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It's been a while let's fix that.
These threads are never good.
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I'll captain her galaxia
Nice, I like this thread
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you are right
>these threads always come around for when I'm most busy and can't draw for the threads
I want to defeat Galaxia and fuck her culo.
I feel you anon, busy drawing in another thread myself. maybe able to at least sketch something though
based we need more Galaxia defeat, we've seen her winning and pinning down anons give me more battle damage and correction
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>Galaxia defeated by Anon, becomes his mind-broken slave girl
I'll doodle something tomorrow if the thread is up.
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Firstly who's that? Secondly pretty based anon, pretty based indeed.
Nice bro, I might as well but honestly super busy plus my other thread. Maybe next time sadly.
>These threads are never good.
That's because Billy ruins everything he touches.
That's Darkseid and Supergirl.

What thread?
"Mary Sue Gets A Clue" thread.
I assumed but never seen that supergirl design before so couldn't be sure. What was with 90s-00s comics and making heroines have these brainwashed/enslaved phases where they became punk rock or metal girls???
It was the era where everything had to be "Xtreme" or "Radikal".
I'll admit I'm more partial to dark reflections of their usual outfits, like Dark Supergirl or Overgirl instead of the forced punk/metal aesthetic. Same applies to a potential dark version of Galaxia.
Yeah really I like some but others were so forced like mary marvel's when she had the weird shaved middle of her head and then the pigtails like wtf was that. Atleast we were saved from rapping supes and wiggaification kek.
Garbage artist that takes hours to produce the kind of pencil doodle that a child could produce in minutes. Guy must have artthritic fingers or something.
Jesus anon, what is with the recent hate boner for billy. I'm starting to think you are in every thread, I mean it's one thing to shit talk him once or twice but this feels malicious. He's not even here lol, why bro lives in your head rent free?
Multiple people post on this board, anon.
Mary Marvel's one of those cases where even if she's evil, her only change should be a different colored outfit. Her design's just that damn good.
>Her design
Which one?
NTA, but Billy and his "fans" encapsulate pure brainrot.
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Pic related
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Oh, the boring one.
Yeah just weird how "multiple" anons bring up a specific artist that isn't even in the thread. Again I've seen him brought up way more than usual and in threads he's not even drawfagging in. I'm not saying it's not ok to have gripes just confused on why you dislike him so much he lives in your head rent free?
True really feel like she's a great design she's best when she stayed a girl though. But both her young and old designs work, but I think when they did the ages up like billy they wanted her to be more mature so they sometimes try to change her design and do the whole dark mary thing.
Huh guess, billy hate goes far weird. I barely interact but he seems to be improving especially from his first threads. But I don't really know him so I won't suck his dick just weird to be brought up randomly and this is like my third time seeing him brought up in a thread he's not even in. So genuinely wanted better knowledge of what happened if anything.
4u, I aged her up.
>Again I've seen him brought up way more than usual and in threads he's not even drawfagging in.
It's almost as though his omnipresent jank has started to wear out its welcome with anons.
nta, Damn anon fast asf and based as hell. Hope you keep making more Galaxia kinoabuse
I was just asking why especially since again you brought him up in a random thread my guy. Like you literally came in here mad at a guy that's not here, so yes I'm confused what one artist who draws a bit shitty at worst could have done specifically to piss you guys off?
>I was just asking why especially
Because it's only a matter of time before he turns up.
>Anon I believe you have a unhealthy obsession with Billy
> Anon you must not let these delusions of Billy plague your mind
>You can not let him run your life Anon, you must accept some people are not for you.
>Now go forth and become the Anon you are meant to be
The other guy brought him up, but I decided to chime in because drawfag culture on this board is bizarre as fuck. I know this is /co/ and all, but his apologists are the weird ones. He obviously cannot draw his way out of a wet paper bag, on top of having a generally bad attitude, but people heap on positive comments anyway. This is also on top of the board being generally negative, even toward the nicest people. There are hundreds of great artists people can latch onto, so seeing an incredibly bottom-of-the-barrel artist like Billy collecting praise and putting on airs is perplexing and frustrating.
>people heap on positive comments anyway.
Didn't he let slip a while back that the people in question are his discord butt buddies?
Awesome, thanks for the hot pic
>Tearing the skirt straight off
I'll try and draw some Galaxia
Like clockwork.
Other way around you mean
go ahead
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Yep from a old thread, felt we should focus on Galaxia and not drawfag bs lol.
>drawfag bs
He means the Billy drama
What drama?
Read the thread
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Galaxia is tired of our bs anons
I just don't read long crap, seems unnecessary, and by the looks of it, i was right in not doing so
cute pantsu
>minor villain just starting out
>Galaxia effortlessly destroys you
>Forced to bow to her whims in public and private under the threat of annihilation
>Frequently flaunts her strength against you anyways
Just like my Japanese doujins
Just what I wanted, thank you!
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I'll post the complete one tomorrow. I'm just not feeling great right now
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Galaxia strong and best girl, she'll beat off all you horny anons
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>beat off
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Sounds good to me!
>Panties reflected in the old man’s glasses
Cute touch
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Zor - #175 (1972)
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Zor #236
Damn >>143354495 wasn't kidding.
Kind of like galaxia bullying we rarely see it.
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Paty's solo career alter ego: Capitana Poderosa
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She's cool
Isn't that just a power girl costume on Galaxia?
Explain the joke.
I think he should not, the joke is lost when you explain it
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Why evil galaxia thiccer than the real one?
She works out more.
I disagree. Let's hear it.
Her face smells like ass.
Damn she must use that thigh blaster a lot kek
I can see her doing squats, builds up the thighs faster.
I just want some Mexicanon to find and scan all the old comics before they're completely lost
That's who she was? I thought it was a weird version of the Owl Lady
The other day i was thinking on going to magazine spots qnd asking for them. I d9ubt they'll have any, but it's worth a shot
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smells like cunt anon
Damn never realized that would just do the trick, that and running and biking.
Nah as the pic is it was a fanon thing, someone drew evil Galaxia with panty eyepatch though most draw her with more conventual eyepatch now
Is it the same one where the robot and her brother died?
Uh I don't actually know used to know the lore a bit more back in like the first few threads but now it's been a hot sec.

Also thinking about doing some Galaxia art request anons, my other thread ended up dying. I should have at least 1 or 2 sketches out by tonight. refs are appreciated and super helpful
I remember there was another evil universe versions of them
>thinking about doing some Galaxia art request
How bout you give it a try to that Galaxia Power Girl one i did?
>doesn't contribute to the thread
>is a faggot
>is a faggot who sages
What a worthless cunt you are
>doesn't contribute to the thread
Neither does Billy, Billy.
I could actually try is a nice base so wouldn't take longer than maybe 15 mins even with shading. Unless you mean a different pose with a similar theme which sure if ya got a ref for it.
However you may want to go for it, maybe a flex pose if you want to try another one
Hmmm I weirdly have a lot of girl flex poses, might even try to do muscle galaxia. I shall report back later chief must finish my work stuff then I shall sketch.
Godspeed, fren
Thank ye, brutha been doing mostly concept stuff for a more lore heavy thread some some good nsfw and cute girls will be fun to do again.
>some good nsfw and cute girls will be fun to do again
That's essentially what i draw all the time, so i'll also try to wipe some more Galaxia for the thread too
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just realised I have a fetish for pretty blond girls in short skirts showing off their thighs and calves
>one peso in 1972, twenty pesos 12 years later
Good lord, Mexican economy is a joke
>he calls THAT inflation
Rookie numbers
Something tells me you’re not the only one
For a moment I didn't notice this was AI.
>smells like cunt anon
Sounds good bro
Be funny if good Galaxia forced her to do something and it made her smell that way lol
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Posting in the epic thread
thumbnail made her look like she was spreading her....nevermind I might just be horny.
I quite like the outfit here
Could be worth it, especially if you live near the border or in a Hispanic neighborhood. I remember some dude found a box full of them for a dollar each at some comic store like a decade ago. Don't know what he ever did with them though
Never heard of her. QRD?
Fat-assed superheroine from an old mexican comic book
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Comic about a little girl and her brother and their dog meeting a space robot named Zor who gives them superpowers when in his proximity
There's a charm to the fact that almost nobody here actually knows what's going on in a given issue, like seeing an issue with a villainous woman in an owl costume carrying two (possibly fake) guns on the cover
Imagine if the owl girl was a bat instead?
the owl thing is honestly more charming. It's such a random design with the old gunfighter stance and owl motif with a leotard and heels. That said, giving her a whole crew of similar motif girls with different animals would be fun.
>if you live near the border or in a Hispanic neighborhood
Son, i live in the capital of Mèxico
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A bat is fine too
any stuff of her?
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People also developed a headcanon version of her that is a bit younger and goofier, still living with her parents
How young are we talking about?
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teenish? i dunno
Is she still stacked?
sure why not
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Here you go anon, Tried to keep it in line with your sketch but also add the flexing and loli muscles.
Thanks, man, looks pretty great. Love the detail on the tummy
Thanks bro, happy you liked it also yeah wanted to go muscle vibe couldn't find the good refs of her with muscles so just went off the dome. yeah forgot to add the text though can't even remember but since most like lolidom probably something about anon not being able to run from her lust
afaik, the only "muscle references" of her are fanmade
Good job, thanks man
As is usual with obscure characters, getting something even close to your intent is quite hit-or-miss.
Anybody got that one pic of Galaxia bound and gagged with her ass in the air?
Your gonna have to narrow down which on I think
She’s aged up and the pic is uncolored
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I can't find it in my stash, but I'll keep looking
That’s fine, I can always check the archives
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I'd like to report back that my gallery doesn't have that, sorry anon. I did find a color version of >>143362990 though.
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That’s ok, I found it myself
I know but I see it as the canon since buff Galaxia is a staple of this thread lol
Thanks bro, happy you guys liked it. I was a bit worried with the all pink some would hate it, been trying to do more color sketches to practice speed and unique shading.
>What was with 90s-00s comics and making heroines have these brainwashed/enslaved phases
it was a better time
Someone should do a storytime.
There ain't much to go by, boss man. That cover alone is the only official material from the Owl Lady
So we don't have pages for any of the comics?
There were some of the very first one, i think, cause someone was translating them to english but i didn't save them
Heh I suppose so, but filled with a lot of raped/heroine in distress and being turned into edgy hard rock/metal concubine for villians. Now that's something someone should draw, classic radical/edgy comic Galaxia going dark/evil slave for villain
We do but like below said, the anon that was translating never saved them and stopped. Also most of the comic pages we have are random and super old low quality scans from probably back in 2000s or even more likely 90s so they are shit. We'd need to find someone that happens to have the og comics or a latin anon that maybe able to buy them cheap and translate them or at least do descriptions like they did for the Villainous threads.
The first comic was translated in one of the previous threads.
>First comic was translated
Who has it? I would like to read it.
It's in the archive of the last thread I think
Was it a complete issue?
I think it was all of issue 1, yes. It was posted in the thread as it git translated over the course of a few days.
OKay just found this but am curious;

So who are these characters and what are their stories/powers/et cetera?
A mexican comic about two orphans and a dogwho find a robot that gives them gives them super powers. Girl is Paty/Capitana Galaxia, don't really know/care about the kid or the dog, robot is Zor
Standard Brick package for superpower, but is range based.
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Oh, nice, these threads are always fun.
>Powerpuff Girls in the background
What's the uncropped version of this art?
It's what it looks like, just a big collage of various super hero girls from different franchises
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Here's the unedited version.
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Who's this?
I think Galaxia and Colonel Megaton (Tito, the brother's hero persona) are lower tier flying bricks, and the dog Sergeant Neutrino can fly and talk as well. The idea that their powers only work when they're close to Zor could potentially be an interesting limitation, but I haven't read enough to see it in practice
I wanna say they're orphans living with their grandfather. Maybe adoptive? Anyways the tone of the series mostly seems to be quite light hearted and comprised of simple stories in their town
for FUCK's sake READ nigger
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But what is Capitana Galaxia?
So cute my new fave, something that isn't inherently lewd. this one makes me want to just give her head pats
Huh, I think I recognize those eyes from the dude that's drawn a lot for the DCSHG threads
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Neat. Thanks, anon.
Cute outfit.
Don't know.
She cute.
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Not enough owl.
more of her like this?
Small world
Man I now get the sudden influx of Galaxia loss and bottom interest so much of her art is femdom and basically killing guys lol
Moar owl!
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I wanted to include her and Galaxia in the same pic, but the space was too little
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flat is justice
Now that's hot.
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like what
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I did this suplex one on a previous thread
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I mean, at full strength, she could probably crush any of us into a fine paste. Which has its appeal.
She's also very girly looking, so that helps too
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No doubt
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Nice! I like your stuff.
Not if she's away from her robot then she's a normal girl
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Is it just me, or do i remember wrongly a pic of Galaxia in "stripper" clothes
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I wouldn't be surprised. Biesiuss especially has a habit of drawing her in lewd outfits.
Well, even if she did, i was gonna draw her in clothes like that
Go for it
Give her fishnets
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tags: anal, defeated heroine, public humiliation
Can she handle a fight with the Powerpuff Girls?
She's mexican, so she can handle all 3 at the same time
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tags: rape, impregnation, handholding, kissing, xray, heart-shaped pupils, true love, future plans, married
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bless Biessuss butts
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That miniskirt beats leotard anyday
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for me? Victorian dress
needs anon's face in those cheeks
I always thought there was more superhero girls out there.
In the original she (and her brother) were being groped by a real creep.
I erased the other characters and completed Galaxia.
If you can't tell it was edited, I did a good job.

The original: https://www.deviantart.com/biesiuss/art/Rayotron-Galaxia-Megaton-895442101
Based anon.
>Need to log in to see
Just post it here or catbox it. Good job on the editing btw
She needs a good boyfriend
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La Lechuza humiliation art when?
El Coronel Megatón debería dominar a La Lechuza con su superfuerza e invulnerabilidad, y tratarla como a una niña pequeña
I wanted to draw her more, cause she's thicker than a bag of bricks. Maybe a shibari one will do
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NTA, here: https://files.catbox.moe/ngf6b1.png
More like Coronel Megatetona
Hate the fact that the Edge browser won't access it.
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dumping a few from the first 1969 issue
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Genius, agreed
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give me one request
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Capitana Galaxia doing a Sailor Moon pose please
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Thank you man
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Thank you anon
hmm nurse galaxia
This please
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this >>143405298 but as a 40 year old woman pathetically clinging to her youth
That's hot
>It's not the best,
>But a lot of people like it!
That's some brutally honest advertisement, right there!
Cute style. Name of the artist if there one?
Dunno, sorry
Thanks anyway
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there is a continuation of this one?
I believe so, there were like 3 pages
Is there an English version of this?
that 's the third page
That’s called being straight

Who's the blonde behind supergirl?
The thread has been up for over four days. I have yet to be proven wrong.
>zoomer discovers he's heterosexual
>thinks its a fetish
its over
You've proven to be a huge faggot
Cutie pie
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Why is she walking in a war torn city?
She's from the previous Century, and all the kid heroes, like Jonny Quest and The Mistery Gang went all around the place. That or i could just be México
Be glad he's only all about shirt skirts, it could be worse.
>capitana galaxia
What even is this?
Read the thread
I don't feel like it.
This Galaxia is fairly small... nice
Suffer in faith
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Es un pueblito mágico
The hidden city of Tlaxcala
It doesn't exist, your grandma lied to you
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The lipstick on is a bit too much for me, but overly nice work
Nice and evil
Based can't believe someone actually drew this thanks so much anon.
Evil cunny: so bad, it's good
That's awesome! I want more evil dominatrix Galaxia right now
You made this just now?
well a few hours ago. I'll try to draw more but not sure when, desu I get gunshy about posting because I don't have time to polish and color but if people like that level of roughness then I can probably do more.
That's a pretty good level my friend, I like it
It's pretty good already, but you can post in progress version and also post the polish version later, you don't need to wait until it's done done.
This is true, and pretty much all of my stuff for these threads were pretty scatchy
is another of mine, for example
DragonFetus colored a few of my pics and they were beautifully done
Don't worry about that, man
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hilo de prietos pedofilos
cute booty
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What does that even mean?
She'd be obliterated.
She wouldn't go down without swinging at least
I like thicc ass Galaxia a lot
I'd turn to villainism to get a chance at that
why are there so many pedos on /co/
Anyone else interested in the comic itself? I just think Zor is neat.
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No, the comic is pretty bland, needs a reboot.
Apparently it's a mixed bag, but it'd be interesting to see what kind of stuff is in it.
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what if Zor was a gril?
It's a 60's comic for kids, not that much to be interested in
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From the scans I've seen, the first few comics are pretty juvenile, definitely for younger kids. It seems that they get a bit more mature later on, but I would have to see more examples.
Eh, this one's too much. I remember ghere was a cover with a fembot, i'll see if i can find it
It's interesting since the only comics I really know from Mexico are the bootleg indie comics that used characters like Mickey Mouse.
Maybe they need to ship comics like these out.
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This post reminded me of those Mexican-made Spider-Man comics with a fat-assed Gwen Stacy.
Galaxia with Mexican Gwen when?
Me, but I don't usually draw loli
>Nah, not exciting enough shove some ASSSSS in there.
Gotta love mehi-/co/.
still, nice style, very cute linework
here's the 1990 issue 512 to conmpare style change
We seriouslyvneed her making out with an older woman desu...
Did he base it on that one gwen pic?
missing pages 93 and 94
page 109 has typo
>missing pages 117 and 118
found them
Thanks for posting, anon.
Thanks for the comic
Thanks for posting it
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Galaxia has a message for the whole thread
Requesting Galaxia meeting Supes
Is this a reference to something?
She's cute
What so special about her? She not even mexican desu!
She's mexican in my heart
Supes and his loli obsession
What is her special powers again?
>Dejen de pensar en cojer
Really cute and retro style.
Also flying brick
Gwen has a nice ass.
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Only in Mehíco
Flying brick, as long as she is near her power source (the better flying brick, Zor).

On a Galaxia-centered remake having something similar could be interesting, but having Zor be powerless so that he is a macguffin she can lose for drama and defeats. Something like the omnitrix.

That said even as a flying break she is nowhere near the likes of Superman.
Mexigwen is the hotest
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"Issue 512" is somewhat misleading.
Yes, that's what its official number is but, by that point, They'd given up on original material.
Old comics were being chopped up and reprinted, panel by panel, in a smaller (digest) size.
That's why there are all those numbers in the lower-right corner of each page.
There was a translation in an old thread
Yes, though it's a shame we can't really read them. I remember seeing an issue cover called "Death under the Sea" with Zor, Galaxia, and Megaton dead/drowning underwater on the cover. Really want to know what was happening in that one
Sounds like sea monster stuff
I MAY buy some comics in the future here in Mexico, they are quite expensive, with luck I'll find some that are cheap enough.
How much in USD do you mean by expensive?
Good luck
Tere was one collection of 7 or 8, I don't remember, that sadly was taken down or someone already bough it, and that collection had the Malvada Lechuza one at 1300 pesos or 77 dollars and that is a lot for a few comics.
Nice fanart
Cute outfit
If I was on vacation I'd consider it, granted these books are like what, 30 pages each? Which is a lot for so little but eh
What does she say?
>We are in ̶j̶u̶n̶e̶ July, where is my comic?
>My comic, I said
It was a 1960s children's comic, if you ever watched Space Ghost or classic Astroboy, it had a similar vibe. There were talks about resurrecting it in the mid 00s, but the original writer passed away in 2008 and left only a script for the updated version.
The original artist's son was interested in continuing with it, but he passed away in 2021 and the reboot was abandoned. Pic related is the only Galaxia artwork from the potential reboot.
All namefags are eventually loathed by everyone
reminds sorta of supergirls adventures on the 8th grade.
Man that sucked, the son genuinely wanting to resurrect his father's work only to meet his untimely end before it gets out
that looks fucking terrible we dodged a bullet
really damn that sucks but happy I tend to stay nameless. But what about people like splooge or smeet or chickenpea?
RIP you absolutely insane weirdo
F and F
A shame
i've seen people that hate chickpea for no good reason, i don't know about the other two
Damn and actually I think I did too, one called him a sell out for drawing nsfw and not as much superhero stuff. But I tend to filter them as they usually are just seething liars like another said he's lazy and doesn't update his comic just to do porn, but me and another anon pointed out he literally updated his comic the other day kek. So sometimes they just hate for no reason and I half don't count that as then that's just a loser asshole looking to be mad.
Need a drawfriend to draw Galaxia meeting Wonder Woman or something
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not that anon, but stealing this for a quick doodlelaxia
Is that a tiny bow on her panties?
I think you guys would like Selina the Moon Maiden. Crossover with Galaxia when?

Extremadamente linda!
Thank you drawfriend

got a bit lost with the lil shadows there.
Neat. Always love ot when there's little details on the uderwear
Namefags, unless they're storytimers, are 99% megafaggots.
Smeet is a megafaggot. Chickpea is based. Whatever happened to Splooge?
There is also Victory Girl.
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40-something Galaxia trying to fit in the old costume
Heh, love the tiny bit of chub there
Good job, drawfriend.
Nice cake
There was more drawn by this artist and I require it.
We need them taking down a villain together or something.
So who makes her comics? Is this a case where it is by a publisher no longer around?
Cute doodle
Its a complicated situation. The original publisher went down decades ago, and both creators passed away, but the artist's son said he wanted to resurrect the character. Except it didn't happen and he eventually died in 2021. So no one knows who really holds the rights or if the character lapsed into public domain due to lack or copyright renewal.
I feel like if you tried to use them some rights squatting company would pop up
they pulled the retro look off well
How while though?
Give me that Galaxia girl
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Someone mentioned a thread or two ago that the rights go to the artist's family, and apparently the son did have family so I guess Galaxia's copyright is with his widow, children, etc. Not sure what his family relationship was.
I doubt they would care to uphold the copyright if they even know how it works. It's not like they are receiving any income since the original publisher is not around to keep it in circulation
Two months
Who would win
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Yeah, I'm curious what would happen if someone released a new Zor and the Invincibles comic. Would they even bother to sue?
That artist did a bit of stuff on DeviantArt (all cute), but this is the only other Galaxia material I found.
Goddamn, so hot! Would make a legacy hero daughter with her!
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if you really want to make more capitana galaxia you do what quico did and you make them in another country under a different name
Pretty cute stuff. Reminds me or early 2000's cartoons
I like this artist's style. It's cute.
you're fucked up
ofc Galaxia is Mexican, she loves churros!
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These threads always survive pretty long.
Tenemos Chavo en la casa
You could've posted that one here, i think
Last one didn't
Love this artstyle.
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you know it's bad when not even the youtube commentors with default profile pictures like it
I never knew about this one, only "¡Ah Que Kiko!"
I hope this one will make it to the end
Tomorrow's Cinco de Mayo, so it'll be neat that the thread lasted until then
Does Galaxia canonically have any friends or is it just Zor, the dog, and her brother? I can imagine them as her friends.
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No one really knows.
The original writer passed away, but apparently he gave the artist and his family the permission to make a new comic, and he even left a script before he died.
Now, the artist's son, Oscar Gonzalez, passed away from health issues in 2021, but it was never clear if he ever had biological kids or if he just adopted his wife's son. The studio went on hiatus after his death, and while it was resurrected somewhat, there's no trace of Galaxia or Zor in their latest company characters pinup; which has Karmatron and other characters. So who knows, maybe they don't own the rights.
The only way you'd find out is by asking someone in the studio, they're kinda active in social media.
Thank you for the information
I need Galaxia enjoying some tamales
Doing a quick search on the IMPI (Mexico's IP institute), there's no copyright results for Zor y los Invencibles or Capitana Galaxia, while Karmatron does show up as being renewed in 2021. So maybe it could have lapsed into PD due to failure to renew.
I would love some tamales desu.
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Cute table
Interesting, now anyone can make a Zor y los Invencibles comic
Ol, we are here now
Nice, what can we do with that?
I thought the lapse thing only happened in American copyright law, but this is interesting to know.

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