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Team Sho
Previous: >>3899338
My team shota is Mika, Xi, Chong, and Gorou.
Same but Freminet instead of Gorou.
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I would if I had him.
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breedable little boys
I use Scara/Benny/XQ/Venti. Full shota team and it also works very well.
This is true
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breedable little boy
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Experts at handling adult men
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what of it
It’s sexy
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Desert sho pleases old men for money.
Soft boynips...
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for me it’s scaramouche xingqiu freminet and bennett
good taste
I love genshin shotas
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sex with genshos
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Luckily he draws his bottoms like twinks who have had one too many onions-burgers.
that's just a shota
Me on the left molesting the cute shota in the middle
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He's so cute, I wish I could roll him.. arghh
Tbh I only call obnoxious preachy hypocritical men trying to ban what I like basedjaks. Like the Netflix guys who created a femboy ban and got rid of shun andromeda putting some woman in his place saying they did it to be “feminist”. They do have a wired combination of having a lot of the negative traits of testosterone (baldness, fatness, dirty beards) with none of the positive and have really weak personalities.
Their inverse is basically redpilled femboys
None of the Genshin men, and not really many anime men are onions-jaks
I don't know what you're talking about is this about any of the Genshin shotas you love
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Anon said I think all adult men are basedjaks. Which is not true.
i ain't readin all that
cute shotamouche tho
Scara is le ebbin redpilled femboy. But everyone accuses him of being a troon which makes him seethe.
i ain't readin that
pic is me holding shotamouche hostage before i rape him tho
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Sloppy shota kith
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I don't know what any of this means, who are you talking to and about what
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Shotas saved this thread. Even the tranny poster is mindbroken by cute little underage boys at this point
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I wish Kaveh looked as good in game as he does in fanart
Meanwhile Althahathinahitm looks like a model in both
Uoh.. puppet sho feetsies ToT
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I never cared about your shotas, pedo. >>3899898 brought him up. The only thing I did was haha look at you simping some underage character who got bullied into trooning.
> molesting/mutilating
That’s you
The underage boy you simp
He’s a Ken doll puppet. He looks his age.
me on the left.
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Yeah theres something off with his in-game model, probably the eyes but he's still god tier compared to older models like diluc's
>T0 in the abyss
>T0 in TCG
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It’s just femboydeath. Just as expected from a Christmas cake femboy.
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my wife kaveh is so cute it's insane
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Only thing I'd fix on his model would be shortening the space between his eyes a little bit. The rest looks perfect to me.
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>my wife kaveh is so insane
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Isn’t Gorou almost useless outside of a Geoteam?
Also fitting because he’s older than the others.
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being a BPDemon just makes him even cuter
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Cute shota
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The thot Kshahrewar has two sides: bleeding heart… and BPD demon
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Forgot pic
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Still at it and replying to herself about Kaveh's fat cock being feminine.
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tf cocks can't be feminine
even a tiny underdeveloped shota cock like gorou's is still inherently masculine
lolcow roasties are weird
This is why lesbian fujo like Miko don’t want to have sex with feminine men. Instead they just feminize them more and hook them up with clueless chads and then laugh
And let me guess, you are Miko in this scenario.
No. Just someone who thinks it’s funny how a war criminal gets forced to larp as a waifu and get simped by local thugs.
Tbh neutered doggo is the most relatable
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She self inserts as Kaveh that's why she says he's a troon with BPD which is a woman's mental illness.
i like women but the posters here are an exception
Most of them hate her too, tbf. She's just an unlikeable 1 bitch circus act.

He's cute in that.
>post things to be annoying like pedoid comments
>get mad when people post neutered dogs in response
Sliding off his thigh strap with my teeth
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Yeah, no femanons like her. Even on crystalcaf and the other site 4 yrs ago she was always getting roasted and banned for being such an annoying femboy/shota-hate obsessed sociopath inserting her tranny fetish into everything.
She only started coming here when they started banning her on sight lmao.
why am i not surprised
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Brown shos belong to grown men!!1

Adorable and pure babs
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I may be blind, because I'm not seeing any sauce.
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Where's the proof of this. I'm not denying it, but that's a pretty bold claim right there. Especially since CC banned shota a while ago.
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I agree. Calling Gorou and Tighnari is all well and good, but they're canonically adults. Nothing about their design says "shota" except for their height and height is just one component of a shota.
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You mixed me up with a different anon. I don’t like shota and don’t like how people here or there sexualize it and that anon hates femboys and wished they’d “get rot pocket surgery” and kill themselves. Meanwhile I said they’re based and if I found them castrating themselves funny that’s not coming from a place of hate.

lots of differences!
The most lookalike tighnari cossplayer is an adult male.
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Shota age range is a little more forgiving than loli range. Mika is canonically a teenager and I dont see anyone arguing that he isn't a shota.
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Molestation imminent.
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It’s true tho, femboys aren’t shota. But a lot of times adult men who are androgynous will seem younger than their actual age.
>Mika is canonically a teenager
So if the script calls Gorou, Tighnari and Cyno young men they’re older than Mika/not teenagers. Which also makes since since they’re either murderous generals or an accomplished scientist
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Femboys and Shotas are not the same thing, but they do overlap. Freminet is far too femboyish for me, but he can easily be labeled a shota.
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>12 posts of her meltdown and pretending to be two different people
christ shut up and just post shotas
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Breeding this little semen demon.
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>Different filenames
>Different images
>Different tastes
You terrible at differentiating schizos
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'You terrible at' pretending to be different people and always change your filenames.
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Sorry that you lack pattern recognition. Evolution did you dirty for that.
why do you guys reply to the fujoschizo
shotas always have been and always will be /cm/ culture
genshin twinks and shotas are the same thing
stop seething already
Sorry that you're too low IQ to believably play the role of two losers instead of one
He’s plausibly underage. But that means characters who are less fem like the dog generals (visible muscle, more angular facial features) aren’t supposed to be underage even if they’re supposed to look pretty compared to regular men
It’s not inaccurate to call them dog twinks
>far too femboyish for me
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Shota doge.
Why not? She's a lolcow herself and it's not like anything other than her grossout shemale images lower the thread 'quality'.
shotas can have muscle lol
many in shota porn do actually
she's huffing the copium, don't bother
cute sho
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Sneed, schizo.
I only mentioned because it proves anon’s adult men can’t look like that wrong. Not attracted at all to that cossplayer since too fem tho.
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I just don't like seeing shotas, twinks, and femboys being lumped in the same pile. They may overlap, but they appeal to different demographics.
The irony of this post is palpable.
Thanks for reminding me that some German dude went to the IUAES and shared his muscle shota drawing to a conference of social scientists and anthropilogists.
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Muscle shos are the best
good girl get that phonepost usage cranked out
>The irony of this post is palpable.
It really isn't. Try to do better with the samefagging
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You think Bennett will let someone lick his scars?
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If they're gentle, maybe
I think he'd be more of an abs guy in bed desu
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lol, schizo
>calling the poor doggies grossout shemales
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That face is so lecherous.
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little boys erotic
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Hold the sho sesh! The leaks for Gaming were for the Lion Boy from WW this whole time?!?!
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So you’re saying he looks older than canon teenager Mika, and is called an adult man but somehow is younger than Mika?
The boobs futa pics you posted are grossout shemales but they got deleted, you evaded, and you'd probably say it was someone else again.
5000 year old vampire shotas..
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Get ready, anons! Trainer Mika challenges you to Battle!
>newfags think canon age has anything to do with whether or not a character is a shota
It’s a western cope with l*lis too too.
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I still think Diluc looks like a Pokemon Trainer.
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I want more Hat shota art
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based old pokemon artstyle
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It will never not be funny going on Xitter and seeing normalfags justifying why they like anime characters that are clearly lolis/shotas to their army of underaged users.
>implying just because he got tricked into eating impossible whoppers he’s now a boobs futa gross shemale
Feminine twinks can have puffy nipples/gyno
That’s been part of yaoi for a long time. They don’t just suddenly lose their boy status at nipple puffinesss.
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He looks like aged down N with reversed colours.
Get a job you attention whore, you posted full on rule 63 heshe tits of multiple characters.
boring bitch
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Is there a name for this kind of fluffy hair with a tiny ponytail like Mika has? It makes me uoh..
Don't think so.
He had glued on fake booba and you usually see them falling off in panels confirming that. Crossdressing is again part of yaoi, and it shows up because his thotsona design so sneed.
Adult men can have soft features and don’t stop being adult men. If you’re pushing it to the point of androgyny it will make them look younger.
I don’t see what the problem is. Irl Femboys invoke that for peterpan reasons and that’s fine. Normal men don’t need to be the only adult male phenotype.
hot shota on adult action sis
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Imagine bullying the general by calling him “bitch” nonstop so he feels emasculated
Shota slut.
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cute sho, reminds me of ciel when he wore a dress
Too chibi for me but still cute.
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Did they glue oversized booba on him tho?
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no yana's not into shota transing
The new season of this has a hot molestation scene
>The new season of this has a hot molestation scene
yeah i saw but i prefer when it's with sebas
There’s an unironic tranny in that manga so doubt.
Also, those are what, 14 year olds that are being sexualized.
While this is passing off a feminine man who’s far from innocent as a grown woman (booba are needed). So apples and oranges.
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he's a shota like gorou, it's apples and apples really
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>ciel is canon 13
>gorou is canon a “young man” and older than canon teenager Mika
They are not the same.
>implying Yae Miko is into shota transing
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idc they're both trappy shotas and i'd let both slobber all over my cock in dresses or otherwise
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He doesn’t even count as one in his normal outfit
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They're gonna have sex
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shota sexo
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yeah he's a cute shota and i want to plap plap his boy hole
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Yea verily
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back to altkav spam huh
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Don't hate
Bishies are just as valid as the shotas
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> that's why she says he's a troon with BPD which is a woman's mental illness.
Can you cure Kaveh of a woman’s mental illness?
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Are you hyped?
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Alhaitham fixed him already in case you haven't played Cyno's SQ2 yet
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For more CapiMika kino? Definitely!
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>I can fix him
Haitham will be dead next update
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Maybe that’s sort of the case. He’s more relatable since he’s a whiny bitch for no reason.
But mostly it’s just going “hahaha look at the absolute state of the Kaveh.”
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