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>backed the arah kickstarter
>haven't actually read any of it
Time to fix that. We now begin the long, long, long road that is Larry Hama's G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero.
We will do the Larry Hama cut when we reach Skybound. After 300+ issues it'll be nice to go back to where it started.
Thanks for storytiming, OP. I've been looking to get into the Hama stuff.
So Op, Anon, how are you liking the book?
Its not what I expected. I need some time to digest it.
What do you mean by that?
Its not like the cartoon and I need time think about what I've read.
Oh yeah it'll never be like the cartoon.

I asked because it takes Hama a while to really figure out what he has. It doesn't star to really warm up until the mid teens.
>"We're soldiers... our job is to do the unthinkable -- and be forgotten."
G.I. Joe will continue tomorrow.
Dr. Venom is my favorite villain in the Hamaverse. He may not be as flamboyant and toyetic as Dr. Mindbender but he's so goddamn detestable that I love to hate him.
>We will do the Larry Hama cut when we reach Skybound.
Isn't it just one line of dialogue that was different?
I'd say it's not even worth reposting the entire Hama cut when one panel will suffice.
I have to admit I love both lines. It's a great quote either way.
The Baroness is probably the most successful OC ever introduced in a toy comic or cartoon. From here she goes on to be added to the cartoon, then got her own toy, and is probably one of the best-known GI Joe characters. All from Hama just wanting to give Cobra another named individual so Cobra Commander had someone to talk to other than just the generic troops.
I'm just going to say that COBRA in the comics is my gold standard for how villains in an organization interact with each other. Different egos, different desires, often conflicting yet somehow always submitting to the supreme commander when it comes down to the wire.
This is my favorite comic series of all time and the one that got me into comics. Looks like I'm gonna be hanging out on /co/ all week.
IIRC there's one attempted assassination of Cobra Commander in the early years, but otherwise when Hama's writing, for all the internal plotting within Cobra, the high command all get on the same page when they need to. Even when Serpentor shows up, the real Cobra Commander and the real Serpentor never actually get as far as fighting each other, it only happens with fake versions of one or the other.
>it only happens with fake versions of one or the other.
Fred VII is another great Larry Hama character, who like Dr. Venom deserved to spread further than just ARAH.
Fred was a guy who had to get his comeuppance eventually, and the longer he was in charge of Cobra the longer he was handicapping their threat level.

Modern iterations of GI Joe either never last long enough to introduce new rival leaders for Cobra, or Hasbro don't want to have anyone but Cobra Commander in charge again because they know he's one of the most popular characters, and some of the old fans are still salty about times he got replaced in the 80s.
It's easy to dismiss this series as "just another licensed toy tie-in", but it's legitimately one of the best comics ever made.
Even Larry Hama himself has admitted that killing off Cobra Commander was "stupid" and that it was the one time he disagreed with a Hasbro mandate.
IIRC it wasn't "the one thing he disagreed with", it was the one thing he regretted not fighting harder against, though in his defense he was aware if he fought it too hard he knew they could just replace him.

There were other things he disagreed with, like Hasbro's original idea for the Dreadnoks.
>and the longer he was in charge of Cobra the longer he was handicapping their threat level.
The issue where he took command in the satellite and led Cobra to victory was one of Hama's best.
But you're right, CC is one of Hama's ost outstanding characters, his insight into the human condition is second to none and someone should make a compilation of his best sayings. Serpentor is his only real rival, and he has his own quirky personality. Fred VII is almost too normal to be fun or lead Cobra.
Also his armor was ugly.

This this this.

>like Hasbro's original idea for the Dreadnoks.
What was it?
Thanks OP!
No. He's disagreed with a lot of stuff. The biggest being Cobra-La.
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I want the retrospective look back anon, it's not just about the line. OP ignore this guy, post it.
*Most interesting
Bump for guardrails.
>She doesn’t want to build backyard bombs! TRAITOR!
IIRC the Dreadnoks were supposed to be space monsters or something that got retooled into the fatal fluffies from the 80s cartoon.
The mission continues, YO JOE!
Hama was absolutely right that Cobra-La wouldn't have fit into the comics at all, and Hasbro probably didn't push the issue because they knew he was right (though after they later had the Transformers show up, anything would have fit). Anyone complaining about Cobra-La not fitting in the cartoon probably never even watched the cartoon though.

The original idea for the Dreadnoks name was for a group of Ewok-like creatures. Hama talked Hasbro out of it and suggested the biker gang idea instead, there's a fan assumption that the Fatal Fluffies in the cartoon were based on the original Dreadnok concept, but I've never seen confirmation if this is true or just a coincidentally similar thing.
That was a great issue, and there's probably a place for someone in the Cobra High Command who's been promoted far above his ability, and is just winging it and hoping nobody notices he has no idea what he's doing, but that guy just shouldn't be the leader for any length of time. Fred shouldn't have won the Cobra Civil War, Hama ended up having to bring Destro back to Cobra to take over just so they had a competent leader again, before Destro's own faction had really gotten to do much.
White page
That is alot of issues
thx anon
Thanks, OP.
bumping for readers
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>We can't let her die because the whole world knows we consider her an embarrassment
Wow, that's cold as fuck
Less cold blooded than actual US foreign policy at the time.
who is this?
Thanks anon

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