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>your mom is dating someone younger than you?
yeah, ME!
Epic heist/rescue movie plot?
>Liz is looking for new sexual experiences so she can write fanfic
>Moray is ETed
>Claire has good reason to drag Clinton along on the rescue mission
Please let this end in an orgy.
Moray shows up in an overnight package inside a sealed tube asking to be let out. The gov't concluded she couldn't fly there normally because she is technically a liquid and isn't allowed on a plane.
Maybe Hanners will assist with it being inside some scientific HQ.
the redhead is a man
Wait. This is an actual plot. I thought it would just be a joke and casually mentioned between lukewarm quips until Moray random shows up again. Is something actually happening? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
How is that a crisis? A novel AI platform just entered the United States. You'd have to test it for chemical, radiological, and nanotechnological threat. If AI's have anything like protection under the 14th Amendment, if she doesn't pose an actual threat, no one's going to give a shit.

It's like Jeph keeps forgetting he wrote in robots suddenly like we've dealt with them and mainstreamed them fine in society BUT wants to have some EtHiCaL CoNfLiCt or something.
>This is an actual plot.
It's Jeph, so it's not. Just sound and fury signifying nothing.
She'll probably "help" by asking why anyone's freaking out when the space satellite research team has, like, 4 of these things.
Anon stop, this is actually funny
That sounds like something happening. Nothing happens in Questionable Content.
so much not happening in this comic that the slightest bit of conflict starts some discussion
I'm objectively a better artist and writer than this(not that hard, I know), is it even possible to make a living with a webcomic nowadays? I cannot look at this and see it making money while I'm running around after freelance clients
>is it even possible to make a living with a webcomic nowadays?
but your fellowship needs to be autistically invested in your stories and characters
people do like OCs but they need to do stuff
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Moray's canadian, how does the US government have jurisdiction? Odds that Agent Turing shows back up for the first time in 20 years? Odds that he only shows up because Jeph reads these threads?
The issue is that for a webcomic to do well it needs a community, and that typically only comes from literal years of consistent updates. You need to be in a position to do it as a passion project indefinitely and hope you're one of the ones that people cotton onto.
>how does the US government have jurisdiction?
She is, very unironically, a foreign object. Especially since she's cooperating, they probably have every reason to detain a foreign national to assess risk to national security. Something that multiple high-level researcher AI's have flagged as A NEW LIFE FORM? Yeah, easy to justify.
>ywn be Liz's sexual research subject
Either a new setpiece to introduce even more quirky characters, or resolved within 2 panels. 0% chance of any actual antagonist appearing.
I'll be honest, I don't care about a villain as much as committing to any change of location, character, stage of life. Basically other than one character kicking alcohol AND MAKING IT EVERYONE ELSE'S PROBLEM, little has ever changed.

Sad to say this development Moray probably leads to, "She's stuck in the US until they're certain, which they'll never be, so we're all staying put with our friends and I'll be a powerful Librarian working entirely remote!"
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>Your mom is dating someone younger than you
>>I mean, yes, but that's not what I'm talking about right now!
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this will inexplicably be resolved in 3 strips
Part of me would love to impregnate this ginger hag, but another part of me knows how the last two kids she had came out.
where did you get this picture of my mistress?!
What do you mean? She's MY mistress!

This time will be DIFFERENT!
>This time will be DIFFERENT!
That womb is full of poison. GAY poison.
lol this'll be resolved with talking and quips. I bet they don't even go anywhere, Moray just shows up and says she had a lovely time with the spooks, insouciantly talking about how they stuck vibrating rods up her ass
KC Green's been posting comics online for decades and he posts like he's struggling to make ends meet. It's possible but very fucking unlikely
Checking if Moray can be impregnated by human sperm seems like an odd test, but I'm not a government expert on identifying new lifeforms.
I'd take anyone over Marten's Mom tbqh.

Clinton and Marten: Hey! She is NOT a sir! You can't misgender her like...

Claire: Stop. This is what I was born to do. (turns to the group, smiling) But it's gonna take more that one cock to tame this bitch. You fellas ready?
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>That womb is full of poison. GAY poison.
And my semen is the antidote! I WILL impregnate MommyMilkers420 and those children will be normal!
"epic questionable content" is an oxymoron
>implying claire would ever need a backup cock

She might let Marten get his out while he watches if she's feeling charitable
That's the secret. No one knows.
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>poked and probed
that kid developed a new fetish or awaken something inside
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Is this loss?
No this is patrick
awww they look like a family in panel 2
>your mom is dating someone younger than you?
I feel like that happened to Martin quite a bit before Veronica settled down Sam's dad. Before those characters completely vanished like so many before them.
This your first time reading Questionable Content?
it'll be like that episode from Oblongs
it was all in Milo's head saving his pet
except it'll be in Claire's
Would Liz just sit in a corner and take notes?
The composition of the first and third panels reminds me of Loss for some reason

I'll marry you, but no weed until after the kid is born.
I saw it too. Something about a panel where a character enters a doorway like that.

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