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Cats & Cats & Cats Edition

Previous: >>3895621
Trap shota: >>3878372
Kemoshota: >>3887400
Shota manga: >>3844997
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Sounds like some disgusting pedo site
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this website is weird why so much info
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no thanks
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I miss nazunyan
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What are they showing him?
Why do artists insist on damning their drawings to hell by depicting them holding hands before marriage?
Get a new meme.
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Shotas can't go to hell dummy, since they're the blessing of our Lord upon this world and their love is the purest one possible.
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Sauce please
Need... Sho... BF...
It starts by justifying itself as well as listing the histories of paederasty throughout the world. It's such a taboo that most people aren't really aware of its historical ubiquity.

If that doesn't interest you just scroll to the bottom and 'literature' for a bunch of pdf downloads. I recommend you read the anthology reviews. The site author gives a brief overview of each story in that collection as well as his views on it. It's useful to see whether it sounds like something you'd like, as well as telling you whether the story is about pre-pubescents or adolescents.
Why can't Elon give us genetically engineered cat-boy sons? I want genetically engineered cat-boy son soo bad bros
THIS. I just need a cute sho to rest his head on my chest while falling asleep <3
am I retarded? it's a placeholder
I even pulled it up in archive and it's all a placeholder. I'm being bamboozled and I don't like it.
https://www.greek-love (dot) (c o m)/

4chan won't let me link it directly.

I want to put a boy to bed!
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Shos are here to brighten up your day!
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>tfw no David
Post shos wearing pajamas
What is more pure, the love between a man and a boy or the love between a boy and another boy?
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They're both equally pure <3
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Thoughts on blonde shos?
A very good variety of sho, but I prefer brown hair.
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Adults aren't pure, shos are so two shos together are the purest thing ever
I like dark haired shos with pale skin
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Is it weird that I want to hug a shota from behind like in that pic and smell him?
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Yes. All smellfags are weird.
This reminds me of the time when I jacked off in class.
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Time to fix that
I only ever did that once. 7th grade, was playing outside before school started and cut myself, school wouldn't let me wear my shirt because it had blood on it so they made me wear some massive hoodie from the lost and found that had the pouch pocket thing in front, had a crush on a boy in the communications class and jerked it through my shorts with my hand in the pocket just moving my wrist. No one noticed.
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Boy - Boy. Though Adult - Boy is more realistic, in being able to prepare the boy for the world's horrors.
Did you ever manage to do anything with him?
Nothing more than hugging.
That's still pretty nice; just friendly, and never more, or with anyone else?
canihavepromo. They deleted their account doe I think.
No. Smelling adults is weird because most of them are stinky and disgusting, but shotas smell wonderful! Only a retard would refuse the opportunity to gently hold a cute little shota on his arms and smell him.
I'd kill for a cat boy shota son but billionaires care more about killing and eating shos than loving them
I need more of this pairing
Why are shos so cute and cuddly and soft and perfect and and
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Play nine sols
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Because they're the only Angels who lingered after this shitty world fell.

I want to cuddle with a cute Seraphim. :(
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Good thing I started posting him a fee threads back huh?
I'm looking at this webcomic every night. I've already read it through, I'm just admiring the art. And I hope the new season comes out soon, the author says on twitter that she's working on it.
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Speedy Shota AKA The Elusive Samurai is getting a 26 episode anime!
I recently read a short story (downloaded from the Greek Love site) where he says that you know a boy likes you if:
He bundles his dirty underwear into a ball, and throws it at your face.

Isn't that terribly true? So cute!
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Stop shilling that weirdo website
I'm just making people aware. I was really happy when I found it and have enjoyed reading loads of cute stories about boys--something you appear not to be so interested in.
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did you ever fall in love with a drawing?
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All the time
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>it is 26
So cute!
I know, I was talking about >>3897910.
Also, I will always think of him as brushking.
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If you like shotas and you're not yet aware, there's an /sm/ board on a site I'm not going to name, but it has an 8 instead of a 4 and ends with "dot moe" instead of "dot org."
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Hontoku/service boy
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>doesn't post the story
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What did we think of Karl Andersson's book about shota?
He wants to add you to his kik first
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Did CoCoLo let him use his/her art for the cover of the book?
What? Lol. I refuse to believe that's real.
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holy based i MUST get a degree now
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Better pic.
>Shota means cute boys.
>The amateur comic genre called shota was pioneered by young women in Japan in the 1980s. It has since then been embraced and loved by ever more people.
>In this research-based ethnography, we meet the readers and creators of this unique and elusive manga genre.
>Academic rigor meets playful passion when the researcher and his participants try to understand and convey the magical attraction of cute boy characters in Japanese manga and anime.
>Get a hands-on understanding of how shota is read:
> - Ideal Boys: Pick an age - add attributes and personality.
> - Ideal Pasts: Reclaim your bullied past through shota.
> - Shared Desires: Enjoy the support of the community.
> - Real Boys: Follow the ethics of shota.
>Interviews and surveys are mixed with reports from shota conventions in Tokyo and Yokohama.
>And for the first time in English, shota's tumultuous history is mapped in detail.
>Let's play!
>Bonus chapter: Behind the scenes of a public outcry!

Seeing somebody write a 200 pages book based on PhD level research about the shotacon genre is so surreal. I actually respect him for having the balls to show his face and talk in a positive way about such controversial material. It kinda gives me hope (I don't know for what but it does).
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I've watched some of his videos. He just seemed like a massive creep to me.
I would not let him near kids.
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I feel like if you buy that you go on like 1,000 different watch lists.

Boys really are impossibly cute tho so maybe idk
In the future
>(it isn't already)
AI will be automatically scanning anyone who comes to sites like these and registering them. They'll do a multifaceted risk assessment of whether anyone here is actually likely to try irl, and taking suitably precautions. The first you'll know of it is a knock at the door. And with governmental advances in decryption there are no ways to actually disguise you browsings, or even if there were you'd need to have done it prior to them collecting the logs at all; it's not sufficient just to start now.

I just accept it. It's too late. Life's unfair. Maybe you get got or you won't; you just have to hold true to some internal moral compass that reassures you that you'd never actually harm anyone, but only want to make people happy.
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Forbidden love <3
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How do you cope with the fact that you're never going to be little again? Nobody will ever hug and comfort you when you're scared. You will never fall asleep on the sofa or in the car and be carried to bed. You will never be tucked in and read a bedtime story. You will never get to wear cute colorful clothes while you run around and play with your friends. There are only so many drugs a man can take to make reality go away.
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you get to be the one who does that now, take joy in the possibility
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Alright, let's see how many of us are women or man.
I have guess that there are much more girls here than we think. I believe that fujos are the main consumers of shota content. I may be wrong, idk.
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Claus and Lucas deserved a better game than Mother 3.
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ten to one! thats certainly something
Good thing we live in kali yuga, shit's getting historical.
Or for bad, just don't self delete yourself.
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What a bleak world.
At least we still have anime, that's something.
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Joshua is 10.
Did you really get triggered by this
Aint no way lmao
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gargle my whole hairy dick and nutsack
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>decide to see how big is my shota folder
>77.61 GB
>75,348 files
I think I have a problem.
You're literally wrong
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It's called being based, not having a problem.
It's beautiful just how much shota there is in the world.
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Wow you're wrong
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>be 8yo me playing in my room
>some bird gets in the room
>doesn't stop flying like crazy and getting dangerously close to my face
>actually get scared of the bird and begin to cry
>parents spend 10 minutes trying to trap the bird while I cry in a corner
>the bird eventually leaves on its own like nothing
Fucking bird.
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Why are shos so fcking cool
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I'm probably already in the watlist I'm just waiting for the inevitable
Anon you made my eyes water
I actually have to buy this. Andersson is the most based man in the universe at this point
It's very real, the dude made a 45 minute long documentary about shota with an amateur artist in japan
and he also wrote a scientific research paper about his experience on jerking off to it and published it on some legit research site.
I think he even got paid for that. He's completely unhinged and probably has some form of autism too, no idea how he keeps getting away with this shit.
The living example of I need/ jerk off to SHOTA for research purposes
crying over a bird, what a pussy ass bitch
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Small boys in a big world
I want to sneak up behind a sho, pick him up by the armpits, then toss him into a pond! Then he'd get out and try to get me all wet with a big hug. :3
what if he didn't appreciate the "joke" and hate you afterwards?
We'd be sufficiently friendly beforehand so that it'd only strengthen our bond. Plus I'd mockingly dance about in front of the pond before him, gloating in my victory, so as to let him vengefully push me in.

Then we'd water wrestle, before getting out and cuddling together to warm up!
One of the few actually worthwhile Webtoons. Debbido is very cute. The story also really gives me that 2000s feel. [spoiler]Because I was like that back in school[/spoiler] I wish more stories captured that aesthetic properly.
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Osomatsu best shota
I love him and his little friend.
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Sorry kiddo, I didn't mean to make you sad.
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love always win
What are they going to do with that camera?
Look for supernatural phenomena.
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NoEyebrow draws the best summer shotas.

I wish that these threads could last the whole season.
>shota finds the rare bronze beetle

Actually bug catching sounds like it could be a lot of fun, especially if you’re looking for specific species. It’s like real-life Pokemon. I should have done it as a kid.
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That is so fucking cute ToT I just want to see shos being happy
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Why do artists draw shotas with those hats so often
I think it's a children's day thing in japan. They make paper samurai hats.
We did something similar in kindergarten and school on a national holiday in my country.
We made similar hats like that and sabres out of paper, with the handguard thingy and everything.
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What every shotacon needs :3
Full version.
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Damn, guess i have to watch yo kai watch
>Gets a literal degree in shotaology and writes a book about the greatness of it
Is this man the chosen one?
Cocolo endorsed the book on Twitter so I'm assuming so.
>tend to have several short dreams in a night
>one of them was that I was giving a bath to a shota
>specifically I was behind him washing his hair while he was talking to me about various things
>I could vividly feel his little head and his soft wet hair
>suddenly something in the real world woke me up
>it's 3 in the morning so I try to sleep again
>couldn't go back to the dream with the shota
where's the non-binary option, chud!
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Not real, stay mad.
I'm drunk and sad and wish I had a cute sho bf who'd sit in my lap, kiss me, then giggle cheekily as he buries his head in the crook of my neck!
unbelievably based, possibly the only non-jewfunded researcher
Go fag somewhere else.
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>he also wrote a scientific research paper about his experience on jerking off to it and published it on some legit research site.
I'm convinced that he's legit crazy.
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Hey don't lump fags in with that
no bf for you until you stop drinking anon! it'll be a bad influence
Things you would do with your sho? (no lewd) For me it would be:
>Watching movies
>Playing vidya
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>I believe that fujos are the main consumers of shota content
sorry but ..lol
Don't know why anon thought that when it's obviously not true
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i don't either, shota artists are overwhelmingly male and women'll even attack other women for liking it
Not to whiteknight but men do too
Would watch a movie of this shos going on adventures
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Nothing cus 2D images are not real.
Don't put me in the sack of shitty women, I've never attacked other women for liking shota
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Teasing a sho for being tiny by picking him up and treating him like a baby!
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Well you were wrong
Brothers, I can't do it anymore, I just want a cute sho who gives me a kiss on the cheek and likes to listen to me while I talk, I can't stand being alone anymore :(
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Here have a sho to keep u company :3
Let's die together anon, I can't stand this either
Open his milk and pour it on his head then scold him for being a pussy milk drinking bitch and hand him a fifth of vodka.
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>Proceeds to get annihilated by shota protection mechs
Light hazing immediately followed by giving a gift warrants annihilation? You sure that's within their parameters for protecting the shos?
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Know that you have fellow sufferers here.

I honestly can't even slightly conceive how I'm going to live out the rest of my life. It's so fucking lonely, and it'll only get worse. I just want a cute sho to cuddle with :(
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Mf is getting dogged on
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Shotas are actually happier this way
Would go on adventures with him :3
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Sometimes, I forget 4chaners have standards
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Need... Sho... BF...
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Why are they so darn huggable.
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They're smol and full of love
I need to an hero
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Me too, but I'm scared of pain.
The world would probably be a better place without you, that's why you have to keep on living. Fuck the world!
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He's so cute Mashallah
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But then you wouldn't be able to enjoy shos think about that
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OMORI manga storytime.
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New thread: >>3900868
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You were 5 pics early.
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And it's done.
well you should.
fuck that bullshit
Why'd you bump this thread just to say that? Fuck off

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