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Hello, I've been waiting for you! Please come in.
>fantasizing about state mandated relationships because you can't get a girlfriend in real life
it do be like that
Kinda off-model.
Actually I was assigned a state-mandated GF in a new progressive criminal reform program for serial rapists
Needs some bush
Just letting you fellow Nia bros know that we have a new co booru up and running. Since we don't have a mega anymore feel free to post OC made here to there. Be sure to link the thread it came from if you know.
>Post by a deleted account that is downvoted
>Only ten replies
Who gives a shit.
I just thought it was funny.
I am so sick of this trash taste
Man, the content drought sure is something, we haven't gotten anything new since Mutter not even one Patreon post, I hope the creator's doing okay.
Honestly, I much prefer having our own booru so we don't clog the /co/ booru with emo pics aside from the ones on the drawthread general, but thanks for the heads up anyway.
You don't have to worry about clogging. The admins encourage you to put everything you can. Some anons are already looking at old threads for other cartoons to archive. It was not intended to house just drawthread deliveries it as for the whole board but the old booru system had a problem that prevented anons from making new accounts to be able to post. Now we are free from that problem.
I don’t know or care who any of those people are. Feels good not caring about eceleb drama like some gossipy woman.
Like all progressive policy, this sounds like an absolutely terrible idea.
Analog slop needs to die off already
nah, this little drought is nothing compared to the wait between Mutter and the previous video, but I've gotten to where I'm used to long waits between new videos. desu I wish we got more frequent updates even if it means the videos are much shorter, or as you mentioned, even posting a drawing on Patreon occasionally would be nice, just to drip a little more ICS content out there periodically instead of having to wait 2 months or more for a full video.
Good to know then. Maybe I'll get around to contribute whenever I get the chance, thanks.
True but ICS isn't analog.
I love how pretty much everyone knows that ICS is made by an edgy russian storytime animator, but because he's a MALE yet alone russian (because lefty propaganda says russia is bad) nobody gave a shit since it wasn't le traumatized woman who expressed all her heckin trauma in I can't sleep.
I still believe that isn't the creator.
You're welcome.
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She’s thin
Eh, who knows, there's no hard evidence if that's him, but it is the most probable pick.
Regardless whatever or not it's vlad, I just want to fuck Nia.
This kind of behavior worked out great for the guy who attacked Wendigoon
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lmao I guarantee he’s subscribed to that dude
Sometimes I wonder how the fuck I can't sleep didn't got any attention from eceleb reaction channels despite some of the videos having millions of views? (Not mentioning that ICS takes a lot of inspiration from 2000s aesthetics, Vasquez's specifically) Is being straightforward and showing actual violence and clear rape references and other stuff is an ultimate pleb filter?
Channels are afraid of getting demonetized. They can't say the word kill. ICS is too extreme.
I think the Patreon says it’s located in the United States.
That's because it was changed, original location was stated in Russia
I forget, does youtube disallow people to use stuff like in-video advertising if they're demonetized, or are the posters just wanting to scrounge for every last cent, even if it means following absurd rules?
Did anyone take a screenshot?
There is one, I don't have it saved but this screenshot was posted quite a lot during ICS identity discussions, i'll just wait til someone posts jt
That you should stop posting off-topic bait to keep your thread afloat.
Professional piss fountain
>The creators behind Nebula and Quasar are Christian Nationalists.

That must explain why their series is so lackluster and low-energy.
nothing ever happens
I almost forgot to share the link with you. Here it is.
And I’m sick of whiny faggots but here you are
> Russian man
I wish the posted wasn't deleted, I wanted to check what was it linking to
When and how did this come about? Are the admins less faggy than the ones from the original booru who deleted a ton of stuff?
My reaction
The admins are cool. This was started because the old booru was compromised by some asshole who managed to find a security flaw of the original booru network to give his account admin privileges. Then that asshole started to vandalize by deleting shit and holding the booru hostage. It is suspected they are the same person who got the original /v/ booru deleted by spamming false reports to the guy who own the booru system. So both /v/ and /co/ anons joined together to create a new booru on an improved source code or whatever. Another problem with the old booru network was that registration new accounts and making new boorus was closed. A new booru finally allows anon to upload again. I think that's the gist of it.
This would be something implemented in California.
nia my beloved
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Genuinely though, how would this ever been a good idea? You'd either be paired with a schizo that makes you look well adjusted by comparison, or with an undercover FED that would report you to the thought police or orchestra you into being the next mass shooter.
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>or with an undercover FED that would report you to the thought police or orchestra you into being the next mass shooter.
This seems like a far better option. I'm pretty open about what I think, so I'm probably on their list already. And they might be able to frame me as their next mass shooter, they can't manipulate me into becoming one because that would require motivating me to do something that doesn't benefit me. I can hardly get motivated enough to do things I actually want to do already, and I don't think there's a single government agency capable of doing so.
She’s such a slut <3
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A footslut even
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So what you're saying is, you get free glowie pussy because your life will just go to pits regardless of if they fuck with it or not?
I can imagine it functioning as a sort of mandatory (but free ofc) dating service. Not with swiping through profiles, but you just being handed a match by the system after entering any and all information about yourself. But only in a theoretical society where this mechanism was basically considered one of the highest, most sacred goods and with complete trust and privacy. Where even the most dubious secret services would never even dare attempt to read, let alone (ab)use the features. All people of a nation would truthfully enter everything about themselves, even deep personal secrets and it (likely run by an advanced AI) would match them with someone actually, truly fitting they'll want to spend the rest of their life with.
Of course this would never work in our (or really any) society as is. All those scammers, catfishers, government agencies and generally malicious and deceptive people would ruin it immediately. And so it'll stay an utopian vision forever. Perhaps a society that honest to themselves and morally strong might not even need such a service.
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nia is only one character that i want bully.
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Is this state mandated cartoon gf general?
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No, this is Nia.
Not a single thought in either of those heads.
I wanna be in the middle
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what the fuck how did I miss this?
thats not nia thats filia from skullgirls
>how did I miss this?
Because you're retarded.
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my drawing of nia
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>What she's looking at
she's locked in.
I'm pretty sure demonitization only applies to the ads google serves, if you can find someone willing to sponsor you, you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't break content guidelines.
where's the rest of her? I like this btw
Give me the NIA special...
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How long tell we get a game of Nia that is a demonphobia clone?
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There's more than one state-mandated gf?
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Yeah, this ones mine.
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Who really knows.
translate pls
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thank you
Literally this
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Finally a good thread.
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Don't jinx it.
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New patreon image.
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New video hopefully soon.
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a giant eyeball? and skulls on the left & right sides. whatever's happening here, it looks like it's going to be another gruesome video, so it should be lots of fun!
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Yep, I'm thinking we're back.
had a feeling but thx for confirming anon
I need a nia version of this meme stat!
oh some drawfren actually took that request. very noice!
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Nia is a ra_ist
Yeah, I'm thinking they do be watching this thread.
nia cp
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I'm not ready to be a father, Nia. But I can be your baby if you want.
Nia would NOT pimp out Dolly.
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>off model fan art proportions
Honestly Nia is one of the few characters I prefer off model.
Why do you think she's in hell anon. She couldn't stop cornering men in the middle of the night, drugging them and then raping them till day break.
All I see is meat and an eye.
God damn it i need to check more before i miss more nia threads.
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Ayy new Nia thread. Good.
Wow, is this a NEW thread for the YouTube animated series known as 'I Can't Sleep?'
o em gee is this an nya thread??
For me i perfer atleast her head to be like the original as possible but i do love her being THICC
holy COW new nia bread??
She looks really cute here
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She always looks cute
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The creator made a really good call on giving her those massive puppy-dog eyes, it's no wonder why she makes such a good waifu.
I want Lacey to look at me like that
Eyes are the gateway to the soul so its important to give her such expressive eyes
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And they are expressive indeed.
Honestly that’s how it sort of how the world worked like 200 years ago. You can find old marriage pamphlets for America, offering women a husband.

If you want to world-build it, disconnect from society causes a lot of men to become reclusive out of fear of rejection. They sign up for a government sponsored dating program where they are forced to fill out a profile with pretty much everything, warts and all. Women who either can’t get one of the few guys who still have confidence or are just reclusive themselves sign up on the other end. They are presented the male profiles and choose one. The government considers it a marriage and the fees and additional penalty taxes make leaving the relationship very unappealing.
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Demonitzed just means that any ads run on your vid by Youtube you don't get a cut from, they can't control whether or not you include a sponsor or Patreon or whatnot.
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It's weird seeing them being a rapist ngl?
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Lol. Look up Kentler project. They were letting known pedophiles adopt kids and encouraged molestation. Now try and guess which Germany did that - East or West.
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It's an ugly bastard fetish for me. I mean a good looking guy isn't going to need a state mandated one .
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Even better when (You) are the "state-mandated bf" instead.
I want to smell her shoes so bad it hurts my dick
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Maybe he's a good looking shut in.
>Not Wendy
this was a request, so i just followed direction that time.
is nia used goods
Yeah, after I used her.
I think she gets torn up enough that her hymen would've been regenerated too
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Uh-huh, I'm sure that the country that was aiding enemies of Israel was secretly ruled by Jews. After all, the Jews absolutely love USSR, oh wait, no, all of them hate it with burning passion.
where's the mega?
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Didn't think I'd find a Nia post in splatoon out of all places
ha, cool! that's even better than that little Nia drawing that was scribbled on the restroom wall
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What would you do if a miniature goth girl that looked like an Invader Zim goblin ran up to you and you put her in your pocket?
I would make it normal size and make her my friend :)
Free fleshlight.
All that Nia art lost. Sad
What did you say?
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Here, have fun
Ngl now i imagine nia wearing those squeaky shoes from spongebob
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Oh sweet, a Nia thread, don't mind me
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Why are the wings coming out of her ass?
So she can slam down harder lol
wow, need more of her drawn like this
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Its where most of her weight is.
Wait anyone drew nia as a belly dancer?
I haven't even seen her on a Shantae getup
hell yeah, that does sound like a nice combo
You made it? Nice.
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>6 am
>still cant sleep
>time to get up soon
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It's not about the money, creators don't get that much from google partnerships anyway. It's about the algorithm, youtube doesn't like to recommend demonetized videos so if your video gets that yellow coin you know it's gonna get no views.
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also made this (i like my women thicc)
Very lanky yet very good( though i don't wanna be that guy but i think you forgot to miscolor the top of the boot)
yeah, i know, i know
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Reminds me of Jamie Hewlett.
She's doing it on purpose, isn't she?
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Part 7
Oh wow, another one already? This just mean the video is coming very soon, can't wait.
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Sick, new thread
Here's my latest piece of shit
Glad someone is keeping an eye on the /trash/ thread for new sfw OC
Like what?
Honestly it's just a bad idea, people think women are inherently good or care about themselves/you.

If a woman is going to be forced into a relationship, she's just going to be a lazy slob because she knows she doesn't need to bother or care about how she comes off.
I think what pisses me off about girls like this, goth/emo/whatever, is that they're just normalfags with new clothes.

The entire thing is a FASHION choice, they go out of their way to look up and learn fashion choices and icons to play dress up. Maybe they try to fit into a new sub culture, but at the end of the day they're fashion conscious typical normalfags.

This isn't what loner outcast girls look like, this is what hot topic girls look like.
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Nia would never
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You're right, she would rather do this instead.
>the kind of tired sleep won't fix
aren't we all?
>that drawing
pure soul. God I wish 2000s emo art would make a comeback
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I gave it a shot, this is based off Shantae's 2002 design so it fits the time period of the series.
Haha, yeah I feel you man. I'll lead the charge to bring it back even if I'm the only one in the charge
Thanks for the compliment too
she's so happy...
outstanding job, and damn she looks good in red! And I appreciate your idea of basing her on Shantae's early design for that authentic 2000s flavor!
Remember to upload OC to the new booru.

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I would wait until the thread dies.
I mean, I wouldn't do it anyway, but whoever does should probabaly wait.
I-I don’t really want this.
She's so gemmy I want someone like her so bad.
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God its so weird without the iris ring. Still good artwork
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>venting in a random thread
damn they're missing a LOT of Nia /co/ntent, like over a year of it.
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>Scene originated from the emo subculture in the early-2000s across the United States. The name began being used around 2002, through the term "scene queen", a derogatory term describing attractive, popular women perceived by older hardcore [punk] musicians as only being involved in hardcore for the subculture.
Tale as old as time
Why tho, isn't that just for drawthread deliveries?
There is an unfortunate reason for that. The old booru had a vandal that used an exploit to threaten he will delete all the ICS posts if more got posted from outside the drawthread. Made the same threat to other fandoms on the board. He got off in being an inconvenient asshole. However, now that we have a new site we regained absolute control without the exploit he was using.
It was intended for deliveries from across the entire board. That is why it is called the /co/llection.
Crist on a cracker
So this post just reminded me of being in primary school. It was valentine's day. A girl in my class comes up to me and tells me that since neither of us have a valentine's, the teacher said we had to be each other's. We ended up dating all the way until college. Even now, she's one of my best friends.
But fuuuuuuck. I think she lied to me. How can this only be occurring to me now?
I don't think that even covers the half of it.
Was kind of part of humanities history since the beginning, and since the beginning it was used for pleasure and sex.
>Non-con / Forced-con
Literally don't have to explain why non-con is the ultimate dominant move and is an attractive fantasy for most dominant personality types.
>Women with rape fetishes/kinks
every one of my girlfriends in the past ten years has had a rape kink. Current GF and best GF has it bad for being randomly taken advantage of in a violent way. If she isn't bruised it wasn't good enough for her.

Tell me again how this equates to not being able to get a girl...?
i'd kill myself
cute lesbo
Thanks. :^)
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Nia & dolly: superpunk saga
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I want to lovingly choke nia to sleep every night to make her happy.
Is this normal?
Shit. How should I cope with it?
Nia is far from being normie, anon.
Seek professional help that isn't 4chan.
Fuck you Anon, I can be weird online if I feel like it. It's normal for most girls to like to be choked (with consent), so I don't know how this really is a problem that should be fixed.
I mean you asked.
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>It's normal for most girls to like to be choked (with consent),
>(with consent)
I would let them desu.
It's not rape if you want it.
Anon, I am many things but above everything I am a gentleman. Wanting to bruise a woman doesn't make me less of one, aight?
I was implying women love it more *without* consent.
Agreed, kek
"without" consent just means they asked for it but not explicitly, you know what I mean
You do know that used to be a thing in all countries for thousands of years before men started listening to women bitch, right?
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Never watched the series award.
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How many times would you ask Nia out?
I wouldn't but would hope that she asks me out but then if that does happen I would turn her down in a cool and mysterious way and in turn cry myself to sleep every night knowing I purposefully ruined my one chance of being happy
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Of a Killer and I Can't Sleep tickle the same bone for me. Does any of you you guys feel the same way?
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Just one, then pick her up and walk off. Girlfriend obtained.
I love BB so much!
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>when the Patreon updates but the video still isn't out
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I looked it up and it was a literal consequence of the sexual liberation and the rejection of authoritarianism after WW2.
It's literally a progressive shitlib thing and the german doctor in charge of this literally believed that "repressing" sexuality in children was fascism.

Are genuine fucking braindead retards pushing that this was somehow a nazi thing or am I severely misunderstanding your post?
>Are genuine fucking braindead retards pushing that this was somehow a nazi thing or am I severely misunderstanding your post?
You have no fucking idea how braindead troons are, they actually think anybody who has any sort of criticism against them are actual nazis.
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I need to read it from him.
I need to actually read a post from him in which he either denies and explains that no, he didn't imply it was a conservative idea and was agreeing about it being a progressive thing (which it fucking was, the sources are all there), or that yes, he did somehow imply that this direct response to the ideological subversion after ww2 and anti-fascist fetishism was somehow a conservative thing.

I need to see that post myself because the previous one let me genuinely fucking dumbfounded.
I haven't been to /co/ in a while but this is too much even for what I remember of the occassional dumfuck anon on this board.
Not even in the SU threads was it like this.
Next video when?
Great /pol/ people got into this thread
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Blame the faggot who started the thread with that stupid fucking meme (again).
I think you might have gotten your answer with >>144155953
>reform program for serial rapists

Please anon! We call them the Over Sexually Charged, Low Socially Acceptably Behaved these days.
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Nia would fit well into a Hellraiser-like setting, she's already getting chased and tortured by demons anyway.
She would defiently like the movies and have a pinhead poster
She is cute but very very stupid and she smells funny
Lacey has always been slop.
The fact they have a licensed plush just confirms it.
>lacey gets a official plush before nia
Damn lucky
Isn't luck but slop marketing.
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You're just jelly you don't have a Nia plush.
Take that cum filled shit out my sight, Benecia.
I wanna take these two and smash them together repeatedly.
Plusho porno
I would recreate this https://youtu.be/0NP2_3-uQvo?feature=shared if i had a nia plush
Looks pretty cute, would hug all night long
Which one is more absorbent?
This gives me an idea
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are you literally me?
now post a picture of you choking the life out of it
Or maybe even kicking her like a football.

Only if this thread hits bump limit
There are some others.
I'm going to draw her with a fat ass, and no one is going to stop me.
Bold of you to assume /co/ would stop you besides maybe a few
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Oh yeah look at me trying to stop (you)
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How do I change her mind and not make Nia disappointed in me?
sorry but that's terminal
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I want to huff Nia’s goth feet so bad, they must smell absolutely amazing.
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>She says this as if i didn't know she is trying to summon a demon or something
Do you think Nia is into watersports?
The actual sport or piss?
That game sucks. BB is literally the only thing that carried it
Now that's a wet pussy
Which was the first ICS thread ever made?

Here we go lads!
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Did any one else noticed the Doom influence in this episode?
I swear the creator's trolling at this point, lmao.
walking sim nia game when?
The numbers, Nia! What do they mean!
i respect that
Boy, what a rip.
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the halo suits her
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Well I for one enjoyed seeing her scoot across the screen.
Who the fuck drew a picture of me?!?

For the love of God someone do the SpongeBob betrayed us segment with Nia

/uh/non's younger days
I'm impressed, you somehow managed to capture my devilishly good looks
I created this character to serve as a representation of the Ics fandom a few months ago, you can use it if you like
fucking this! What a waste of my time
>younger days
he literally made this last month
>What a waste of my time
Not for me. i like this silly goober walking nowhere.
What was that thing that materialized in the background half way through the video before she reached the red room?
Was actually made back in April but only recently did people start doing things with him.
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I find it hard to make out of it due to the compression but my best guess is the hooded figure if the red lines combined with what appears to be wings are anything to go by, especially because he's been stalking her the whole time so surely it couldn't be anyone else.
>Nia daki
niiice, and I'm a little surprised that nobody's drawn a proper one yet hint, hint
......j..ust go commission some anon -_-
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Anyways, I sped up the audio from the ending for posterity's sake, not sure if it's the correct speed/pitch, tho.
This's just Nia/Lacey crossover images though, am I wrong/stupid?
What happened to the old MEGA? Was it closed or something? There was so much art there I didn't save ;_;
The guy who made it got chased off by Benecia or something. He's stopped updating it sometime ago. https://mega.nz/folder/y9AzhahI#eRFZjOknd8rPQq-EGaroog
You might want to download the archive right away because now it's at risk of being nuked because there's some faggot who's been false reporting the archives, I would know.
Why the hell would someone do that?
Oh, of course it was something stupid like that. Is there nowhere else we can upload our stuff that wouldn't be as easily abusable, like the other anon using dropbox, or some booru? I know there's a Tamers12345 archive that uses a site called koofr. I'm just saying like, surely we have options?
Fuck if I know, really. I'm bringing this up because I discovered that Rexhastala's personal archive got nuked for the same "reason" as the other MEGA, and IIRC, there wasn't anything even remotely explicit there so I knew right away there's some tomfuckery going on.
Well, the /trash/'s Dropbox seems to be doing fine at the moment so might as well use that, there's also the /co/ booru that's been brought up a couple of times here so that works, too. IMO, the best option is to use both because "don't put all your eggs in one basket" and shit.
yes sir
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This 'fandom' has truly been cursed with some of the most autistic retards possible. Guess we only have the /co/llection to archive the fan art.
Can't one of you just... go back in desuarchive and collect the draws there?

The lesson: Save all original content. Artists are flippant and boorufags can fail you.
The guy that owned the last MEGA being a discord groomer sure was something.
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>Follow bloody footprints
>Becomes road
>Becomes jail
>Becomes broken open jail
>Becomes spooky
>Becomes hell is battle arena watched by an Eldritch eye scounced in a wall
>Becomes road again

Reminds me of the suffering but the hallway to battle arena is a bit newer of a gaming philosophy.
I finish the Donklly
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Do you think Nia likes video games? Maybe some horror or dark themed ones like blood or twisted metal black.
>Do you think Nia likes video games?
Nia surely loves the original Postal.
Can (you)?
>This 'fandom' has truly been cursed with some of the most autistic retards possible
Nia would totally cry at the end of Final Fantasy X.
read the damn thread.
I like to think she's either a Kingdom Hearts typa girl, or she's into weird niche-but-cute stuff like Pikmin.
No. You do it.
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Would any of Nia's outfits look good if attempted IRL, or is the art too simple/stylized for them to not look dorky when removed from that context? N-No (you)'re going through a phase and too selfconscious to look at fashion advice online
I don't read.
I honestly think she would like any game (maybe not shooters)
Probably but it would be alot to pull off since a conversion of cartoon style to real life is alot
Of course, the girl's an avid gamer.
>doing the liam vicker girl pose
Yeah, on the other hand like most of her clothing articles are pretty basic, so I dunno. Could just look, well, normal lol. I'm probably worrying about it more than it's worth, I always wanted to try an emo look but am haunted by the existential dread of looking like girugamesh guy if I lean into it even 1%.
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Yeah but she only likes one game, and that's the king baby!
This one from almost two years ago.
Maybe if your a sticc gril or gril(guy).
There's no way she's not obsessed with Legacy of Kain.
Oh shit, Icsanon just posted.
Her cowl and robe outfit probably wouldn't work, you'd look medieval. her striped and pleated skirt outfit should work in my opinion.
Are there girls actually play that?
I'm convinced Nia doesn't game any further than playing Breakout on her flip phone, and she's just reading this thread with a perplexed expression, having no idea what any of the games you're claiming she plays with 100% certainty are.
Yes, but only one's with dicks
Depends, how many trash bags do you have lying around to make that weird ass dress she wears?
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I can see her playing some games casually, if just with some friends. What I don't buy is her watching scary movies. If you are burnt out and on edge as much as she is you don't need that in your life.
>if just with some friends
She has no friends. Maybe she would play games with her sister tho.
She would play chuzzle though
Me, I'm her friend.
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Nia’s a true gamer
no way man, she's your typical scene girl from 2008 so the only games she plays are game cube and kingdom hearts
and she 100% cried at the ending of kingdom hearts 2
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I wish I were that dino egg.
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What is it that makes Nia so carriable?
She is very light (depending on the art)
she's 20yo, 5ft4, and 108 pounds
I sure hope so, that would make her 110% perfect.
By being a womanlet.
These are just 00's fits. You'll look like your mom when she was young.
Why do you want to dress like a girl, anon? Is there something you're not telling us? It's okay we won't judge you (publicly.)
I will!
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Hot. More hair preferably but a real nice body
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Need this to be redrawed but with Nia
ewww too edgy 4 me 2 draw
have her staring through a hot topic window instead full of invader zim crap
do you think that eating her out would break her out of this weird state she is in?
Look anon I was planning to substitute the skirts and stuff don't be meen
Bout time we returned. Where's the detective CYOA anon?
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Oh no Nia, get out of there.
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Could Nia kill in self-defense? I mean, I don't think she have the capacity to do it in front, but maybe yes in an environment that she can take advantage of like in manhunt
Does Nia have friends?
>folder missing
Well shit
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She's got the prep girl and the triangle guy. That's about it
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I think they are both so dumb and horny and I think the sexual tension of those two must be incredibly high.
Looks more like evil Shantae but i have a feeling that's what you were going for.
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Incredibly high and will never be released or fulfilled because they're each too introverted and shy to make a move.
Why is this pink shit always paired up with Nia?
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Nia and Lacey are both niche indie web animation horror girls with a 2000s flash aesthetic, those similarities drew them together and having the more story heavy video of each series be released a day apart from each other helped with that.
And because there is also drawfag on /trash/ obsessed with the pairing.
this is cart before the horse thinking
sex is a meaningless activity like playing checkers at the park, the conversation or comradery is completely independent.
When you conflate a lot of nonsense together you become arrested in looking for pointlessly 'perfect' relationships that couldn't exist in real life. Sex =/= love or acceptance. It's just like dancing with a stranger at a club.
i won't call Lacey niche after getting a licensed plush...
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Continuing from: https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/143610306/#q143634442

Wat do?
Not like its maid by hasbro
None but Kris from Coffin_Romantic could be her friend.
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Alternatively what series would Nia fit for crossovers
Madness combat
I, on the other hand, wish to be her, like a fucking troon
They've both been abused too many times to see pleasure in sexual activity.
the only problem with that is that laecy feels so fake and looks nothing like a 2000s flash at all. Its very superficial.
Except ICS isn't Flash, because if it were then there'd be no artifacting/compression (since ykno, vector graphics). It's supposed to be reminiscent of old handdrawn Youtube-uploaded animations. If it were more pixelated, I'd sooner liken it to Flipnotes lel.
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made this postal cutscene inspired drawing of nia, felt like the suffocation video was fitting for smth like this
damn cool stuff
ouch Nia, ouch
I really enjoy the color palette and warped and crooked perspective.
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Requesting someone to draw nia in killy's playford fit
That's fucking awesome man, holy shit.
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That's kino shit right there, good job.
Probably "anthology of the killer" series, she would defiently be a friend of bb
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The Black Heart would certainly make her feel like she never left.
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goosebumps. it would be fun
Hey /co/, I've got a question for you guys about this idea that's been rattling around in my head for the past few days. Do you think an ics style series set during the Vietnam War would be a cool idea/sound appealing?
Only one way to find out
It would interesting but it would need more care since its based on real events.
Jungles are quite colorful and all. Maybe it's easier to pull off in ww1 trench warfare stuff.
Is nia a mime now?
Yeah maybe because you are a slut. Or a coping cuckold.
Fuck it, just do it and cosplay as her in the nearest comic/anime convention.
big woof
Your probably right but I feel like WW1 is kinda what you'd "expect" from this art style. Not saying that idea doesn't sound cool but I kinda want to challenge myself a bit with this.
True, I'd really need to brush up on my history seeing as my only experience with Vietnam is through Black Ops 1 campaign missions
I like the way you think
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The dichotomy between Hia constantly being killed by whatever's haunting her and BB surviving every murderer that that enters her vicinity would be cool to see
Really nice. Wallpaper worthy even.
I boop the snoot
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She was always mute
People who make posts like this Anon here are the loneliest people of all. :(
>No piss
>No buy
As simple as that
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Hahahaa, girls like that, or femcels as they say now are not fucking real, it's just chicks who are not attractive enough/too autistic to get any attention from chad, but will rather die than settle for anything less than said chad.
Cool haircut
Wait I just realized...
If everyone here is lonely doesn't that mean we're not alone?
Kinda when people mention they're lonely they mean relationship lonely.
What would Nia's stand with?
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There's some potential but not that much.
There’s Nancy
Nia being accosted by the parasite from Scorn.
Fuckin beautiful man
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Wasn't this game called "the girl with the long legs"? I remember running into it on newgrounds years ago.
Holy kino anon!
I have some free time,
if you have a good idea, make me a request
Nia dressed up as JC Denton. Or if you do NSFW requests Nia getting spooned and french kissing me wants.
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This but with Nia.
(I'm a bit surprised this hasn't been done yet)
I'm positive it has been done, just hard to find the thing with every archive down.
Make her FAT. I don't care about the details, I just want to see Nia FAT.
Nia and American McGee's Alice having Tea together
Can you draw me a circle? I can provide references if needed
This but with Nia
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This, but with Nia and Lacey, with Lacey being the one going Nya
Not really, otherwise it would've already been reposted a bunch of times by now since it's a well known reaction image and all.
What makes ICS worthy of this Fandom? It's just 30 second shorts in 480p. Sounds like the only thing noteworthy about this series is that the creator managed to use their animation skills to do 3 hours of work and spread out the release far enough to make a huge following when other animators who do far more work don't even get a few thousand views
Nia receiving a warm, loving hug.
>What makes ICS worthy of this Fandom?

Well, lets see
>High interest in horror/ARG/etc. content
>thirst for early 2000s emo/scene/goth girls and the associated aesthetic
>Relative lack of new western cartoons with quality and waifuable characters
We all want a Nia gf, but have any of us considered if we actually deserve one?
I appreciate how much it's sincerely faithful to the art and time period it's trying to represent, rather than a surface-level allusion to what people collectively, vaguely remember this older niche media was like.
Also, despite being short, I appreciate that everything's drawn and animated by hand. The art's expressive and very nicely made, and doesn't resort to any sort of puppet rigging or panning etc.
found out that the audio from way back home 7 is the beginning part of Nasty Ritual from Dorso
Nia wearing a tacky dress and thinks it makes her butt look too big
Don't need to ask em since this exist
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Nia with classic 2hu proportions
Because it's cool dude
I like goth girls, horror, gore, and while I didn’t care for it at first, I’m starting to understand the appeal of feet and the the occasional piss fetish.
What do you think the creators of these two think of each other work?
They'd absolutely hate it.
Probably like em but pretty neutral
a crossover with that nazi bitch Sarah Andersen
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gonna start drawing more nia and posting it here, give me some requests if you want
Nia in the madness combat style
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she doesnt exist
Is it fine if you draw nia wearing jessica rabbit outfit and is abit embaressed
jokes on you im delusional shes real to me
What if we aren't and she is?
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ninja nia
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She'd probably be good friends with Sakuri from Demonophobia.
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>im delusional shes real to me
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this poster but the girl is replaced with Nia
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Pikkon and Goku showing up to protect Nia from demons.
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That's actually pretty good, nice job.
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this is everithing that i can do for today, good night fellas
Those droopy tits are cute
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Thank you for the deliveries, drawfriend. Have a good night.
Do you feel like you have to earn other people's love Anon? Do you feel like you don't deserve it the way you are already?
Talk about being a fatass.
Wow, I was joking, but you actually did it.
Well, now that it hit bump limit, here's the video.
New bread:


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