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suntan edition
Previous: >>3887014
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Read online

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Storytime: >>>/a/268081734
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jesus the first chapter of the manga was a mess
at least the art is good
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kel my beloved...
Every Basil fan I've ever met is an insane, black hole of trauma dumping and mental illness. What gives?
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he's literally me fr fr
Cute hairy legs
I want to lick them
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Me on the right
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i think kel should pat me on the back a little too hard that the wind gets knocked out of me so he immediately gets concerned and goes over to help
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i think kel should lift his arm up so i can pull out his pit hairs with my teeth
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I think Kel should marry me
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kissing basil every day!
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Alright alright settle down Sunny
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I had a dream i had sex with Kel. Not even memeing
greentext now
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The only thing i remember was Kel riding me while only wearing his tank top then i woke up and immediately had to jack it to some Kel lewds.
my dude you literally described omari's fanbase.
Sweet :)
Those pits
That midriff
Those HAIRY legs

Fucking SEXO
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That means you too, OMORI.
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look at me hector
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B and D because the eyepatch straps make him look angy
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So realistically all of Sunny's friends will hate him after he tells them the truth right? Maybe Kel won't but he probably won't talk to him anymore.
I don't know the names of the characters, but the shorter one is cuter in this picture than he is in most others to me. Different art style and something about his face that I can't put words to.
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sunny is a charmer
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The ending is up to interpretation. If that’s what you believe would happen, that’s your ending.
Play omori
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raping, beating, castrating, and lastly, hugging
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Cringe post
What's mean about hugs?
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No one cares about your lame discord
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big strong gardener!
the jews delivering pizza to lucas gage's house
I don't get it
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Okay, you say that like there's a more reasonable interpretation of what happens after Sunny confesses.
Sure he and Basil were like 11 at the time, but instead of calling 911, they moved Mari's body and made everyone think she committed suicide with no warnings.

But if you wanna think that everyone is just gonna hug and tell Sunny and Basil that it's okay because they're depressed, traumatized, gay UwU boys with mental illness, I guess that's what real life is like for you.
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this is /cm/, post boys or go whine about the game on /omog/
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>ywn be your best friend's BPD bf
why live
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