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>be a Kazakhstani
>finally found a normal looking cartoon from Kazakhstan
>this is a stylistic copy of the Australian kid's show bluey
>sponsored with American money
>the artist is a russian woman
humilation ritual
At least it's not as embarrassing as being a half-jewish/half-arabic series like Masameer. (Although, it IS a very great series.)
i'd fuck the blue one
I like the green one. He's a boy, right?
Wait, he's a green pup with one floppy ear scared to go in the water. This isn't Bluey, it's Paw Patrol
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BTW, do yourself a favor and never watch the English dub of Masameer County. The voice acting is HORRIBLE.
They were cute in the pilot but they ruined it for the actual episodes and made them all fat
What excuses do Kazakhs have for not making good cartoons? They already have Asian Jeans
Well at least having a tiny shitty animation industry means you can probably get a job without your uncle owning the animation studio, unlike any more developed country
nuh, they look just fine. Maybe some animation problems
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>unlike any more developed country
why? I thought developed guys produce more shit
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Their industries have matured and closed their doors to all outsiders and youngsters without connections
I've heard they outsource their shit to people from Japan to India. Aren't they?
>They already have Asian Jeans
Have what?
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This feels creepy and furry pedo ish
I really wish these were human designs, furfags ruin everything
I feel for you. But then again, Kazakhstan is a very new country, perhaps it will have more specifically "written and produced by the people" works within the next 100 years.
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Why do you see creepiness in everything
Thanks for giving us new fapbait, /op/.
Did 4chan Anon make the show?
creepy dudes will make anything creepy
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>pilot episode is a beach episode

Uuummm are the creators fucking GENIUSES???
>this is a stylistic copy of the Australian kid's show bluey
But it’s actually cute and appealing instead of being hideous and grossly overrated.
Oh, it gets worse. Eventually you stop producing native content entirely and just let America fill your kids' heads with nonsense directly.
At least you still have the best potassium in the world
start your own animation studio kazakhbro and make central asian kino
Well, the director is kazakh and as far I didn't notice any Jewish propaganda in this series
You'll let some random post on this Mongolian basket weaving forum dictate what a show is to you? Grow a spine.
Why you think bluey is overrated?
Are you the guy that posted on /int/ how your parents called the police on you because they thought you killed someone because they found your 'love doll' of a male torso under your bed?
>Are you the guy that posted on /int/ how your parents called the police on you because they thought you killed someone because they found your 'love doll' of a male torso under your bed
Stfu, it's just corroborating evidence to what I already stated to be true you snivelling faggot who thinks he's alpha because of his pathetic jewy gaslighting tactics
>>this is a stylistic copy of the Australian kid's show bluey
You sure? It looks more like one of those failed Cartoon Network pilots from a few years back to me.
Somehow the designs remind me of Hi Hi Puffy Amiyumi
The first kazah cartoon was made in the 60s.
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Because people lack beaches in Kazakhstan
Is that good?
>be a Kazakhstani
Why? Why not be an American?
>finally found a normal looking cartoon from Kazakhstan
Your pic doesn't look "normal" though.
>sponsored with American money
>the artist is a russian woman
Maybe it has something to do with a) Kazakhstan being poor and b) the most creative people there being ethnic Russians, Koreans and Germans because most Kazakhs still live in rural areas?
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Hello, ivan
How did you knew my name???
Tengri magic
Blue or orange?
I don't see anything similar
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Recent episode
Very nice.
The one I was thinking of most was "Trick Moon," and the biggest problem with that one was the writing of the pilot. Looks cute, tho.
>finally found a normal looking cartoon from Kazakhstan
what are the weird looking ones?
The one made during the soviet period, like worker and parasite
this is a pedo show?
You know the drill.
>ethnic Russians
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this is a pedo show?
how did you find this picture of me?
looks like a smiling friends character
i can work with this
Well........... it finally happened.
Finally a show that actually looks like art people intentionally consume.
That can't be a comfortable existence.
This but unironically, how hard is it for studios to greenlight shit that's actually cute?
can you translate it?
Just use the auto translator
Note to self; people will watch your cartoon if it has cunny in it.
Official channel has English subtitles
Wish Myrkott put as much effort into their English subs, Netflix was the only way I could truly understand Masameer.
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The fuck is this, Hamood Habibi?
are the moms hot
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It was made by two women
This show looks cute. What it's name?
More like Kunnyshikter
Thank, are there any english subs for it or not?
Asian jeans
gimmie more refs
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All episodes on yt have them
yeah this is going to the /trash/ drawfag thread
bro! yes.
I'm not a footfag, but I am a cutefag.
no tail?
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So, pawfag.
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Yep. Any drawings with her?
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here you go
You drew it yourself?
If water, then is looks like shit.

Who are we kitten. If cum, looks amazing.
Jesus at least watch a few episode before you started this
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Did you watch episodes?
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I already watch a few episodes. They're not that long.
Russian Playkids
So they're all siblings? Tima is the youngest supposedly, but who is older Lala or Sulu?
Nice. Thanks, anon. There's two drawings now. Might draw her too this evening
>All episodes on yt have them
I just looked up the pilot episode and it didn't
this is not a real episode. It's pilot
Right, the only captions available are in Russian.
>Autotransplantation doesn't exist
... you fucking with me?
spider-verse ahh animation
You have to be 18 to post here
I think lala is older than sulu
I won't be convinced it's made out of horse hair if it isn't purple.
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Nice find, actual quality.
How does this obscure shit have fanart
It's got cunny, which is why Masameer has basically nothing.
They are smooth
How they ruin things?
you aren't beating the pedo allegations anon
This is adorable
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The Jews just keep on humiliating you poor people
It's a shame really any Kazak person I met was always kind unlike the ones who mock you. Be the change you want to see creative man
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If I was this man, I'd get a high paying job, get enough money to get plastic surgery. Get THE most chiseled jawline. Then go to every sperm bank I could. Fuck everyone up with my genes.
Did you draw it?
Looks like that CN pilot I forgot the name
Trick moon
yeah i thought the same
>be a Kazakhstani
>finally found a normal looking cartoon from Kazakhstan
>this is a stylistic copy of the Australian kid's show bluey
>sponsored with American money
>the artist is a russian woman
humilation ritual
Jews always have to leech off others cause that's how parasitism works. Jews aren't cells who produce.
Hope le jews give us more cartoons like this then
Hm, I remember the artstyle but can't figure out who is that
Why does she dress like this
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These are cute
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(John) Locke and Kiff (Kaff)
I concur, the blue looks sexy as heck
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>the way she sits
Also thank god the girls aren't wearing black shorts, it's just that stupid pitch black leg shadow thing Gumball did in early seasons
When did Kazakhs become Jewish?
You see, if you don't like someone, they must be jewish. That's how facts and logic work.
She asserts dominance
Well, you are Jewish aren't you?
You probably hate me, so I must be.
shut up about jews and gangbang the mom already
he took the Khazar origin thing too seriously
Jesus, the creators of this show really weren't being subtle with the porn bait.
I doubt women will maek a pornbait intentionally
Women also a prone to lying.
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People like you are why studios make everything intentionally ugly now.
In a sane world, he wouldn't have to resort to fapping to toddler cartoons.
What no sex does to a mf
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Is this a blackface
I cant blame you for identifying what sick degenerates have made public theyre attracted to, but I cant help but call you a sick degenerate for noticing.
Pic extremely related. I hate this corrupt era.
she wears that to orgies doesn't she
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Here she is. Didn't have time yesterday
Their dad's boss is a cat though
Does she wear it for him?
Poor milf, watermelon cowtits can be such a pain.
Are you from Kazakhstan?
nice work man
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Yhey are closer to Ukrainians really. Got hit hard by Famines and various ethnic cleansings and got settled by russians.
But Khazaks did now Fumble their political change. (Especially since the guy who was in charge during the communist times kept beeing in charge for the next 30 years. Only to replace it with an succesor whom he propted. (Furniture critics call him). Albo considering demograpy of Khazahstan and where what population lives. You can expect a Russian "intervention" in the next...20 to 30 years.
Kazakhstan, greatest country in the world
All other countries are run by little girls
Kazakhstan, number one exporter of potassium
All other countries have inferior potassium

Kazakhstan, home of Tinshein swimming pool
It's length thirty meter, width six meter
Filtration system a marvel to behold
It remove 80% of human solid waste

Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, you very nice place
From plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown
Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan
They very nosey people, with bone in their brain

Kazakhstan, industry best in world
We invented toffee and trouser belt
Kazakhstan's prostitutes, cleanest in the region
Except of course for Turkmenistan's

Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, you very nice place
From plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown
Come grasp mighty penis of our leader
From junction with the testes to tip of its face!
thought you are called Kazakh, as in cossack?
terpi huesos
Well, actually Russian woman was the lead animator only on pilot, the rest was made by that studio and its people

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