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Toys R Us has made the first commercially aired AI animated commercial
i actually hate this
Isn't TRU already dead?
I thought they closed? Why are they still making commercials?
They're finna go bankrupt again.

Next level of BROKE
only in america
My eyes don't work anymore and even I noticed the HR Giger nest of mangled bicycle wheels that is the background
It's not going to replace real artists any time soon
Wow this fucking sucks donkey balls
>seething artcuck you're just mad
No, I watched the whole thing and it's just a series of disconnected images with embarrassing cinematography and movement that somehow manages to feel less soulful than ANY other soulless modern commercial actually made by humans. It's also next-level pretentious, like this would suck ass even if all the visuals weren't AI generated.
>embrace the future hur hur
I will when it actually looks good, if they can make AI that actually knows how to make something look like it has life, then I'll shut up.
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>nonsensical spot design
>that fucking floating black line by its neck
The amount of money they probably spent just to "animate" its neck bend was probably thousands of times more than just driving to the nearest neighborhood and buying a giraffe toy from any given yard sale.
>AI will bring back KINO and put shitty no talent artists out of work
>Every AI commercial so far is borderline soijack memes
Part of me wished I would've been wrong that AI would just make Grubhub tier trash but it was too obvious
Fucking eh that’s uncanny. Why not just go with actual actors and animators for this?
This is impressive! I think this technology will revolutionize marketing, especially for small companies that couldn't afford large-scale productions before.
>It looks like shit!
Yeah, so did cg in 90s and early 2000s commercials. Companies are still going to keep using this technology for ads. I don't understand what the big deal is over AI.
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Because people know companies are going to keep using this technology for ads.
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>I can't wait for my AI generated Nigger slop! It's so much better than my other Nigger slop!
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Damn, you whooped that strawman's ass

AI needs far less (or any) workers involved
>The amount of money they probably spent just to "animate" its neck bend was probably thousands of times more than just driving to the nearest neighborhood and buying a giraffe toy from any given yard sale.

Or you know, get a toy giraffe from the warehouse.

Because they're a toy company.

Trying to sell toys.


I am going to fucking kill myself.
that's totally hecking wholesome.
It doesn't matter if /co/ likes it or not. What matters is that normalfags won't notice or care.
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Professional ai artist/vfx artist here

It probably took them like 10 generations to get it to do that. Sora isn't open to the public, they probably were given access for free. They spent as much as they needed for one, maybe two dudes to run prompts and edit the footage together/edit in after effects. It cost monumentally less to do this commercial than it would to produce something the traditional way and I bet they were even paid to do it by openai for promoting their product.
How's the Summer in India treating you?
I was in a mild degree of denial about AI replacing humans for a while, but its obviously happening and it's being adopted way faster than I assumed. It doesn't even need to look good for companies to use it - normies literally can't see that it looks bad. No one has the visual literacy or fucks to give. It's over lmao.
Typing prompts into a computer is cheaper.
At least 2D animation is safe (for now)
Besides the "Macy's uses the name as a brand for their toy department" thing, Go! Calendars is trying to bring them back as a mall chain starting with a Mall of America location that opened last fall.
LOL the video got hard ratioed.
You'd shit yourself if you knew who I worked for. Anyway, I'm a trad digital artist too and don't really like most ai art out there, I just don't give a shit about the witch hunt. More work for me.
>Professional ai artist

That's like calling yourself a professional Mario Kart driver, except that that would actually have something resembling a coherent meaning.
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>professional ai artist
Full time job working for an academy winning director btw
Well people do call themselves professional streamers.
Nintendo? D-dad?
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Pick up a fucking pencil. You aren't even a professional, nor a proper artist. You're literally a coping underpaid keyboard monkey. You're just doing it because you're nothing more than a coward who's afraid of failure and hard work.

But here you are, you're just spouting words as if you unironically think you're worth shit behind the screen as if it means anything of proof.
They opened back up but they jointed with Macy's, it's only two known locations
Show us your work, anon. Drawing seems very important to you.
lol very good
He's at the very least LARPing as a digital artist also though I don't know why you'd identify as an AI artist if that were the case.
This ai shit is so funny
I never realized how shit that photo looks, why does it look like the chicken sandwich is edited in...
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Why don't YOU show your work if you think you're the hot shit, tech bro?

After all, you're the one who started it. You gotta back up with what you're saying. You clearly want to prove AI is something worth of a merit to us, huh?
Normies don't care. They will never care. They do not have an eye for detail like you do. The giraffe doesn't need to do anything particularly interesting. If the ad looks passable to normies (it does and will), then it will have been successful, and it will probably be something more companies push for because this ad was likely very cheap to produce.
I'm paid to do ai, I've been a digital artist for over 15 years. I paint over ai after I generate using either something I paint as a base or photobashing things together. I use Stable Diffusion locally so that I have control net and ip adapters to control my work.
I'm not him and I have nothing to prove to you. I have my own irl shit to worry about, you antis exist unfortunately out there as well and it is annoying to navigate the social aspect of having this job.
Dont squash their youthful optimism anon.

Ai will never get any better and people simply won't stand for this bros.
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AI LARPers are so strange to me because despite how -supposedly- easy it is to generate and fix shit, they just simply won't actually post it in the thread and will jump through an endless amount of mental gymnastics to avoid doing so, defeating the entire point of the LARP to begin with
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>"two more weeks!!!!"
Techbros everybody
I'm under NDA dipshit, anyone who works in the entertainment industry is. I don't use ai for my own art and I'm sure as shit not doxxing myself on /co/
More like zero more weeks lol it's being used right now nigga. That's the point of the OP.
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Yeah it's weird that you'd have a 15 year career then the last 2 or less you'd see yourself as an AI Artist vs just an artist.
To be fair, Techfags have gotten what they want already. 2 weeks have come, the AI they want is GOOD ENOUGH, which doesn't have to really be good at all, just get done basic grunt work that fills the periphery of everywhere.
>can’t even draw in a different style for shits and giggles
the state of modern artkeks
Nigger you're anonymous on 4chan
If AI really is just gimmicky shit, why won't artists stop seething about it? They'll apparently never be replaced.
so how much energy does it take to generate this stuff
0.0000000000000001% of a google search.
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Pick related is something generated successfully after a single prompt.
This tech is being bankrolled by the richest and most powerful companies in the world at this point. The momentum behind this tech is staggering. It wouldn't be surprising to me if what the AI anon was saying is true.

Things like hands, text etc are starting to get pretty accurate now. If you try things yourself in any public image generator you'll probably see it for yourself.
And it sucks donkey ball anon.
This isn't linkedin, jackass. You're allowed to say it sucks.

>i-i-it's just in its early phases!
AI video can not conceptualize its subject matter. It will continue to look like shit.
Is it? It's literally my current job title. Anyway anyone responding after this isn't me I'm gonna go play genshin
>Things like hands, text etc are starting to get pretty accurate now.

No no I was assured by /co/ this technology peaked and will forever remain completely stagnant
For a 30 second YouTube preroll advertisement it's arguably good enough by most people's standards
An ai artist being a gacha enthusiast makes too much sense. >>144248052
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It do be like that.
oh I get it now
It's sad Ai is going to literally die in 2 more years. Literally everyone is fucking pissed how this is being forced into every single second of our lives but none of it is helping anyone live better lives. Only makes evil people richer. And unless the evil people want a revolution on their hands, they are going to bend the knee to keep the peace, or all hell will break loose.

I fear a lot of boomers are going to be killed off irl and there's going to be a massive wave of anti tech people taking over, demanding to the return of physical evolutionary advancement until technology is stopped being exploited for evil practices at this point. Like how Christianity held back science for 1000 years, where it will allow for everyone to get caught up with the pros and cons of this technological movement in an appropriate amount of time.
>aw sweet
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I thought these were real art for a while
yeah and the poor third world souls who make those Elsa Spider-Man digitial circus content farm videos have full time jobs working for channels with hundreds of millions of subs, the bar is in hell
AI won, bros. It fucking won!
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Your fault for actually listening to /co/
>it's arguably good enough
And you expect most people will accept this like the cattle, SHEEPS, they are, right?
Get the fuck out of here.
The Toys R Us we all knew is truly dead, this is a disgusting form of necromancy. This deserves to go bankrupt again.
Something about all this AI hype just doesn't sit right with me, and not necessarily in a "integrity of the fine arts" kind of way.
Like, I dunno if anyone else feels this way, but it feels like that despite technology (nominally) "getting better", it feels like the actual performance and quality of end products have just... gotten steadily worse? It's kind of funny, >>144248015 reminds me that Google searches have especially gotten shittier - random results for shit you didn't search for, reverse image searching basically got shot in the back of the head, Google Images in general having this progressively weird thing where the thumbnails of images often aren't matching the actual URL to where they link to. And now AI stuff is starting to creep into basically every Google Image search on top of that Google AI feature resulting in bizarre "information" because of the sources it's trying to sample.
And the "it will only get better thing" especially leaps out at me because video games are probably at their shittiest point in history despite having graphic fidelity out the ass, from unoptimized code to uninspired gameplay and stories. Most CGI movies these days are ridiculously formulaic, even without looking at Disneyslop. Digital tools are better than ever, yet the average anime these days gets mogged by cel animation from the 80s and 90s despite all the tricks that exist now. Graphicsfagging doesn't even particularly work once you hit a certain threshold of detail, to which at that point, what's the marketing angle?
I dunno, for some reason it kind of reminds me of when everything including modern refrigerators started getting connected to wifi for literally no real servicable reason. Am I just crazy? I'm probably just crazy.
Looks like shit.
That's just the premise of Dune
>And you expect most people will accept this like the cattle, SHEEPS, they are, right?
Um, yes? I work in the creative fields so I fucking hate AI art just as much as you, but you're delusional if this isn't going to have ripple effects in a lot of places. If I were a videographer I would be scared shitless

I think the people dipping their hands in the pig trough giving it a big slurp and saying it tastes like shit are missing the point. It's meant to feed pigs not you.
This is going to be a real problem. I spend a good amount of my time hunting down the social media to hot actresses in commercials so I can wank to their pictures. if they don't exist, what the fuck am i going to do with my life now?
>I'm totally not the same giy I'm just someone who 100% agrees with a guy who I only now want to clarify isn't me even though I implied I was in the same profession as him, type like him, and agree with him. I just entered the conversation assuming you were asking me, Lyle Lurker, for proof.

Buzzword soup
citation needed
>if they don't exist, what the fuck am i going to do with my life now?
You generate one, of course!
Just write the prompt and your hot commercial baddie will be in an array of VERY provocative positions!
Define "successfully "
They didn't go bankrupt, they were bought by a company that just wanted to liquidate it's assets. Same thing almost happened to Gamestop.
>I don't use ai for my own art
"Your own art?" Nigger all AI art looks the fucking same.
White people that look like that no longer exist.
>Like how Christianity held back science for 1000 years
You need to stop getting your education from Reddit and Family Guy. Then again you're seriously trying to fearmonger that there's going to be a revolution because some companies use shitty comouter imaging for a commercial nobody cares about.
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Am I the only one that feels like it’s the companies themselves that are going to put some sort of bottleneck on this stuff?
I won’t act like I know much about economics, but something about the math isn’t mathing to me - if some jackass with zero self control is just CONSTANTLY generating and uploading tens, even hundreds of images a day, isn’t that literally just bleeding money? Especially as AI progressively spits out higher resolution/file size generations?
What was the last things you bought there? For me it was Pokemon Ultra Sun (crap) and DQ Cursed King (Yangus).
>Then again you're seriously trying to fearmonger that there's going to be a revolution because some companies use shitty computer imaging for a commercial nobody cares about.
Because, yes, all this forced shit stacked on TOP of WWIII, Trumpshit, Bidenshit, goutched prices and extremely brainrotted polfaggort aren't included in the tipping point of people's tolerance. No sir.
The stuff on the bottom looks better than recently drawn comics have in years.
Not even shitposting.
>Things like hands, text etc are starting to get pretty accurate now.
Eh, there's still a lot of the same issues with hands doing anything even remotely complex.
It's shit regardless. Anime is better yet isn't aislop.
Say it's a western issue, instead of a "ai fed on 2000s western data will save us!" copium.
I think Covid would had done that instead.
But I think everyone forgot 2020-2021 existed.
That's why I don't get why restrictions aren't being placed around it here. It's such a waste of bandwidth for five users to camp a thread jerking each other off. Worse, they're disruptive like ponyfags because they absolutely refuse to just keep it in the generals, they have to post it everywhere, all the time, every day.

We haven't seen faggotry of this caliber since FiM dropped.
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It is a western issue because its gotten so bad people would rather look at AI art of their favorite heroes than whatever the fuck comics are these days.
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Why should it be forced into one general? they're just pictures.
Covid was what made people realize the truth: we are all pawns for these evil warlords
If current state was in 2016 then covid happened then yes, this push with Aishit would have been beyond the final nail in the coffin.
It’s either because of 1 of 2 reasons:
>highly saturated colors
Disconnect thirdworld countries from the global internet, and watch their local power grids blow up from people trying to setup local genAI serverfarms to become the next Disney.
More than enough users don't like it and find it disruptive.
You're ponyfags by another name.
And I couldn't give a shit about comics made by outdated IP owners. indie comics don't have this mandated issue.
Wowie gee willikers, I hate this
>Disconnect india from the global internet
Yeah don't censor this shit, we all know it's them.
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it's just images. you're the one causing the disruption if you get mad about them.
Admittedly, anti-aifags tend to disrupt things louder. Like a vegan who sees meat at a BBQ.
>posts shit nobody likes
>people say they don't like it
This is very, very niggy behavior, anon. Like walking into a restaurant with a handful of your own turds and getting mad and throwing them when people ask you to leave.
>More replies about this then Metv Toons debut
This board is so fucking dead and gone
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Man, whenever I do this I get labeled a racist or homophobe. Why am I suddenly the bad guy for putting out the distraction?
There's nothing to talk about in regards to crusty old dried up reheated cartoons on TV a thing nobody watches anymore.
How did Toy R Us manage to sell more of its soul than it even had left?
Who gives a fuck, we live in the streaming era
I already saw all those cartoons. I don't care.
Because you're a lifelong victim. Sounds rough.
Kill yourself redditnigger. Your kind are absolutely retarded. Worse than the AI techbros
>Boomers get their slop but new shit is forced as aislop
You people are evil and selfish as all fuck.
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You're the one being irrational. Plenty of people like my artwork and have complimented me on it. The only disruption comes from people who want to attack my art because of they're prejudiced against it. They're the disruption, not me. Your analogy is dogshit. It's more like being at a wood carving competition, showing off your wood and some guy starts sperging out because you used a different type of knife.
>Mentions Biden in the same fucking sentance

Very subtle, retard. All of your kind deserve death, fuck polbrained retards.
Alright sir, it's time you came with us to the funny farm.
no, they straight up went bankrupt. All the asset liquidation was done to pay off debt. They weren't bought out until a few years later, after they closed down their last two stores because of the 'vid.
>Mentions Biden
>>This means something.
I know exactly what kind of fag you are. "Biden is le bad but not as bad as orange man we need a reeeeeaaal leftit like Sanders!"
Your fake centricism is transparent.
Also, nice mask drop
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>implying toy companies aren’t above AI
You sweet innocence…
Yes, I'm replying to everyone like a weirdo, it's giving me something to do while I eat lunch.

>another company using tech they barely understand with end results that look like nightmare fuel
God damn it, I get sick of this shit. Even back at my old job, they were trying to replace us with some automated AI thing (mind you, this was like 7 years ago) that barely worked, solely because it was "hip" and because they wanted to cut more US jobs and use Filipinos as a cheap bandaid for when the AI thing needed help.

Man, I like AI and all but this just smells of TRU trying to claw back some relevancy via "newfangled hip tech" that isn't really ready for this kind of stuff yet.
That said, it's probably "good enough" to fool braindead normalfags, like most other AI content.

"Bankrupt" doesn't necessarily mean "dead", even spooky ch 7 bankruptcy can be survived.
They've got a couple tiny shops in malls here and there, plus a toy section in... Macy's, I think, plus I think they tried some online shop thing like Radio Shack did (/does?)

>implying any of us have access to the full AI and not some shit preview thing
All the not-too-shit video AIs are expensive or they're still behind some early-access closed test where you can only get in if you're an influencer, under a strict NDA, or you know someone who knows someone.

At this point, this is just bait, moving goalposts solely to get a rise out of people, and animated AI is going through the same cycles as static AI did.
>AI sucks and has Issue A
>internet dumps on AI for Issue A
>AI fixes Issue A
>internet latches onto Issue B
>AI fixes Issue B
Hands and text are the two biggest examples I think.
I think people forget that AI image gen as we know it today is like... a year and a half old, maybe two years.
What's this shit gonna look like in a year? Five years? Ten?
>Yeah, so did cg in 90s and early 2000s commercials
Yeah and it looks like shit today, too.
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>What's this shit gonna look like in a year? Five years? Ten?
it'll still mostly look like shit because it'll primarily be used by lazy fucks who only use it to be lazy, both at an amateur level and at the highest levels of "professional," with maybe one or two actually good looking products made by people who want to show off that that it can actually produce something good.
>Mattel's internal emails are all just AI talking to itself
that's pretty wild
>"Biden is le bad but not as bad as orange man we need a reeeeeaaal leftit like Sanders!"
Imagining always thinking left/right, on/off brained.
>All the not-too-shit video AIs
pretty sure that wasn’t what nigga was talking about
Any episode from the first season of Reboot holds more creative merit and looks better than the "best" AI images.
I must be retarded because I didn't notice the AI jank and it seemed pretty okay but bland. I kept waiting for the AI part to start and then it ended.
Or maybe my eyes are just getting super bad.
You just aren't high IQ enough to know how to tell the difference between reality and not.
Google (and to a lesser extent the other search engines) are getting anally fucked by:
>doubling down on SEO-focused sites instead of whatever's right/wrong
>manually moving pages up/down the list based on how aligned they are with what the company believes in (coughpoliticscough)
>hopping on the AI bandwagon long before it's ready, while it's still in the "it's literally made to not be confident in anything in case it's wrong" stage and spitting out 2+2=7
>websites in general just being shit as more people/companies migrate behind paywalls, social media, or places like Discord

As for everything else you've listed, it's a combination of:
>hiring people based on their race, what's between their legs, who they know, and who they like to fuck, rather than based on their actual skills
>hiring people from countries where you only have to pay them 0.3c per day
>education in general prioritizing things like race/gender politics over learning useful shit
>2.5 generations in a row who literally don't care about anything useful
>the world in general sucking
>everyone cutting costs on everything wherever they can

Gives me a lot of parallels to when Flash (then Toonboom) became a thing; every company just hopped onto it, used every shortcut possible, and all of animation dropped in quality by like 90% overnight. Took damn forever for people to start making decent shit in it, but we ended up in the dark ages of Johnny Test and S2 Dexter's Lab.
I noticed a few. The car detailing was weird and at least one of the bike tires had a random bar.
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>Weird protrusions coming from the right hand
>Lack of eyes behind the glasses
>Lmao that ear
>The text on the top of the shirt
>That amorphous blob of an ice cream cone (Not to mention the joke of a waffle pattern on the cone itself)
>Random woman that looks pasted in on the side that's oh so common with AI prompts randomly throwing in extra people.
>That fucking background (I'm guessing it's supposed to be cooled lava? Shit looks like a pile of deflated garbage bags more than anything)

This is what's considered a "Successful" generation?
You don't actually believe this
i see geoffrey still hasn't recovered from the horrors of '01
People will make these writeups of all the stuff they notice but I always just focus on how weirdly “smooth” everything looks kek
the kid not moving like a real person at all was what tipped me off
The average Reboot episode involves
>Scriptwriting and storyboarding
>Rigging animation following the storyboards
>Creating or editing character models for the episode (ie: making a costume for Bob for whatever game he's in)
>Character voice acting
>Music composition and sfx design
>Editing to put all the clips and audio together

Meanwhile going to Midjourney or whatever, typing a prompt and clicking the generation button until you gt one that doesn't have many visual defects does not count for artistic merit.
Toys R Us was one of the first big brands to move to Amazon for its online retail. They didn't really die from anything TRU management itself did. Bain Capital (Mitt Romney's company IIRC) bought Toys R Us to sacrifice it, basically they offloaded a bunch of debt from other shit into TRU and then killed it to get a break on the debts. Nu-TRU is basically an undead summon of the old one. The body's there, but it's no longe being controlled by the soul that occupied it previously.
That's the key think most people aren't realizing
if it feels "dreamlike" it's aishit. That's been the single most consistent thing that's came out of Aishit since day one, even back since Will Smith eating pasta, they just up the framerate. Everything still feels "magical" like a dream and it's making me realize people not noticing how unrealistic that is might be the people that cannot image/dream irl. Like all they see is blackness when they close their eyes when imagining things or sleeping, and those are the people AIfags are trying to trick into buying into this.

Except that's less than 1% of people with this condition. most people can in fact, tell.
I hope companies start learning that you get what you fucking pay for.
My plan is to try as hard as I can to avoid supporting any business or production that embraces the use of AI. At some point that may become impossible, but hopefully if enough people vote with their wallet early on, it will make an impact.
I'm doing my part!
sucks that comments were turned off.
I think even those people would find it uncanny, like his hair doesn't move like it should. I'd be shocked if anyone actually thought this was real, even without being told first. It triggers that part of your lizard brain that warns you about skinwalkers.
>especially for small companies that couldn't afford large-scale productions before.
You can do amazing things with an SLR camera and video editing software. The thing is, you need a creative person to come up with ideas and figure out how to work within your limitations. Some of the best music videos were made on a shoestring budget with a skeleton crew and a good idea. Embracing those limitations and figuring out how to do something amazing anyway will make a much bigger impact than typing bullshit into a prompt and hoping whatever happens to get farted out doesn't fucking suck.
>Professional ai artist
what a fucking loser
>why won't artists stop seething about it
because better quality rarely wins out over cheaper price. At one point people owned real wood furniture that would be passed down from generation to generation as family heirlooms. When woodworking was common, you could get basic but solid furniture at a good price point. Now everyone owns bullshit from IKEA that won't survive a single apartment move and companies are selling bullshit knocked together with one real piece of wood and plumbers pipe for thousands of dollars. That shit made from particle board is now the new normal even though it sucks ass (and it's not even all that cheap anymore).

What's going to happen is that media is in general just going to get worse as artists are phased out. Creatives lose their income stream, the public gets fed slop, and everyone loses.
>unless the evil people want a revolution on their hands, they are going to bend the knee to keep the peace
Zuckerberg spent like 270 million dollars to build an underground compound/bunker in Hawaii. There are a handful of other super rich people building doomsday mansions. I think they know what's coming and do not plan to bend the knee.
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fyi I don't see shit when I close my eyes, but I do have vivid dreams. and I know people that describe having vivid mental imaging, but don't dream.

This very obviously doesn't look like a real person, and will trip a "Polar Express CGI" uncanny valley response even if you aren't savvy enough to pick up on it being AI from the way it deforms.
I hope Blockbuster comes back and deals in renting fully AI shows and movies just so millennials have their "HECKIN EPICERINO VAPORWAVE 80S" consumerism burned at the stake through these corporations from their childhood coming back to sell them out harder than ever before.
Yeah, but that's because you are analyzing it, choosing intentionally to nitpick it because you were specifically told it was AI. ~100% of normalfags would fail to notice any of those issues you mentioned (minus the background being weird), and most 202X content creators would probably fail to notice too.
You're really vastly overestimating people's ability to notice anything, I've seen someone trip on a curb, smash their face bad enough to literally crack their skull, get inspected by EMTs, refuse a trip to the hospital, then trip on the same curb a second time, only saved me me being suspicious of how someone can be that stupid, catching them and cussing them out.

Well, if he's talking about fixing static 2D art, that's a pain too because assuming it's one Anon using AI to fix another Anon's AI art, they'd have to get the same model with most/all of the same settings, the same LoRAs used (if any), plus the same prompt worded the same way, otherwise anything they try to do to fix it wouldn't match.
In some extreme cases, even having a different GPU would prevent the Anon from matching the art, but that's not as common as it used to be, I think.
Even then, like, I've done loads of custom model mixes, and if anyone tried to mimic my outputs to inpaint parts of it to fix it, it's literally impossible because they can't match the model I'm using, the best they'd be able to do is guess, get as close as possible, then use Photoshop to (maybe) finish the rest of the cleanup.
a girl i talk to online said it was good so it's good
there is no alternative opinion here
i... i have to agree with her
it's for your own good if you do too anon. this is the future women desire
This is nightmare fuel and I wonder what the brain does to not buy into it.
But knowing people are full retard and got raised by fake shit on Tiktok and Insta, I'd say Zoomers don't even see it.

Zoomers are like they grew up in a fucking simulation.
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>if some jackass with zero self control is just CONSTANTLY generating and uploading tens, even hundreds of images a day, isn’t that literally just bleeding money?

This is going to work like every tech-bro scheme works. They invade a market with new tech and operate at a loss so the public rushes in and gets hooked. As people use their tech more and more, traditional services are unable to compete and they go out of business. Once the competition is eliminated, they jack the prices up and because people don't have any viable alternatives, they just bend over and take it.

This is the halcyon days, but once society is essentially wholly reliant on the technology, you're going to see it all get locked behind a paywall. At first the price will be low enough that people will be able to justify paying for it and continue using it, but the prices will rise steadily as people view it more and more as a necessary expenditure.
>The world has to pay a bunch of Tech Bros for art because Humanity as a whole has just forgotten how to make it themselves.

There's your bleak dystopia
remember when faked images and video of people used to naturally make everyone uncomfortable and there were conspiracies about if what you were seeing on the news or whatever was completely fake? now everyone's worshipping the concept which makes me even more uncomfortable.
It's like a demon is puppeting her body.
>remember when faked images and video of people used to naturally make everyone uncomfortable and there were conspiracies about if what you were seeing on the news or whatever was completely fake? now everyone's worshipping the concept which makes me even more uncomfortable.

Well it's mostly just people who buy those blue checkmarks on twitter. They just seem louder because the blue checkmarks moves their opinions to the top of the pile.

These are also the same people who think that those NFT monkeys looked good.
look at the woman in the black and white clothes' left hand.
>100% of normalfags would fail to notice any of those issues you mentioned
Not only that anon, but a lot of them won't even know it's AI, I can guarantee it. I think people online have taken for granted how their internet use has trained them to spot AI generated content. A lot of tech illiterate boomers especially don't understand this tech exists yet, or at least the extent it's gotten to.
When they were first going under I went into a store and asked if they were doing a closing down sale and they said it wasn't happening here (australia)
the store was gone a few months later, it's still a toystore but with new branding, I assume the same basic management though?
I went in there for the first time in a while a few days ago and there's STILL a massive shelf of unsellable lightyear toys, I think maybe more than last time I looked, they had one thing sitting at the front of the store at a deep discount
at some point you would think you would accept your losses and make room on the shelf for something else
>having to pick out a background detail when there's literally a candle with two flames in the dead center
Like, the video's cool from a technical level, but it's shit to analyze.
Actually I forgot in the end I did end up going to a closing down sale there I think, only brought a handful of things though and can't recall exactly what
Disney does that shit with everything, no matter what fails/succeeds. I just went to a Walmart today and they had a whole-ass island stand for Wish, fully stocked, not a single toy taken off a single hook, the stand still up despite the movie doing as bad as it did and despite the utter lack of interest from kids.
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I'm so fucking sick of this topic completely. I'm tired of the constant fucking arguing and drama and controversies. Why the fuck is this where we are as a society.
I'm higher IQ than you. I'm just literally going blind and wasn't paying close attention. Commercials look shitty so often than it didn't stick out as AI to me, more like bad Polar Express type CGI or something. The wobbling and other stuff sticks out more rewatching.
Indie comics are even worse with the unconstrained woke shit
>Won't survive a single apartment move
Not a concern when people can't afford to ever move into a house.
>(and it's not even all that cheap anymore)
When a solid wood bookshelf is a grand or more, yes, people in a dying economy buy cheap shit. The alternative is just not having it.
>AI ads
it's obviously a robocop scenario
It's more like being at a wood carving competition, showing up with a drawing you stole from someone who took inspiration from a bunch of the woodworkers, then being surprised that they don't like you.
"N-nuh-uh, people LOVE my faggotry"
Other slop enjoyers, no doubt.
Mods should curbstomp you faggots into the dark ages like they did with the ponytards.
You sound just like them.
You ARE just like them.
High frequency faggotry, same wavelengths.
Toys R Us is dead in my book, and I consider this to be it's ghost.
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>yeah bros this actually soulless slop is going to be so much better than this mostly soulless slop
This timeline is getting gayer by the minute
Too poor to get actual animators?
Toys R Us rolls “AI Slop”
Asked to go bankrupt again
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Why do you FUCKING MORONS never take the third option, the realistic option, the option that's literally happening in front of our eyes? Why do I NEVER see anyone taking the realistic stance in these threads?

This slop is progressing and increasing in quality and producing less errors, and that's a fucking bad thing because the better it gets the easier it is to through actual soulless computer-generated slop on a screen and have the masses fall for it. You fucking morons are staring down the barrel of a rifle and either loudly proclaiming that the bullet won't come out because it's still sitting sitting in the chamber or that the bullet coming out would be a good thing because it shows a sign of technological progress. What if the bullet comes out and shoots you in the head because you're staring down the barrel of a rifle you fucking retards?
Because that requires some degree of nuance and the internet only argues in terms of "me side good" and "you side bad" these days.
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Holy fucking kek, get the fuck outta here Rahkesh.
Why do you keep calling them live action roleplayers when they clearly have genuine stake and belief in this slop succeeding?
i hate the future, I wish we got the future we thought we would have in the 2000's
If Toys R Us can come back, could Fry's Electronics?
>Muh nda
And you think the jews who run your company care if you post their shit here? Just last month some anon posted disney leaks, they don't care.
The acronym LARP has been completely butchered over the last decade. I've seen it used to denote expressly online roleplaying and even just as a general insult.
>The only disruption comes from people who want to attack my art
Its not your art though. Thats like saying I take a shit using a public toilet and the toilet is considered mine.
I already thought they had lost their magic years ago, but this is really just the final nail in the coffin
>being at a wood carving competition
this isn't a competition though, he'd be more akin to showing up on a street with a sculpture of glued together scraps and then getting chased by hobos
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>Anime is better yet isn't aislop.
animes looked like aislop since ever, there's a reason AI image generators were first trained on jap shit. no originality, 100% derivative cookie-cutter shit. you wouldn't even notice if it was aislop, just like you don't notice when it's rotoscoped or the backgrounds are just photos with filters.
Cause if we had the power to actually try and rabblerouse about the shit we actually really wanted to, like the government, people would be going out and doing it instead of bitching about super petty shit that won't get them killed or labeled as terrorists.
>unconstrained woke
Imagine being this fragile lmao.
Nothing matters if no one wants it. Good or bad, deal with it. We've lived 1000 years after the sterling engine was invented who everyone thought was a silly parlor trick, then contraries later we found a real use for it and started the industrial revolution. now it's killing the planet because we are rapidly rushing everything out instead of planning ahead

We can keep living without AI for another millennia since we still haven't fixed the shit issues we are still going through, on purpose, because it's not giving rich people more money for less.
None of that matters if the end product looks like dogshit. If your only argument is "it's quicker and cheaper" without a god damn thing to say about the quality, you dont have an argument, period.
Cherry picking this hard isn't arguing in good faith, faggot.
Because that doesn't pertain to THE DISCOURSE and if you're not engaged in THE DISCOURSE and don't choose one side of THE DISCOURSE and hold to it utterly for the sake of THE DISCOURSE then you're not engaging in the internet's obsession with THE DISCOURSE
cherry picking what? it was a generalized statement, regardless of whether they are rotoscoped or not, they all look the same. there's a reason why you can say "anime style" and people know what you mean, but you can't say "cartoon style" because noone will know which style you refer to. animes were AIslops before AI generated content existed.
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Friendly reminder that AI imagery is objectively not real art
>cherry picking what? it was a generalized statement, regardless of whether they are rotoscoped or not, they all look the same.
So you're being retarded on purpose instead? Not much better

Tell me one anime that looks like that webm, one, and no one ITT will admit to saying it looks Aislop tier. Because it doesn't. Just like how the shittiest human drawing will forever be more valuable than the most overrendered and overtly dreamlike Aislop image is.
Not supporting or denying anime being samey, but I think that's mostly because a lot of the more easily accessible image aggregates are Japanese art/smug "booru"s.
That's why the runner up seems to be furry stuff.
No. It's shit from a technical level.
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>Tell me one anime that looks like that webm
why would i tell one when all of them look like that?
this is the result when searching for 'anime style'. can you even tell which one is AI generated?
Yes, all of them. That doesn't mean the art style itself is rendered useless. If done by human hands is far more valuable than with stolen data.
It was his analogy, not mine. I disagree with your analogy as well, though. In your analogy, it's more like showing up on a street with a drawing you asked someone else to trace for you, then pretending you made it. Then revealing that you have an entire stack of them, each slightly different, and then making sure everyone has to look at all of them as they pass by.

Gee, wouldn't that be annoying?
Didn't that company go out of business?
I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’ve seen plenty of people with that take
>I don't understand what the big deal is over AI.
I'm so tired of this shill strategy. At least be an eager shill. Don't try to pull this detached "dude just don't care about everything being shitty" attitude, it's obnoxious.
The average person does not give a shit about this.
wow you boiled everything down to "the world in general sucking" I bet this sounded a lot better in your head, fucking retard. Why do you think your meaningless commentary is wanted? Honest question.
individuals can still make stuff, but the infrastructure for creating large scale works will be completely destroyed and the avenues for monetizing work will be obliterated.
inb4 "hurr durr but that's a good thing"

And yes, over-reliance on AI will result in generations eventually forgetting how to do some things manually.
>Not a concern when people can't afford to ever move into a house.
But they will need to move into another apartment.

>When a solid wood bookshelf is a grand or more, yes, people in a dying economy buy cheap shit. The alternative is just not having it.
That's my fucking point (although I think you misinterpreted what I was calling 'not that cheap anymore'. I was referring to IKEA stuff which has creeped in price over the years). A solid wood bookshelf didn't used to cost a grand or more even accounting for inflation, but real wood furniture is now considered a luxury item. IKEA took over because it was cheap, but as the model goes, once it corners the market and muscles out the competition, the price starts to creep. Now a mostly hollow particle wood desk can cost a couple hundred dollars which, for the shitty materials, is fucking ridiculous.
kek. I wonder if they rolled this out with comments disabled or if they were forced to turn them off when the reaction was overwhelmingly negative.
All I'm going to say is that TRS didn't pay a cent because "someone" was begging for the partnership and were even willing to cover the costs of all of the touch-ups.

The bigger spots? Those were small stars, too, in the final gen, but they were massively deformed when the "glare" passed over in the wrong way, so they ended up getting blotted out in post.
>And yes, over-reliance on AI will result in generations eventually forgetting how to do some things manually
Not if we have a global economic collapse.
>people won't think it's real guys
This is the same species that thinks the new Tom and Jerry movie was "amazing 2D"
Youtube videos marked for Kids automatically disables comments.
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Man its like Im looking into the future and I hate it. Putting aside all the other real life issues of AI like all the misinformation that will come from it, what I see in front of me that AI bros have been praising as the dawn of the new future is a literal fucking endless ad machine.
Even if you are somehow a detached fuck who has no grasp on the technology to even make an opinion it, I cant even imagine how someone like that is gonna even stand this new wave of literal endless trash that are corporate overlords seem so fucking excited to jam down our fucking throats. All this fucking talk about how "This will actually help the little guy out with his small indie project" but all its practical use has literally just been boiled down to just fucking ads. I cant see a future where there isnt a massive backlash to this future. People despise ads already and seeing companies excited to bombard the masses with endless slop is fucking grim man.
It is my art. It wouldn't exist without me. You're just angry because my art is beautiful. I brought it into existence. Me. Much like how a clay sculptor shapes up clay to bring his vision to the world, I use prompts to shape the AI generator to bring my vision to the world. We're one and same.
Except they do because it's in fucking everything no one asked for it to be shitted in.
Love to see it
>It is my art. It wouldn't exist without me
Existing =/ you made it. Thinking isn't creating. It's thinking. Creating is by the hand, the body. It's directly, not indirect.
TRU is a shell of its former self. How sad.
Soulless as hell.

Its so sad as a /toy/ and /co/ person seeing this.

Theyre trying to milk an empty shell with even less than minimal effort. Its like they slap the toys R us name on an endcap and now they have crap AI... all for what? To sell the same crap on 25% markup?
I'm not a boomer and I want it to end already. My computer trying to predict what I want... my phone trying to pull some crap... social media algorithms out of control. Its all just computers talking to computers with us stuck in middle.

Tech nowadays is just solutions looking for problems that dont exist.

You'd think theyd concentrate on making stuff that helps people live more care free instead of taking the artistic part of life away now.
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>TikTok and Youtube shorts catering to people with abominable attention spans
>videos "narrated" by AI or consisting solely of AI voices or including AI animations that hallucinate every half second because people are lazy talentless degenerate fucks who want to make a quick buck
>searching a character on Google or Deviantart means digging through thousands of identical AI images
>TV and video games are trapped in an endless loop of remakes and politicization
I honestly don't know if I'm just getting old and bitter or if something's genuinely not right.
omg dislikes! this will surely stop AI from ever being used in the future! we did it, reddit!
Hello sir.
Love it whenever a person just vanishes because they got covered up and the AI forgot they were there.
The fact that everyone watches videos on their phone Vertically is proof enough that technology has gone to the idiots.

Imagine they just cant rotate their phone.
People used to make fun of people who would shoot video vertically. I remember memes and PSA videos back in the day. That was the norm until apps started really pushing people towards the vertical format. It's more a result of tech company. We were managing the vertical idiots just fine before that.
NTA, but it's given brands reason to pause in the past. It seems stupid, but these metrics matter when brands make decisions based largely on focus testing and numbers.
Do you genuinely believe that AI will just stopped being used and never advance or be integrated into everyday life eventually?
Hello, former toy store.

I own two Geoffrey suits that are re-used as murrsuits.

TRU can suck my dick and his 3'8" giraffe cock.
>Do you genuinely believe that AI will just stopped being used
Most will get defunct and only the shit people genuinely like will stay around, so yes.
Can this bubble burst already?
So is your existence.
wait so it's probably not just this commercial/ad but the entire movie it's advertising is supposed to have all its scenes be AI?

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