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Yeah I think its safe to say to we won.
Who are this people?
Jimmy Olsen and Supergirl apparently, if Danbooru is to be believed.
Would be better if Clark and Lois follow them but Clark is being an overprotective cousin with almost breaking his binoculars.
Danbooru doesn't upload western fanart, does it?
Found the artist, they're called "Jourd4n".
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>Setting an entire forest fire, causing probably the death of millions of animals and destroying tons of trees and killing a man inside a chopper just to her affection to her lover

I like how Internet is making Karajimmy a Yandere relationship from Kara's side when it's the total opposite in the show, she's tsundere, blushing at the thought of getting told she likes Jimmy denying it
We need more yandere representation
Drawing MAWS is cringe, but that artist will always be based for drawing Phoenix x Maya and Franziska
me in the helicopter
Do you have a parachute?
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Built for Big Brainiac Cock
Kara just like every white girls can't resist black Jimmy's Big cock
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He's not even black. Anyway hopefully he enjoys Brainiac's stretched out sloppy seconds.
Phoenix x Maya sucks. I prefer them as friends
This ship is disgusting and it only serves the purpose of pushing the blacked agenda. KYS OP
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Go back to your containment general.
Why is jimmy black?
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Supergirl: “I’m here to get with black men and eat ice cream. And I’m almost out of ice cream.”
For the sole purpose of creating an interracial relationship with a black man. There's really no other reason and it's sickening.
>I love showing off my power for men, because of the implication
>Think about it, he's two miles above the ground and just saw me burn half a forest down with my eyes.
>"Ah, there's nowhere for me to run, what am I gonna do say no?"

>If the guy says no then the answer is obviously no
>But they won't
>Because of the implication
Because America loves anagrams.
Well, he was a ginger in Stas, and Irishure must go on.
Didn't you know? All gingers are getting blackwashed for some reason.
Reminder that Jimmy was originally white
Lady anon here.
Why is it sickening?
Looks like a nice couple.
He’s taller than her. Always a plus.
Plus he shows her around town.
Looks like a nice meet-and-cute.
>He’s taller than her. Always a plus.
cringe and gay
guys should always be shorter than girls
It's sickening because BMWF relationships in media are only there to push an agenda. He's the first guy she's even met on Earth and in under 24 hours she already has a big crush on him? It's so obvious what they are trying to do. White male interracial relationships are ok, but not when it's with a black male. It's never wholesome because there are ulterior motives behind it.
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is this pushing an agenda
>a show witten by kikes
>in a less socialy oppressive era
>allowed to lapoon niggers as much as possible
>whites would never be allowed to even get one of these jokes out, even then

I love The Boondocks, but don't be naive.
Yes. My point exactly. Sarah is a coalburner that treats Tom like shit because he acts too white for her and she goes around flirting with Thugs. Reinforcing that white girls only like black men as a fetish which is true btw.

Kara & Jimmy is propaganda as well because Jimmy was blackwashed for no reason other than to give Kara a black boyfriend. It's always some ulterior motive behind BMWF ships it's never wholesome, NEVER. So I'm disgusted by all of it.
>it came out before 2016
of course
>it's never wholesome, NEVER. So I'm disgusted by all of it.
projecting your cuck fantasies onto a wholesome relationship
Wow you are deeply disturb. Please go touch grass. This is nothing different than Starfire coming to earth and Robin is the first one she sees.
Seems like the only one pushing an agenda is you. I hope you receive help because no girl wants to be with a guy whining like this.

You really don’t know women do you?
It's not wholesome though it never was.
>This is nothing different than Starfire coming to earth and Robin is the first one she sees.
Robin wasn't blackwashed in Teen Titans 03 now was he?
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It's not.
But the racists are throwing a bitch-fit over it and come by to spam the board with their bullshit.

Now, if you will excuse me, there are a few by-laws that we must cover:
The 4chan image board is an anonymous post platform. Posters do not need to share any personal information to post, and are encouraged not to do so. Any personal information you volunteer is then-forth classed as public knowledge and no legal protection applies to that information.

The image-board is host to a large number of people, of many and varied backgrounds. But the population is heavily skewed towards horny young males, who are attracted towards females, nudity and female nudity. And when subjected to aforementioned topic, will revert to a state of "losing their fucking shit".

With these two conditions in mind, it has been established that if a person has limitless access to 'pictures of boobs' by virtue of having them as part of their anatomy, and that information is shared on this board, one is more or less obligated to share that imagery with the board or to immediately cease posting more information regarding their identity and gender characteristics. If such obligations are not met, there is a very real risk a thread will spiral out of control as some of the people viewing devolve into horny simps.

This cascade of events is usually formalized as a binary choice to be served to the poster who has identified themselves as 'female' with the words:

can you retards just stop arguing with bmwf hating faggot? he’s never gonna change his mind because he clearly has some undiagnosed schizophrenia that compels him to see patterns that arent there
Adorable that you think there's only one mega-racist on /pol/
Bbbwwaaaaa Lmao
No. Just no.
i mean dont think that but also its very clearly the same guy going under the jimmy x kara threads to complain, uses the same exact talking points every single time.
Notice how no one is able to prove me wrong though. Like why would they make Jimmy black and then just casually try to ship him with Kara? What sense does that make? Who are they trying to appeal by doing this? And when you ask those questions the answer becomes clear. They are trying to appeal to blackedfags, how could they not?
We're not gonna get rid of him, sadly. He's just gonna keep shitting up these threads and convincing other posters to post in the same way. It's inevitable and unpreventable in a post-Gamergate 4chan.
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Hey dumbass. Lois Lane was changed to Korean and got with Clark.
So please just stfu and let the adults talk.
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Your best bet is to goad the little shit into psoting something blatantly racist, and then reporting the post.
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Is this an AI image
How is this obnoxious pattern of posting and constant "WHITE GENOCIDE" dogwhistling not already racist?
dyslexic character designer/casting director.
I'm not that stupid, and even if I get banned I can just change my IP address. So you can't silence me I will continue to expose blacked agenda cartoons like MAWS and a ban won't stop me.

PUT DOWN THE RACEPLAY KEK PORN! It is rotting your brain!
He keeps repeating the same phrases every thread
He's like an NPC
I can tell Jake Wyatt watches more blacked porn than any other porn obsessed loser.
I would post that really stupid collage calling Star Wars 7 subliminal white genocide, but that'd probably just feed into the /pol/ack's nonsense.
You guys can't refute it so of course I'm going to repeat it. Prove men wrong so I can't use these talking points anymore.
Blackwashing is cringe.
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The individual post needs to contain enough bile for an admin to see at a glance it is violating the rules. Talking about racism isn't strictly a violation, so the jannies won't ban.

But shitposters usually get worked up and less restrained over time. I think there are already one or two ban-worthy posts in this thread alone.
This all falls apart once you realize that the average normie is not aware of “muh dating app interracial statistics” and don’t take that into account when portraying interracial couples in media. And also they’re fucking cartoons, why do you need realism
>muh dating app interracial statistics
is that where they get all their info from?
that's hilarious
So has anyone been watching any good shows? I need recs because I'm too scared to watch anything new without someone egging me on.
>refute my jewish backed points please
>This all falls apart once you realize that the average normie is not aware of “muh dating app interracial statistics
This goes beyond dating apps. When asked "Which type of men do you prefer to date" and the top answers were men of their race, or some form of European man. This is just a universal thing.

>And also they’re fucking cartoons, why do you need realism
Because even though it's fictional media, they still reflect our reality. Think about all the Asian women in cartoons who are they mostly shipped with? White men. Now why would that be? If cartoons don't need realism then why on mass ship them with White men lol?
Yeah but he didn't fucking deserve it.
Kara looks like she can't wait to get fucked by Jimmy black cock
> This goes beyond dating apps. When asked "Which type of men do you prefer to date" and the top blah blah blah
Yeah I don’t care, that wasn’t really my point. You seem to be under the assumption that writers of cartoons KNOW of these statistics and are purposefully trying to rewrite reality which is completely schizophrenic I hope you realize that.
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Statistics say that white kryptonians love dating non-white american humans
It's just the objective facts
Okay politics racism, and whatever the fuck else aside, I'm still waiting for the fanart of supergirl sitting on the ground with different colors around her mouth chewing something and handing Jimmy a red crayon saying "I saved the red for you."

Well, according to statistics, 100% of Cryptonians are in interracial relationships...
>You seem to be under the assumption that writers of cartoons KNOW of these statistics and are purposefully trying to rewrite reality
I'm not saying they know the statistics, but fictional writers take inspiration from reality and what they see around them. Go to any college campus and nearly all the Asian women are dating white men. They see these common things in there life and subconsciously take from it leading to the mass WMAF relationships in cartoons now that's natural. BMWF is not natural it's not taken from reality, it's purposefully used to push a disgusting agenda, and MAWS proves that openly.
Can someone please get this man a drawing
Yep, facts never lie. Especially white female kryptonians like Kara and Powergirl, who always choose black men over any race.
so is clark mac in this situation?
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She killed billions
Do they have to see on a college campus for them to subconsciously take it from reality though? I mean theres still plenty of BMWF representation in Hollywood for example.
>but muh statistics-
No, faggot, stop thinking about statistics for a moment. Think about the amount of black NBA players and football players with white girlfriends. Think about the amount of mulatto celebrities with black and white parents. Think about how every famous black male dates up to get a white girlfriend. Can that not also be taken from reality? Even it’s not indicative of the average person, normies will still see this and think that means BMWF is more common than it really is. So perhaps thats where this confusion is really coming from and not some schizophrenic blacked agenda like you think.
>black Jimmy's Big cock
Kek, "big", sure... Jimmy better be sure Kara never meets Perry then
Powerful. I can feel the racisms slowly bleeding out of me.
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His suit is clean
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Without any politics again, why does he look at this guy like this?
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DCfans were broken to the Great Blackening all the way back to "I made myself into a Negro, Drieberg! I'm Negro Manhattan!!"
They are just plain more awakened than us Marveldrones, and I kneel.
>Your opinions on feet?
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I suck at drawing any sort of limbs... And I'm not AI.
Of course. We all look forward to the day when the Justice Society is more "diverse" than the Kansas City Chiefs.
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Kara’s future daughter
Jimmy is not a football player, basketball player, nor a rapper, so no he doesn't get a white girlfriend.
>Jimmy is not a football player, basketball player, nor a rapper, so no he doesn't get a hot white girlfriend.
Fix'd. It's not hard at all to score a 4/10 white slampig.
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Powergirl date next month issue with black man Axel Gust
It's kinda funny because white women are the ones who CONSTANTLY give every fucking race of men shit for "fetishizing" and then they are the ones who fetishize everything under the sun.
>gay men
>bi men
>black men
>rich white men with a bdsm fetish
>rich white men with any other short of sexual deviancy
>whatever the fuck kind of White dude you would label Andrew Graves from the videogame "the coffin of andy and leyley"
>other women
>literally any short of animal with a penis.
Thats not my point faggot. You think normies know the difference? Just like you said they see WMAF on college campuses, they see BMWF in Hollywood and think its reflects reality, thus leading to this over representation in media like cartoons.
Its not too late to admit you’re wrong anon. Just accept that there isnt an agenda and that normies are really that retarded.
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Guy is clearly a villain, so of course he's white. That's just how it works in DC now.
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you retards do know that different areas of the world and even different areas in america alone have different populations right?
one place can have AFWM be common among regular people and another can have BMWF relationships be common as well
where i live it's pretty common to see BMWF couples around
Swede detected.
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The kid would probably be much lighter skinned
He's literally a millionaire and holds a whole branch at the daily bugle.
This only proves my point further because most of these shows are made in California, which of course is where Hollywood is and BMWF relationships are common. So there isn’t any “agenda” that’s just what these writers see as common and then insert into their work.
Hopefully that anon can stop shitting up every Jimmy x Kara thread now that he has been thoroughly BTFO, but that’s putting too much hope into this site
Do people actually like this show? 99% of discussion surrounding it seems to be people lusting over brown Lois or getting off to their weird interracial fetishes.
Thats just 4chan
I'm never going to stop because they didn't need to blackwash Jimmy to ship him with Kara. It's one thing to blackwash him, but to then ship him with the whitest girl ever (blonde hair, blue eyes the whole shabang), come on it's a bit ridiculous can we at least agree there?
Its a generally great series and the best piece of superman media he's had in a long time
Nah you were never gonna be convinced anyway because the truth is you don’t actually care about it being true to reality or any other bullshit, you just specifically dislike relationships with black men in it due to your sexual insecurities and the sooner you admit that to yourself, the sooner you will be at peace.
Of course. I wonder if Clark's paranoid that'll happen in his own relationship with Lois.
So would Lex Luthor be Belma.
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I wonder who goes into the Lex Luthor exclusive.
Shut up fujo
That wouldn't be a fair assessment since their are like 5 genius scientists that show up alone and I don't think Lex is the best also is Bulma even genius level ive never seen her doing anything that would make me believe she has an insanely high intelligence
Bulma built the only dragon radar at age 15.
Later in her 30s she built a Time Machine
Dragon radar is a novelty
Time machine happened in alternate timeline
It’s shit, and the fact that 99% of discussion is exactly as you’ve described or blatant damage control should be tell you everything
This how is made for self insert faggotry, either people who self insert as the beta male clark for tomboy lois, and now browns who want to self insert as Jimmy for kara
Nobody likes anything anymore because nothing is good anymore. The only thing shows can do nowadays is provide source material for porn.

There hasn't been a good cartoon since Over The Garden Wall in 2014.
I'm not a fujo, I just don't want them as a couple. I prefer Nick with Iris or even Franzy.
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Do you even use this board? There's a dedicated thread every Saturday to discuss what happens in the new episode
I agree with Iris but I think Nick should also date Maya and ema
Harem end or bust
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From last thread
I hate blackedfags so much it’s unreal I’m not even white
What if Lex Luthor goes bald from kryptonite but he only hates it because he realizes that he is mutant now, no longer a part of mankind.
Yes I do use this board. I’m obviously using hyperbole
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sickos won
>That spoiler
We know amigx
Unfortunately Iris is never coming back so Maya is the best we can hope for.
not that sort of brown either
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Hyperbole to do what exactly?
You can't be south east Asian
SEAsians are the ones pushing blacked shit
What causes this behaviour?
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So which brown is he if not the amigx or south east Asian kind?
High IQ
Iq isn't a real metric
4chan is just too into the culture war to discuss anything else.
We were already moving on, you’re the one dragging this out now
To get a point across. Also good grief does Kara looks awful in this show. Why can’t anybody at Studio Mir draw anymore?
Is the point you are retarded?
>Frogposter calling anyone retarded
I guess that's how you know you're really retarded.
Don’t be naive, said by the person who doesn’t know who wrote The Boondocks. Irony isn’t dead.
same on both counts
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Let me introduce you to wackier Superman romance dramas.
This would make an adequate villain origin story.
Low self esteem
High self esteem
Aren't they technically south east Asians? Though I guess the caste system racism fits
Everyone who defends this shows says its the "best piece of Superman" media without explaining why. I suppose it's not the worst show out there but almost everything about this show...the writing, the animation, the character designs...is weak.
And those threads inevitably devolve into coomshit and waifufagging. It seems odd that 4chan became so obsessed with this show while it seems to get ignored everywhere else. I figured that this show would be more popular amongst the Reddit/Twitter crowd but they don't really seem to care.
Industry joke. Ginger is an anagram for the N word.
nah, pajeets self-insert as black guys for god knows why
It's more fun than any other superman property to date name on Superman media wheres hes enjoyable to watch and not just punch space bad guy in the face
Yeah, a lot of them think "BBC" includes them lmao
It's a metric, a useful one, just not the only one.
I don't know Twitter, but it seems to do decently well on stuff like youtube/reddit/tumblr. Must be doing something right if it's getting another season.
And discussion can sometimes be misleading. If you go by discussion something like IDW Sonic and Transformers would be way bigger than they actually are/were.
It doesn't?
Being a Timmy Copincel.
reminder that their "Coped" garbage is literally a white supremacist parody of blacked, being so assmad that a studio mainly featuring interracial with black men is one of the most successful and influential of those past 20 years in a industry where the crushing majority are white male porn actors and only a tiny percentage are black males since the beginning of the porn indusutry. So porn has since for the dawn time seen many white males porn actors fucking any women of any races without any problem, and now that a studio has finally given a chance for black male porn actor to get high quality IR videos, Timmy copincel chimpout and create their garbage "Coped" parody.

What's worse, Blacked has broken their mind so hard, that any IR relationship now these days irl or in media there see must be some jewish porn conspiracy, even if the couple know each other since school or met at the workplace or from a circle of friends, sharing hobbies etc. That's how broken those whitecels are.
Outsized influence of fanbases who normally roost outside of /co/. Sonic is /vg/, Transformers is /toy/.
It's the equivalent of women using horoscopes to make decisions
Not reading all that
Remind me again why do porn stars drink piss and fuck dogs but still ask for extra money to fuck black guys? Why do the productions keep desperately paying for it? Who is their audience again?
look at you, pretending blacked itself isn’t a cope over centuries of getting buck broken by every other race on the planet
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>This is nothing different than Starfire coming to earth and Robin is the first one she sees.
Let's see if you're capable of engaging in good faith: this is different because Starfire instantly falling for Robin was written in 1980 by sexist men writing power fantasies for other guys, in the 40 years since this trope was torn apart and branded sexist by tons of progressive critiques including progressive creators such as the TTGo crew which didn't pair Robin and Starfire at all despite them being based on the 03 show, this storyline was also not included in the live action 2018 Titans where Starfire was given agency and autonomy.

Just like how Starfire's original design is considered sexist and designed for the male gaze and avoided and redesigned these days, the fact that she instantly fell for Robin is also avoided in modern adaptations because progressive creators don't want to condone that kind of writing or behavior.

So why did they happily do it here then?
Because power fantasies for white guys aren’t kosher, but power fantasies for black golems are
>tudio has finally given a chance for black male porn actor to get high quality IR videos,
fuck off
blacked is unironically racist and has done harm to black men
it's one of biggest reasons as to why you can't have interracial shit with black males without any weird shit tacked on or "MUH BBC" shit
What people forget is that IQ can be gained and lost all throughout your life. If you do nothing but goon, watch porn or eat and sleep, you don't do anything that would require your brain to exercise, which in the long term, can lead to a decline in IQ.

If you do things that exercises your brain, you will, in fact notice that your capacity to recognize patterns, understand things faster, see things from more perspectives, and in general think increases.
You seem to not understand how media works, or you are a lying kike.

"He just got there off his own merit" that lie doesn't work anymore.
yes, IQ is not a constant, proof: a gorrila has the IQ level of a 3 years old.
This guy speaks in YouTube rage bait thumbnails
>You really don’t know women do you?
no i do
it's just cringe that there are women that are like that
they tend to always be insecure about their own height especially if they're taller than the average woman
I understand why you cling to the fetish shit, it's literally all you have
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Because it's true.



What's not to get?
Sorry I'm not watching your YouTube video
NTA but I agree, on the other hand, I would argue that nowadays writers try so hard to jump on this horse that they tend to fall off the other side. Yes, moving away from these stupid things is a good thing, but in many cases, writers tend to overcorrect nowadays.
Why do you let these jewtubers live your mind rent free?
So when does black jimmy get his king kong wife?
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>"built for bwc"
>no one fucking cares

>"built for bbc"
>multiple bans, interracial dating statistics spammed, discord screenshots posted, inane seething
There’s already some implication that Mallah went to town on Jimmy while he was unconscious. Unfortunately Clark won’t be getting his witch-doctorate
>multiple bans
What did he mean by this?
one has centuries of historical basis and the other is subversive revenge porn pushed by the big nose tribe
he needs to get the last word in to validate his weird racial fetish
I hope you know those two Archie girls love BWC.
Kinda crazy how active discussions can get for this on other sites
It’s a successful effort of Demons to destroy mankind.
If you knew one of the reasons why they do this, you will laugh.
>So porn has since for the dawn time seen many white males porn actors fucking any women of any races without any problem
Do you want to know why black men couldn't get a lot of interracial scenes? Because the women didn't want to work with them. Even now that's the case.
She looks like she was made to be a love interest in my self-insert MC's fanfiction.
Is she also a coalburner in your fanfic?
Small white peeens syndrome
Because after doing the BM, they know they can never enjoy regular peen ever again.
So why did the porn star who fucked horses refuse to have sex with a black man?
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>one of the handful of girls from Western media in recent years that is genuinely cute and feminine
>make her canonically blacked

wtf is modern artists' problem bruh
it's not even funny
>Had a second bucket underneath

>So why did they happily do it here then?
Because people still like writing this trope, and there's still people who enjoy reading/watching it.
Something I'm curious is why do you talk about her refusing it without just saying why she said she refused it with proof she said it? Am I just supposed to take the word of some unhinged person who watches horse porn enough to know? That's a very large assumption on your part but you watch women fuck horses on the regular so I guess nothing is a stretch for you.
I don't know what's funnier, Superman cucking Lex or Lex's girlfriend also being bald.
Yes, those people are considered sexist by progressives, so why is this sexist trope in this progressive show
The bigger crime of this show was making Kara a fan of mint chocolate chip ice cream, a basic bitch flavor for lesser evolved beings.
It was her first ice cream flavor ever she doesn't know any better. Blame Jimmy for choosing that as her first flavor.
The most NPC take i've ever seen
NPCs actually like mint chocolate chip, you soulless goon.
It’s just perfect.
Hating mint chocolate chip is the most regurgitated take, you lying nigger
Does anyone bet we get Slade and Lex Luthor yaoi?
we all can agree strawberry is the best flavor, right?
Nope I like Vanilla Pecan and Cookies & Cream flavors.
It's certainly better than mint chocolate chip.
NTA but where is YOUR evidence of your retarded claim? are you one of those permavirgins who thing doesn't know how vagina works? No, a man's cock cannot "stretch" a woman out so much that she "can't go back" to smaller dicks? What about women who give birth then?

Or are you one of those idiots who doesn't know that penetration is the least efficient way to pleasure a woman? more than 70% of women are incapable of orgasm just from penetration if the clitoris is not stimulated.
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I just googled it and we're on every top 10 most popular flavor list mint choccy bros we're fucking basic oh no no no no
It's pretty good. Damn shame they had to introduce Kara and make her a coal burner. Ah well, at least season 1 was good
>Chocolate that high
What is wrong with people's taste buds?
There's no black people in this show, only white people and dark white people
neapolitan isn't a flavor
The people yearn for the rich dark tastiest
Cookies and cream should be 1st chocolate and vanilla should be tied for second
for the last time
being embarrassed =/= tsundere

>chocolate and vanilla should be tied for second
But vanilla is clearly better than chocolate.
I think vanilla and chocolate will always be high due to being the most common bases for other flavors. An ice cream store or grocery store will always have vanilla and chocolate but might not have all of the others.
Look I'm a diehard vanilla fan but they are even in strengths
She was being dismissive of the obvious thats text book tsundere
I just can't imagine people buying a tub of plain chocolate ice cream. Chocolate by itself is just not good, it needs something else mixed in like peanut butter.
This show doesn't have the viewership for it to have any lasting impact on how either of these characters, or any other for that matter, are perceived.
Being a tsundere means you're mean to the person you like. If character doesn't have that trait then they are not a tsundere. Like Helga from Hey Arnold. Helga is a good example of a western tsundere.
What are you even arguing did you watch the show?
Will them I guess they just don't sell them.
Good question since he still acts white
>The left:jimmys too white
>The right:so a non toxic black man is white? The real racists
>Also the right when a black guy is friendly and charming:
Well how else was Kara going to get a black boyfriend?
Chocolate ice cream market size and revenue were high in the previous period, but as the demands are increasing, the market size is expected to rise up to USD $31.70 Billion by the end of 2030, with a growth of a CAGR value of 5.5%.
If a black character doesn't act like the giga niggas in their favorite blacked porn, then they "act white" or are "boring"
It's like a black dude can't just be a normal, mild mannered dude
being embarassed when exposed about being in love with someone IS a common trope among Tsundere characters.
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I do not care for ice cream.
Seeing a pretty girl like Kara happy with a black man, it hurts. You won, but at what cost? Now there is a good chance that Kara will end up like Spider-Gwen and see a massive increase in interracial fanart porn.
You are asian
>/co/ - Ice Cream Elitism
It hits too close to home
when even in escapism you can't escape

JAMAL... aka jimmy
We're living in dark times now.
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I am completely fine with interracial relationships
Why is Supergirl kissing her cousin?
Kalel is probably adopted so no blood relations.
It's ok when invincible does it btw
No it literally isn't Marks romance is the worst part of season 2.
I agree but you’re a frogposter so I must call you retarded out of obligation
I am too, as long as the male is white.
Nobody here likes Invincible.
Would two kryptonians going at it no holding back destroy a planet?
I am too, as long as the male is black.
based toadmessager
I mean, they took white guy design and just made his skin dark. I imagine you could edit it back in like 2 seconds. seems intentional.
To give all the little black boys false hope that they could one day get a white girl like Kara. But at the end of the day that will never happen for them.
That’s Val Zod with Powergirl
Indeed. And, aside from the visual appearance, nothing about Jimmy's character really screams "black".
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Wrong again anon.
Even Carlton Banks out here scoring
>Youre not black if you don't behave in a preset way
Nah imma do my own thing
The exception does not disprove the rule.
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Just to prove my point.
I have a feeling the designer was told to make him black but they disagreed, so they met the requirement and nothing more.
based and whitepilled
Coal burning whores belong in ovens.
regardless of how people feel, there are distinct appearance differences between races. few have nailed down black people without being overly exaggerated or just white people with dark skin. GRANTED, anime characters dont really look like people anyway.
>white man with a hightop
take me back to the good old days
Imagine defending bm/wf slop.

Are you a cuckold or something you loser?
>I have a feeling the designer was told to make him black
Which proves my point that this Jimmy x Kara ship is just to push an agenda. There was no reason to make Jimmy black and ship him with Kara.
when i edited him he reminded me of jughead
Can you stop spreading putrid bm/wf bullshit on this board? 4chan is one of the most rightwing boards on the web, calling everyone who's racist here a /pol/tard is redundant. You're the outsider.
>I'm not racist I'm stating facts
>All of African and Africans look exactly the same
>Every human looks exactly the same
Opinion ignored midwit
You're a fag.
I never said I wasnt racist you retard.
You have to be rich or score a fat chick.
South Asians, technically. Not SEAsians. Subcontinent and all that

The art in the OP has over 80k likes on Twitter. It blows up there too. The clips where Kara called Jimmy a "temptation" were all over Twitter when the episode aired.
Lol discord trannies are so pathetic.

You probably jerk off to this shit you cuckold.
>Midwit thanks I'm gonna keep engaging with him
Well, yes.
Most of us here do.
sure bud
what's the net worth of Jimmy Olsen?
Why would you admit to that? You're not helping your case.
Axe wound***

Fucking autocorrect.
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This is uh, this is really bothering you guys isn't it?
Looks like shit
Yes because we know why they did it. And it wasn't for good intentions. Just diversity for the sake of diversity.
k, then you must be a better person who wont care when I color correct him.
Because of >>144289197
I think we just have to prepare for any MAWS thread to be full of these guys who are incredibly open about their inability to hide their insecurities
>They race swap Lois Lane
Ok I can work with this

>They blackwash Jimmy Olsen
Weird but I literally don't care about Jimmy enough to give a shit

>They ship the blackwashed Jimmy with Kara the whitest Kryptonian ever
Now it makes sense. It's too fucking obvious.
If it is fine, why do people get so mad when I suggest making Black Panther a white man?
All of these girls would be good with Miles
Because an essential part of Black Panther is him being a ethnically African king. Nothing about Jimmy is dependent on him being a ginger.
Don't be racist. Even Elon Musk is an African, and he is a rich white man. There is no reason why Black Panther can't be a White African.
White Africans exist anon.
not at all.
anyone can challenge him and take the title.
Jesus, the fucking semantics. Ok an essential part of T'challa is he's a ethnically black African king. If you think a story where the BP title goes to some white character will sell then by all means try and make it.
She will breerape jimmy after conquering earth
>Jesus, the fucking semantics
go back
>muh black panther but white
go back to twitter
"Black" in "Black Panther" refers to the costume, not the skin color of its wearer. It is literally referring to the costume looking like a literal black furred panther (large cat).

Literally nothing about his character requires him to be a black man, any more than Ariel need to be a white woman. You can't have it both ways.
T'Challa is black anon. He would be an entirely different character if he was white. Jimmy being black doesn't make him not Jimmy Olsen
What part of "ethnically African" means white? Most White Africans are descendants of European settlers, there's nothing about them that make them originate ethnically from the African continent
>It's fine but only when you change white skinned characters
Thanks for proving you are a hypocrite.
Great, then we can make Blade and Miles Morales white with no issues since nothing about them is dependent on them being black
so youre saying europeans didnt originate from africa.
Yes if the circumstances were entirely different you would actually have a point instead of REEEEing about having to see a black person in your cartoon. I'm sorry you have to go through this.
Amazing how you think originating from when Pangaea existed millions of years ago versus European settlers coming to Africa in the 1800s is in anyway equivalent
Unlike you, I am not a hypocrite. I was also a big fan of the Static Shock cartoon. I was a fan of the Spawn cartoon as well.
I am only repeating what you stated.
Honestly yeah. I don’t really care
T'challa being a black Wakandan matters because coming from an isolationist, black homogenous culture impacts his personality whether its clinging to that part of Wakanda or trying to pull away and be more open minded to the outside world.

How does being white effect Jimmy Olsen so vitally that he's not the same person as a different race?
Nothing I said is hypocritical. You have presented a false scenario entirely designed around coping that a character that was once white is now black. Nothing's stopping you from making a white Black Panther.
They'll interpret historical figures that are undeniably white as black and depict them as such. Why are you so upset at fictional black character being made white?
You didn't repeat anything at all. You were comparing two completely different things and then falsely stating they were equivalent in order to get mad
Does Jimmy x Kara have a shipname yet?
Why are you so upset at a fictional character being made black?
dont be retarded. we can all read your previous shitposts. I quite literally repeated what you wrote.
Nope, it is just designed to prove hypocrites' hypocrisy. I don't like race swapping of characters at all, but hypocrites will defend blackwashing of a character, but immediately lose their shit at the idea of whitewashing a character. It is hypocritical, pure and simple.
Sure, whites exist in inner cities too. I doubt claiming the few black characters in comics will turn out very popular though.
You quite literally didn't. Just because it's inconvenient for the facts to not favor you doesn't mean they don't exist
>I doubt claiming the few black characters in comics will turn out very popular though.
Why do you have such a communist view of fictional characters
It's not hypocritical. No one would care if you made a White Black Panther. Probably because no one would buy a piece of media with a dumbass concept like that
you should take your own advise then.
but you're just spamming nonsense at this point so whatever. I doubt you can even read half this thread.
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Jimmy is the quintessential pulp era DC character, an era defined by the white culture of the 40s and the 50s. Making him black is like making Shang Chi white.
You obviously would considering how butthurt you're getting about it.
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Well the quickest way to prove that would be to make a White Black Panther then anon, now wouldn't it anon
oh no, how will your autism take it?
Just being realistic that people will hate a whitewash of Blade because there is so few black heroes already. No one but faggots who cry about white genocide will care Jimmy was made black because being white wasn't something that mattered for Jimmy. Hell for me I like MAWS black Jimmy more than the live action Supergirl black Jimmy because he's still a lovable dork in MAWS rather than a suave black dude in the live action show.
Why do black people get to bemoan the racebending of black characters but white people don't get to bemoan the racebending of white characters? Black people are the second most overrepresented demographic in media btw.
Giving Soul to the Soulless.
Just accept that you are being a hypocrite and move on.

Jimmy was almost always portayed as a younger red-headed white kid, one of the few times red-headed boys got any representation. It was integral to his character.

Meanwhile, the only thing important to BP's character is that he is an African King, and that could easily be done by a White Man.

Me, I think they should both retain their original races. My stance is consistent, aka not a hypocrite.

You switch stances based on what is most convenient for you at the time. You will ignore all of Jimmy's character build up, while acting like even minor traits of Black Panther's are the end all be all of his character. Your self-serving inconsistency is text book hypocrisy.
Anon, look at what board you're on. I don't think being an autist is very novel around here
Muh Slavery I guess. Lets not pretend blackwashing gets away with it scott free. Pushing too high with blackwashing the hero will fail, someone in this thread was baiting Black Superman in a relationship with a white Powergirl and I never even heard of it and I'm sure it sold like shit.
k. reddit is that way. im sure theyll circle jerk your shitty points for you.
space sharks
Sorry, I think you're stuck with me. I know that pains you greatly. Oh well!
What's that racist term for gingers who usually are predominantly Irish?
A Mick?
potato niggers
And who gave that to them?
a potato nigger
Because they made him black in a bunch of recent live action adpations for DEI reasons, but in the those adaptions they also totally altered his personality and character into random stoic black man while in MAWS he actually acts like Jimmy Olsen...just black so at the very least it's a step back in the right direction.
That was actually mocking the prevalence of BMWF couples on tv with both of them being racial fetishists who jumped into their relationship with specific racist assumptions of one another that neither meets but ending up loving each other anyway.
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The one in the left with the giant gun is a girl
There are only two acceptable ice cream flavors coffee and spumoni all other flavors are for heretics.
Yes we know who Livewire is.
Have you seen Brock lesnars daughter?
winston niggas
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Kara likes her black coffee (with no milk), just as she prefers black men.
>Infinite realities
>I don't exist in the one where Kara is carrying me
>Paddy and Mick, the two quintessential Irish first names, have given rise to numerous words and expressions in the English language. As such, they are fine examples of antonomasia, but the extent and nature of their reuse set them apart within this stylistic figure. Indeed, Irish names have been targeted much more often than names denoting individuals from comparable minority cultures. Over many generations, in Britain and America notably, these two first names were liberally coined to designate and denigrate the hapless or strategic Other. Negative racial stereotyping, inspired principally by British colonial discourse and American republican idealism, constituted the main driving force, but anti-Irish prejudice was successfully exported to other English-speaking countries as well (Australia, Canada and New Zealand). All of the major Irish heterostereotypes have been inscribed into these lexicalised names. This paper traces the Othering of Paddy and Mick through their numerous linguistic modulations and examines the particular reasons for such consistent onomastic abuse.
>The term was used by Catholic-hating Protestants during the large influx of immigrant Irish Catholics, and Catholics in general to America. Large number of Mexican immigration was occurring around the same time. The majority of Mexicans shared the same Catholic religion and values, and would attend the same Churches. The Mexican immigrants were called a play on the derogative term, Spick (Spanish Mick) by the same Catholic hating Protestants.
So why are those same eople trying to tell us to respect Irish identity in this thread?
>but ending up loving each other anyway.
no! that's not true!
they can never be wholesome! aaaahhhhrrrgg
i'm not the weird one, you are!
I mean considering her sweet tooth she probably actually prefers milk and sugar in her coffee.
I forgotten /pol/co/ is a sludge pit
its always a racist shithole
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So anyways the daughter of Brock lesnar
Girl came out of the womb benching 221
Lex Luthor level rich.
Big legacy family in Metropolis dating back to the town's origins. Jimmy just likes to not live off a trust fund and be self made. Which he oddly can do with his job at the Daily Planet plus side adventures.
>Yeah I think its safe to say to we won
Yes... but at what cost?
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No cost zero
What were you expecting me to say?
Yes. I can easily see Clark not getting the implication. With how much he loves Lois and respects humans.
>What were you expecting me to say?
What it costed, which you did. Duh!
Yes zero
I'm glad that's been established
Good... now where is the porn?
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But it's all wholesome handholding
Hell yeah motherfucker
I'm sorry but this is Invincible beat for beat except it's a girl. Except, you know, it's bad.
It's almost like they skipped the introduction since the heavy lift was already done by Invincible.
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Invincible is just what if the Justice League and dc heroes killed
>Invincible is just what if the Justice League and dc heroes killed
Now I know you having watched the show. You're thinking of The Boys. Invincible is just what if Kryptonians were evil and planet conquerors. The heroes in Invincible don't kill as a main why to solve conflicts they will if they have no other choice but their main goal is to capture and send them to prison.
Why do people who have never been in a relationship get bent out of shape of others being in a relationship?
It's hard to self insert as Kara's boyfriend when her boyfriend is black :^(
bruh just use your imagination like what the fuck
The guardians are the league autismo
The main characters my whole life have looked like this
While I look like drake
You'll be fine
They are, but they don't kill. They could have killed the Mauler Twins a long time ago, but they always just beat them up and send them to prison.
>They dont kill
Abe Lincoln has killed people
They would have killed Nolan if they could
It's just what if dc were vulgar and also not Disney
>Abe Lincoln has killed people
The Immortal wasn't a superhero when he was Abe Lincoln

>They would have killed Nolan if they could
Because he was a threat that couldn't be solved with capture and prison. The Justice League are the same. They had to kill Doomsday, because capture wasn't an option.
He is a superhero who's killed imagine if superman joined the league after snapping zods neck and killing some villains
>Doesn't count
What sort of ass backwards logic is that
The Justice League never kill even when darkseid threatens to wipe the earth out
>be alien powerfull enough to wipe out entire civlizations.
>killed billions
>come to earth
>lose to icecream and blackcock

Oh wow it's another leftist fetish.
I surprised you are surprised how powerful black cock is you can't seem to keep it out of your mouth
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From a Soviet named d_e_r_i_ on Twitter
Ugly and only exist to prompt racebaiting

Cute and wholesome
>While I look like drake
You look like a sexual predator?
Drake Bell, not Drake the rapper.
So you look like an enabler for sex creepery.
what's "sexist" here isn't the love at first sight, retard. it's the fact that she's charmed enough to kiss a complete stranger. it's about as retarded as the hypnosis trope and I hope you're socially aware enough to see why.
what I find hilarious is how white moids need to justify their interracial ships with half-x, same wirh the jap moids. meanwhile white stacies and black nerds are both chad enough to ship the purest bred niggers with the most submissive aryan looking white.
you only need to look at the flak westerners give to japshit to understand how shameful it is to write what you (and the audience) wishes to see. if you hate any of harem or isekai you asked for this.
/co/ has been a fortress for nigger worship since 2010 you actual 2016 newfag. ever since that putrid looking nigger mod sinked his claws into the place.
>salt the earth to prove a point
the west is truly fucked.
but this is the bed you made. even the tiny dicked gooks stood up to their women. the chinks are throwing a fit over gacha right now and even the japs had their moment with visual novels two decades ago. if your response to getting shat on in culture is to pilpul your way into restoring the dignity of white males online not only would you not win the war they've declared on us, you don't deserve to either.
>those people are considered sexist by progressives
No they aren't.
>what's "sexist" here isn't the love at first sight, retard
But it's not love at first sight, she's not a functioning member of society, she likes Jimmy because he's the first person to ever treat her nicely, but she would've felt that towards anyone because she has no frame of reference

They are


>since he’s the first and only man in this woman’s life he gets to be the best by default
that's a circular argument and I consider myself above addressing it. but the reason normalfags found it weird was because she kissed him for it, and only that. the LAFS they both play into is entirely irrelevant to the equation.
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>>salt the earth to prove a point
>the west is truly fucked.
>but this is the bed you made. even the tiny dicked gooks stood up to their women. the chinks are throwing a fit over gacha right now and even the japs had their moment with visual novels two decades ago. if your response to getting shat on in culture is to pilpul your way into restoring the dignity of white males online not only would you not win the war they've declared on us, you don't deserve to either.

The only way to deal with these people is to force them into showing that they are hypocrites before they know what you are doing. They will make up lies, accuse you of every thing they can think of, and play the victim card the very second they think you have them on the ropes. So instead, you have to get them to expose themselves on their own, then point it out after the fact.

If I had just pointed out that they are hypocrites first, they would be resorting to all sorts of ad hominem, and trying to make me out to be the bad guy right about now, and all their simps would be tagging along.

But by tossing out that Black Panther example first, I got them to show everyone the truth of their hypocrisy in real time.

It's a messy practice, but it is the only one that works against their type.
Lois and Kara look like they both fuck white Kryptonian men.
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Kara is a snow bunny queen
>silm qt getting jealous of slam piggerton
I don't care how rich she is there was no reason to feel threatened here
no it's not, you're splitting hairs against people who already know they're splitting hairs. the best you're going to get is those who are receiptive to rationality but that's only a small chunk of the demographic and shrinking.
you pointing out the agenda accomplishes nothing, and the agenda isn't even to make white men look bad per se. it's to further DEI via interracial relationships, whether for or against your sensibilities. so what you propose plays right into their hands, and they'd totally do it if they weren't trying not to piss off the black crowd just yet.
This conclusion is completely insupportable. The interconnected relationships are a feature. Sam Lane a member of Task Force X, along with Slade; supervillains using Kryptonian tech; Brainiac's origins on Krypton. I don't love that kind of linking in comics, cause there's way more room in comics for wildly different and discrete associations. But it makes sense for a show to be super contained. Kara developing a relationship with Jimmy works because he's already established + inherent nonromantic triangle with Clark. Regardless of race, the ship would still exist as a natural construct of the show.
Jimmy getting blackwashed isn't an issue by itself, Jimmy dating Kara also isn't an issue by itself (They date in the comics and it's fine). The issue arrives when both of those things are true. The problem is Jimmy is blackwashed AND is dating Kara. Both of those things don't need to happen and it's only happening for a stupid fetish agenda.
Already exist you fucktard /pol/tranny, there are some Miles Morales, the one from 616 that is a white Latino.

Unironically kys you dumb /pol/trannies
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Since Lex Luthor is such a strange and mysterious little anti-alien gremlin in MAWS, DC stopped with the gay rock hairloss backstories, and he’s voiced by the One Punch Man (the OP caped guy), I wonder if this will be his messed up backstory.
That's literaly multiple flavors including chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and mint tho? You can't even taste any difference when they mix.

Besides mint has been with europe long before chocolate, I'm not sure about strawberry or vanilla.
Go back, /v/ermin.
he knew damn well I would be most triggered by the power outlet.
You are the guy he's talking about.
keep me out of you're retardation, you don't speak for /co/
Kara will give birth to a handsome half black half white son
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>people really can't see the reason why MAWS shipped a Jimmy with Kara
This is frightening.
She was built for it
The look of a future cuckquean
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you vill mix ze races
Well... what is?
Yes lmao, every character on Boondocks is pushing an agenda or poking fun at a black stereotype
It's racemixing propaganda!
Kids will grow up thinking it's normal for a fucking black man to be with a white woman!
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Zamn, Kara fat white ass are literally built for Jimmy. That's some top tier PAWG.
When does the new ep drop
Tonight at midnight

New preview video. Livewire and heatwave are dykes
They are both cute, you fucking trash. Race should have no bearing on who a person loves. That goes for the faggot racists as well as the race fetish creeps. You should be embarrassed that you both have so much in common.
I just want the dude to be brown or even asian for once smdh. Brownoids and chinks never get anything despite making up most of the world's male population.
Only behind oreo and french vanilla
BMWF relationships can never be wholesome because of the history behind it. In almost every non black culture dating a black man is extremely frowned upon. While in those same cultures dating a white man is sign of status and it's well accepted. And all of this still holds true today. Parents are happy to marry their daughter off to white man, but it's a nightmare if their daughter brings home a black man.
That's Ultimatum, a villain, I'm talking about e.g. casting a white kid to play Miles Morales as Spider-Man in the MCU
Well I guess it's good your norms are dying then.
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It's very obvious why a certain combination is pushed the most heavily out of all despite being one of the rarest irl, anyone ignoring its ridiculous overrepresentation is either intentionally oblivious or trying to trick you
Nta but you got the stream watch link I didn't get to join the last one I want to watch it with you guys
They aren't
Oh you didn't get the memo? Pale skin people are on their way out. Ah hell I wanted it to be a surprise.
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>Calling this goddess a slam pig
No the creator is a black guy from Chiraq he made Sara white to illustrate a coalburner trope that they marry black guys expecting the Jamal treatment but get some Urkel instead
Not really but thanks for revealing your hand anyway
Its not normal little white girls should be taught that their ideal mate is a handsome white guy not a black dude who will abandon them with a baby
Revealing my hand? that's just common sense.
projecting your weird fantasy onto a wholesome relationship
You must be gay as fuck if you cant see how tantalizing that PAWG is compared to Gookois
It's an indictment against women who want bad guys not exclusively black nice guys
If it was made ~20 years ago you could pretend it's wholesome, today you know full well why the 0.4% IRL pairing takes up 30%+ of all fictional character pairings
It is wholesome but white girls dont date black dudes like Jimmy instead they date ghetto sociopaths that leave them pregnant and all this does is makes them think dating the dark colored guys is le trendy and stuff.
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>I am the father of a fatass daughter
>a phatty worthy of the memory of Krypton
They also have much higher rates of domestic violence.

Because its Tyrone the middle school dropout sociopath not Steven Urkel. I cant understand coalburners at all their black bfs dont even attempt to hide how evil they behave and yet the white girls are all so giggly and excited around them, do they not care how awful their bfs are? Is the BBC just that good?
why are you proving him right?
Damn Kara's ass is fat. Jimmy definitely can not handle all that ass. That's a mission for Superman.
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why does BMWF couples cause so much seethe
>Always a plus
I think you mean a necessity
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As said before its because they are simply disgusting usually. Some black degenerate who cant even spell his name somehow earns the affection of a middle class and above beautiful white female who came from a decent upbringing its beyond revolting. Only fetishist find BMWF IR appealing.
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Where do you even get cookie dough without the chocolate chips? I'd definitely notice if I ever saw it.
White girls just can't resist the power of BBC. White females attraction toward black men are instinctual at this point. It's in their genes.
I literally dont understand why someone would gaslight into having one believe race is a non factor with dating, im assuming you yourself date outside your race and are willing to have a black baby? No? Then shut the fuck up. And the 0.01% who will take me up on this just to be le contrarian are only lying to yourselves, but its a cute game when you pretend race doesnt exist to win le 4chan argument lol. If race didnt matter they wouldnt have changed it. It matters so they changed it, answering why it matters means explaining racial reality which is wrong think and growing up is realizing wrong think does not exist outside of politicially controlled discourse. For example someone is going to quote "racial reality" and call me le chuddy thus proving you believe wrong think exists.
I dont want a half black whool haired kid who needs shears to get a hair cut like a fucking animal and you cant get me to ignore that for the sake of appearing like a good boy online. So diverse cast is ok but I draw the line on race mixing because I want my kid to look like me and if you dont want your kid to look like you I think youre lying
White women are the least likely of any female demographic to have relationships outside of their race.
Since being a ginger I would magically turn Black in this world, I can self insert into this.
keep coping
>If race didnt matter they wouldnt have changed it
These people are unable to understand that point. They're just happy that they got another BMWF cartoon couple to goon to now.
Anon, I think you should check your mom’s google history.
>Racists trying to use you to to be racist
are the black chicks angry he’s dating a white bitch?
Lmao white women are the worst human females in existence, they only known women that actually gleefully destroy their own men unprompted.
You white people get lice. Be thankful that your mixed child wouldn’t.

(It’s funny that most white people don’t know black people don’t get lice because our hair)
He's right white women are not breaking their backs to date outside of their race like Asian women and other non white women. White women are the most race loyal groups of women in the world and that is because white men are the most desired groups of men in the world. Why would they date outside their race when their men are already universally the most sought after?
There are one billion of you fuckers
Simply because PG is a PAWG.
Now if he were with a skinny white twig, then yes.
another reason to keep us separate
Where the hell do you see this exacty? White women do not defend white men at all they just shit on them even if they mostly date white men. The fertility rate issue could be solved if white women just let more white guys nut in them raw but they would rather fucking die than do that so instead the only time a white bitch gets baby is when a black guy or brown guy nuts in them raw instead. White girls are also silent on non white criminality they care more about not looking racist than being loyal to white men yet Im supposed to believe they are the most loyal. Please thats either black women or jewish women.
You do really realize that America isn't the only place where whites exists and Europe holds way more whites than North America?
>Where the hell do you see this exacty?
Everywhere. White women marry their own race more than any other race does.
Oh you mean the future muslim majority landmass? The fact you have muslim crime problems is even more evidence white women are human shit as ones that barely experiece diversity still shill for it mindlessly. It fucking amazed me how disgusting swedish women are to their own men. Would rather be raped and killed by muslims or blacks than actually do a single fucking thing to help their men out.
How is it a cope? There is actual data to back this up. The only thing you have to support your claim that white women like black men are your delusional porn fantasies. Seems like you are the one coping.
Married couples do not contribute much to the birth rate, unmarried jackasses who create baby factories do on them otherhand. Poor white trash is the birth rate of the US not beta providing married cucks.
And when do these white women marry you? Oh right when they are like 30 and used up what a victory am I right you white sucker?
Black/brown cock is much too powerful. Look at Kara.
Why are you acting like most white men use these dating apps to begin with? This is probably only referring to Chad who is less than 10% of white males you retarded fuck. I see white guys cold approaching white women and getting the ick stare even if these white guys are fucking tall and have obvious social skills. Meanwhile ugly blacks and arabs and mexicans can just stroll to a white bitch and have her giggling in seconds. When are you white suckers gonna understand SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG WITH YOUR WOMEN MENTALLY?
Thats just cope, she should be all over Kal-El infact her being attracted to Jimmy is stupid because Kal-El is a genetic normie by Kryptonian standards thus Kara would need a guy to look as hot as Kal-El at the bare minimum to feel any attraction.
You have nothing to back up your claim other than personal anecdotes. Show actual data that supports your argument.
>Facebook dating app
>Zuckerberg is a Jewish surname of German and Yiddish origin meaning "sugar mountain".
more jew statistics
Incest is gross and produces genetically messed up kids.
You are revealing yourself as a sicko
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Cute as fuck.
Reality contradicts your data though, white women have demonstrated zero desire to be loyal to white men period. The easiest evidence is that white women literally do nothing bout IR advertisements, not angry mobs saying
>We dont like being paired up with black men!
No they literally do fucking nothing but let the IR propaganda escalate and escalate and escalate.
You see that Chad in the Bachelor episode? Thats who Kara should have fallen head over heels for.
Meanwhile white women will gleefully join in BLM mobs in fucking Estonia of all places. Most BLM mobs at daytime were more white female than white male or black anything, white women are the engine for BLM retardation in the west yet your acting like this human garbage has any loyalty to white men. Why do white female conservashits do nothing about the abuse their men go through in society?
POV: jimmy's penis ready to be milked dry
This dogshit thread really got to 500? I hope we get more BMWW pairings just so you bottom feeding fuckers don't get any peace of mind.
I don't support it with Ginger Jimmy Olsen either.
Take the Trump voters for example, they are relentlessly abused and white women happily join in on persecuting Trump voters for fun yet white women are loyal to white men correct? In other nations like say Germany if you vote AfD expect the white female population to treat you lower than vermin in seconds and for the rest of your life too. Swedish Democrats you get blacklisted basically, and white women in these lands are perfectly fine with this evil treatment done to white men who simply question the anti racist narrative. Yet white women are le loyal to white men correct?
Whitebois can't stop coping because his race is dying. White women would rather breed with brown men over them.

In 50 years or so, there won't be anymore pure white because someone like Drake who is mixed will be the new white men. Das rite.
it's really strange how this specific pairing gets them so mad
and you can tell it's only other dudes who have a big melty over this
Damn girl
He always was black, chud
Mixed people will never be the majority because pure non white unions reproduce faster than IR unions. America will look like Mexico, Canada will look like India, Europe will look like the middle east
This is essentially the plot of the X-Men.
Normal humans know their race will be extinct in 80 years because the mutant racemixing and mutants in general will make the humans the minority.
That’s why they make sentinels and are villains.
>White women would rather breed with brown men over them.
This certainly seems to be the case nowdays, all one has to do is go on tiktok and they will find BBC worship in no time, all sorts of white zoommete in the comment sections talking about how much they love black guys these sections are mostly white women not white men gee I wonder why.
White conservatives seem to have a hard time believing that their precious aryan whores have abandoned them for brown and black cock.
these showrunners just wanted a giggle m8
Nobody is watching this show. Women especially don't watch television.
Meanwhile the white men are having Asian babies. So yes the white people are becoming the minority.
Cute cope but White Asian couples produce less babies than white on white couples meaning the IR union is basically useless at an attempt for population growth. This is mainly due to white men being beta fucks who cant pump babies into their asian cumrags, same reason white men barely create children with white women nowadays.
Watching catalog get jealous over petty racial shit is always amusing. Lol.
Election year really makes this place unusable
How so?
Your anecdotes aren't reality
The ASS was FAT
I will clap Kara's fat ass cheeks while that black cuck Jimmy is crying in the corner.
>goes outside
>sees grass everywhere
>huh fake bullshit
>these statics that get their data from this specific source says otherwise
it goes to show that retards like to throw around statistics
Ugly as fuck
Fat legs on that supergirl. It's not a complain.
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Nice thread Mawscucks
>AI image
Holy shit fuck that noise
After seeing this thread, I don't think you won.
Yeah I think we did.

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