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Kryptonians know about Photomatons, they know about Football but they don't what the fuck ice creams and hot-dogs are?
They must not do processed foods.
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>on Earth long enough to get human clothes at the very least
>sees long stretches of paved land with multiple vehicles passing through
>"I should stand here"
>Truck coming
>"I should fight this truck"

She can only ever be as smart as the writers anon, and the writers are fucking stupid.
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How the fuck Kal-El knows about Burgers then and why does he like them so much?
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krytos are healthy unlike burgers.
but when they came here,.they ove it
He grew up in Kansas.
I absolutely love her voice, what the fuck are you smokin?
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She was going to kill this truck driver. Thank God Jimmy saved him.
Good, Kara was right. Fuck Busses and Trucks. Take too much space on the road, don't see smaller cars and usually break your mirrors and generate Traffic Jams
I get your argument for trucks, but busses? Adequate public transit means less vehicles on the road. A bus takes three car lengths (really only two if the cars are properly spaced) but replaces sixty cars.
>that faggot ecologist propaganda Pic over and over again.
Bus drivers are the worst. They never respect yielding and priority rules just because they're public transport. Never apologize or are never heel accountable for ramming your car. Fuck them.

Also, go ahead, and use your bike for long distances (talking road trips above 300km). Car is King, always been, always will be. Or better yet, get your pregnant gf or wife to the hospital, seriously wounded friend or family to hospital, do you wait 5 or 10, even more... Extra minutes waiting for a bus or subway to come, when it can become crowded as fuck, you bike (good luck with carrying your preggo or wounded friend/family while riding a bike)... OR you take your own care and drive straight to your goal with no bullshit to prevent you from your goal?
>OR you take your own care and drive straight to your goal with no bullshit to prevent you from your goal?
>no bullshit
Sorry honey, you're really gonna have to hold that thing in because it's nut-to-butt traffic out here. I know you're having a bad day but there was a huge wreck on the interstate because we let anyone with a pulse drive and now we're stuck on an onramp with no way to turn around. Hospital's still twenty fucking miles away because our city's built around cars.
Okay, and Bus still get stuck in traffic anyway, at least in a car you can sit, and not being around obnoxious faggots.

Public transports suck
>public transport sucks in my shitty country that wasn't developed for public transport and where not enough people use public transport for public transport to not suck
Kara should have wiped us out. Fuck this retard species.
>Predominately using a bike or public transport for short, mostly city based movement, means you can't also have a car for long or more immediate transportation needs
Where there fuck did this retarded mindset even come from?
>Bus still get stuck in traffic anyway
Not in my country thirdie. They've got dedicated lanes.
So does mine faggot, doesn't mean Bus can't get jammed as well your retard. Transports suck and it's a fact. If you're a grown man and still rely on public transportation, you failed at life. It's a teenager, high schooler college thing.
It's a bad show
Maybe ice crean is an Earth thing that just doesn't happen on other planets.
You should work at CinemaSins
So does anyone have any ideas work in Kara in to that cover?
Stop sucking Ford's cock for one second
Conservatives. They need to feel persecuted, constantly, otherwise they begin to lose justification for their fascist policies. Every day, they need to feel like some FREEDOM is in danger of being taken away from them, or some COMMUNISM is going to be inflicted on them.
Why are you so emotionally invested into cars?
Where I did I mention Ford? When?
Better question is why aren't you? Beside car bills and fuel, having a car is freedom, brings you opportunities,you can socialize, go everywhere etc.
If you don't understand that and past 25, you're an immature retard.
>more threads about this coalburner
I can't wait until this bitch is old news
you will never be a woman
If the roads werent so congested with planet destroying cars, it would be no concern for an emergency service to get you to the hospital effeciently. Why is every "advantage" of car dependency always just a problem caused by car dependency?
You the one who is sucking goverment cock asking it to ban things you don't like, faggot!
Also, i drive Toyota, the white man car!

(((Woke))) socialists are obsessed with clean air, effecient public transit and city planning around humans not cars. This is not the AMERICAN WAY my daddy purchased for me. I am BUILT FORD TOUGH and I DEMAND to be in TRAFFIC ALL DAY
She was smart. She realized that the right way was TOTAL TRUCKOLD DEATH
>planet destroying cars
>besides car bills
>besides fuel
>besides traffic
>besides finding parking
>besides paying for parking
>besides garage fees
Even on an individual level they suck for cities. This isnt even going into how having car dependent cities replaces everything public and good in a city with fucking parking lots.
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Carbrain cope
What the fuck are you talking about? Look go let one of those car things run you over. Youre not fit to live if the conservative propaganda has got you disbelieving your lying eyes over climate change. And all this because you were brainwashed at a young age with car commercials.
Thats going to severly impact my American freedom to be 400lbs and run over people who offend me
>called in by last remaining relative you didn't think you had
>he's nowhere to be found, so maybe something in the area is a threat to your kind
>see lots of weak people walking around
>sometimes, they walk on the raised path
>sometimes, they cross the lowered path between the raised path
>the big metal things always stop for them
>assume you are allowed to walk in the lowered path and that the big metal things will stop for you
>the biggest metal thing refuses to stop
>assume something like that is probably what made your cousin call for help
>assert dominance

I don't see why people act like "rules of the road" are intuitive enough to pick up immediately upon landing.

>but muh walk signs
Yeah, faded lights that are boxed in from certain angles TOTALLY give off an appearance of importance in a city full of brighter lights that aren't occluded from most directions.
>I don't see why people act like "rules of the road" are intuitive enough to pick up immediately upon landing.
They are so intuitive that everyone still gets them wrong all the time even after having taken a specific course to teach them how it works
See >>144335323, go ahead lemme see your answer you two wheeled scum.
>still needs a form of personal transportation to get anywhere
Try riding bike in a winter or when it rains
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humiliation ritual
her tech suit just picked an outfit that would blend in with the environment
At least in the states, the people who ride the few public busses are doing so for lack of choice.
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Now imagine if we put an engine into it
Literally both are bad. We cant have billionaires on private jets or cities that force people to drive private cars. What a stupid, stupid argument.
>Or better yet, get your pregnant gf or wife to the hospital, seriously wounded friend or family to hospital
If you lived in a first world developed country then you'd call an ambulance for free.
Except it is you who is stupid if you don't understand that the people who fly jet planes and people who want you to give up your car are the same people.Stupid nigger cattle!
they copied battle angel alita
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From KiEntertainer on Twitter
I dont care what they want lmfao, we cant have either. Stop being a baby, this isnt logical. Both need to be stopped.
Both of those are easy?
Fat retard spotted
Whenever I see something a Demonrat (((socialist))) wrote I just loudly sing the israeli national anthem until I stop thinking what they want me think, then I eat fast food in my All American Hyundai
Yep, ambulance that come in 20-30 minutes after your call. Retard.
Well to be fair, Krypton was a hyper advanced civilization, so it stands to reason that they'd know about inventions like photos, and they probably had a long enough history that football was a passing interest as a sport. Those two items only require thought to become real. Ice cream and hot dogs would require that certain animals exist on their planet from which to create those foods. If Krypton never evolved cows or pigs or similar creatures, then no amount of thought would have produced ice cream and hot dogs regardless of how advanced they were technologically.
Because they get stuck in traffic due to there being too many cars.
Unless its an emergency, most people opt to have the kid early or at least check in well before the date.
Which will still be less time than it takes for (You) to make it to the hospital because (You) don't have the luxury of putting on lights and sirens to force everyone out of the way, speeding and running through red lights, without cops pulling you over.
Why are you ignoring my first question?

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