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546 KB PNG
>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in:

Previous thread: >>144283806
File: Adventure Time Nostalgia.jpg (208 KB, 1094x1315)
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Requesting a redraw of this scene from Fionna and Cake, but with Marceline with her pants off instead.
File: yacht club pacifica.png (1.6 MB, 1524x1212)
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Requesting Pacifica dressed up to go yachting.
Preferably with a less stylish Dipper accompanying her, but you don't have to have him if you don't want.
File: tin.jpg (371 KB, 1384x1084)
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Requesting Tina like the right ref.
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Requesting Keenie embarrassed to be only wearing a slip/chemise.
File: Tarzan Request.png (1.82 MB, 1616x1096)
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In honor of the 25th anniversary of Disney's Tarzan, requesting Tarzan, John Clayton (Tarzan's human dad), Clayton, and Professor Porter all wearing identical brown loincloth in a jungle setting, in a full body draw. Please keep it SFW and NO TROLLING.
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Requesting Robotnik holding a Gigantic Asses magazine.

Even better if the ass on the cover is Robotnik's.
File: the rookie drunk.png (3.36 MB, 1765x2006)
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Requesting The Rookie sitting drunk at a bar.
Going for a "she thinks she looks jaded and world-weary, but she's still cute" feel.
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Requesting Miguel O'Hara having trouble sitting after being broken by Gwen Stacy's BWC.
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requesting /co/ moms wearing this shirt and being slutty
File: Huntress Wizard Fionna.jpg (306 KB, 2560x760)
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Requesting Huntress Wizard pinching Fionna's plump belly and giving her a judgmental glare.
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Requesting Dale in the grave
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Requesting remakes of these covers
Requesting Andi from Enceladus V rocking the shirtless jacket look.
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with your obsession over 2003 TMNT, huh?
Requesting this with characters of your choice
Look man, if you have like no imagination or inherently creative ideas don't just post a random image you found on google and slap a 'durrrr requesting it with character of your choice'. Not only does it look like you have 0 ideas, but its a waste of images since retards without reading comprehension will make equally soulless and brainlet suggestions
File: otgw summercamp.png (3.28 MB, 2000x2000)
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Requesting Wirt, Sara, and Beatrice from OTGW, at Summer Camp, in camp uniforms
File: numbuh 5 laying around.png (2.11 MB, 1320x1666)
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Requesting Numbah 5, like this.
File: Untitled-1.jpg (397 KB, 2065x1500)
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Requesting Caitlyn from Arcane dressed as the right pic.
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requesting a what if scenario of where mrs brisby was a much larger feral/wild rat instead of a field mouse that jonathan met and uplifted after escaping nimh and rat brisby is aggressively flirting at/cornering poor little mousey jonathan
>plump belly
What do you see that I don't
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Requesting Ezeckiel Zick Barrymore from Monster Allergy cosplaying as post time-skip Zoro withouth his upper dress and wearing the bandana with his right eye closed doing the three sword style (with the respective swords in the reference).
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Requesting Zai Mamery from Monster Allergy cosplaying as Samurai Jack, sword included
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Requesting this comic but with Wally Machaby and Terrence Thaur from Monster Allergy
File: req1.png (1.81 MB, 1428x1176)
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request franny (left) wearing same outfit as warrior(right) bonus points of you keep the same poses as right side
thank you in advance
Requesting Princess Bubblegum turning into a mermaid after drinking the ring potion, having her clothes ripped in the process
File: 191219201901931093.png (2.82 MB, 2592x1745)
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Requesting Galaxy posed like the rightmost pic.
Requesting this image but its Khaine and baby Mayday whos webbed to the wall instead of taped.
File: Goblin Queen Sam.png (850 KB, 1227x700)
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Requesting Goblin Queen Sam.
File: save.png (84 KB, 800x600)
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Not even a drawfag but here you go, 10 million hours on MS paint
File: gi joe us bikini.jpg (683 KB, 1340x712)
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With the July 4th coming up. Requesting Scarlett and Lady Jaye from G.I. Joe in American flag bikini
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requesting cat fight
File: Gabi Hernandez.png (3.51 MB, 2409x1575)
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Requesting aged up Gabi Hernandez (Vivo) wearing this outfit and doing the same pose from the right pic.
File: IMG_6183.png (3.07 MB, 1285x1920)
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Requesting Dylan kissed Frankie in a romantic mood, as Mac is crying in the background and Bloo being angry with a red angry face. And in color please.
Kek saved
File: IMG_7958.png (345 KB, 640x480)
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Patches and Tattoo from El Tigre.
File: IMG_7601.png (1.37 MB, 540x1334)
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Requesting a recreation of the painting of the Creation of Adam with Johnny Bravon as Adam and Mary the red hair girl on the right while she touch Johnny’s Hand. Along side of Mary is Jungle Boy, the little pigtail blonde girl, little Suzy and Carl
File: Sleep-o.png (980 KB, 1393x913)
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Requesting G-Lo sleeping in a silly pose wearing pajamas
File: Summertime request.png (1.42 MB, 1550x956)
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Request this version of Wonder Woman lounging in a deck chair enjoying a drink while a huge monster invades the city in the background
File: delgado family.png (1.98 MB, 1438x1175)
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Requesting Panda Degado hugging her uncle Hoss Delgado.
File: download (12).png (2.63 MB, 1500x1374)
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Requesting Slave Stephanie Brown chained to Cluemaster from The Batman (2004).
File: Ladybug_X_The_Tick.png (1.26 MB, 1690x945)
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Requesting ladybug and the tick as in the image on the left.
File: 4th of July lamb req.jpg (247 KB, 1542x1021)
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Requesting Leggy, Peggy, and Barbara in this 4th of July outfit
>POV: You're a Janny eating popcorn and doing nothing to stop this
File: Mini.jpg (1.52 MB, 873x1634)
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1.52 MB JPG
Character birthday request here.

/r/ing the modern version of Minerva from the Wicked and the Divine (top) being born fully formed from the earth in England on July 31 2013 (middle) like her Cretan version (bottom).
File: nocedabods.jpg (657 KB, 1120x2400)
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Requesting Luz and Camila Noceda doing the bikini pose from the bottom picture
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Requesting Odd Della Robia from code lyoko with feet for hands struggling to hold and play his handheld game.
Feel free to take creative liberties.
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Requesting Katana from the Suicide Squad Isekai having breast envy of comic book Katana.
File: Satinaphobia.png (563 KB, 1236x698)
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Requesting Sakuri from Demonophobia (Guro game) being scared of Satina or having a picnic with her in hell
File: RIP Charles Deetz.png (1.6 MB, 1617x1143)
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Requesting an animated version of the bellow image. Wednesday, as I imagine with the rest of her family, would be acting as if she's attending a wedding.
Any Summer Smith requests?
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Requesting a New Team Titans or New Outsiders roster featuring these characters.
File: Eddy Lee Kanker.jpg (708 KB, 1719x1820)
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Requesting Eddy hugging and grabbing Lee Kanker's pawg
File: take it off.jpg (1008 KB, 2286x1080)
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Requesting Mrs. Boonchuy getting undressed by Sasha and Marcy
File: BatMai.jpg (161 KB, 1024x755)
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Requesting Mai (Avatar) as Batman
Feel free to be creative, and can stick to as true to text or radically different as you see fit. Really as long as it's a Batman suit and Mai beneath the cowl, feel free to go wild
Also for bonus points, I'd also like to see Mai's equivalent of the Bruce Wayne persona
Draw her wearing this
File: Dev Ken.jpg (511 KB, 2330x1063)
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Requesting Devlin Levin and Ken Tennyson aged up and lean muscular
File: Looking.jpg (736 KB, 1936x1913)
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Requesting Ron Stoppable on date with Kim Possible getting distracted by thicc Bonnie Rockwaller
Her as a belly dancer
File: request19.png (870 KB, 1440x1080)
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requesting Lila from Polly Pocket: Lunar Eclipse in her swimsuit and being nudged (maybe have the dolphin lick her like it's a puppy dog?) by a dolphin like Flipper nudging Maya Graham in The New Adventures of Flipper
File: Korra Black and White.jpg (232 KB, 1634x1059)
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Requesting the image on the right reimagined with Korra.
Requesting the bottom pic redrawn with Yang in Sasuke's arms.
won't be able to do this one, but I'll bump it. wish I could.
File: coolio or idc.png (369 KB, 408x528)
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There, I am finished.
The text is really hard to read.
File: coolio or idc something.png (2.61 MB, 1275x1650)
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2.61 MB PNG
there maybe this one is higher quality??
Definitely better.
File: kpcosplayreq.jpg (1.82 MB, 2538x5943)
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Requesting Faye Bell from the web comic Contained cosplaying as Kitty Pryde from X-Men/Marvel.
getting restrained and fucked by tentacles
File: Spider-Man group selfie.jpg (2.47 MB, 3187x6188)
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Requesting a selfie like the bottom picture with Spider-Boy and Peni Parker but Spider-Man Noir is standing behind them.
Requesting Mimi (also known as Her) from the webcomic Grim Tales drawn in the style of PPG. Please not as a powerpuff by the way. I have added HIM from the show to give a good idea to model it after.
File: mf doom.png (108 KB, 332x248)
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Draw Toph because she's pretty
File: Fadlfu2.jpg (256 KB, 828x1264)
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Requesting Ava Ire from Ava's Demon clinging to a waking anon (or Odin from the same series), butt naked and wanting him to stay
Very cute Tina.
Thank you, you have a very interesting artstyle.
File: 1701300396030976.png (1.33 MB, 1384x658)
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Requesting "The Lovers" (the image on the left) with Kitty Softpaws, Puss in Boots and Perrito
File: DnD CARTOONS.png (3.32 MB, 2374x2091)
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3.32 MB PNG
Requesting Jack (samurai), Courage (rogue), Johnny (bard), Gwen (wizard) and Buttercup (barbarian) eating in the dungeon.
File: whatchareadin.jpg (717 KB, 1503x1743)
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Requesting Luz and Amity with the same outfits on the left sitting around a younger anon wearing a Hexside uniform and reading an Azura book
File: bunbun.png (282 KB, 1185x431)
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Requesting Angel Zaggy as a Terriermon-X Antibody
Remeber when everyone thought she was going to be this THICC MILF with a dozen kids...
And she ended up being a disturbingly flat bishie looking critter who might as well have adopted her kids and been a full on lesbo.
File: fpentr.jpg (886 KB, 5000x4500)
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requesting to draw Abbie getting NTR'd by Miss Circle and the same thing for Lana and the KitaKat guy as well
File: Casey X Carlota.png (3.68 MB, 3085x1873)
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Requesting Casey Calderon and Carlota Casagrande sharing a passionate kiss at the beach.
No, I didn't make it that far.
this is funnier than the original
File: Fashion Rulk.jpg (283 KB, 1456x1717)
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Requesting the bottom image but with Fashion Warrior Betty becoming the Red She-Hulk
Requesting Livewire firing off a corrupted version of Baou Zakeruga

File: Racing Sisters.jpg (396 KB, 1920x2160)
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Requesting Speed Racer X or general late 90s to 2000s edgy anime style remake versions of Penelope and Pandora


File: bubblesplash.png (821 KB, 1280x720)
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Requesting Bubble Man and Splash Woman holding hands and twirling like happy couple in underwater.
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Requesting this with two /co/ characters of your choice.
Korra was a mistake yeah
Requesting Velma and Marcie transforming into more "conventionally attractive" versions She-Hunk and She-Thing, similarly to the image on the right
This, the Vambre one, Luisa, and the hulk cover tells me that this requester anon is based.
File: Ben10req.png (1.65 MB, 2374x2833)
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Requesting Ben Tennyson transformed into either Goop, Upgrade, or an Anodite. And for these transformations to be specifically shaped like Ben.
So if it was Goop, Ben would basically become a slime boy, as an example.
File: 1719810942570863m.jpg (58 KB, 1024x517)
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Requesting humanised version of this scene
Wait, why did the old art booru get abandoned and replaced?
Because the code hadn't been updated in years, making it easy for a thread cop to vandalize it and nuke any deliveries he didn't think should have been drawn or uploaded to the booru.
A vandal had access to it and constantly deleted art from non-Drawthread threads or just from artists he didn't like.
Also the code was old and busted, this new booru is much better.
File: borrowed.jpg (640 KB, 1600x709)
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Requesting a recreation of the right image with Eda letting Camila borrow a similar dress from her
Anchoring for >>144157291
when the old booru was made, there were a few people who were able to register before registrations closed for new users. The creator disappeared and thus they never reopened for new users- however one asshole managed to get in on the ground floor and position themselves as an admin through a backdoor. So, they used this bit of power to lordover the booru and delete art and artists he got pissed at for minor reasons. Mainly it was art done for threads outside the drawthread that people would link here- and then it was artists on the drawthread that offended him(mainly for drawing for "spammers"- keep in mind artists here often have no clue who a spammer is and just stop by here to look at a thread)
It came to a fever pitch when the drawfriend who posts "hope this helps" for his deliveries(both in the drawthread and other threads) posted a delivery for a "spammer"- and the troll anon deleted like 8 years of deliveries of his from the booru. This was basically the last straw and convinced people to make the new booru, it had been discussed for a few months but this was the last push we needed.
Troll's been awfully quiet since.
File: 1690634879565.jpg (1.6 MB, 3972x1532)
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/r/ing Pre-Crisis Supergirl sitting at a booth like Don 'based' Rosa. With the sign saying something like;
>Sorry, I'm not "Power Girl". I'm Superman's actual cousin.
Power Girl can be replaced with 'Goo alien',' 'Angel/Human Hybrid' , 'bad CW show' or 'Genocidal Bubblebutt having destroyer of worlds' I actually like that Kara <3

Now this might fall into headcanon territory, but I always imagined Silver Age!Kara having some freckles
File: amity x boscha.jpg (1.09 MB, 1582x1923)
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Requesting Amity under a love potion effect hugging and kissing Boscha
File: datrsexo.png (1.71 MB, 1280x1280)
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Some Datr with picrel pose please:)
File: file.png (150 KB, 681x555)
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morning quik.
his only means of power he ever had over people was removed, he's probably in his shed killing/raping small animals as is new outlet.
File: 007 gwimbly.png (831 KB, 1456x580)
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Requesting a Gwimbly parody of the 007 Goldeneye boxart cover.
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Requesting Miles saving Felicia from The Salem Witch.
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Requesting this Mandy putting Hoss Delgado in a headlock with her thighs.
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Requesting the Eds being recruited by the KND after being impressed by one of their 2x4 scams the Eds built.
File: Susan Quinceañera.jpg (2.08 MB, 4492x5000)
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Requesting Ginormica wearing a puffy quinceañera dress of her own because of her movie's 15th Anniversary.
OR here, thank you, now I can sleep knowing what it looks like
Every goddamn thread since the 5th of April. At what point do you accept that your idea is shit and no one will draw it for free, you retarded autistic leech?
File: Cheerselfie.png (1.42 MB, 871x1189)
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1.42 MB

Requesting one of these cheerleaders from Kim Possible taking a selfie like the woman in the reference. (From top to bottom: Bonnie, Kim and Tara)

For some extra ideas; The girl is more confident the higher she is placed in the reference, so Bonnie looks very confident while Tara would be a blushing mess. Also a snapchat caption mentioning Cheer Practice just being done would be a nice bonus.
It's not like it's the sole thought in his mind, Anon. You go in, post, and go out. And this is nothing. There was a guy on /aco/ who requested a piece of art with Joss Possible for over 3 years.
File: Animaerica.png (2.38 MB, 1433x2049)
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2.38 MB PNG
Requesting Dot like this
File: rainbow penny.png (1.57 MB, 1417x1201)
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Requesting Penny Gadget dressed as Rainbow Mika.
File: Powerpuff fuzzy.png (1.54 MB, 1041x976)
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Requesting the Powerpuff Girls in Fuzzy Lumpkins' uniforms.
Yeah, not finishing this. The constant pestering wasn't the only reason but it sure didn't help.
File: frosta big smile.png (1.36 MB, 1683x1867)
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Requesting a panel redraw with Frosta.
You wouldn't let this good wip go to waste now, would you?
I never got incessant anchoring. Not like an artist forgets his work
File: 1717101699246566.jpg (484 KB, 1125x611)
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Requesting Wonder Woman wearing a "I really wish I wasn't here right now" button at a Transformers convention in her autograph booth.
>Not like an artist forgets his work
Yeah haha...
What a silly thing for ah artist to do haha...
Requesting quik colors.
File: maza reading material.png (2.01 MB, 1149x1845)
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Requesting Eliza Maza reading a copy of "Your Larger Partner And You".
nta, but I wouldn't really consider anchoring to be pestering. But do what you feel.
Anchoring isn't about reminding the artist to finish the delivery, it's about giving the artist a post to link the finished delivery to so the requester won't miss it in the torrent of other posts itt.
This should make the booru, better than most of the shitty edit deliveries
File: cheetahkid2.png (633 KB, 2452x3600)
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Requesting colors for this "kid Cheetah."
Ref: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/co/image/1663/08/1663086063946.jpg
Requesting a post-sex pic of Orko and Evil-Lyn similar to the pics on the left.
Optional: Show some of Orko's body, based on the version in the ref.
File: 10920191939139.png (2.2 MB, 1554x1125)
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2.2 MB PNG
Requesting Kathy taking a selfie.
File: lion_and_glimmer.png (1.42 MB, 1579x1647)
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Requesting Lion El'jonson kneeling before Queen Glimmer
File: Lulu's gonna.....jpg (81 KB, 1497x699)
81 KB
Requesting Lulu telling Arnie that she's gonna go fuck his cousin
It's more like "when you finish this, reply to this post".
File: oni gf kirika dress.png (3.62 MB, 1893x1893)
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Requesting Kirika from Oni GF in a dress similar to this.
File: gwens.png (1.85 MB, 1510x960)
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Requesting fusion.
I mean, you can say it's delusional to still expect the artist to finish the delivery after a month, but still, it's not really doing anything wrong, I don't think so at least.
Also, why do you fucking care so much? Complaining about inconsequential posts like that one is honestly worse than being delusional.
Requesting a short Lucy Mann "Excuse me while I change into something more comfortable" comic with her turning into her sludgepuppy form.
Optional: Ben is there.
NTA but maybe this guy wouldn't have spent a month innocently anchoring his request if you'd simply told him at the outset that you dislike request anchors?
some of you fags are way too comfortable trying to enforce rules that don't actually exist
File: trinity dogs.png (2.26 MB, 1179x1139)
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Requesting Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman as dalmatians in the 101 Dalmatian Street style
Requesting Kenny and Michael Jackson (in his decomposing state) on a swing set
Requesting Ima gaining the power of She-ra and becoming the most powerful secretary of the universe.
File: VillainyPoker.jpg (2.18 MB, 4000x3000)
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Requesting Villany Inc and Dr. Psycho playing poker based on the JoJo calendar.

Great news, no Laserbeak and Maxwell Lord present.
Shit I forgot Giganta there
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File: cap punching wall might.png (2.04 MB, 893x1478)
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Requesting Captain America punching Wall Might.
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Requesting Peridot fighting yellow diamond in a giant mech
Requesting the left pic with Maggie smoking the cigar/twirling the gun and Mrs Boobchuy dancing in a bikini.
File: wolfwalkers bible black.png (1.89 MB, 1633x1386)
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Requesting Robyn and Mebh in Bible Black uniforms.
Throw in him getting killed by The Joker, Homelander, Magneto or Omni Man.
Requesting Rankin Bass girls sitting in front of a fireplace
File: allie american.png (2.73 MB, 1308x1330)
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Requesting Allie in an American flag bikini, looking embarrassed and trying to cover up.
File: Roommates .jpg (341 KB, 2300x1790)
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Requesting Ben and Aang hanging out watching a sports game together with them cheering on for their team
Requesting Baskin Roberts' Lonely Trust Fund Band.
File: gi joe swimsuits.png (1.46 MB, 885x1167)
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Requesting a shot like this with Lady Jaye, Scarlett, and Cover Girl, in American flag swimsuits.
I do not find it plausible that you actually want this.
File: PegLegPete.jpg (1.74 MB, 3637x2524)
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Requesting classic Steamboat Willie era Peg Leg Pete, with Peg sitting on his lap
Bonus points for drawing Peg in a time-period appropriate art-style
from which series is she?
This is the content that keeps me coming back.
Requesting Human Desiree performing a belly dance for Anne, Sasha and Marcy.
Why are there still fags acting like they can't upload things themselves?
File: she-ra grillin.png (3.99 MB, 2153x1863)
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Requesting She-Ra grilling like this.
If possible, have her sword shape-shifted into a spatula or tongs.
Oh god Lady Jaye
Have my children...
File: cavemanfaceoff.png (1.16 MB, 2090x802)
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Requesting Spear and Dexter Caveman facing off in Unga Bunga.

File: goddess anne showing off.jpg (1.26 MB, 2096x1400)
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Requesting Goddess Anne showing off
This shit is what people mean with practically OC. Fuck you, manatee cuck
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Requesting a fight scene between Inque (Batman Beyond) and G-Lo (Villainous)
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Requesting fusion
Requesting Feral Chaos Eris/Eris as a Feral Chaos gijinka.
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Requesting Angel touching April like this
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Requesting Moltar "dressed" as Fred Flintstone while carrying Fred's club. Why you may ask? Because this stupid just popped into my just now.
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Requesting Molly Hayes in a 4th of July version of her superhero outfit.
Shifting Desires. It's dogshit, but these days you take the good designs where you can.
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Requesting Panda Delgado in an American flag bikini taking a big bite out of a hamburger, spilling some onto her tits.
File: XalaDVD.jpg (20 KB, 214x300)
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Requesting this poster but with Tom Dubois( the boondocks)and his wife.-
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601 KB PNG
Hope this helps.
File: weekend at pandas.png (2.63 MB, 1591x1050)
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Requesting Panda Delgado, clearly dead, having her corpse get posed and manipulated with puppet strings.
Going for blue-board comedy not anything extreme, obviously.
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Requesting Elsa and Lute dueting Defying Gravity at a karaoke bar.
Alright then, I just like to keep a post around so there is something to reply without having to look through the archives to find the original post. I'll stop from posting it again but still the request is still there for anyone who feels interested.
Requesting Gordon humping older Human Kimberly's leg
Hell of a way to spin things. We really have bred for entitlement around here.
Thank you, anon. You did a cute job on her.
File: Raven Gwen Tennyson.jpg (1.77 MB, 4657x2437)
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Requesting Raven and Gwen Tennyson in American bikinis holding a US flag
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Requesting older Dennis holding Winnie's leash (Hotel Transylvania)
File: misty luggins nina cortex.jpg (1.02 MB, 2168x1437)
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Requesting Misty Luggins arresting Nina.
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Requesting Sidney getting to the wrong party
That came out very cute man, thank you.
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Requesting Superman vs Miracleman
File: I GAVE THEM THE CHAIR!.jpg (1.09 MB, 2861x937)
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Requesting The Sneed Bros. attending Trump's trial as vengeful spirits.
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Requesting the right two pics with Leah, Wilhamena and Oum
"Sidney" (or Sydney) is a character from 2003 TMNT, a homeless person who at some point in the past was kidnapped by the Foot Clan and experimented on by their scientists, who turned her into a monstrous bug mutant. After an unlikely series of events she was turned back into a human. A homeless not-very-attractive human woman who'd spent several years as a bug-person.

The requester is asking to have her drawn as the hot woman that pops naked out of a cake, but doing it at the wrong party.
Misty Luggins is a police officer that tries to apprehend the eponymous "Bad Guys" in the movie of that name. The "Bad Guys" are anthropomorphic animal criminals that over the course of the movie reform, which apparently delights Luggins, a minor character that's good-natured hero-type who believes in the law. In this setting there are normal animals but also unexplained random anthropomorphic animal people who live essentially as normal people (with some facing some guilt-by-association prejudice because people expect them to display similar "bad" traits as their normal-animal counterparts).
Nina Cortex is a minor character in the Crash Bandicoot games. She is a child prodigy mad scientist schoolgirl who works for her Uncle, Dr. Neo Cortex, a mad scientist that turns normal animals into anthropomorphic animal-people as part of his vague plans to seize power. Her uncle disapproved of Nina being somewhat kind-hearted when she was younger and replaced her hands with giant cybernetic ones to cut her off from the world and make her as mean and cruel as him.
There is presumably a reason why Luggins would arrest Nina, as in the request.
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Requesting Mona in a bathing suit having a popsicle in this hot weather.
Billy, you son of a bitch, you did it again
Billy showing his power level in this thread, what a fucking flex
File: Melon.jpg (592 KB, 4530x1130)
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Requesting Eva crushing a watermelon between her thighs, preferably in a bikini
File: Reference 1.png (642 KB, 781x477)
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Requesting Punished Beast Boy telling a confused/concerned Terra that 'Dr. Hate made me go NUCLEAR!!!' reference for 'punished' look is included.
I can give this a go later.
How long have you guys kept this ironic joke?
Excuse me? What the fuck did you just say to me?
The only ironic joke around here... is you.
Billy takes a steaming shit on your whole fucking life.
So rethink it.
File: Unknown.jpg (231 KB, 928x640)
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Cyborg Superman drawn in the style of this Cowboy Henk
the title is: Cyborg Hank
Other anons might be going for irony (okay, there's no "might" about it). I genuinely love seeing the threads as a place for everyone to just have fun drawing comics/cartoons and learning how to draw.
File: 1092012912191830.png (2 MB, 2040x1294)
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Requesting Blue Power punching through a wall.
Thanks, Peter Griffin
can I request non /co/ stuff to be made, or is that not allowed
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Requesting a non-ai slop version of these two, the stars of /co/'s cartoon
That is not allowed and I can't imagine why you even ask.
requesting your favorite /co/ girl wearing this
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This is fucking weird. Kindly complete a summary of every requet please. I don't know all the shows and characters.
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requesting Nut dressed as Tsukino
anyone got a request regarding smiling friends’ Zoey? I’ll do the 1st one i see
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Requesting Luisa from Encanto wearing She-hulk suit.
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someone else can take the second part
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Requesting Zoey playing basketball in a sports bra and gymshorts.
Optional but I'm hopeful: Charlie trying to keep up with her, probably not very well. Dude's not in shape.
Wearing a pretty princess dress :)
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Requesting Peridot using a computer to post on 4chan
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request colors pretty please
File: Carnage ref.png (2.33 MB, 1170x1095)
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Requesting a Carnage redesign based on the following references to make something cool/new
>Glowing "heat/fire" in his chest and eyes from Ultimate Carnage
>Skeletal frame like Spider-Man Unlimited Carnage
>A chest logo based off Spider-Man 2's Flame cult
File: robotnik ass.jpg (141 KB, 1024x768)
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Got it done, hope you like.
File: Council of Men request.jpg (584 KB, 1808x1620)
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Requesting the Council of Men meme but with all these various DC Men:
>Metamorpho the Element Man
>Elongated Man
>Firestorm the Nuclear Man
>Negative Man
>Plastic Man
>Animal Man
File: Snake Hunt.jpg (3.19 MB, 2005x1500)
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Requesting Conan and Jiraiya teaming up to kick some sorry snake tail.
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Someone started on it a long time ago but requesting the Legion of Dooms company picnic.
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Requesting the top pic with Frankie freaking out as Imaginary Frankie presses her boobs against the window as she waves to her. Change her t-shirt into a tank top but keep her jacket on
File: pearled connie dance.png (2.92 MB, 1610x2057)
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Requesting Connie turned into a Pearl and happily dancing similar to this.
Manateeanon's Sydney request spoke to me in a way the others don't. It was just so fucking stupid I wanted to share with everyone that doesn't know the character how fucking stupid it was.
You know, I really want to highlight how well balanced the Legion of Doom was. Okay, Superman had four of his villains there, and Aquaman had just the one, but beyond that? Two Batman villains, two Wonder Woman villains, two Green Lantern villains, and two Flash villains. That's some pretty solid fair play.
Not OR, but nice
I'm not familiar with this character, but this is cute art. Good job.
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Requesting Adam in the Netherworld waiting room.
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Can someone draw R0-GR doing the "Surfin Summer" meme in the middle of Order 66?
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Requesting thicc Timantha Turner wearing her mom's tight swimsuit
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Requesting Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman & Killer Frost as Sailors Moon, Mars & Mercury.
File: hordak and entrapta.png (2.18 MB, 1901x2000)
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Requesting this with Hordak and Entrapta.
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Requesting Frankie Foster wearing a USA bikini grilling and getting spanked by Bloo
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Requesting this Gravity Falls scene in the top right but with Jinx and Silco replacing Mabel and Stan. Also, replace the firework with Jinx’s Fishbones.
File: boy nips.jpg (519 KB, 3070x1920)
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Requesting femboy Double Trouble in a bikini flashing his nips like the girl on the right. Have him sticking out his tongue and winking at us.
File: Gurlz outfits idk dude.png (1.35 MB, 1755x1276)
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idk just a funny idea that came to mind
Looooooool! Thx the kek drawfren. Also your drawing looks like it came straight from the show
File: annoyed peg.png (1.2 MB, 1547x800)
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Requesting the left reaction meme done with Peg Pete.
Requesting a Mobian J Jonah Jameson yelling at Sonic "I need pictures! Pictures of gigantic asses!"
File: nick judy beach police.png (3.74 MB, 2298x1550)
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Requesting Nick and Judy as beach cops.
>What's the point of using fanart as reference if it's fairly removed from how the character looks? At this point you just want an OC.

Catching up on the last thread, just seeing this now. I'd argue that you're being pretty dismissive of every part of a cartoon/comic aside from the art style. You can like a show, like a character, and even like elements of the character design, without liking the overall art style. In fact these days I suspect that a lot of /co/mrades don't like the dominant art styles and just put up with them because we don't have a say in the matter... except when requesting art.
Draw Cassandra Cain in whichever way you want, the cuter, the better.
File: Spoiler Image (3.37 MB, 3591x1740)
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Requesting the right pic with BW in her outfit from the left pic getting her belly button licked by Pacifica Northwest.
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Requesting Isabela Madrigal from Encanto bound and gagged with a cloth gag over her lower face like in the reference, fully clothed. You don’t have to add the flower designs to her dress if too meticulous.
Again with this pairing
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Requesting Otis and Bob just chilling.
File: MHP.jpg (484 KB, 900x1600)
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Hell yea. Fantastic delivery, not the OR but happy early 4th
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Requesting a KND version of this shot from the Gorillaz- Dare music video. With Numbuh 1 as Shaun Ryder's head, and Numbuh 3 as Noodle.
do you post anywhere?
Requesting otaku Chuckie with a collection of Reptar variant figures and/or parodies of ecchi or shonen girl figures.
yeah, @GrubberPix most of it is NSFW tho
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And here ya go!
What a bitch lel

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Requesting Lackadaisy but instead of the setting being the nineteen twenties, It's Cyberpunk
I need to follow the blog of the person who made this beautiful atmospheric sexy piece of art. Where do you post?
Requesting teen Peppermint Patty wearing American Flag pattern gym shorts and sports bra.
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Requesting Jackie the Texan Centaur from Monster Girl Academy, dressed up in a patriotic bikini and celebrating the 4th of July.
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Requesting PB reacting to Simon after he became human again.
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Requesting Toffee punching Star in the gut
Requesting the South Park girls hugging.
You are too nice, friend. I post on Instagram as aesthetic_derelict
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File: Cool ass leather jacket.jpg (630 KB, 2416x1587)
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Requesting the right image with Buffalo Wing from Long Gone Gulch.
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Requesting the Babysitter in a bikini
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Requesting the right image with an adult Peppermint Patty at the beach with a on model Snoopy wearing swim trunks and sunglasses, smiling and giving a thumbs up.
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I'm torn between "we're free" and "oh good, we're rewarding bad behavior."
I guess
File: 2 Double Honkers.jpg (1 MB, 3004x1807)
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Requesting a thicc voluptuous buxom Connie Benge with her clothing tight and skimpy. Draw those buttons holding on for dear life.
Her wearing the same crop top and shorts as Brittney https://x.com/PencilMoose/status/1803199654223372532

Minus The Boss' face though.
Requesting Molly Blyndeff doing a high kick.
I just want more art of her as Cammy Bison.
>Minus The Boss' face though.
Yeah, make it Charlie's face instead
File: mj gwen boob push.jpg (2.04 MB, 3000x1866)
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Requesting boob push
Not OR, but this is a fantastic drawing.
You drew Numbuh 3's ass so fat, crazy
Some stellar fucking deliveries here anons.
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Requesting Butterbean licking caviar
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Requesting Xavier recreating the cover of Meat Loaf's "Renegade Angel" album. For the chick on the cover it should be the blonde that Xavier meets in the very first episode that he thinks is his girlfriend.
OR here. Thanks, and I hope you will enjoy the show.
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Requesting young Elle from Up! as a Tinkerbell-style fairy, keeping some of her scruffy tomboy aesthetic.
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Requesting Saitama doing some training with Gogo, laconically commenting something like "hey, you're pretty good."
Preferably with some background element implying her attacks are ridiculously powerful.
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196 KB PNG
i had a wonderful, awful idea
File: Hailey Banks.png (2.06 MB, 2956x5066)
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Requesting Hailey Banks as a DJ.
OR here, I love it!
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Requesting young Morbidia and Witchy Simone as Umbra Witches
least autistic 4chan user
That doesn't look at all like the character. And why include Daffy Duck? Your delivery is retarded and I hope you die
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Requesting Gwen as the dancer in this scenario
Mean :<
Nobody deliver for any of these. 'Kay? 'Kay.
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Requesting some Stevidot art but with this Human Peridot design
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Requesting Mr. Horse sitting in a chair in the referenced pose
Just saw this now, Absolutely stellar!
Thank you so much for doing my request. I love it so much!
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Requesting G1 Soundwave as a triple-changer with his satellite mode from RotF and stealth bomber mode from Cybertron.
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a Late Delivery for anon, here ya go
OR is lucky as hell. Excellent work, drawfriend.
File: ahh shut up.png (43 KB, 1048x786)
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Holy shit now I feel kinda bad for making the OR give up and stop posting an archor each thread.
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Wanna made some chibi commission/request like that, got something?
Perhaps a chibi of Spider-Boy (Bailey Briggs)?
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Requesting a Ruby drawn like the right image as a thick shortstack enjoying a hamburger while wearing an American Flag Bikini.
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here you go
File: beer blondes and boobs.jpg (272 KB, 1419x926)
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Requesting the right pic with the Lifeguard from Lilo and Stitch. Give her tan lines from her one piece.
Thank you. She looks great
Are you same artist that did the sketch for that request?
File: Beast Girl.jpg (57 KB, 641x681)
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How about Beast Girl?
That was months ago. If anything it's a good illustration that constantly posting a WIP is pointless and just annoys others in the threads.
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Requesting Mrs Boobchuy wearing an American flag bikini "sucking" on a rocket pop like Pyra
Be interested in doing one on Harley Quinn from the new anime?
Lake please.
Requesting Shezow at the beach in an American flag bikini surrounded by guys trying to get him to put their weiners in his mouth
OR here, thank you!
Best delivery
She does need more love
File: Short-haired cutie gattai.jpg (418 KB, 3424x2695)
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Requesting short-hair/bowlcut (?) fusion
Honestly just put Velma in either of these other outfits and you’d get a solid delivery
I was planning on watching Secret of NIMH this week, might take this soonn
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Requesting any of the images on top, with Amanda Waller, Harley, and Cap Boomerang as the guy.
No bowlcuts there. Velma and Galatea have something more like assorted versions of bobs/bobbed hair.

honestly the basketball = space jam connection is what set me off
It would be funny if they ate the entire cast of Bob Squarepants.
Can you please catbox it? Imgur doesn't work for me
Anon, its not a delivery. Its a meme of Tommy Lee Jones.
Oh. Okay. I'm dissapointed now. Thank you for the information, anon.
OR here, I believed you gave up on this but I'm happy to see you finished it. I don't care about waiting, thanks a lot for the delivery.
It only annoys you
Requesting a redraw of this Smurfs movie poster in the original cuter Hannah-Barbera style.
>request from last October
Geezus and I thought I was lazy/too busy for requests
No worries and best of luck with your request.
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cute, thanks
File: behind her back.jpg (1.04 MB, 6006x1504)
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Requesting Kim showing off her American flag bikini not noticing that Bonnie is standing behind her in an even sluttier sling bikini making lewd hand gestures.
>people love seeing the same requests for months
See >>144339032
>>people love seeing the same requests for months
lol, nobody cares but you
Nigga learn to ignore posts you don't like, are you even an artist?
Thanks for the tentacle request, man. You still up to draw some more Summer?
kys shezowfag
File: Dream Team.png (1.11 MB, 2374x1858)
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I know I shouldn't post images outside of the original post, but I have a question.

Would it be too much to ask that the original drawing style of each character be preserved or would it be easier for artists to draw everyone in a single drawing style like in Fusionfall?
File: photocopying_butt.png (1.11 MB, 1754x1568)
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Requesting Fionna photocopying her butt.
Draw her in Jessica Rabbit's outfit, with her hair down, please.
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Requesting the right pic with Tricia Lange in American flag pasties.

Have her pose like this with her hair down while wearing the same outfit but with your favorite marvel character.
File: human independence day.jpg (547 KB, 2200x1300)
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Requesting a 4th of July beach party pic with the girls from The Owl House each wearing a different kind of American flag swimsuits
What do you mean by "wearing the same outfit but with your favorite marvel character"?
Like wearing the same bikini from the link and your choice of marvel character. Can be any character. I don’t have a preference.
But if it's a Marvel character, then it wouldn't be Summer, unless it's in a similar outfit themed after that character
Oh I see where I went wrong, I meant have her cosplay as a marvel character of your choice but with summer posing like in the photo. That’s what I meant by dress.
Her transforming into a mermaid
Seasonal requests are always bound to happen
the faggot hasn't been around long enough to know
File: KHAN FUSION.jpg (63 KB, 635x500)
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Requesting fusion
I give this love.

I See You're a Man of Culture As Well.

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Requesting Pidge dressed up as a hostess for an alien casino.
Optional: dialogue to show she's dressed up to work off a gambling debt.
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Requesting Hilda and Frida in something like this.
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Requesting Miss America from Coonskin covering her nude body with an America flag
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File: chipettes uso.png (3.29 MB, 1657x1680)
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Requesting the Chipettes as a USO act.
That's some good fuckin' tomboy.
>Requesting the Chipettes as a USO act.
A: Brilliant idea.
B: Jeanette is best girl.
it'd help if you put some refs of Kaine and Mayday there.
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Request Etrigan and Parappa the Rapper rapping
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Requesting Susan Long putting the American in American Dragon by wearing something like this.
I took some liberties, but I think I captured the general "wearing an American flag in a barely-sfw way" idea you were going for.
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> This peridot looks exactly like the autistic girl who my college who I used to have a crush on, but I never confessed to her and then she transferred and I never saw her again.
This time i'm really gonna do it.
I really don't see this one, sorry, it just looks like that Metal Slug thing cosplaying as Velma.
gotta agree, this is boring as heck.
It's pretty much that. I thought it was funny and did it.
Diminishing returns. The first one was funny because it was novel. Now it's just dumb.
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Requesting Ylva dressed like Ashei
(: i’m so glad you saw it
File: rogue car.jpg (507 KB, 1271x740)
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507 KB JPG
Requesting Rogue lifting a car.
File: IMG_3237.png (1.03 MB, 1024x768)
1.03 MB
1.03 MB PNG
Requesting this but with Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls
On it boss.
File: pacifica.png (710 KB, 1240x2204)
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710 KB PNG
Dis gon b gud
any smiling friends requests? there were some good ones a while ago
File: Request.png (655 KB, 1001x499)
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655 KB PNG
Requesting this meme with Gadget
I reckon that;s it
File: MrBoss.png (187 KB, 1025x2314)
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187 KB PNG
Mr. Boss doing standup.

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