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A storytime thread for the conclusion of the 2005-2010 web comic.

If you missed part one, go here to catch up. Here's some handy dandy links.
Story 1: >>144196600
Story 2: >>144198758
Story 3 START: >>144212315

Feel free to reply to posts with quips and quotes or questions if you'd like. It keeps the thread bumped and keeps OP sane
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Keep an eye on the date stamps if you can, it may provide insight
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What ever happened to Gunther and her anyway?
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So have these two just been arguing ethics for like a half hour, or did X keep distracting Cheesecake every other minute
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heheheh, ah yes. finally chin is wearing the pants in this relationship
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Like I said, note the dates in the corner. We're halfway through this arc and it's been about 5 months since it started
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Oh hey it's Dr. Gokiburi and that one military guy from Flying Suit Reiko.

Which I guess makes sense
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I swear this girl cannot catch a break.
She gets one scene in the first arc and then gets her brain melted and spends the rest of it in a coma. Then she gets thrown out a bus, badly burned, kidnapped by a G-man, and as soon as she gets back ends up argueing with Cheesecake until Puzztool shows up. Then she thinks her best friend betrayed her which she did just not in the way she thought. Now she's being stuffed by an agent turned hobo, infected by Stepford bees, and forced to go to Australia.
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Eh, she also turned into a jerk toward her supposed friend. Not wholly undeserved.
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I thought that last year too, but I kinda forgot she got burned bad enough she said she might lose her nipple. And then I forgot she had to spent 36 hours keeping Tsugumi from vomiting to death. And then Tsugumi basically told her she sold her out in exchange for a case of beers.

I'm on team Yukiri now
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Also, hey, June 2008. This is when Muertitos (Keenspace Revival, not the old one I did at the start of the month) ends.
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(Also, for whichever anon was complaining about Cheesecake being one note, outside of the opening scene of this arc she's mostly been settled. She does have other things going on, last arc was at a hot spring with a bunch of naked girls so it was unhinged 24/7)
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I haven't seen Reiko this emaciated since she stole those diet pills from Potchari
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Isn't it interesting that Yukiri was able to resist it despite X saying that even they wouldn't have been able to if they were actually interested in stinging them.
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She's back!

(also the upload rate falls off a fucking cliff at this point. It's been slower than normal since the start of 2008. but now...)
Probably a little of both.
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Goddamn it there goes the legs.
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I like that X got some time to shine as X and not be forced to dilly dally between The Mole and X
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I'm sure the upload rate will pick up any day. Eh Cheesecake...eh cheesecake....eh cheesecake...eh cheesecake
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Also Intragalactic will happen in....late July? Muertitos is gonna be a long one that'll mandate some down time
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I have always wondered why and how X can turn into a star nosed mole.

Guessing It's an anime reference
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Also maybe it's just all the close up shots lately, but I swear you can see the gradual evolution of the artists style compared to the start of the comic. Tsugumi looks...more detailed
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Ah, so Creamy's control wasn't total, she broke out with a bit of poking.

Just like...Yukiri...
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I like it's the outlines. I'd have to do a side by side tho
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Oh dear...

(Also I guess X just left Cheesecake bloodsoaked and in the main entrance tunnel, he kind of abandoned that plan after he happened to get locked up with Tsugumi)
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Gotta move my legs, resume in 5 til the end
They have 2 kids after half an hour?
Probably forced adoption be Hete-Rodan.
I mean the shotgun marriage was being handled by a mutated kaiju, he can pump out kiddos to hold those marriages together like a goddamn gumball machine if he wants
Fuck that song with a rusty chainsaw.
>t. born in '85
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On the one hand, Heto-Rodan(got the spelling right that time) IS sort of supposed to be our main villain this arc given that he immediately got out of control and enslaved Banana and Chintarou.

But on the other hand fucking Banana Vs Creamy Beamy 1v1...(In retrospect why didn't she try this during the fight with Puzztool? I get she was busy pulling a W and saying Mission Accomplished with the Yakisaurus and was kind of caught off guard, but)
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I really need to trust in the comic....I'm sorry I doubted you Steph I'll study the good book harder.

(Wait and there's also that secret weapon thing she knows about now, that would be the difference maker)
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Anyway it's time for our main villain to fight our main heroine, Muscley Tomboy turned Stepford Wife with a side of murder VS Obese Flabby Princess who was formerly a shy nerd girl!
Take your bets anon!
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Other then the occasional flub(brainfarting her way into trying to kill her with food on day 1, buying the dumb cover story at the hotsprings) Banana is more competent than your average anime villain
Idle curiosity springs to mind from this. Did any meaningful webcomic ever take a Tuesday/Thursday update schedule to take advantage of the dry spells? I can't recall any, which is odd considering it's a 50% reduction in weekly work, to boot.
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You know I'd make a joke about Steph predicting hardcore right wing conservatives making a fuss about M&Ms, but she's already gotten enough right
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This got kind of gruesome suddenly. I know the boys of the class got murdered, too, but it's been a while.
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Ok, so we got an update on Yukiri, Chintarou is with Banana, here's Tsugumi, her mom and the other lesbians and gays are back at the base in Seto, so is Reiko, and most of the rest of the cast is brainwashed.

X we last saw helping Tsugumi onto the rooftop to attack Chintarou(and briefly astral projecting as Mole after). We haven't heard from Cheesecake since X got captured since he promptly abandoned his original plan and just got Tsugumi to go kill em. Last we saw her she was soaked in blood in the entranceway to the compound.
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Oh right. In the all the excitement of fighting the main bad guy of the whole comic there's still the matter of the main badguy of this specific arc
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Also it's 2010 look at 2009 fly by
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I don't have the quote on me right now(Think it's on one of the IntraGalactic pages), but by this point things were being actively rushed out, we're speedrunning the actual intended ending to a degree and rushing more than it should have.

Rushed out in the comic sense as it being wrapped up quickly, not rushed out in release
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Like I have my doubts this was in the original plan, Steph was juggling this, Intragalactic, and not one, but two published graphic novel deals with Slave Labor Graphics, who picked up one at the tail end of 08 right after IntraGalactic started and then added another one onto the pile in 09. Burnout is a bitch
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(not that I blame her, that was her dream even way back in the Flying Suit Reiko days)

Anyway let's kill Heto-Rodan
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Well we've gone from Dragon Fist to Throw a Rock at Em to Spirit Bomb, pretty logical progression
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And there we go..Heto-Rodan slain! And look, there's Cheesecake(guess she wandered through the entrance and just kind of...watched). And there's post-coitus Yukiri. And...I think that's Creamy Beamy in the last silhoette? Looks kinda weird maybe she's shapely or got some weird new super form hat or something.

So, how will this arc conclude? What kind of Epilogues await?

None. Nothing. This is it. We done got Gainaxed
If you want a quick explanation, after Muertitos ended in mid 2008 a new webcomic was started, IntraGalactic. (I will storytime both of these at some point). It was in color and so took a bit more work than the usual, but hey, open spot in the schedule.

Then at the end of the year SLG contacted her and wanted a graphic novel(She tried that once before during a prior break in 2003-2004, wrote a one shot revival of Flying Suit Reiko, that didn't work, so she left that site behind and started Keenspace Muertitos). So now she was doing that and IntraGalactic and Creamy Beamy.

Then SLG added in a second graphic novel in 09.

From what I know burnout became a massive problem. The two SLG deal works ate up a ton of time and energy, and IntraGalactic being the newer fresher comic got first dibs on what was left so

Creamy Beamy ground to a hault. (Creamy Beamy ran for 3 years. In the first two and a half, we got 320 pages. In the latter two and a half, we got like 50 pages), the fight with Heto-Rodan was rushed out, and it just ended when he was dead. No proper conclusion to the arc like the other two had after the monster was defeated, no explanation of what happened to all the brainwashed folk and the killer bees or X or Cheesecake or the people back in Seto.

Burnout killed it. Widgey Q Butterfluff(first of those two graphic novels) came out around this time, the second one(Peppermint Penwell) came out in early 2011 after multiple delays and issues with shipping. By that point Steph was past her limit and IntraGalactic would be abandoned in Spring 2011.

This was ALWAYS going to be the last arc(or at least as of 2008 it was), but it was originally going to have a far more proper conclusion. AND, AND, there was going to be a follow up comic. No official name, but I often hear it nicknamed GPCB-Z. Probably would have involved Vanilla getting directly involved, though whether that would be her invading Earth or Tsugumi going to Sucra, I dunno.
After IntraGalactic died the author basically went AWOL for 3 years, occasionally posting art on DA(including some Tsugumi's in 2011), but not much. Then in 2014 she came back with a Patreon, but the love of longform content was dead and burnout killed it. None of the works on there would come close to the old stuff(Longest ones were in the 60-70 page range, most were 10 or less, most of the rest were one-shot standalone art pieces).

This was an early Patreon reward. It was intended to half ass answer a question or two and sort of give a proper goodbye to the cast. Note the different artstyle.

This isn't what the sequel series would have been about, but it does offer some clues(Notably I wouldn't be surprised if her being tied down by those two kids Heto-Rodan invented would be the reason she stopped going over Tsugumi and left Vanilla to deal with her herself).

Also, Yukiri an alien. Maybe this was just a joke, but there's enough hinting in the comic between her dead mom, weird shadowy dad, resistance to mind control from both X and Brighttower, and ability to resist the Bee's unlike everyone else except Tsugumi, that I can buy it.

What kind of alien? Dunno, maybe Sucran, but her bandana she always wears kinda looks like rabbit ears so maybe she's one of those Usagi princesses we heard about.

Enjoy this. It's the last we'll ever see of them. I held out hope for a bit that it would return someday, but the author retired...19 hours ago? 20 hours ago? They just finished their last comic on Patreon and are packing up and getting ready to leave the genre and go do professional work.

It's been 29 years since Swamp Oppossum in 1995. I'm gonna miss Steph. She's been around longer than anyone else.
Also in the comment section she mentioned the fates of two other characters.

Momoka Momonga continued to lose more and more of her body until she eventually was left just a mind in a computer ala Lawnmower Man.

Cheesecake Saint Cherrywell moved to Wisconsin.

I'd post the screencaps, I literally just read this last night, but uh...funny story.

The Deviantart as of about 17 or 18 hours ago no longer exists. Glad I grabbed all that extra art stuff, when I did. You'll have to take my word on those other details though.

It was unintentional, but I couldn't have timed this better. Last night when this thread started our author was still active and making a comic and the DA still existed. Now that last comic is over, she's officially retired, and the Deviantart no longer exists.

Thankfully I believe those Order of the White Rabbit guys have spent the last month archiving stuff so good for them.
Man, history ended in these threads. Feels unreal.
So yeah, that's it for Creamy Beamy.

Discuss the comic, discuss what could have been, hell, discuss the author. We've got 2 threads, the other one has about 90 posts left in it before it sinks(use that one up first) and this one has about 400 and 200 image posts left.

This is now a Stephanie Cherrywell general thread. It's an all hands on deck moment. The DA is gone, retirement is official, do your thing guys.

I'll post some fan-art I've found later, both from back in the day and modern stuff(mostly by the Cheesecake Campaigners in that category, keep up the good work)

Momoka-chan, nooooo!

Also, it's really sad to see her suffer burnout so thoroughly that she up and deleted her old stuff. I'd understand if it was being hosted on her own dime, her own website, but DeviantArt is free. She could've moved things there, and left what had already been there alone.
No the Burnout phase ended in 2014 when she went to Patreon.

She's moving on now because
A. Getting old, hormones and menopause and shit, can't do the horny quite the same as she could when she was in her mid 20s.(She was barely 18 when Flying Suit Reiko started)

and B. She's going professional, she's got connections, she's got the talent, she's got things lined up. And surprise surprise having 3 decades of kinky shit show up on a google is bad for your portfolio. Thankfully we got advanced warning by like, a month or two.

Hope for the best. If some childrens book shows up written by an S. Cherrywell, I'll be able to recognize the artstyle. And I'll know. That's /our/ girl. She made it
Thanks, as always, OP.

Spoilers for mushy, gushy dreck.

By just about every metric, SS was one of the best: witty writing, charming characters, strong design sensibilities, originality, longevity, even sheer raw output. There were a handful of people that could outdo her in a singular avenue, but no other single person brought as much to the table. There was a sense of purpose in everything she did, a wider scope, a grander design, and that's not something you come across in a fetish scene like this, where even progression-centric works tend to wrap up in under 10 panels. It was unique at the time, and the digital landscape has changed so much that we'll likely never see it again. It'd be too much to call this the end of an era, since that era has been dead and buried for nigh on a decade, but it's a finale all the same.

If by any chance you're lurking, SS, know that there's yet another anonymous person out there that really vibed with your work and still vibes with it on a reread all these years later. You did good work, and I'm looking forward to what, if anything, comes next from another name in another place.
If Rebecca Sugar can get away with drawing cheese pizza, and leaving it up for all to see and be posted about even when her show was still running, I don't see why Cherrywell has to delete her old stuff.
Oh let it out anon, not only did we storytime her best work, but we somehow timed it so she'd officially quit in the middle of it. It's the red licorice of fate.

Let it out.
Have this rare commissioned Tsugumi from 2011. One of the last times they drew the character.

Anyway, time for fanart. Give me a minute
Also, if you wanna discuss something specifically from this comic(like a scene or moment or character), do it last thread, I'd rather run out the post count on that one and have it archive by the end of the day then divide us.

If it's images or end of the comic or comic as a whole or any other Steph works, here is fine.

Ok I'm gonna go grab all the fanart that exists
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We're at that freshly deleted stage where you can still see everything cached or with preview images on google images.

God...this is really it, isn't it?
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All this initial stuff is from the official fanart depository that was on FSR.com before it went down in 2011.

Creamy Beamy, by Reepicheep-chan. Looks like just after she got out of the crater.
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X. and Cheesecake, by Reepicheep-chan. Cheesecake is HOT in this one.
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Cheesecake, by NJ Huff of Emergency Exit Comics. Awesome picture of Cheesecake with Tsugumi and Creamy Beamy dolls.
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Banana and Chintarou, by Reepicheep-chan. You know they totally do this.
The girls of the class, by Edgeling, whose Deviantart site with many more pictures of girls and slimy things is right here.

Another one for S. Sakurai.

One of the weirdest aspects of Gorgeous Princess Creamy Beamy is that the unnamed girls in the heroine's class are portrayed as a giant, black-ooze-dripping hive creature known simply as... the Girls of the Class.

Yeah, i know, trippy. Anyway, you should totally check out the comic if you're into chubbiness, lesbians, wicked funny anime references, and hilarious perversion in general.

Seriously. It will be good for you.

Hope you like it... er, them, S.

(This one wasn't on the wayback, but the DA is up)
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Only other thing archived there this old Muertitos art.

There was a ton of other stuff, crowd art by Mike of Fantastic Beastiary, stuff by CJ Burgundy, more Reepicheep, all unarchived. Well, rather archive attempts made like a month after it was gone. Too little too late past guys.
But that guy did also do this of the Muertitos cast.

I SWEAR he also had a creamy beamy one, the website said he did, I know I've seen it, but I can't find it
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It's been deleted from DA, But apparently this was posted in the 2022 Storytimes. So the quality might not be perfect, but hey, found it.

Next up is the slightly newer stuff
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Here's some fanart from RoyalJelly
Well that's most of the intermediate era stuff.

Now the post-storytime stuff
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There's this one from last month by Jamie
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And this from BBWChan. I'm rooting for them. Throw as many resources into this remaster shit as possible we gotta keep it alive somehow
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That just leaves Campaign era stuff, which is difficult to find the original post of so I'm not sure if these are original quality or not. I don't have the masters.

You will vote for her, right anons?
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(This one has aged extremely well given NSA turned out to be both a woman and a coomer...and a vote rigger)
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someone colored it
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(Isn't her nickname 'The White Rabbit', not "The Albino Deviant"?)
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Love that campaign slogan btw.

All's Well with Cherrywell.

Definitely just some odd kerning, nothing suspicious here
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Wow, there is...a lot of this
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Like, a lot a lot
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Many a lots
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Well on the plus side I guess this thread will be a good depository to grab it from come September.
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I'm still finding more it never ends
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I admire the dedication
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I think that's everything?
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Oh found one more.

And some neat campaign slogans.\

>Tip the scales in Cheesecake’s favour!
>Weigh in with your opinion and vote for Cheesecake
>All' s Well With Cherrywell
>Make /co/ cake a-gain
>There's no such thing as too much Cheesecake
>“Well well well, it’s Cherrywell.”
>“Take your stake, Vote Cheesecake!”
Ok, fanart hour is done.

Thread is now yours. Discuss whatever, post Steph stuff, this is a Steph general.
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I was out the whole day and missed the storytime but take these sketches.
Do Reiko
It's like 3am in my timezone, I gotta rest
Do you think the author would get angry if someone draws smut of her characters?
A-asking for a friend...
No. Steph loved that stuff. See the fan art gallery above
>The legend links through, from the archives /co/ too
>Of the artist they called Steph Cherrywell
>That author was known, as her galley had grown, for making all the cute girls swell
>With legacy galore, at least 20 years more, then any modern artist or writer.
>That girl oh so lewd was a cog to be chewed, when the webcomic trends came to fight her
>The gal had such pride, in her fattening side
>When she moved to some town in Wisconsin
>As the old artists go, she was older than most, with an artstyle distinct and long seasoned
>Signing some terms with a couple of comic firms, drawing for one SLG publishing
>But later that year, as her wrists did strain
>Could It be the burnout she’d been fearing?
Do you wanna know something funny?

The DA is gone. The Patreon is dead and on its way out(though it may be free for a short period, so if you want to ask questions about lore or plans for sequel series that never happened that would be the moment). IntraGalactic is gone. The Tumblr is gone. The books are gone. Reiko is gone. Old Muertitos is gone.

But Steph lost her fucking comic Genesis password.
Creamy Beamy(and some of Muertitos) will endure as all else falls.

>Cheesecake literally too horny to be deleted

And given that this was the thread up when she officially retired, when that last comic page on Patreon was posted. I think that’s pretty special…don’t you?
I swear I had literally zero clue it was going to end during this Storytime.

Steph wasn’t even sure if she’d finish up the final pages of Uninvited Ghosts this month and I never knew it would be synced to the DA purge.

It’s certainly poetic though.

She had a few other avatars over the years (Swamp Opposum in the mostly lost era, then White Mage or WMage for a little bit. And yes, BMage got his start back on those forums. Steph was the original Mage), but her character of centrist and profile avatar of choice has been Cheesecake since 2006 when she showed up. (Especially as Swamp Opossums comic is fully lost and most of the WMage art is too).

Cheesecake is Stephanie’s icon. Libido Made Flesh.

The Order picked wise making her a mascot. They wanted subtly, Stephanie could do that better than most. They wanted a /co/ feeder, she is one.

They’ve got poetic flavour to the timing too. They finally get fat threads unbanned on /co/ after 3 and a half years of battling raiders, suppressing bad elements, and fostering good threads…and the same week they achieve it they get told their favourite creator is leaving forever.

Perhaps Fate really did bring us all here together for one…last…reunion.

Would you change anything if you could?
Last I heard she was at some library in Wisconsin, but that was years ago.

Hope wherever she is she’s doing ok
>Would you change anything if you could?
The only thing I'd change is an actual ending to Gorgeous Princess Creamy Beamy. It doesn't have an ending, as it stands - it just ends. The sorta epilogue here >>144215900 is OKAY, I guess, but the fact it's the best we're going to get makes me sad. I would have done an "the adventure continues" type ending; have everyone celebrate, Banana vows to continue the fight while Chintarou promises to continue helping her, Yukiri is ecstatic to finally have validation about aliens but also makes up with Tsugumi due to now understanding things a lot better and realizing the latter was trying to keep her safe, etc etc.
Men don't get that.
My one complaint with what we actually got outside of the last 10 pages was that we never really got a ‘baseline’ of sorts established for her new life. Like Tsugumi going to school and stuff.

I would have liked to see more of Tsugumi’s mom(who after telling her daughter about her past vanishes from the story outside of a small cameo), more of Tsugumi adjusting to her new reality. Maybe Cheesecake and Girls of the Class being introduced in the class instead of on a field trip.

My single biggest issue is Yukiri. We get to see her regular dynamic with Tsugumi for like 3 pages at the start of the story. Then she gets her brain fried by X and is in a coma for the rest of the first story. Story 2, separated from the group for the first half after being thrown out the bus and dealing with the agent. Then she’s busy arguing about Cheesecake with Tsugumi for a few pages before they’re seperated again for the battle. Then they have a falling out, and she’s completely seperate from the group for the final story. She’s with the Agent for a bit initially, then gets stung, then gets a couple of scenes dealing with the horny and going to Australia.

Not sure if the best spot would be before or after Gratuitous bathing, pros and cons to both, but I feel like just one more arc Centered around Tsugumi’s classmates and family would pull it all together
I’m mostly fine with what exists, I just feel another arc, maybe even two, would give a bit more time to flesh out the cast we had.

(I’m also wondering what the heck was the deal with the Alien Bar guys, the rancher got a character page when BrightTower and Gumgirl didn’t. I’m guessing they had relevance in that sequel story that never happened, I’m not talking about that)

If it’s before, you could flesh out Yukiri and Tsugumi’s normal relationship, maybe flesh out how Tsugumi’s moms relationship has evolved with the info being out in the open or do a 3 page flashback to her nun years. Flesh out Momoka and the girl with the chewing gum they’re both classmates. Maybe introduce Cheesecake and Girls of the class earlier(albeit have Cheesecake a bit more subdued initially, save the completely psychotic shit for the hot springs), especially the latter. We never saw GOTC do anything except lusting after X and hating Cheesecake. I wanna see more ‘anime girl hive mind’ shenanigans.

And if it’s after Gratuitous Bathing, you could flesh out Yukiri’s partnership with BrightTower, show how she feels about the break with Tsugumi, flesh out those guys from the Foreigner Bar, and maybe do some stuff with Vanilla(she mentioned she was trying to contact Homeworld Security at one point?)
Oh and Principal Peter.

Despite the fact it’s Tsugumi’s home town, Seto is only the main setting for the first arc. Despite her being a school girl and having to adjust to a double life, the second arc sidelines that aspect and the third completely ignores it. Arc 2 is mostly on the mountains and at the hot spring and Arc 3 is mostly in Nagoya proper where Heto-Rodan is located.

I dunno. Maybe having Tsugumi figure out the teacher was Banana immediately caused too many issues. Both arcs afterwards had her conveniently forget this for a while. Maybe she regretted that.

I feel the hot springs and downtown settings would feel more special if we spent more time in Seto, you know? I wanna get to know the status quo before we subvert it
I could spit ball other ideas.

Banana weekend at bernie-ing the old teacher (the green pervert guy) to try to keep an eye on Tsugumi(this would be in a hypothetical 1.5 arc). Maybe a subplot where she finds out both he and the principal are aliens themselves who were on earth to chase tail and she blackmails them to maintain her cover. Maybe the monster of the week is his Skeleton and after some Jason and the argonauts tier battling it’s defeated.

Or maybe the simpler option is Banana gets Chintarou in the role of new teacher since Creamy Beamy had zero clue about him. Tsugumi finding out Banana’s identity immediately and not the inverse causes some weird issues and that’s the easiest fix if you wanna do another class room story. Heck in my 5 arc model that’s how I’d do it. (In Arc 2 she puppets the dead original teacher around with alien nano machines or something, and by the field trip and Arc 4 Chintarou has the job and she’s the ‘teachers assistant).

I also think her finding out would be a good call. Banana doesn’t legitimately think she can kill Creamy in a fair fight without an edge, it’s not a death sentence for her.

Or just don’t have X immediately figure it out. I don’t mind anime tier obliviousness, but it should be somewhat consistent. X is completely dumb to earth customs at this point so him noticing immediately that Bazookayama isn’t right could be handwaved
That’s basically my thoughts.

Oh and obviously flesh out the ending, epilogues and crap.

Here’s my question. Which idea for a sequel series would you have preferred? Vanilla coming towards Earth with an invasion flotilla or Tsugumi and crew heading to space to go fight them and liberate Sucra
Any archives of her stuff?
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Look at the credit. Does that look like a girls name to you?
Bruh. Everybody knows by now that she was always a girl, and the male name was an alias to avoid the old "no girls on the internet" bias. Not male, not trans, just always 100% horny female.
This is old enough to sound plausible. Had it been current decade shit, I'd have said lolno and asked for proof.

Demonstrably untrue, since I wasn't aware. It may be common knowledge among fatfags, but it's far from everyone that shares your disgusting fetish. I'm just here because I like the weeb art and I find the writing funny. The fetish shit is subtle enough that I can ignore it, but if everyone had been an ultrahand tier tub of lard I probably wouldn't have bothered reading this the first time it was storytimed.
If you want me to read this actually find the gum girls name
>I'm just here because I like the weeb art and I find the writing funny. The fetish shit is subtle enough that I can ignore it,

This, this right here. This is why so many people respect Stephs work. She could be subtle in a way modern guys like UH just can’t be. That’s why people like her stuff.

Muertitos is even more subtle http://muertitos.keenspace.com/d/20040921.html
Too Dummy Thicc
Mentioning those two but not pointing out Mariko grew up to be ambassador for Japan to the United Nations?
She must've been one hell of a chocolate mascot girl.
I blame the fact she has no colored art archived
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She has the one.
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Speaking of which, what exactly is Reiko’s skin color.

Here it is from the old ass art from when the comic was ongoing
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Here’s some art from 2003 after the comic ended, alongside Honeo and Nutria
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Here’s some clipped art from 2004 that presumably would have gone along with that one issue reboot we’re missing
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And here’s her slightly older GPCB design.

The fuck happened she went from Okinawan to NEET tone
Reiko’s certainly had an interesting life
>Horny jap teen
>Botched tonsilectomy gives her powers
.>Gets the flying suit at age 16
>spends two years kicking ass in a number of oddly fat related scenarios
>Some shit happens when she’s 20, don’t know the details that whole issue is lost
>Flying Suit runs out of juice, government no longer needs her since she’s too old to be a magical girl
>Spends a couple of years trying to become an instructor or merc just using her base skills and powers
>Get’s her pupils killed and her boss ends up dead on the moon
>Turns to crime for a while and pays the bills by murdering old ladies for money and when that doesn’t work out stealing organs with college boys
>Gets a job teaching Tsugumi, who probably only survives because she’s so strong
>Nearly dies in a dream world next time she sees her
>Ends up crushed into a coma and drained of half her blood last time we ever see her
Ren and stimpy look alike frame for one panel
Fuuuuuuck, I finally get the joke in the last panel. There's only one set of footprints, because Jesus.
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Found more of these fucking posters. You guys better actually succeed at this
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Make /co/ cake again

Make /co/ cake? A gain!
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For real this time I think that's all of em
So QRD me on whatever this is?
We gotta win Miss /co/ this year.
Well not win, but get through the qualifiers for once and maybe survive Round 1(albeit that comes down to luck, who we face). Qualifiers is fully up to us.

All the stars are aligned in our favor in a way that will never happen again.
>Author just retired
>Previous crooked host who was rigging the polls just got ousted
>New host probably won’t be super strong on alt google accounts
>Way fewer people than there used to be due to all the trouble so lower thresholds to enter and survive qualifiers.
>The Order of the White Rabbit, whose mascot is Cheesecake and who originate from these threads, just got Fat Threads unbanned a month ago on /co/ after years of work.
>This also means we can campaign on fat threads and get support on /co/ and not just /trash/ or /aco/

We will never get a full set like this again. Cheesecake has to make it in. For Stephanie
Are you going to kill them or what?
All the Steph webcomics share a universe.

(High level autism time)

Flying Suit Reiko and Creamy Beamy are the most obvious. Reiko is in both. We also see Mariko twice(once as the Glutiva Girl and once as an Ambassador), plus brief cameos by Doctor Gokiburi and General Slabbo.

We also see during the flashbacks to the ancient hungry hungry hippos death game from Egypt none other than Ankhmutes and Pharoh Hatshepsut from Muertios(albeit alive and before becoming Mummies).

Speaking of Muertitos, there’s also a cameo at the end of the Ski Trip issue (set in the year 3000 after they forget to unthaw Princi-Pal from the ice) where we see Cheesecake, who died at some point between now and 3000 AD and was reborn as a Succubus. And Madame Viper was adapting Flying Suit Reiko into an official Development Hell film.

Dystopia also ties in as some of the alien species from Reiko show up(specifically the Mylarians), and in term one of the alien species from Dystopia is at the foreigner bar(specifically those snake guys) in GPCB.

IntraGalactic is the only iffy one, it’s far in the future and I don’t believe any of the alien species from Dystopia or FSR show up. But we DO see Honeo’s skeleton in a taxidermy office
While I haven't been reading these threads I just wanted to tell you that I very much respect your efforts in storytiming this OP. As a webcomic junkie I appreciate you for keeping /co/ a little interesting and sharing this
Hopefully the WR’s archived everything they could. At least they can go back to thread patrol now.

/co/‘s finally back to normal after 4 years
Who are those people?
Thx op
wow can't believe even her patreon ended...
It’s over
Wait completely?
Nah it’s still there
for like a month or two then it's all deleted. I subscribed and downloaded all the pics though
You should upload to the kemono party. It's hasn't been updated since February
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Very briefly used Avatar character after Swamp Oppossum and before Cheesecake.

White Mage or WMage
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Also this(hey early Bmage cameo over there)
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And real OGs might remember the Porkydex
Flying Suit Reiko A New Hope is the current big prize lost comic.

There’s a lot of misc stuff over the years, but that’s a full comic tied to something else and we know how many pages exist.

Finding the missing Muertitos pages or those 2 missing FSR pages or the missing character art would be cool. But the Reiko revival is the big ticket
Anyway an average anon can help with finding missing stuff?
Like what links would be good to check in the wayback machine?
Also(not just with this, but with literally every thing on the site), there’s obvious evidence on the Wayback of people realizing the site was gone and making last minute scrambling efforts to archive links they probably had in their search history to no avail. There are two distinct waves, one on April 23rd 2011 and one on May 4th, probably both from people who realized they didn’t archive some stuff properly. I don’t even know the date the site went down, after February 7th 2011 and before April 23rd 2011 is all I can say. I’d guess the latter somewhere in early April because otherwise IntraGalactic would have mentioned it as it didn’t end until March.

The archives mostly dry up after early 2008 and a big spike around April/May that year. That’s when the site got deprecated to just be a post saying “These old comics sucked, go read these” with links to Muertios, GPCB, and later Intragalactic, although all the old stuff was still there. You just needed the URL to get it. (That’s also probably why the archivers didn’t realize they had messed up, the HTMLs could pull the jpg from the live site so it all looked fine until it didn’t). And there wasn’t any new content added after late 2004 anyway.

I think Wayback has automatically saved images and scripts on a page for a couple years now? That’ll hopefully stop this kind of crap.
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I’ve already brute forced the Wayback, it’s not there aside from Page 1.


All the HTMLs for the website pages were saved, but nobody actually archived the JPG files outside of the first page.

This is also the issue with the lost regular pages. Page 18 of Issue 5 and Page 1 of Issue 10 are missing.
The character art for Bob, Hans, Ms. Inari, Kanako, Kuro, Mentos, Mariko, Soreb, Tarou, Tenemi, and Waterbaby is also missing.
With this one in particular, not only is it notably later(2004, probably easily visible for about 4 years), but it was being fished around for a bit to publishers like SLG both before and after, it got around.

The best two leads are the fact we have Page 1, and we have the file names for every page (just change the last 1 to a 2 or 3 or et Cetera)

I’m not sure how you’d do this, but my best ideas are to either mass search the archives for any file from any site matching the file names of the other pages(couldn’t find a way to do this on Wayback) or do something similar, but instead reverse image search Page 1. If we find somewhere that has Page 1 stored, logically there’s a high chance they have other stuff.

Steph also apparently had the masters at some point, but she’s wiping the slate clean. Can’t go into writing childrens books with a couple thousand pages of kink art on google can ya?

And so on
Someone says they have the 2 missing pages from the original Flying Suit Reiko?
Those are now the robes of The Order of the White Rabbit in my mind.
Normally I’d advise tact and subtly in situations like this, as is Steph’s style.

But given the fire under our ass as things steadily get scorched sooner is probably better. I’ll run a name check on the Doe. Bring them here if you find them, it’s all anonymous, no shame in sharing from the vault.
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@shivasthong4924 on YouTube.

They’ve got decade old videos talking about, of all things, Project A-Ko.

You know, that one obscure anime movie about the school girls with the flying robot suit.

Including one named B-Ko(Pronounced Beeko) who looks like this?

I think we’ve got the right guy. A Project A-Ko fan who’s been on the internet that long is literally the perfect person to know Reiko.
It’s in the same bucket as Elfen Lied just one generation removed. A-Ko was absolutely everywhere in the early 90s anime scene over here. First big spillover in a while. But its influence has faded. Other stuff that blew up just a few years later like Sailor Moon, Akira, and Dragon Ball overshadow it.

Although yeah that’s solid proof it’s the same guy. B-Ko is Reiko’s main inspiration(albeit I smell just an ounce of WhirlGirl myself)

Project A-Ko is the single biggest influence on that work(albeit there’s also plenty of Ranma for the more casual stuff and a lot of the art style).

In fact I’d argue more broadly it’s the single biggest source of at least visual inspiration. Especially in the early Steph works. (She’s definitely fully developed her own art style by the time of Intragalactic)
Let’s hope.
Anyone contacted them?
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Succubus Cheesecake from Muertitos

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