap or acceptable is literally if it has short hair lol..
You niggers’ basis on what makes an anime boy acceptably masculine continues to baffle me.
dear god that retard getting uppity and then spamming "lmfao get rekt tapfahs have images of ur fav chars being beaten or portrayed more boyishly" gives me anxiety. Especially when the ones where they're portrayed more boyishly are so good. I have the hideyoshi, chihiro and whatever the blend s one was called saved.
I wish castration... no, boiling water falling onto their balls to any retard who gets wary because of fucking seeing traps, or overall a especific drawn body type he doesn't like, like bara. God damned with you niggers you always gotta find something to rage about
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Speaking about castration
>femcel wishes castration and trooning on femboys to punish males for ruining BL
>gay bl artists: make some of their bottoms use hrt since that’s a thing now and ups degeneracy
>femcel: wtf why is tranny shit in my yaoi!
Self owned. It’s funny mostly just because it triggers them
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I don't get why she can't just fucking filter trap threads and move on. All the bitching does is get more people to post them just because she's so annoying and it makes her mad. Seeing her repost the same images for 2 years now and then realizing she actually keeps them all on her hard drive.
..To what end though
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most fujos are fine and i'd argue women are behind the bulk of jp weeb porn that isn't disgusting roidpig nonsense. e.g. the artist of this for example >>3888364 is a woman. don't let one seething trapschizo make everyone else look bad
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*gay jp weeb porn (yaoi)

>expecting logic from an actual schizo who's convinced western femboy fags are taking over a gay porn community in a country whose language these western femboy largely can't speak/that otoko no ko characters in BL are anything but an extreme niche
don't think about it too hard
Western femboy stuff really did hit us real bad. The western stuff is almost a caricature of the japanese utukunuku niche. Anorexic guys dressing as ridiculously stereotypical pink girls while claiming an identity out of it and not even being not serious. Whenever something becomes popular it also degrades severely
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Not really. 4chan femgen might have been the western cradle and those were just cyberpunk twinks that did crazy things to cheat twink death and like androgyny (more the seeming andro from soft features than crossdressing). A lot don’t even crossdress.
Maybe ones outside just make it cringe crossdressing (also worth mentioning Reddit etc hate 4chan version’s use of meds), but no. The dirty underbelly of the net that birthed it in the west is pretty close to the Japanese version - also now doing similar stuff.
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The mass-replying faggot is right. Many of the boys ITT are shotas and pretty boys with feminine faces but who otherwise are easy to identify as male. The point of traps is to be mistaken for girls until you "inspect them" and realize they're boys.
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The Chinese government complained that you couldn’t tell Gorou and Venti’s gender at first glance. Then even more feminine characters came out along with Hina. That should be good enough.
Short of gyno or drawing women is there anything else that could be done?
The Chinese government complained that you couldn’t tell Xi and Winnie Pooh apart at first glance and banned "feminine men" as a whole from media. They are fucking retards and their opinion is irrelevant.
The point is that people are posting bishies and shotas (the OP explicitly says this thread isn't for shotas since there's a separate trap shota thread up) that aren't even crossdressing.
My >>3887945 post is not shota yet I was still tagged, and this post >>3888425 is clearly cross-dressing/feminine clothes stop making up bullshit reasons to shitpost you moron.
I'm not the one who mass-replied random posts like a retard. If I didn't hate mass-replies I'd list the posts I'm complaining about.
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Doggo is probably near twink death age as his and itto’s bios refer to them as adults he’s been a samurai for years till he ended up running an army. Also https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rtUwHe2uzac
So is very topical
Aether isn't a trap.
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ah cmon go away straggot
i think a lot of what that autist quoted wasn’t at all what i imagined when i made the (last) thread but i also don’t care. the occasional bishonen or shota isn’t going to hurt anyone. see picrel; to me those are just short guys but i know many will parse them as shota

i wish more art itt was oc content though/stuff that can’t easily be found on danbooru
i also hate that you had to give the local schizoid attention in the op
what is it with roasties and using this new buzzword
It’s hilarious cry about it.
>None of these are traps because I personally think I can tell the difference in a meta way
This sentiment is stupid and I’m tired of seeing it. If the artist tagged most of those, sans maybe the regular Gorou, as girl or transformingtofemale and flattened their penises you wouldn’t bat an eye.
The fact that you could put hair extensions on any of the shorter guys in that and they’d look just like female anime chars except the male genitals makes them traps. Long hair was never a requirement. They’re not regular twinks because the twinks in their drawn universe look specific and obviously different- noticeably intentionally male from different shape language. Hell the guys in the green suits are already 100% indistinguishable other than the bulge and flat chests all of them would pass for short haired girls in universe or to someone irl unfamiliar with traps. If guilty gear xx came out today, otokonoko/trap being popularized with Bridget who was just a shota with short hair who was confused for a girl in his universe, you guys would probably say he’s not one because he looks like a shota/twink/male.
So stupid and argumentative for no reason, but it’s probably the trapschizo finding new ways of being unhinged as usual.
you’ve posted this image on lc before with a different unhinged rant attached. the way you samefag both sides of an argument is literally insane and i don’t know how you justify that in your head, genuinely. shut up trapschizo
im not a foid, and straggot has been a word used here for ages. You're in the cute/male board, so expect cute boyish trap stuff, it doesnt even make sense if youre just gonna draw girls and call them boys.
you guys are insane, consider the following:
1) go outside and see the sky for a few minutes
2) go and watch animes like idk moyashimon or assassination classroom so you remember what the trap trope actually was
im gay
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>people usually complain about hina-mode gorou
>but now complain that he isn’t in hina mode
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>"Used to be that being a trap meant something... You'd have to go getchaself dolled up and mistaken for a LADY, and by god, if you hadn't fooled at least 1 poor schmuck into tagging your pics as 1girl on a booru, ya weren't doin' it right. Nowadays, any random prick can stick on a skirt and get called a trap. Ain't right, lad. Stolen valour's what it is."
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She's trying so hard to shit stir.
You're correct but mentally ill tourists like to stir shit and gatekeep when they're not even old enough to remember what GGX2 is.
Take your meds retard, that's one of the most common original Bridget images off of google.
the second one you replied to is the lolcow sperg btw
you guys need to get better at ignoring her
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When u realize he ran away and became tighnari
Impossible to tell when there are 3 different traps = tranny shitposters posting from each angle at any given minute.
You think we'll ever have one of these threads without the tsunami of bitching?
Ugh, I forgot how hideous the gothic lolita was in Princess Princess.
Pretty boys, terrible clothes.
>telling my mass quote spamming shitposting self to stop forcing my mental illness incorrect gatekeeping on the thread is le unhinged rant abloo abloo
Neck yourself and don’t project your samefag tendencies; that defeats the entire purpose of telling you to shut the fuck up with your spergouts and stop chasing people off an already dead thread on a slow as shit board.
What the fuck does your boogeyman on some random art critique thread have to do with traps? I don’t use any other boards anyway you retarded kike. Get a hobby, ywnbam, 41%, etc buzzwords. Getting tired of these constant cries for attention your absentee father never gave you.

I got it this morning from duckduckgo not google but yeah.
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You could start by not bitching about it.
bridget feet..
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this faggot boi has MISSLES for tits
may i have a whiff of your pussy, my /cgl/ queen??
lc is the girl drama nu/cgl/ website she came from, not /ic/
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there's nothing wrong with those except needing long sleeves
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Dog tits
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p cute
>He's such a cute boy. I'm jealsous...
>She's tall and beautiful, I wish I was like that

>But I can't keep hiding that I'm crossdressing

>Will she be taken back by my hobby... But if we're going to be together I want her to know...

>you're a girl!?
>you're a boy!?

>they're both guys

(after that they became much closer)
Yooo, what is this fanart of?
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How Booba?
I never really got why this artist draws his dog bottoms and only his dog bottoms (not Kaveh, Tighnari, or Childe) with dog booba but I’m not complaining.
Dog food has much onions. That’s probably why
>TFW you’re a life guard and your job is forcing femboys w too much gyno to cover up
>she’s spamming ugly, poorly drawn genshin art and going on about “dog booba” now
fuck off already
How new are you
I miss non schizo trap threads
Then stop making them schizo.
keep on the weird hrt meltie if you want but stop posting images with actual female characters like Kokomi
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>keep on the weird hrt meltie
That’s the other crazy anon who had a breakdown over stuff showing up on doujin and then ran around wishing castration on others.
Which is kinda funny
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>female characters like Kokomi
That’s man - komi tho and you can even see a dick bulge
>people who want to jerk off to men who look like women are mentally ill
Shouldn't be surprising. This is why /cm/ needs to be for straight men only, who can enjoy cute boys for aesthetic reasons and no weird perversions.
She was right about 1 thing though, genshin males are garbage
Yae Miko is a girl
Can I watch you flick your bean to shota please mommy
Being all the way in the background of an image hardly counts. What do you expect when it’s a “bully Gorou” pic.
What does this even mean?
Sneed. They’ve taken over twitter/pixiv etc
>Being all the way in the background of an image hardly counts.
It's against the rules and nobody wants to see females on /cm/.
>in the background
nigga you post shit like this stfu >>3888409
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>thread has guys with fake (or real) tits
>but the problem is characters at the corner of the pic
I mean, I guess you could just crop it. But it’s funnier wout crop since it fits the bullying.
Nobody likes the HRT pics you spam either but at least they follow the rules technically even if they're shit and you're obviously only doing it to start fights. Go back to the genshin thread.
ok roastie
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Pretty sure that’s not the in universe explanation for cyno gyno. That artist is really good at drawing male body types tho so no trolling wasn’t the primary goal. Even if someone else having a breakdown and making tons of unhinged posts is funny afak
Idiot, there are no females on 4chan.
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>Go back to the genshin thread.
people there usually complain about Hina mode gorou
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Because its not /cm/
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How? It’s a male character being forced to cross dress and a himbo simping his waifu mode and it’s somehow canon. It’s extremely relevant to this thread.
Also people complained regular Gorou isn’t fem enough for this thread.
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This is clearly a woman >>3888440
It’s tagged otokonoko/crossdressing and they often stick fake booba on Hina mode Gorou. Also in lore it’s supposed to be Gorou going undercover as a ZZZ waifu.
>female shoulders
>female hips
Yeah its 100% a woman
fuck off jfc
I didn't care until you started posting actual women along with your 'force boys to take hrt and get gyno' schizophrenia.
You're also retarded and don't belong.
Both quotes you posted are the lolcow bitch arguing with herself..
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>posting literal female character art as a gotcha
>always talking about how you troll le trap threads by making them seethe about how traps are all trannies in denial
nobody's falling for it, go back to your manhate website
im betting she wants to post these and then say “look there’s really no difference between these and women!” so she feels justified in her spam desu
Probably. Wish jannies would deal with it already.
She already did >>3888871
Just one thread without unhinged fat losers trying to force their irl fetishes on 2d boys would be cool.
Just one thread where retards like you fucked off would be cool.
Triggered the fat roastie.
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Can't really help it cause even if you ignore her she just argues with herself about how only women can get hip fat.
He’s right you’re annoying as fuck.
Xhey has been posting actual females (kokomi, yae miko) in the genshin threads for months now. /cm/ has no mods.
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They delated some of the dog booba art thankfully >>3887806
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Spend more time reporting and less time replying.
If only they’d do that to the woman boob art.
Stop trying to bait people into announcing.
probably half the thread already has
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Not trying to bait anyone, sorry if it came off that way. Gonna just go back to posting.
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Nah https://files.catbox.moe/xtlu4a.png
This doesn’t prove anything when she consistently phoneposts tbf.
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I don't play Genshin, but Freminet's design is cute and makes me TToTT
>I don't play Genshin
it’s boring.. you just log in and do chores every day
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Yeah, it didn't look very exciting
Not a big fan of mobile games, anyway
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Try it, the open world is fairly big now and its fun to explore, Also god tier boys
bruh don’t encourage him to self harm like that
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It’s literally Gorou’s usual build (>>3888361) with fake booba glued on. The in game lore says he has a very slim build that he’s insecure about.
There are bio males slim enough that small size male clothes are loose and thick thighs and that doesn’t take away their male status.
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Don't give her attention
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It’s tagged male https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101220576
> making them seethe about how traps are all trannies in denial
Also you’re a retard. I’m not from LC and >>3886762 was comparing femcel “trolls” crying and wishing castration on femboys with actually effective pink pilling trolls who target femboys. It fits since he’s basically treated like that in the last game.
> “look there’s really no difference between these and women!”
why would someone from cc/lc do that? They hate femboys for “mocking” women.
They’re in the background of many of the best (Gorou gets bullied) images. >>3887822 perfectly encapsulates what hard (Gorou) mode is like.
its all so tiresome
> 'force boys to take hrt and get gyno'
Where did I say that? The other anon got triggered by that coming up in doujin
Would have thought laughing at them and having mentioned femgen a while back would have clued you into realizing not the same but not my problem
Seriously, we're just not allowed to have a good thread without unmoderated trolls.
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Anything goes is what makes 4chan good
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Succubus wife Kaveh
I don't give a shit about the rest of what you do but having to see female characters on a board for cute men is annoying as shit. I'd go to /c/ if I wanted to see that.
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If women are in group photos they’re always in the background and not the focus. Do you want them cropped out or something?
This. Breastforms/tucking are on one level of cringe I try to look past, but don’t include literal women just because they’re next to a crossdressing male ffs. Or at least keep it in the gencrap threads so we don’t have to see it.
its against the rules of the board just like males on /u/
stop being a retarded nigglet
Yes, are you stupid?
> just like males on /u/
That would be funny afak. Someone else can do that though as I don’t want to wade through waifu.
This board had always been okay with group images so long as males were the focus of the pic
good heavens what did even happen here
yeah, yeah, you can kindly fuck off, you dont even belong here
you all know, by this point, the pointless, ridiculous and stupid arguing about 2d catamites is part of the fun of trap threads
not true in the slightest, you just managed to get away with it because you posted in threads where jannies are too naive to differentiate
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They thought all the femboy cyno art was a plot by lc
no point in engaging her she’s just “trolling” to flick her bean
You could easily flood them with crossdressing baras and get the same boring reactions. Newfags are easily amused.
I believe this level of unhingement would be solved if people were simply asked to post and discuss established characters instead of OCs or genshins, so there would be an IQ, board culture and interest barrier that would prevent all these dumb discussions.
They’d still be posting Genshins anyway, don’t kid yourself. You can’t control 4channers with nothing better to do.
I don't mind Genshins that much though, just saying if people started posting characters like Kurapika there wouldn't--- actually nevermind, they would start discussing about what's the line between a trap and a bishonen and would get angry because of that. Lmfao why am I even trying
we were posting characters like that earlier and got 'those aren't traps they aren't girly enough'
you can't win
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That’s impossible to believe. His design is draw a boyish woman call it a man. The same goes for Lio.
People who saw the promo art before the trailer were going on about how Promare had a female lead before being proved idiots. So counts for thread.
>>they're both guys
astonishingly based
alright, just finished stroking my dick to this
Ehrm what were you saying?
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Boys with big boobs is メスお兄さん or メス男子 not 男の娘 . . .
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Does cyno stuff like >>>/y/3045405
Count as big tho
this ship is so peak
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>picrel come out
>instantly and irreversibly get uwufied
Hina was only the final nail
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mai waifu (male)
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Suck my cock roastie.
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It’s his birthday.
Say something nice.
You can feel the absolute seethe seeping from this image
a biological female made it, unironically
This woman has never seen a trap.
>she’s replying again
wet for attention huh maybe genshin general needs a visit
Just ignore her, please.
Do you think women would post nsfw over twinks with gyno?
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>Shit gets deleted
>Posts it again
What sort of disease is this?
Both of those are hot
I don't see the problem with either of them
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Begone Thot!
Mental illness + attention whoring
always wondered why traps get subjected to the “t-this isn’t how men look!!” debate as if it isn’t
men generally don’t have dorito bodies or legs ten times longer than their torsos and heads but nobody ever complains about them. women generally don’t have hartman hips either…or pectorals and no breasts, as traps tend to have. a total absence of breasts isn’t flat breasts
no wonder its so cringe
I like traps with some very small bumpage but that other image was too much.
Penis envy from unhinged women and body dysmorphia from insecure gay bottoms who can't look like one. They're a loud minority, I know actual genetic girls who like traps but they get shouted down by other women.
I mean that’s pretty much the norm with femboys in 2024. https://archived.moe/lgbt/thread/21223365/#29827933
Maybe even in Japan given it’s showing up in their art.
>insecure gay bottoms
When you realize their standards of beauty have been severely warped vs even 10 years ago
I don't get the meme of femboys taking oestrogen for the tiddies, as nice as they are.
It'll just make them fuck their head up and go down the dreaded tranny pipeline.
Probably avoiding mascuinizing which is a big fear in their communities.
They still hate it if you call them trannies.
I don't think boys should be pear shaped. If others like that, fine, but its a strong personal preference of mine.
>schizo ban evading bitch still samefagging herself and calling fictional characters hrt chugging trannies
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No anon, I'm a trap and shota lover, I just dislike too much boobage on a trap because it's basically then just futa.
Small boy bumps at most, that way you maintain the trap or shota aspect.
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Reddit tourists go and stay go. Futa = hermaphrodite and there's male futa too.
Anyway, nobody is wanting or posting tranny shemales/boys with huge hrt gyno except one roastie troll that hates men and likes gyakuryona/guro/male suffering. She should dome herself asap.
you’re replying to her btw
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I'm aware herm and futa are the same thing, it's just the meme colloquialism most people have defaulted to and usually everyone doesn't care for the distinction.
Male futa is horrendous, as are cunboys.

Non. Rather new here. Came to lurk and enjoy Bridget being posted as the trap he is because /v/ is insufferable.
But then boys with tits got posted rather than boys with some minor bumpage so I had to voice my displeasure.
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>using /v/ to talk about anything gay related
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i yearn for an alternate universe where angel discovered that nutting into aki's butt gave aki his lifespan back
I wanna go back to the comfy times where boys in skirts weren't associated with mental illness.
It’s your fault for saying femboys are trannies and associating them with mental illness.
It’s just one self hating twitter/lolcow woman spamming that here, nobody else cares.
You're probably replying to her.
How much of /cm/ is just /v/ tourists? this sucks.

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