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Ohhhh shit here we go
Interesting to note that Waid seems to want to write a less evil Waller than everyone else.
Bump if you're reading.
I'm already falling to sleep

I unironically expected better from Waid
Damn that Waller is gonna make me act up.
>i know refusal is no option because the writer says so.
Big chocolate MILF milkies
I always wondered if DC wanted to dip their feet into ACAB circles with this comic
Why would you tho?
>He died? \o/
So BQ is kinda dumb for a godlike A.I.
Goku would've dodged that btw
So Waller is just simplified and reduced to "fat black woman who wants to defeat the Justice League for stupid BvS reasons?"
Does anyone find this at all interesting or compelling? There was always Luthor for this sort of thing? I know, he has AMNESIA, but that won't last long, he's due in the next 3 Superman movies.
Waller is afraid that Superman will go rogue but she apparently never even heard of the terminator franchise.

Only thing I hope to get out of this is Waller's death at the end so that I won't have to see her for a while.
>those who HURT us with POWER do not deserve it.
So how funny would it be if queenie here turns against Waller for the good of humanity? Because I feel like that's where we're going here.
>Superman will go rogue
But there are 200 other superheroes that would "save" him from roguery. This applies to ALL of the League, if one goes Ebil, the others gang up on him. "Hero is corrupted and becomes Ebil" has been played out too many times, just like every other tired DC plot-line. So she would know how it goes.
And if by some retarded Crisis plot twist ALL of them go evil and become a redundant Earth 3, she and everyone else is fucked no matter what.
Such a stupid, stupid motivation.
And that's it. If you liked this, support your LCS or whatever.
>So she would know how it goes.
You would think but apparently no, Waller has personal beef that superheroes even dare to exist.
I honestly wouldn't give 1980's comic money for this stuff.
>Waller is going to kill my family, Jay
>Jay doesn't know that Waller is going to kill my family.
Wow, the writers aren't even pretending to care about this event.
Loliniac is cute at least
If she stuck around I would have read this for her
So of course she's aged up in the first issue
Why did they think it's a good idea to start the event with this pink thing?
what ever happened with the evil batman/superman/lantern fusion anyways?
So she's just Screenslaver now? Has any reason been given for this stupid development?
They're gonna give her a new origin to try and explain away all of this.
She was fine using washed-up Supervillains to do black-ops and morally grey shit. It even gave shitty villains a chance for a decent spotlight.

This new "Superman has saved Earth from hostile aliens/rogue meteors/extra-dimensional conquerors, and I AM SO MAD ABOUT IT" shit is totally retarded. It'd Luthor's silly obsession magnified to preposterous levels.
Well with the mention of the
bureau of sovereignty >>144238022 it could be that Amanda Waller is being mindcontrolled by Tom's OC villain from wonder woman.
No wonder this shit doesn't sell...
So you are saying the puppet master is being puppeted? Maybe the Sovereign is a puppet of Darkseid, and Darkseid is a puppet of....
And on it goes.
Sure beats good writing any day. Though I feel the expectation of that has been beaten out of all of you.

It's been so long since I last saw a genuinely good DC comic I'm not sure I would recognize one if it came out.
>storyline called Absolute Power
>mirrors the "fake raised him on a farm" plot from Supreme Power
I mean it's not even that on the nose, but the similarity is funny all the same.
Well, good thing, anon. Going by Absolute Power, there's no signs of one coming any time soon.
So don't worry, the shit comics you're seeing are actually just shit.
Well Amanda Waller in James Gunn's The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker is an unsympathetic bureaucrat who gets in the way of our colorful antiheroes so that's why this is happening now.
When did the Well of Ideas run dry at DC? 1989?
Now they just regurgitate the same Crises and occasionally ape Marvel, who are pretty low on fresh ideas themselves, and seem content to nostalgia-bait with Immortal titles.
Well, it's hard to get any new ideas with anything nowadays let alone characters that have been around for more than 80 years. What more can be said about batman that haven't been said multiple times before for example?
I'm randomly reading this, is this Jon's boyfriend?
NTA, but... why does something new have to be said at all? There's nothing wrong with being unoriginal. Thats why cliches are a thing to begin with.
Quality is not originality. Originality just helps boost a good story. The dumbfucks just have to tell good stories. But they're so mired in the swamps up their own asses, they couldn't recognize a good story if they tried.
>strange visitor
Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.
Waller's motives have always been dubious. I'm not the greatest DC follower, she had some growth as a character a few years back. It's annoying that we're back to this rehashing. And it's freakin' obvious they're going to spin some shit like, "Oh, I was doing this for the greater good because something worse is coming ..."
So here's what gonna happen.
>Queen Brainiac is gonna develop morality and turn good.
>Good Queen Brainiac is gonna in turn reignite Waller's humanity and make her second guess herself.
>Failsafe and maybe the sovereign are gonna take over as the bad guys.
>story ends with Queenie sacrificing herself to take down Failsafe and losing her "daughter " is gonna be the sympathetic climax for Amanda who kills the sovereign and surrenders to the heroes.
Being unoriginal can be a pretty big problem for cape characters because these ideas have told dozens times already about these same usual characters.
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Here's a bonus for free:
>there's gonna be a backup copy of Queen Brainiac who joins the Superman family.
>because in this whole context Waller has been the dualistic opposing force of Superman where he is hope she is cynicism.
Is this Failsafe or Zur?
Not that anon but originality is overrated and novelty is for the birds.
yes but I don't think they have interacted in a couple of months since no one besides Taylor likes the character
Fucking apparently his mom was the leader of a country?
I couldn't even keep track of that in Batman.
>>there's gonna be a backup copy of Queen Brainiac who joins the Superman family.
Nah, there's gonna be an epilogue scene where its revealed that Waller has the back up copy. And Brainiboobs is going to Waller what Fortress-of-Solitude-AI-Jor-El is to Superman.
Speaking of which... does Superman not have a Fortress in current continuity? I don't think I've seen it at all of late. I did skip a bunch of years of DC comics, though, so I dunno.
Zur is gone, according to the aftermath issue of Batman. This is either Failsafe, or an implanted AI riding the Failsafe body.
For new characters and setting? Originality isn't necessarily (but it really says a lot about the writer if they can come up with new original ideas, but it's pretty rare and hard). Making a story about Superman losing his power or becoming evil for multiple times can be seriously boring. This is why cape comics are failing big time and losing readers because people are getting bored with reading the same stories and the same characters over and over again, not really because of the drop of quality (let's not pretend that comics were ever a high quality work).
the fortress showed up a lot in PKJ Action comics run but hasn't really appeared since he left the book
Ah, I guess I missed all of that. I only came back to the tail end of his run, with the Dawn of DC stuff.
Fair enough.
>For new characters and setting?
Hey disingenuous fuckface that happens all the time. This comic that happening right in front of your fucking face is a comic with new characters(Queen Brainiac, Dreamer, Failsafe, Jay Nakamura) and a mew setting(Gamorra Island) so it's a non-issue tight? There's your novelty birdbrain, exactly what you asked for.
It's always crazy that when there are a lot of names like this, it's guaranteed to be trash.

Gamorra is like 20+ years old
>new characters(Queen Brainiac, Dreamer, Failsafe, Jay Nakamura) and a mew setting(Gamorra Island)
Not a single one of those are new.
but it's from Wildstorm which a lot of people haven't read

This was trash.
You can say it was just the intro and the real event will be different once it starts, but my expectations are rock bottom now.
The nicest thing I can say about this is that at least it's clear what's happening, unlike in Death Metal where I literally couldn't understand a single fucking issue out of 300 issues.
Then you're just bullshitting everyone here because what is original in this world than? Everything is derivative of something, what sets things apart is quality and not originality.
you'll get current Waller being revealed to be from an alternate universe impersonating main Waller and then they'll have a BBW fight
Pretty sure he means that literally all of those characters have appeared in comics before this one.
meant for
If that's what anon than it's even bigger bullshit.
What got you triggered exactly? Try talking like a sane person instead of throwing insult like a try hard wannabe edge lord. The topic isn't that serious to be this angry about it.
I really don’t care about either of these two characters why does DC insist on pushing both of them
I just think you're a disingenuous fuckface anon with shit takes.
And I think you are an unhinged manchild who is apparently incapable of talking like a sane person. Don't agree with what I said? You can calmly explain why and if you are incapable of doing that, then simply ignore it. The topic is about funny picture comic, not about your honor to be this triggered about it.
No its specifically that Jay doesn't know that any harm to waller will kill her family
Anon she had the time guy rewing failzur in this very issue its still zur in charge of failsafe.
She knows better than anyone else
>trannies in the first pages
i would tag more but i rather watch this trainwreck of a event unfold now that Lex was lobotomized in the house of braniac finale
What do you expect from the man who brought Batgod in first place with Tower of Babel and is the force behind O'neil leaving DC?
The funniest part of all of this is that Waid is a Superfag. He unironically ruined his own favorite because he wanted to write some occult BS.
The solicitations has shown that the fortress will be nuked by waller.
The main question is, which zur is in control?
Because we got the Glimpse of Beyond Bruce Zur telling that no matter what they do, his future is inevitable with prime bruce zur beating him and telling that he is wrong and weak for leaving his legacy to someone else, and Zur will win in the end.
And we got Derek Powers showing up in 2022's Task Force comic.
Is there a way to salvage Waller somehow? Reveal that she's been replaced with the Earth-2 counterpart? Rape correction?

I don't even want her to be salvaged, I just want her to go away. I'm never happy to see her in a comic. Use some other glowie, like that skeleton guy. Director Boner or something. He was cool.
Ok so, if Absolute DC actually exists and this event creates a new universe, how the fuck is that going to happen? How is "Waller creates the Legion of Amazos and steals everyone's powers" going to lead to a new universe?
This event will be a 10/10 if digger kills waller at the end
It doesn't you retard. That doesn't exist
>Is there a way to salvage Waller somehow?
That's a damn good question because logically speaking she has crossed the line but I don't think logic is gonna come much into play here.
I have a feeling that Waller is somehow still seen as redeemable by DC here as evidence by this page right here.>>144237983
Caring that Queen Brainiac could be scared and alone is a virtue, they're including something that makes Amanda look virtuous.

No clue whatsoever. None of the characters present are universal level so unless something bigger is introduced, it can't happen.

Speaking of Absolute DC I lost all interest in it after they revealed what it is. I was hoping for it to be a proper replacement/alternative for the main continuity but it's framed as more useless gimmick elseworlds just like All Star and Earth One.
>I have a feeling that Waller is somehow still seen as redeemable
Actual heroes have done worse things than her and got forgiven
Thing with Waller is, she has never done a GOOD thing in her life.
You're probably right but this setup is still weird to me knowing how much time and work went into ramping Amanda Waller into full supervillain mode for this event and now the event is actually a path of redemption for her.
Does saving the country (even at the expense of lowly criminals) not count?
she has never done that
list of variant covers
Absolute Power: Ground Zero #1 Cover B Gleb Melnikov Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power: Ground Zero #1 Cover C Mikel Janín Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power: Ground Zero #1 Cover D John Timms Connecting Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power: Ground Zero #1 Cover E Dan Mora Foil Variant
>Powers Stolen
>Fucking Batman and Nightwing front and center

This is retarded, why would the Batfamily give a fuck about power stealing robots?
Weird cope.
Batman is Batman and DC has weirdly been trying hard to push Nightwing despite the last major event he was the star of didn't do well.
What is Waller like in bed?
She gives great head and expects multiples for each round.
These pages just demonstrate what an unsung hero Tamra Bonvillain is on World's Finest. Mora's a good penciller, but Sanchez's colors here are making his art look like crap. WF looks so great by comparison.
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Mindblowing I bet
Set her back to what she was originally. A woman on a mission, coercing a bunch of hardened criminals to do black-ops for the US Government.

Or just give her to some writers who are better suited to that style of book. Put Priest or King on Suicide Squad and she'll be a better character again.
There's no way you think he won't double down on her evilness and ruin her further
...and event dropped.

2 pages. Must be a new record.
Tom King would never write a female lead, he'd sooner stick a male narrator into wonder woman then do that.
The brainiac girl is cute.
Why would you want to salvage her? She's a villain. Let her be a villain
She's not a villain and trying to make her a villain is bad writing.
What an awful start to an event.
I'm fine with Jon being Bi but why does he have to be with this pink haired caricature. The sooner they erase him the better.
Who's this guy supposed to be?
Wondy and Supes look good
>let’s pick the two worst characters to start the event with
When they depower Jon will they also degay him?
Nah, Jon is done for. There's no saving just like with Tim.
Twitter would burn down DC Comics if they did that.
Waid should just stick with World's Finest. Its a good comic
frankly these crossover events are lame and yet another "Hero loses power" story AND another "Amanda Waller does shit" story
Twitter cares more about younger Jon, though. I barely see any fan art for older Jon or his pink thingy "boyfriend"
twitter isn't real though
It's called X now apparently.
>stick with World's Finest. Its a good comic
Is it? I think it's pretty mid and it's carried hard by the art.
Yeah its good but the art helps a lot
Agree to disagree. I personally think it's average and doesn't deserve the praise it got from some people here.
I agree. Went into it with high expectations and didn't like it. I did enjoy Superman and Green Lantern when I read them though.
damn she doctor stranged his ass
How is she not a villain? She kidnaps people
Says a lot about the state of DC right now that something like this gets published. This not only gets written, but no editor involved in this entire comic at any point goes "hey Nicole btw you totally contradicted yourself within two pages, maybe fix that". Embarrassing for them t.b.h.

What's the difference? She tells Jay that she has to do what Waller tells her to because her family's lives are at stake. How could he possibly misunderstand that?
Batman has always been number one in telling waller to fuck right off. They wouldn't care, if it wasn't for the fact waller is once again doing stupid bullshit.
Likewise. Despite the fact that Waller always have an exit everytime she does anything more heinous than usual.
How is she not a villain? She kidnaps people
Ostrander's Waller was a very dark shade of grey, but not a villain.
A shadowy US government agent doing black ops shit with death row inmates to lessen their sentences is a villain axiomatically.
Yet she was not. The people and groups she was fighting were even worse.
That doesn't make you not a villain, anon. When the villains team up with the heroes to take down darkesid, for example, they're still villains
Straight from Ostrander himself:
>She is morally a gray character by design. Some think of her as an anti-hero; the site IGN listed as her 60th Greatest Comic Book Villain of all time. For my view, she’s not a villain but she is deeply flawed. Just the way I like my characters.

Writer doesn't get to decide that.
I hope all of this demographic joins this team that this demographic is on
We need this guy to die already or go full villain.
>not a villain
>Dreamer and Jay
So it's shit right from the start?

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