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let's have a Reggie thread, missed but never forgotten
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I'll always love my wife Reggie
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Oh boy Reggie thread, I made some drawing of her.
This one with Susie
This one is with Lenore
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This one I made it at the start of the month
and finally this a recent one made.
Anyways, that's all so far, I have plans to draw a different take on cyborg!Reggie in the future (maybe after I'm done with cyborg!Susie).
Bye for now thread.
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I'm delighted to see you here, Regina is the flame on my lantern in this labyrinth we call life

I consider us Reggie's Twelve Disciples. or is it Apostles?
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Grow up, losers
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no, baka! :p
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Reggie is on her prime when she's 12
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> the doubt you never be her Kaji
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Y'know you can just, put it back, right? It's messy but not much more so than eating with your hands usually is.
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Reggie(suka) is the best thing since slice bread

Someone has to be the man to do it for her
Sockless Reggie is best Reggie
Its disappointing we didn't get a second season. Reggie could've got more character growth the last song at the end hinted Reggie was at odds with herself and that second island from out of nowhere
Reggie enjoys the beach in summertime.
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Would you take the offer?
Yeah, even tho I'm not a u.s. marine
Anything to keep her happy >w<
we need fan art of Reggie in with the marmaluke saber right now. Gunny Abbott go!
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why did you bring a fucking jelly doughnut out of her mess hall, anon? We are in a heaven of poopies!
Tell me, Reggiefags, why the fuck is there so much Reggieabuse out there? WTF is wrong with you?
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I was hungry Drill Instructor!
Where the hell is this abuse anon? It's probably the Koreans
reggie requests?
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Reggie(suka) ?
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I wouldn't mind doing some reggie requests! I haven't draw her in a really long time!
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Something with royalty with Reggie in full regalia would be nice :3
is this the show where the chick who was the show runner was into little boys.
Not relevant
You and the Evashitter fuck off
yeah it's a pedo show made by a literal pedophile
not a shotacon she was publicly blogging about creeping on an actual young boys she met in public
anon, she didn't meet him. she was hiding in the bushes at a reasonable viewing distance... but got fired for harassing her co-workers.
Yup! She was our Misato in retrospect
And drinking on the job correct me if im wrong
oh wow, love the design for this older reggie.
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Reggie in Gears of War cog or the savage locust armor.
This is a real problem, and not just for kids. Not for 1 level burgers maybe, but once it surpasses that, it's literally stressful trying to keep the thing from collapsing and leaking sauce everywhere when you're eating it.
>older reggie.
How's this one ?
Just a cute blushing Reggie would be swood
If there’s some extra context that comes to mind feel free to add it in
Shut up.
neat but too old.

i dont like her mom's design and this is too close for my taste. (genetics wise, its probably right.)
I love her hairstyle
Judy has nice pair as well, very maternal .
They weren't very generous with the rest of her animation tho
Agree to disagree
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Reggie should be armed, she's an at-risk demographic.
cute lil gremlin and very nice style. I like the green color on the second one. kinda looks like the green shades you'd see on the original Gameboy
never thought id see a winx club crossover
seconded. We need something that captures our fair queen's majesticness
Something I made for someone who wanted Reggie and butt witch meeting years after the show's end
If she’s gonna dress like that while packing a 6-shooter I’ll gladly buy her more bullets
Man, the summers sure are hot nowadays. Would have loved these as a kid, but somehow don't have the motivation to go as an adult. Anyone gone to a beach lately or is from a beach town maybe? How's the atmosphere? Here's the closest to a summer Reggie that I have.
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Hallelujah brother! :3
She's got my 12 gauge
Fired for being too based
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Yeah yea......
Literally thins. She was specifically into horny, dirty, smelly, hormonal teenage boys. And even then, she never acted on it, just slobbered at them from afar and was dumb enough to share her fantasies online.
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Made by hebe lovers for hebe lovers
>12 Forever is gone
>Jlullaby is gone
Sad, oh so very sad.
She probably has some hepaphilic tendencies, but she was fired and blacklisted because she sexually harassed her coworkers and would arrive to work drunk.
But she's hot, who was she harassing, gays and straight women? And what's wrong with drinking a it to help with creative work? What a bunch of assholes.
Anyone did any grilling on the 4th or the weekend? Wouldn't recommend doing it in a bikini though.
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I’d motorboat the top and bottom twin sacks and then go deep for that naval.

Then ask for onions on the burgers.
"[A]t-risk" of what?
Alphabet mafia

Summer time and the living is easy
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I actually have a pretty old drawing that fits these 2 requests.
Draw her with Demi-Fiend tattos
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>Evashitter fuck off
Jokes on you hombre~ Im the op of this here thread
Anyone is welcome tho, Reggie disciples stop by anytime
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You devil dog~
Have her cosplaying as W.I.T.C.H member.

Have her try on a one piece bathing suit but feeling embarrass while looking away.
I'm almost glad this will never get a S2 since it would be without Vickermann and thus slop
I miss the posting where she was so spergy it was contagious.

INB4 Reggie causes an autism pandemic
Reggie refusing to wear socks in her ballerinas any longer.
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I think that would look cute.
The white one that sleeveless is the one I really want to see
They'll be there for a while.
You don't think Reggie would expmenint with spaghetti style dresses?
Reggie is adorable and I want to marry her.
fuckin cuuute
a disciple follows and learns, an apostle goes out and spreads what he learned. so ideally both.
yeah but it's still a blow
what's crazy to me is the ketchup wasn't smeared as it slid out
they would have totally ruined it. crammed it fulla gay, put in more anachronistic modern bullshit...
they're non-toxic.. technically wax is a food..
>little boys
anon this is not some kindergartener with a lunchpail here, this is what she estimated to be a dude of 16 or so. maybe 14, same thing.
same. this is probably what she's doomed to look like
then again her dad is still thin. my sister kept dad's build, I got mom's.
It was normal to share that back then. everyone did it.
how bad could it be.. she doesn't even have a penis. what did her fingers hurt? then that's assault. if it didn't hurt, then enjoy it.
or, here's an idea, if a hand goes somewhere you don't like, ask them to stop. if they don't stop, or keep doing it, hit them. problem solved. we don't need to get the law involved in this shit
if you get threatened or whatever because they have the power to fire you, then... do like you would for any situation like that? like whistleblowers who get fired. that's not sexual at all.
>Oiling a latex suit.
What is the purpose?
>they would have totally ruined it. crammed it fulla gay, put in more anachronistic modern bullshit...
Damn! But hypothetically speaking how different would it have been if Julia or Kelsy had back control?

>a disciple follows and learns, an apostle goes out and spreads what he learned. so ideally both

Then that makes us apostles since we learned what's left about Reggie from the show

>Evangelical Reggie for the win
greased watermelon contest
except she's red on the outside green on the inside. backwards watermelon. that's a nolemretaw
honestly the only way it could work is to go back in time and get Julia when she was cool and hadn't been corrupted by hollywood yet. When she was releasing lewd images of herself for fun.
What a shame, I had in mind she would've had Reggie evolve at 14 slowly getting bw's habits & mannerisms without herself noticing while the trio, Todd & Esther drift apart from Reggie life
It's the next step to being a teenager, even Reggie can't be exempt from this phase.
getting habits and mannerisms of the butt witch
is a step of being a teenager
and not knowing it??
or do you mean friends drifting apart, because that doesn't have to happen either.
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>getting habits and mannerisms of the butt witch
>is a step of being a teenager
The first one
Reggie's going to grow up eventually and her time with Endless will end. I say buttwitch because she a manifesation of her insecurities,correct me if i'm wrong
But wouldn't notice she'd change cuz time goes by fast
i mean, "a manifestation of the things you're afraid of being" is a thing, but typically it doesn't mean that you're becoming those things.. just that you're afraid of it. in reggie's case, she's so ignorant of growing up, that she has this just vague understanding of puberty that manifests as a confused, ambiguous monster.
There's no reason to think that she's RIGHT to be afraid of those things.
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too late, anon
she's already my wife
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based reggie enjoyers
wish I could draw but for now i'm stuck with ai which isn't too bad but drawings are always better y'know ;-;
>Judy has nice pair as well, very maternal
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BW is the manifestation of Reggie's fear of growing up (like BW's biggest defining feature obviously stems from Reggie's fear that she will inherit her mom's huge ass) and repulsion towards aspects of adulthood, but also Reggie's knowledge that it's inevitable and she will have to. The first makes BW more of a warped, dark reflection of adulthood, twisted by Reggie's limited understanding of it and negative feelings toward it, than an actual representation of it, the latter makes her less of a villain, and more of a antihero who drags Reggie kicking and screaming out of her comfort place towards her own good. BW will win in the end, for Reggie's own good. Perhaps it won't be as much as BW forcing her point of view on Reggie as them naturally growing closer through Reggie growing up and also understanding adulthood better, making BW less scary and alien to her. Them becoming similar and perhaps friendly by the end.
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that reggie is so fucking hot bro I'm abt to bust holy shit
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Nah ah
hahahaha silly reggie
yeah my genes wish to combine with those and incubate inside there.
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reggie would def be the type of person to just pick it up and eat it even if it was on the floor she'd probably enjoy it more too lmao
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>posting AI-slop
She would eat at Nasty Burger.
Wait, that place closed in the 90s.
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uuoohh reggie-san leaking sauce everywhere shoving meat down her mouth uuoohh I can't take it anymore she needs correction >///<
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>crammed it fulla gay
>doesn’t know Conelly exists
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This should've been the plot for season 2
Reggie learns to accepted her changes while following close to BW this time around for advice

> I use Asuka her cuz the devil horns
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bruh she eats Greasy Pete's Trash Pizza ofc she'd eat at Nasty Burger xd
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tf you mean nah ah
there was nothing gay about that, you're a sicko if you think so
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i'm sry but it's all I can do i can't draw ;-;
lmao what if conelly's straight
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She's my wife lol
I can relate with you
I can help teach
of course she's fucking straight. the show takes place in fucking iowa in 2005 or 6.
she's just really cool and reggie feels funny around her because she's so cool. And reggie's never had anyone be nice to her before
every guy remembers a cool older guy who made him feel a little funny because why is this guy being nice to me, i'm just a kid. and it's because people are nice :>
The show specifically states that Reggie has a crush on her. I mean, obviously, we don’t know for sure if Conelly felt the same way, but it could go either way.
I get conelly was he Senpai
the fact that I exist means that reggie is at least bi
"The show" says nothing of the kind, stop being a faggot.
exactly. this fucker understands.
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>She's my wife lol
when a fella says something so stupid you gotta give'em that endless stare
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did u just :3 me
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I did ;3
It was on Netflix’s description of “Locked Out Forever”.
a lot of things are on netflix, anon. imagine the kinds of people they hire to write their episode descriptions.
now look at whom adult swim hires to write rick and morty episode descriptions. they are both terrible companies for different reasons.
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you motherfucker
yeah but it's netflix they make everything as gay as they possible can
do you really think if cartoon network initially picked this up that reggie or conelly would be gay?
According to the tranny showrunner, Reggie is queer. That mean she's open to guys
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>the show takes place in fucking iowa in 2005 or 6
that reminds me, does anyone know reggie's birthday? I tried figuring it out myself but I doubt I got it right
best I could figure out is somewhere in february but the first ep could've happened at any point in time but any ep after that is confirmed to happen around a 7 week period from around the spring break period
that's the showrunner. she is awful and does not count. awful woman. bad.
i don't think we were ever given any precision, just 'mid 2000s'
reggie's brother has his own vlog, which is pretty advanced for the time, so at least we know they have quite good internet service.
It was the showrunner's idea to turn Reggie into "queer" in the first place. If Vickerman wasn't removed from her own show, Reggie would have a harem of shotas
Would she?
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exactly my point
well they'd be cool older guys around 13-14.... with bad moustaches and their own fully finished graphic novels.
Then you don't deserve to say Reggie is your wife if you won't even pick up a pencil for her
Underdiscussed theory is that Shane (probably Tristan too) got cut from the series because somebody put 2 and 2 together and realized that Vickerman wanted to fuck/get fucked by him. Re-read the Tumblr post, his design is 1:1 with the kid she was stalking at the fair.

I like that you specified *more* anachronistic bullshit. A lot of the show's 80s theming already feels out of place given the ostensibly mid-aughts setting. Felt more appropriate in the pilot, but I couldn't tell you why.
I did? how do you think I know I can't draw XD
are u stupid?
Who would want a guy with a bad mustache?
>his design is 1:1 with the kid she was stalking at the fair
lmao no it isn't it's not even close
Then stop being a faggot and learn. She'd want that wouldn't she
I am, dipshit, but all i've got is a mouse
it takes a while sheesh >_<
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I think it probably was going that way. There's really no alternative. She can't stay 12 forever. It would probably end with her making peace with growing up and BW while realizing she can still keep some of her "childish" hobbies and be a kid at heart.
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it's the coolest dudebro at the beach
say smth nice about him :)
What kind of crappy excuse is that? Digital tablets are cheap as dirt. If you still can't afford one, get a pencil and some paper. Everyone has a camera in their phone, so you don't even need a scanner. GIMP is free if you don't want to pirate Photoshop. Then you just practice every day until you get good.
damn, I didn't know they were so cheap
but anyways even if I saved up for it I still wouldn't get far since I haven't much time but either way it still takes a while to get from nothing to decent so in the meantime ai's all i got
Pretty cheap. Got a couple as gifts for friends, around 25 for a nice one. Inspiroy h420x is a good starter tablet
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>while realizing she can still keep some of her "childish" hobbies and be a kid at heart.
It's about keeping the childhood magic alive
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lmao, your eyes are fucked now
>jabs fingers into your eyes and squishes it around
thx for teh advice breh
i'll save up :3
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>Shane is the guy she was crushing on, that's why they replaced him with a guy of equal attractiveness, not because he was white
quite possibly the dumbest thing i've read all day. great job.
>80s theming
not at all what i meant, obviously Reggie having been handed down stuff from her dad.
I meant that no kid was saying "heteronormative" in 2006. in iowa. her parents must have come straight out of berkley or something.
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that's what you get for claiming my wife lmao get fucked nerd
the kind of girl who grows up into an old woman who plants seeds knowing she will never sit under the tree's branches. Every good moustache was once a bad moustache, dagnabbit.

Also her dad has a moustache, so even a hint of one would immediately give her the fuzzy feelings.
you could not have worded that in a creepier way, damn
he's a righteous brotherrr that fights for justice
Reggie at the local horse gloryhole
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>I meant that no kid was saying "heteronormative" in 2006. in iowa. her parents must have come straight out of berkley or something.
that's cuz esther doesn't exist
she's a homunculus that crawled out of endless and burnt in the sun until someone came by and pissed on her as she was on the brink of death, she then grew into a human sized person and sought out other endless users in the hopes of getting back to endless, mimicking what she thinks humans sound like to get close to them, but when she was on the brink of death she lost her memories but still carries that instinct out
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just die already
reminder that you have been raised to think good is creepy, and creepy is good, by creeps who want to creep on you while making us good people look scary so you'll stay away.
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I live
oh hey it's Shane..
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It's uncanny as fuck

You think Anno would've been a Reggiefag?
I think he'd definitely identify with the hospital episode and how depressed she got. and also with the idea of Endless slowly sapping your memory. There's definitely some shit of his in there.
Endless being an angel makes sense, let say shinji is trapped in endless rather then Leliel's shadow dimension (episode16), he would lose his mind while the body decays
>this wonky drawing
i like that the glasses are as crooked as the eyes... and it feels good even professional quality shit has mistakes.
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I Reggie doomed to thickness with these genes?
i hope not. consider her dad.
Sounds like something a creep would say.
thanks, Matthew Hopkins.
this angle is so hot
I feel like her pussy's in my face
I'm in heaven >///<
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contain yourself anon
>Reggie blows a raspberry
>You make a lewd comment about her tongue and what it ought to be used for
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help me, anon, i'm stuck >.<
God I just want an adult woman to molest Reggie SO BAD
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tfw you will never have a romantic dinner date with reggie eating crayons and comparing the flavors and drawing on each other and and ;-; it sucks mayn
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god, imagine reggie raspberry blowing your dick
you look down and she's just looking up at you through the side of your cock as she raspberry blows your balls
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yeah, she's basically got like hockey champion genes
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she's so majestic
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her hair is spaghetti, anon
I found endless in some random game recently lel
they even have a queen lmao
tho reggie's more of a gold queen than silver
Neck yourself
would you eat eggs with gwen? I wouldn't
what's this phenotype called?
I wanna suck the snot out of her schnoz
you look at this and tell me to contain myself? lol lmao
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Soon she'll become the "Butt Witch" not a matter of if but when, I say 14 but your guess is good as mine

If i'm not mistaken the show was made on a budget but I do appreciate everything being hand drawn
Reggie's not afraid to show the world >w<
>are cursed to never die

Can you die in endless just for your body to resurrect, buried beneath the sand
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I thought it was fettuccine
12 whenever
Maybe someone can draw the cast in the style of ‘Codename: Kids Next Door’?
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>Reggie should be armed
Against society?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what's going on?
Something something wasted potential, something something Butt Witch.
Well, Esther wasn’t born in Iowa.
We truly live in a society.
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*Dont laugh anon!*
maybe but you'd probably just end up as a sort of puppet like the rest of them
yeah lol that makes more sense xd
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Anon! :(
She will be sad!
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Can I stare and drool?
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is this choppy as shit for everyone or just me
when you draw on each other you have to use markers.
nobody said that shit at all.
hnnng thigh gap. even if that's kind of an error in the drawing, it's still hot
I would make reggie feel good about her figure.
Fair point, but the show does establish that she’s new to Bethune.
yeah.. yeah..
either way she's not that bad a character beyond that. but she didn't need to exist.
Todd and Ester are essentially split parts of Shane and are meant to be more fallible. Todd takes Shane's chill older male aspect while Ester is more of Shane's neurotic nature.
boy was that ever close to a get
so what was >>144444444 ?
>young royal wife-to-be
daughters resemble their mothers who knew
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Nonconsent /ll/ is a pretty top tier fetish. Although I prefer the loli doing the molesting. But both are good.
I really do love Reggie's hair :3 it's thick, and bright with so much volume. Makes you want to bury your face on her beautiful locks
Only one that can compare is Asuka
why does her nose look like that
it's just a way to stylize noses..
generally any nose consisting of a closed or open line shape like that is representing EITHER
>the shape of the tip of the nose in cross-section
>or the shape of the underside of the nose, turned slightly up
anyone who watches good anime will know a nose-underside can often look like the Superman symbol from the front. it's not hard to see how that could mutate into a rectangle.
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Holding on to her smooth skin...
my heart skips a beat uuoohh >.<
she's gonna get pissed about zits, but I will love her anyway
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omae wa mou shindeiru
anyone else find her introduction odd? like she never interacted with reggie or todd but follows them around and just so happens to have a key to endless and then they just become friends despite them not getting along well at all?
yeah that was clumsy.. she was obviously forced in by execs
yeah lmao there's even a scene where she literally explains why she exists in like a meta sorta way (they needed three characters for some reason) and even admits that it doesn't make sense for her character but then proceeds to designate herself as trash XD
battle-combat lolita uuoohh ><
>BW is the manifestation of Reggie's fear of growing up (like BW's biggest defining feature obviously stems from Reggie's fear that she will inherit her mom's huge ass)
reggie and the butt witch engage in a butt battle who wins?
so fuckin cute I wanna fuck her like a rabbit I can't take it anymore >//<
how can u say u love her if u won't even eat her zits? ;-;
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lol I did that on purpose to give the illusion of reggie getting plapped to show what I would do if I saw her stuck in a vent xd
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a-anon, why are u acting so weird? my skin isn't that smooth, b-baka
I can smell her thighs in this pic
is this a superpower or am i just blessed by the gods?
I can't be the only one, right?
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she even rides turtles majestically
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this shot is so lewd
>implying it doesn't evoke futa much more
alright fellas, I'm going to bed
keep the thread up for me so I can wake up to reggie thx ^_^
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No problem
>me every morning
Reggie will never be real and her show was sabotaged by her own creator
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>we'll never get a prequel show
time traveling ep never ever...
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What's the reference?
the return of the living dead movie
I'm slow , party time makes sense now lol

She's an angel :3
Fluffy is still making art?
lol, I feellike Reggie would like the movie.
I'm not sure I got this from /co/ drawthread my bad bro

Lol! Reggie had to grew up watching viggetales in Bible school, I know I did
Veggietales is universally loved. I mean even edgy atheist teens that were old 4chan liked it.
It's an old one.
this i do not recall
ah, in the future a better way to do that is to reverse and unreverse footage back and forth
the show was sabotaged by the fucks who kicked her off of her show
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She grow up learning from the good book from vegetables and watching some cult classic horror movies.
>~you take my life but I takes yours too!
This is cool, Reg here looks like Eddie the Mummy
lil freudian slip there
>Getting drunk at work and sexually harassing your employees is based if it's a hot chick doing it
well drunkenness is never okay.
buti feel if something is harassment, it's not sexual. it's only sexual if everyone involved enjoys it. and people are taught to complain and feel guilty about things they enjoy. when i hear 'sexual harassment' i'm hearing "calling someone hot" or "shoulder rubs"
Thanks I was trying to make her look like the character Trash when she get zombified.
thx buddy :3
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i'm sure /x/ has a way of making her real xd
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did reggie just eat the bodily fluids of someone's corpse in this scene? cuz that's pretty hardcore desu~
Stop writing like a fucking nigger, 3Dfag.
I see the schizo's are leaking in
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Reggie is Honorary "suka" for me
I my be crazy but I see they do have similarities.
It's pretty edible , but the thought alone It possibly being gray matter makes It's metal
Your welcome my amigo >w×

Leave anon alone, He ain't hurting nobody
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They do or did. I think it was called a tulpa.
are tulpa's real tho?
nice drawing tho damn so detailed :0
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reggie sucka my cock aha
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lmao brown roger you lucky mf ;D
that's such an exact stuffed animal she would have
I bet he reeks
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sexy baka reggie wearing tights in winter showing off her tight hebe body uuoohh >//<
Even tight panties >//<?
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my cock after reggie fucks it to death xd
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she probably doesn't even wear underwear xd
i think that's definitely true
The way you write makes me feel violated. Not hating, just letting it out there.
he was obviously doing it on purpose to be "creepy" for joke purposes
imagine the smell uuoohh >//<
reggie's ass and pussy rubbing against her tights imbuing them with her scent uaahhhh i can't take it anymore i'm gonna suffocate D;
but i want to suffocate in reggie's tights i'm so conflicted uwah umu
if only reggie were real so i could actually die
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this scene was so hot
I like gross lil weirdos like Reggie
Look like Internal organs hanging on a tree

You best believe Reggie smalls like period blood
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ikr you just know the sex would be intense like there'd be no limits she'd just be squirting everywhere and sucking the cum out of your dick completely
they're scabs
and she will once she has it
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that's so hot imagine just laying there completely immersed in reggie's little fucked up flesh forest
it's probably the closest to heaven you could experience
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i wish i could eat her scabs ><
anyone know any music similar to this?
oh god, anon, I could give you SO much
so many.. so many much. Where do you even want to start.
I have one in mind
lmao of course
what else you got? xd
You sound like an absolute fucking faggot
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would a faggot be into this?
I'd like to see you express exuberance and becrazement at someone asking for examples of something, in a manner befitting a rarity, when there are in fact thousands, without looking a little foolish. That's just part of communication.
oh that's perfect
you gotta narrow it DOWN a bit, man!
this is all i got xd
ig just songs reggie would have on that cd
nvm, i just remembered shinji's into this xd
Elfen Lied - Lilium
Dragon Ball Z - Cha La Head Cha La, Detekoi Tobikiri Zenkai Power, Rock the Dragon, and We Gotta Power
Tenchi Muyo - Boku Wa Motto Pioneer, Washuu's Lullabye, and Dimension of Love
Rurouni Kenshin - Sobakasu
Outlaw Star - Through The Night, Hiru no Tsuki, and Tsuki no Ie
Gundam Wing - Just Communication, Last Impression, White Reflection, and Rhythm Emotion
Gundam F91 - Eternal Wind
Gundam 0083 - The WInner
Sailor Moon - Moon Revenge
Literally the entire Cowboy Bebop soundtrack
and then she'd have 200% no Jumon from Hamtaro on there too, but then she'd blush and try to skip through that part if she was playing it in school.
>I'd like to see you express exuberance and becrazement at someone asking for examples of something, in a manner befitting a rarity, when there are in fact thousands, without looking a little foolish. That's just part of communication.
Holy moly
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Give the boy some credit >//< he has taste in women
Reggie should wear more red tight suits
perhaps even add a little guacamole
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Also this one rocks
>latex swimsuit witch
That's interesting. Artist?
How would Reggie react if I handed her a rap CD?
idk but this dude >>144460005 talks like eminem xd
imagine if they actually played all that during the dance xd
a rappenheimer? ~I?~
I don't think I could be any further from it...
inorite. I miss sending my friends midis and learning about good songs from each other.
Todd on the other hand xd
i gotta say, i miss Shane, but Todd is fucking rad and a cool friend to have.
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>I miss sending my friends midis
damn grampa a whole midi file :0
>I don't think I could be any further from it.
with words like those, you could be the next eminem xd
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yeah shane was definitely more fun but todd's not bad
so eminem says words like exuberance and manner?
is he like one of those secretly smart rappers?
yes, actually xd
haven't you ever heard rap god?
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do I sound like someone who listens to that
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I bet he's covered in her sweat and bodily fluids
what a lucky mf
and with how long reggie had him for I doubt even endless can wash that off
again what a lucky lucky mf
i'm so jealous ;-;
i'm abt to activate the dimensional merge
i'm coming reggie >.<
what's it taste like, ya think?
Cotton candy cloud
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Naaaaah, unless...
>*X-Files theme musics starts playing*
lmao is that reggie in the pic? XD
but yeah I'll try and make a tulpa or some other /x/ related thing cuz why not, right?
what could possibly go wrong? ;D
You got source to that? Pretty sure I know the artist, but he's an eccentric type that doesn't post half of everything he does on his gallery.
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lmao why is it that everyone who makes art of reggie is either eccentric or disappears in some way or another
Maybe for the one who creates them.
To me, that always sounds like schizophrenia
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i've always wanted to be schizo
now i have a reason to be :D
a nice lil hebe awaits me on the other side of schizophrenia and i'm gonna make it we're all gonna make it, frens :)
Is going to that threshold dangerous?
Mating press creampie to Judy
Who the hell liked that little cunt
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dangers my middle name B)
if u can't even go schizo for your waifu, do u really love her? do u choose your laifu over your waifu? I think not
and besides, who could say no to this? ;D
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God loves her, cunt
>it's only sexual if everyone involved enjoys it
what the fuck is this logic
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My fanfic of older Reggie has gone by the wayside.
that outfit is atrocious like where did reggie even get that xd
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y'know, the funny thing about this image is that it implies all the characters are on drugs since it shows they clearly have irises but their pupils are all dilated throughout the entire series xd
Me mum was schizo.
Absolutely NO fun!!
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skill issue
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reggie steals your drink wyd?
oh no! she has stolen your bag of chips too! the absolute monster! she stole the entire bag and she's about to finish it all without leaving u even one (1) chip! what horror >_<
this can't go unpunished! what will u do to the stupid sexy thief who stole your chips?
wait a few hours and get it back with a bonus.
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why a few hours, you nasty mf
I haven’t gotten the time to write new chapters.
I want to use Reggie as my personal onahole
I just enjoy the view
there's only one way to lift that other leg, anon ;)
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lol chip cuck
you're just gonna let her get away with it?! look at her, she's evil! she deserves punishment!
mecha-reggie abt to fight in her gundam on endless
honestly, if i was ever in this situation i don't think i'd ever leave
reggie 4evar xd
this is a very depressing pic
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yeah, cuz i'm not in it
Reggie feet
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You mean her evangelion
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Honestly Reggie can work with any mech
Yes , tho you made it to a reality >//<
how do you define sex, anon
>flips the bird to aliens
why is she like this? I thought she'd like aliens
It disturbed a lot of people more than I think it was intended to.
she's supposed to enjoy it..
is that a patlabor
Nah, that's Orguss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW_SSGnbk7Q
oh man orguss has a good reputation. i shoudl watch
They told her to grow the **** up
i would flip aliens off too if they censored language. how the fuck did they get to space like that
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Am I missing something?
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Maybe you're mistaken me for someone else. I don't really have a gallery but i've been posting some of my works on trash for a while now. Handle is in the gif pic that anon posted.
why would you post reggie in trash XD
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I'd drink it
second half is she gets sexed
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seconds before she gets pomf pomf kimochi'd xd
what's this sticky stuff on me >///<
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it was pedobears honey xd
good ol pedobear. he is a friend to everyone.
some people see a pomf and they think bad
but they should think good! unless someone's unhappy.
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a pomf a day keeps the darkness away xd
The resemblance is uncanny

wears it well
lol reggie will someday have snoobs like that, but not yet
why not a closeup? ;)
The fuck is going on with her belly
lmao she's got a face for her stomach
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>>144472430 #
Don't mind if I do >//<
>>144472250 #
I say Reggie at 13 or 14 after her period
tf is a snoob
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>I say Reggie at 13 or 14 after her period
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She was never the same after her mother hung herself
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what's annoying is, i can tell that her boobs are too high, yet I can't describe why when the reference shot is exactly as high and that one looks fine.
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>too late
I post Reggie for 4yrs by now
You spoil me , thank you
I'll be saving this >//<
wtf wat
must've been a thicc rope, damn XD
>I'm gonna stick my face in your foot
wait what, wouldn't he enjoy that? is big deal cheating on bw? ah, what a double traitor, he doesn't deserve reggie's feet >.<
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>handle is in the pic
Huh? What is it? I don't see it. But I'm pretty sure you're the guy who used to draw rad Molly McGee stuff in /trash/. This is by you, right?
Lmao! I imagine Judy lost a lot of weight before her demise , I've seen it first hand with my mother (she's fine now) depression & insanity can make you lose a lot of weight fast to the point that you are emaciated. I say endless could've drawn Judy insane
pfft, if i used 4chan back then i'd have been posting too ><
ah, that explains why you're here xd
tho i don't see how judy could ever have contact with endless
>don't see it
looks like MTR sorta run together. upper right. neat signature. no idea who that is.
those eyes...so beautiful
the resemblance is truly uncanny xd
Yeah, I see that, but it's a signature, not a handle. You have to actually know the name first to know what it means. Not even sure it's MTR, maybe it's stylized.
okay but you said "I don't see it" not "I can't interpret it"
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I just told you that it isn't a handle but a signature. Hence there is no handle to see in the pic.
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I remember I started back then and because of TF. It was supercomfy
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She sure loves her Spingebill popsicle in the heat of summer.
you colubrious fool, you cannot think that technicality relevant here. your phrasing was, apparently deliberately if you aren't just lying to save face, obtuse and misleading. You see a signature, you obviously aren't going to see a handle in addition to that. When a guy says his handle is there, and you see a sig, you don't go "where?" like a.. three stooge.
got a link to those thread, homie? :3
how do you think reggie would feel about you being so repeatative.
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She would feel weird (even while she would do the same) until she realized I like the stuff she does.
that was straight fuckin' fire, bro you roasted him, damn
Spongebob ice cream sales it lmao >3<
Glad you chose the choker with tank toe for Reg here
god, i wish that were me
why are chokers so goddamn hot like damn reggie got me sweating too and it's cold af in here >//<
>licensed character popsicles
The shock at how fucking ugly the thing is when you take off the packaging after you begged your mom to buy that overpriced shit is something you never forget. And they usually don't even taste good. Mine was Bart Simpson, what was yours?
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goodnight (or morning idk anymore lel), my beloved queen regina, I shall see thee in the morrow, if thine threads still hold
Do you think Butt Witch works hard to keep that red hot body?
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Maybe Reggie ends up messing in endless and Judy takes any opportunity to find her, somehow she finds outs where and taks that chance but we know how the island f's you up
well we never see her work out in the show so I guess it just comes naturally.
Also how does she not sweat in that latex suit. A tropical island has got to be extremely hot
Among other things, yeah - guilty as charged, that's me. That gallery however has been dead for quite awhile now. I mainly keep it around so people who actually wish to talk with me, have a way, plus it's also a good filter along some other benefits.
>Like being a private storage dump for some of my sketches and a good "milestone" I can use to compare with and judge myself. My skills definitely haven't improved much, but I'm slowly and painfully "getting there".

On a side note, I dunno why but you got me in the mood to draw some Reggie. May make a portrait or something.
So it is you? Then please make a gallery and update it. Your stuff is good. Or at least post the stuff you draw for /co/ threads on the new /co/ booru: co.llection.pics
The old one has a MIA admin and trolls who randomly delete pics.
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Reggie is in her prime age
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Esther dress compliments Asuka yellow sundress
Why does her head look like a Bomberman power-up?
Reggie is for rape
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abbott is for a lot of hugs and kisses
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She's for reverse rape. I want her to force me to have secks with her after telling her that even if we like the same stuff, we can't do some stuff because she's too young for that. I want her to prove me that I'm wrong. Imagine getting brute forced by her super strength in Endless.
>I'll show you Anon. It goes here, right?
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ikr this scene was so hot, especially that stomp at the beginning
i wish she would do all that to me >///<
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stop looking at me like that, you're gonna make my cock explode >//<
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wish she chose the banana xd
i loved the discomfort humor, but there's no way any adolescent guy would say that.
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yeah, I get todd wasn't into reggie but it still seems off that any boy would say that about a girl but then again reggie is sort of like watamote, even her own brother is disgusted when she hugs him, which oddly enough makes her more huggable imo
It must be a sign.
before rape
after rape
She's so cute
This is what a day without sex does to her
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god's cutest creation
poor girl needs a good big brother. i can be one for her.
Very cute. Though I will admit, I am always a little unsure how to feel about her very noticeable stylized hair being changed. It's such a key part of her design that it's tough to see Reggie without it.
it's pretty hard to know how to unstylize her hair
i tend to take the 2000s-cartoon-style flat square chunks as just like.. being really greasy and chunky. lots of cut-ends that aren't tapered..
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yeah same it doesn't seem right but it's the thought that counts, right? ;D
uuoohh imagine burying your face into her greasy hair i'd never wash it off >.<
Yeah. I've tried to draw it before but every time I end up just more or less copying what I find in a screenshot. It kind of works but it's not exactly a reliable method and it always feels wrong-ish. I like the idea of the chunks being greasy hair clumps. It's a little messy but it's sort of fitting.
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huh...you don't see threads like this everyday.
I thought same like Asuka they were tiny pig tails >>144435178 but yes Reggie has thick beautiful hair
More specifically threads that cover twelve forever.
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>twelve forever
More like Twelve For(eva)
I have stopped trying to change cartoons that have lil rounded shapes for hair into tuftier shapes. somehow it just works pretending hair is like polyps coming off of the head.
Twelve (disciples) for(eva) xd
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what? XD
Lmao >w< brilliant, nice choice of words
I wish Julia followed me around an amusement park instead. We'd still have 12 forever today.
he's a knockoff Sseth...and I'm okay with that
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i see this is your first time hearing the word.. which is weird.
but you know what a rounded elongated shape is like, right. and you've seen cartoons with hair that looks like that.
you take that back
show me this creature with polyps growing out of its head for hair i wanna see xd
Julia would never give you her tickets
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well Gravity Falls style. the hair forms lil loopy shapes
if you did it in 3d (and some very clumsy 3d things do) it would look like a bunch of rounded growths extruded out.
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lmao looks like this lil guy
hahaha yes! his mouth is totally their hair. especially the shitty way I draw it.
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I flooded endless with my cum
thx reggie, I couldn't have done it without u ;)
anon how the fuck did you cum over the entire sky and the sun
That she can only be into girls. And even then she’ll be in for a ride.
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she sucked me off through my jorts and I blasted
she felt the blast coming and pulled out at the last second, I couldn't stop the flow, it was endless
nearly blew reggie away too but she's strong enough to withstand a blast like that xd
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Talk about busting a nut XD
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Reggie carrying a Whatcheeria, a Tetrapodomorph from Carboniferous Iowa.
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how come mods allow these threads when it's mostly just sexualising a 12 year old? it always makes me laugh how scared /co/ mods are of furry content, but they're OK with child porn.
that's actually really fucking beautiful
she's so fvcking cute
what does 'sexualizing' mean
furry's usually overtake every site they post on so that's probably why
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>it's mostly just sexualising a 12 year old
It's 4chan culture and is nothing wrong with it
the fuck does sexualizing mean
In broad strokes, it means “to make something sexual”.
... so like, giving her hormone injections to speed up puberty?
well help me out, how is she more sexual now than she was before. what did we do that increased the amount of her being sexual? or is it a binary change from 'not sexual' to 'sexual' ? because same question, what'd we do to flip that switch.
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exactly, anon, you nailed it lmao
reggie is pure sex whether she's 'being sexualized' or not
you could post a pic of reggie just standing there and that'd be enough for anons to say she's 'being sexualized' cuz she's just that sexy
case in point: picrel
and I rest my case
but why does the -word- even exist
the sexualness of something isn't something you can add to. nor does it make sense that a thread could be doing it.
From the context of the word I would think it was something like "Radicalize" like when you give somebody a hitler speech, but that doesn't apply here.. the person isn't more sexual after you ... do something? to them (or draw pictures of them? I don't..). they are just perhaps more sexually aroused or whatever.
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if Reggie was in G Gundam which pilot outfit would she wear?
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you're the 500th poster!
as a reward, you get REGGIE'S PUSSY PIC!!!
you lucky son of a bich >///<
weren't they all just skintight rubber
No, it makes sense specifically at the tween age: you're only slowly going from the crush on one cute girl phase into the unrealistic idiot phase of pining for all the hottest girls in school while retaining that cootie repulsion towards contact from the others. Ironically, by the time boys become sexual realists in their mid teens, the weird girls are no longer overtly flirty and throwing themselves at everyone.
please do not say tween, jesus fucking christ
secondly no, preteens were not like that in the 2000s. I'm sure they are now because of fuckshits, and I know they were in the olden-ma-times, but not then.
among other things, he gets a girlfriend in the show. and she's not a fifth as hot as reggie.
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>and she's not a fifth as hot as reggie
so true XD
nice pic tho, her style is...unique certainly fits her style of just putting on the most random shit xd
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Speaking of her attractive parts and imagining sexual desires about her
perfect for reggie, then
she wears skintight tights literally all the time
I don't think there's even a single frame in the show where she isn't wearing tights
yeah, todd's an idiot
he literally had a 10/10 girl invite him to her room, bring him to her most sacred, secret place she doesn't let anyone into, hugs him and holds his hand as she brings him all over endless
god, i wish that were me but alas reality is cruel argh ;-;
lmao all I see is glep now
>brown guy
>more attracted to fatso than skinny girl
IDK what you're talking about, this makes perfect sense.
damn, reggie's so hot she'd break all these beds
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Reggie just isn't his type.
lmao so true XD
damn, todd has a type I never realized that until now :0
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Realistically speaking, she probably friendzoned herself by acting in a juvenile and familiar manner. That coupled with her prepubescent body shape prevented his hormones from automatically triggering and he's too young and dumb to manually see Reggie as a cute girl who wants to be with him as a girl, and not just a friend.
I don't think reggie was ever into todd, was she?
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oh no! she's drowning! D;
however will we save her? >.<
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oh wait! I know :D
I'll just use my tentacles to save her and totally not do anything else with them except save her cuz that's all I'm doing ;D
I don't think Reggie even knows herself.
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I never watched this show, but she cute I guess.
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I wish there were competent and creative Twelve Forever fanfiction writers. Endless is so easily adaptable into a lewd place. Even artists who are good at drawing Reggie barely ever do anything creative with the show's universe. Art talent and creativity are different things, so OK. But how are there so many people without an imagination into writing?
She did lose her shit when Todd gave his attention to Gwen , I can say Reggie was definitely losing her spaghetti
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thread is ending
sadge but 'twas a good thread
Thanks for the thread!
Very cute.
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Yeah, but that could have been normal jealousy, not the romantic type.
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if she's that jealous over her friends, imagine her romantic jealousy
I could def see reggie as a yandere
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Appreciated, truly, but my stuff being only good at best is one of the main issues for me. It needs to be more than that and until it is, there is no point with me having an actual presence online. So for now, I think I'll just lurk on trash and post in the threads I frequent just so I have some eyes on my stuff. Now If I do reach my personal goals + my works survive long enough (1/3 is already permanently lost) = I'll drop them on a gallery or revamp what I got still up.

Anywho see you around and gave a great day/night.
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she really is asuka lel
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wash down the thread with a beer, lads
it was a good one
to reggie, queen o'endless! o/
I mean, Gwen was coming onto him.
No, she wasn’t.

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