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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Post bots and /m/echa
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Also previous: >>3893311
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just call it transformers general lmao
unironically though, that's all these fujos ever post
Next one might as well just be that
It's one of the franchises with the greatest abundance of artwork where sentient mecha are concerned, not unexpected
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You're allowed to post something else for now
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he can't keep getting away with it
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Built for sixsomes
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Built for big spider ovipositors
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You weren’t kidding.
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>transformers general
Transformers are great
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El goblino and his handler
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>tfw we will never get this type of broken renegade Prowl back again
Made for villain shipping. It's cool that he's confirmed to return for Earthspark and his Roche design looks great, but they'll probably downtone him to a comical grump in that show so I will wait till I see it with my own eyes.
There is almost zero content for sentient male robots if you ignore OC. It's mainly Transformers and the Brave shows, but Transformers is actually gay (at least partially). I mean there is no TF-only rule, so feel free to post other series if you find something. Nowadays we have Bravern as well.
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I miss senator Shokkuweebu. The amount of art he gets even up to this day is astonishing if you remember the screentime he had. Reminds me of Kaworu.
Even more surprising is that I half-abandoned MegOP in favor of ShockOP at some point. I still like the first and I am usually an enemy shipper, but ShockOP is peak and I have more ideas for them when I fantasize.
>There is almost zero content for sentient male robots if you ignore OC
>but Transformers is actually gay (at least partially)
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I guess "partially" in the sense of some of the series being written that way with pandering, implications and actually gay bots. Since most TF series aren't.
IDW's a little gay
>There is almost zero content for sentient male robots if you ignore OC
You mean sentient mecha
There are plenty of sentient misc male robots in various media, but not quite with the aesthetic that TF has
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Spike sleeve
Queen Megatron
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I love Prowl and his Constructicon harem, wish it had lasted for longer. Only realised now that Prowl is confirmed to appear in the latter half of s2 of Earthspark. Maybe I should watch it after all, though I doubt that they will allow him to be a very serious character.
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Uuuoooohhh hot milf doctor
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Built for decapitated interfacing
>Transformers thread
>on /cm/
What in the actual fuck? Are fujo's really interested in Transformers? I came here to get art for an RPG for some characters, and I find Transformers here?
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I'm surprised you're surprised.
I thought the only TF fujo was Raksha or whatever the fuck her name was from the old ass message boards, who was nuts.
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Anon, where the fuck have you been for the past 22 years
Not browsing Transformers fan art, thats for sure.
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You don't need to browse fanart to have heard about the reputation
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Even if you don't hang out in these kinds of circles, it's a little naive to assume that only one instance of something exists upon seeing it
There haven't been any new cartoon series in a while but ten something years ago it definitely had threads on /cm/ when Animated and Prime were running, this comic is from one of them. Now there's a movie coming out so the fandom has reactivated slightly
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There has been two cartoons after RiD2013 actually
But nobody watched Cyberverse and Earthspark was gimped as hell distribution/airing wise, not to mention cancelled now
Oh yeah
I kind of like Cyberverse too, not sure why I forgot about it
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I miss the aggressive, yet still good-hearted rebel Optimus from IDW1, especially Chaos Theory. The scene where he's riding the alt-mode corpse of his beheaded friend and beating up Whirl to storm the senate and call out the senators for being corrupt, oppressive shitters will always be one of my favorite TF scenes of all time.
That said, the senators themselves are hot regardless and I casually ship them too.
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Megatron/Starscream was legit one of the four legendary and first omnipresent fujo ships I encountered when I started using the internet in the late 90s.
The other three were Kaworu/Shinji, Sephiroth/Cloud and Griffith/Guts.
It always attracted fujos since it's essentially a series about naked, shiny men with wings or fins and feelings being angry at each other. Later series have even explicitly pandered to them. The IDW comics in particular were outright fujo. As in, containing a good bunch of canonically gay robots (with some of them marrying), a hand full of male yandere and some lovehaters that are hard to interpret as anything but gay. The comic artists eventually jumped on the hype train and drew gay artworks even for non-canon pairings for money or fun which helped giving the franchise the gay image it now has. One of the artists even drew TF gay porn before her work for IDW.
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Mecha shows in general attracted fujos, basically
There were sayings about how back then, the only people buying Gundam merch were women, with male fans only coming in like 5 years after the franchise started or something
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I remember reading that and remember not believing it back then. Tomino also said it. Basically, the boys were interested in the toys and mostly watched the anime to see their toys do pew pew, if they watched them at all. Girls on the other hand didn't care about the toys, but watched the series for the the characters and story.
There are exceptions of course but it's a trend and it is the same for TF. I see a lot of women buying TF toys now as well, but they stick to the characters they sympathize with and know from the series they read or watch. When I used the TF forums to read about the Kuro Kara Kuri Tarn toy (costs like 450 dollars, I own it as well) the women there bought him because they're fans of Tarn the character, whereas most of the male fans had never even heard of him and bought it for the cool look.
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Remember kids, kissing a robot can get them pregnant
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I love senator Shockwave
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Even if you ignoring the gay content and fetishes it would attract fujos, simply for the sheer amount of male characters of all possible types. There are guys for every niche, including big dragon/bird dudes, pink dudes with goggles, big beefcake dictators or twinks with wings.
I don't know how many TF pairings exist that have their own fanart or fics, but considering that there is even content for dudes like Kroma/Macabre who appeared in maybe four panels each speaks volumes. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more 300 tagged pairings. There is something for everybody.
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Mad that we've never gotten a Tyrest toy. Though I would have bet money on never seeing senator Shockwave either before it happened, so there is that.
The size difference between Autobots and Decepticons in the Animated was something else
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Reminds me of the time when I believed that Trepan was just a small twink OC fans came up with to have a botlet partner Overlord, who is one of the biggest non-combiners in the comics. And then I read the comics again and remembered that Trepan existed. He was the "souvenir" that Overlord kidnapped to make him teach him how to hack brains.
Bots can have some massive size differences so I wouldn't wonder if this is half of the reason for why Overlord/Trepan and Rung/Megatron were so popular to begin with.
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Size differences in Animated and the franchise in general are top tier

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