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>"Here, Captain. I give you America."
Bump if you're reading.
I'm dumb. What did they transform Castle into in this universe? Is this a reference to anything?
nice flag
From the comic writer who SAW Ghost in the hell.
sunspot was around in the 60s?
Ffs roxxon you could spare savageland
And that's it. If you liked this, support your LCS or whatever.
Fuck off, Chavez
So far the least lamest version of America Chavez. But it's still America Chavez and she still will make a speech about patriarchy.
Tall Wasp is totally doing it for me.
>Cap LITERALLY saves a waifu called America from ultra-capitalists
Kinda surprised it took this long, honestly.
Imagine the dickpounding she gives Hank every night
I think that might have been a stronger issue than the first one. Probably because they didn’t need to do as much set-up this time.
It stands for frAnce.
The entire point of the Maker's power trip is to subvert and control all sorts of superheroic nonsense, and the Savage Land is basically an entire nexus of that shit. It just had to go.
Also, funny how the enemy is basically globohomos with commie endeavors and Captain America is Donald Trump in this.
No, it's فرنسا now.
>villain is pretty much Capitalism Man
>wow what a commie!
I root for Midas here.
This guy is channeling some strong Senator Armstrong Energy, though of course he's the complete opposite when it comes to villainous philosophy.

The Ultimate's villains all being gigantic douchebags obsessed with perverting and undermining things is kinda doing it for me so far. Captain Frog and Golden Idolman being such relentless shitheads who get off on being horrible people really helps create a classic sort of hero/villain dynamic, though in the modern age so they need to have a whole complicate monolog about their wacko points of view.
>talks about how borders doesn't exhists
>everything is globalized
>I have everything, you have nothing, and you'll be happy
>corporate became the state

stop being dense
The headband could be a just be a Rambo reference, or that could not be Frank at all and actually Shang-Chi
I don't even know if we got Vietnam War in this universe, but since Kennedy was a president, the USA got dissolved pretty recently in here.
I was gonna say its Shang Chi, too. But it being a Rambo reference makes a lot of sense. The clothing indicates its the 70s. So this is probably Frank after experiencing the Vietnam War.
Guess present day Punisher will be his successor, or a really old Frank. Hell, maybe old man Frank is gonna be the 6160 Nick Fury.
>I'll kill you wearing your father's skin
Pretty great line
So does this mean she was the silhouette behind She-Hulk?
Carolfag status?
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I guess you're right. Maybe 6160 Frank died in what I believe was a massacre and the new Punisher will be a new guy, or even just an radical organization, since the skull is now bad.
What use does a fuel company have for living dinosaurs?
Carol's dead anon.
>all for profit
profit's a lie. it's all for power. that's why dei, esg and carbon credit is more important than money nowadays
hes literally a tycoon
When you put it that way this did kinda feel like a Metal Wolf Chaos level of camp.
Are we even sure if the skull is bad, this could easily be a resistance movement
Assuming that the skull now means bad people for the clowns writing, that's what I'd bet. And 1610 Frank was a dumbass.
Neat, I always liked the original Iron Man armour design, as ridiculously clunky as it is
I think thats supposed to be a resistance movement led or inspired by Frank. That red skull symbol is the exact symbol 70s Frank has on his shirt in the earlier panel, just with the color changed. Long bottom bits, cheek bones popping out.
That shadowy bearded guy in the corner is probably an older Frank. Frank is the 6160 Red Skull.
The man got fucked up by Vietnam, came back into a war at home, Maker starts fucking around with the USA, and Frank starts a new war at home. Not against criminals, but against the government.
Rapidly age them into fossil fuel.
I would like to believe the Punishers might be a resistance movement... But there's one catch: That is not Punisher's famous white skull, but a RED SKULL!!!

Can you imagine my worries now?
Based UltJan coming in clutch and once again proving she's best girl
Ehhhh, I'll have to see how they handle America Chavez here before passing judgement. But she feels like a weird character to put onto the Ultimates
ultimate janet save me
Didn't someone mention the Maker showed up in like, the late sixties or something. In fact, I think 1969 was on their big whiteboard last issue. The way the current rulers of the world go on about it, you'd think it'd been longer, but the Maker really reordered things in what is essentially a single human life time.
Did the Maker purge all Muties between the 60s and now? Why are we seeing this as a single panel in an Ultimates book and not in X-Men, which is 4 issues in and still dealing with goddamn HS be? As if X-Nips couldn’t be more disappointing…
So, Frank can be a new version of the Red Skull, but the red skull also makes me remember his time into the Thunderbolts

But he's probrably the Red Skull.
I'm entirely sure it's just so we could have the pottery of Steve literally saving America.
>Janet can grow
He came back as far as the 60's, yes. But maybe the USA got dissolved by the 70's. We see that The Maker won the Cold War by going to the moon himself.
>Did the Maker purge all Muties between the 60s and now?
Well, we know thats not true, just by Colossus and Magik being the rulers of the Eurasian Republic.
But the muties that were supposed to go on and become heroes? Yeah, I can see him snuffing them out. Considering how we're seeing some of them show up as Japanese schoolgirls, maybe there's a reincarnation thing going on. Probably not, but who knows.
>That shadowy bearded guy in the corner is probably an older Frank.
That's just Steve facing the screen.
I like how Midas (and us readers) thought Steve was talking about America the nation, but instead he was talking about the character. Neat twist imo and a lot of insight on Steve's character.
yeah, Camp is 100% a Morrison fanboy, he wouldn't have brought Midas in otherwise.
Oh, lol. You're right. I'm dumb.
It was cool, even if he is indeed going to make America great again.
>Midas was simping for a lesbian
>even if he is indeed going to make America great again.
There's a part of me that wants Camp to have Cap say this in some big fuck yeah moment. Just to see people sperg out over it. That shitstorm should be funny.
This Steve is more of a 616 than 1610, but he is 100% going to become President America someday.
so Nick Fury is just in space killing all the cosmic characters then?
>Red Skull
Yeah, Punisher will definitly inspire some sort of Hyper Right wing extremist movement in this 'verse.
I really like this setting so far, its kinda like Strangereal but marvel-sauce.
>This Steve is more of a 616 than 1610
Thats what would make it funnier. That line coming out of what people think is a more liberal Cap.
For sure he is going to be "the man on the wall" at his extreme. I like this idea.
Yeah. It's cheeky, very comic-booky and so far entertaining. I'm liking Ultimate better than USM, if only for the amount of action and things happening in one issue. Ultimates is the better-paced of the Ultimate line, Black Panther second.
Feel pretty certain that is supposed to be Obidiah Stane. Looks just like him from Ultimate Invasion.
>Black Panther is the slowest paced by far.
I don't get what the liberal pets thinks being liberal really is. So its really easy for them to write Captain America being a good guy nationalist and the bad guys liberal globalists and pretend that Captain America is leftist somehow. I can't really see this version of Cap being pro-stablishment and not wanting the USA to come back after the Maker transformed it into the New World Order. And I can't see him being a douche since he was such a nice guy to Hank, who is basically retarded here.
Ultimate X-Men is the slowest paced. Ultimate Spider-Man second.
He went to the moon, but considering the sequences of the Montage otherwise, I presume it was long before it happened in "reality." Kennedy is presumably still assassinated around the same time, 63, and in this case presumably on the Maker's say so. We get some sixties imagery, though it looks like the wall may have come down sooner given that Iron Man fighting Omega Red panel.

Some of the imagery is also very late 60's/early 70's, environmentalism and Vietnam, so presumably things deteriorated in those decades. Midas also mentions having to personally remove the prior occupant, so unless he's fairly old, that too didn't happen "terribly" long ago. 70's would fit, but maybe even early 80's or something. Of course, the US wasn't run from the White House any more by the modern period regardless.

Ultimates doesn't seem terribly concerned with the details of what happened historically, so much as the themes of it. Midas is literally hitting Steve over the head with his commentary about corporate and personal greed versus "traditional" American values. When, and what, exactly happened isn't so much important as that between the 60's and the modern time in this Ultimate Universe, every country in the New World was united under a single umbrella headed by a, fairly benevolent compared to some of these other jokers, Corporate leader (Howard). Though since he left the details to Stane, he probably did most of the dirty work of "ruling."
>Ultimates is the better-paced of the Ultimate line, Black Panther second.
Agree and disagree. Despite the -admittedly- slow pace and the lack of actions in some issues, there is always something that happen or something that we learn that advance the story. And I find UBP kind of boring, since I have never been into political drama. In term of pace, I would rank Ultimates > USM > UBP > UXM, though I wanna point out that a slow pace is IMO not a sign of bad comic book.
Very nice reading into the matter. Now I'm even more curious of the geopolitical repercussions of the Makers interference into history and how the traditional American vallue clash with the liberal greed, and how Captain America will react to all of this. Soon enough maybe he will take the mantle of leader of the Ultimate in the place of Tony or ReeDoom and then the true conflict will start.

Hyped to see what they'll do with Nick Fury in this scenario too.
The, frankly insane, tension of Captain America and everything about America today, is the ones trying to overthrow an election and are dedicated to a tyrant are waving flags and chanting about how great "America" is or should be.

But of course, Captain America has long been embroiled with the conflict between those who love the shallow pageantry and gaudy symbols of American pride and the actual values these were meant to represent. Been going on for awhile, frankly, during the periods the flashback is sort of touching on to begin with.
>though I wanna point out that a slow pace is IMO not a sign of bad comic book.
Agree, I'm enjoying Ultimates, UBP and USM even tho they're a bit slow. Far from being bad comics in this day and age.
I've really liked these first two issues. I hope they can keep this up.
This makes me remember how Mark Waid's Captain America was so fucking Kino and he can't for his own life write Captain America the same way he did in the 90's.
I for one like the weird X-men book. I also like Ultimates and USM so far.
NTA, but yeah, I also like the UX book. Its pacing just sucks as a monthly book. I've said it in other threads, but this would be a great satellite book while the mutant lore building and shenanigans happen in the main X-book.
All four of the 6160 books are fun stuff, really. Part of it is the novelty of "ooh, how are things different here", but its been great.
Subtlety is for cowards.
I’m enjoying all titles but UBP so far. That one is just too similar to 616 while also telling a not very engaging story.
It would be 100% better if it was a satellite book instead of being the main Ultimate X-Book.
>That one is just too similar to 616 while also telling a not very engaging story.
I wish. 616 T'Challa is being cucked out of his book for a long time now.
UBP feels like it is what people expect from a black panther book which is probably the origin of people calling ti similar to 616/the movies
Not bad honestly.
No i think that black obadiah stane because theres no eyepatch
Is Nu Ultimate Black Panther even all that different from 616 Black Panther canon?
I've not been reading it but from what I can tell, the only real change is that Wakanda is at war with Moon Knight/Khonshu, for some reason
Damn I forgot he isn't Jeff Bridges in this universe.
whats the censored word?
Good. Reparations for the Hudlin days.
I disagree honestly. Let it be new.
>Let it be new.
What the fuck does this even mean?
The point is that this is fine as is, but the main X-book should be more about building up the mutant status quo in this new world and doing more mutanty stuff. The Japanese schoolgirl shit should be a side book.
I'd assume WWII Red Skull existed already
I disagree, not everything should be about world building. Very much like how I like USM for Peter, Harry, Ben and JJJ, I like UXM because of the cozy, detached vibe.
Then you're a moron.
Its the start of a new universe. This is literally where you do the world building. You set up the status quo, and then you mess around in it. This is storytelling 101.
Considering the whole 60s/70s vibe of the Punisher in that one panel, the 'red' part could just mean it's communists. Like, the actual sort, who would self-describe as such and act on it.

...which is, yeah, potentially worrisome given that they're taking inspiration from the Punisher. His shtick filtered through a class struggle lens brings to mind the sorts of ideologues who're willing to carve through a lot of people.
The stage was already set in Invasion, then Universe. We're in practice mode right now.
>Frank went native during the war
>came back and went apeshit
>started a resistance movement because he hates America
I can see it being a thing, yeah.
This is an interesting idea for an alternative Punisher, but I think you guys are reading too much into these two panels
Probably, but aimless speculation is fun. We'll have the chance for more grounded ideas once we get more data.
Many such cases!
>Midas killed JFK and ruined America
That son of a bitch
it's a bit odd to see Sunspot here in the past when we have met his Dad being the guy running Latin America in Ultimate Invasion who didn't seem that old
>but I think you guys are reading too much into these two panels
Heh, you're not wrong. But hell, this sort of theory crafting is the fun part of an unknown world.
>Probably, but aimless speculation is fun
Very true, I wasn't meaning to shut you down or anything
>Punisher is a terrorist movement.
Neat! I don't think 616 Frank will like them much.
>BIG Janet
Forget about Chavez, give me more of this. Let Heroes bride carry Hank.
6160 is so much better than 616 right now bros...
That's not exactly a high bar desu
believe me, I know

Frank used to sometimes wear a headband

I think this is just making him more 1970s/80s looking
I am dumb, or Punisher looks asian? Shang Chi?
i wonder how Professor X and Magneto will be portrayed in 6160, if at all
Midas removing the prior occupant, I thought was him assassinating JFK. We see him there when it happens, so he was likely assigned as security when he was all along in on the plan to kill him.
maybe his dad somehow doesnt age or the maker took sunspot back in time
>killed JFK and stole the armour of his failed bodyguard
I think Howard is the one trying to save JFK. Midas says he got the armor in an auction after Tony disappeared for six months
>turn cancer cures into daily 10,000 dollar treatments?
Are you sure America doesn't exist? Because that's American as fuck.
The ideal idea of America is Steve there and the shitty reality is Midas. Cool dichotomy to set up
Anyone have the # for first issue storytime? It's not up on Marvel Unlimited yet and I missed it...

Fuck Disney for doubling the price of MU, btw
>Fell from the future
So no Lesbian dimension or Epstein island?
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Thanks anon!
Enjoy the 6160 kino, fren
god, 6160 is so based
Unrelated but
>Japan's cabal is composed of Sunfire, Silver Samurai and Viper
Is that a goddamn reference to The Wolverine movie?
>Hank Honey, its time for your daily giantess facesitting!
>c-coming jan...
This sucks.
>Cap want to save America
>He save America Chavez
>She comes from the future of America
Kino triple pun.
Magneto will probably be super geriatric or dead since all Maker had to do is prevent him from getting access to rejuvenation treatments to keep his body young.
Imagine if 6160 Captain Marvel was Mar-vell himself in his classic green and white suit
>America…more like AMERIKKKA

>The maker killed JFK
Frank Looks like Paul Kersey
Frankly, Steve would be hating modern US 24/7 and the demonrats yelling democracy 24/7.
Mainly because Steve is from the days people saw the likes of wilson ruining the world, and the fact that none of them filled the shoes Ted Roosevelt left, since the man was a mountain.
Good morning, I hate America.
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I think that is Obadiah Stane, not 6160 Nick Fury.
Hank is a lucky man
earth x vibering there
Anon it's a red skull you know like THE Red Skull
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Midas was a fun villain in this, wonder if he’ll be back with his daughter.
wasp best girl even in 6160
I thought it would be Carol Danvers or She Hulk.

UGH i dont want to be force fed Chavez
>9 ft tall Jan
Hank you lucky son of a bitch
>The Green Orb introduced in Ultimate Black Panther creates life
>The Savage Land has become polluted due to Roxxon
I think we know what's going to happen next
It's the dead Kree and Skrulls for me man. Like what happened, and I love how involved Stane is with all of this.
Literally who
>Punisher killing Jay-walkers
>Punisher isn’t Frank West because the Govt wasn’t there to kill his family
>Instead it’s Shang Chi and his merry band of Red Skulls
The more I read this, the more I just wish superheroes became stock characters you could put anywhere without being tied to ongoing narratives.
>Frank West
I meant Frank Castle obviously.
>i wonder how Professor X and Magneto
I kinda want Xavier to be the same age as the girls and somehow join the group. Like a foreign exchange student.
For me its Logan and Mariko Yashida's child
>shut up Peggy
Honestly she has the biggest chance of appearing. Given how Surge and Psylocke are in Ultimate X-Men 24
I'm looking forward for Hulk V Thor: Dawn of Time. Nu-Ult She-Hulk is a cutie
Don't worry hoss. I already bought The Ultimates #2 really looking forward to the conclusion of Ultimate Black Panthers first arc in #6 and the Reveal of the shadows entity for Ultimate X-Men #5
Steve Rogers was three years old when Woodrow Wilson left office
Who is more likely? Laura (japanese), Jimmy (japanese, female), or Daken (female)?
I have multiverse fatigue.
Laura, probably

but it'd be funny for Daken to show up and do a harem anime parody
Laura for sure. Though if a dude does join the group. I hope it's Glob Herman or Prodigy
Will Steve date Chavez in this continuity?
Absolute shit. Camp needs to go back to the desert.
Honestly, I feel like there is 10% of a chance that a dude joined, only because as a Tuxedo Mask kind of deal (if you know, you know)

The face kinda looks like a young Charles Bronson, so maybe a Death Wish ref
JFK looking like he's getting embarrassed by his +1
I know what you mean
Seeing how people praises the Death Wish movies, i expect Frank doing this.
He's like Darrio Aggar but not made by Jason Aaron
Funny how people pretend to this day the hippies were good guys even tho a lot of them got murdered by them, or got sick by them.
>And then he turned into a pickle
>Funniest shit I've ever seen
Kirika from AoA is basically Japanese Laura

You could also introduce Mariko from Demon Days
Wait, how old is Howard? Remember this takes place in 2024.
Howard is at least 50.
Part of me wonders if this should have been Mars as a reference to the original Fantastic Four issue 1
MAC bros we are back
>Hank still kind of fumbling around, even when beating up mooks
>Janet is right there hyping them both up
Get you a girl who treats you like Janet treats Hank
Like he said, they don't actually know shit about her. They were just guessing from her high tech stuff and biology, and presumably her violent entry into their timeline.
>She Hulk, but AWOOGA
I hope you like muscle girls, guys.
I love the reference to toe Goerge W Bush line in Ultimates the original.

This is some kino shit. The best thing from Camp I have read so far.
Yes, anon. That's capitalism.
So they let these people die?
Waifu > drones.
>No borders
globalism isnt capitalism. one is a power project, the other one is a economic infrastruture
>no tariffs or trade regulations
>free flow of cheap labor
Globalism is a byproduct of transnational corporate power. The State as a concept has been waning in power in the face of powerful multinationals.
The uptick in this phenomenon is what led to all the megacorp stuff in 1980s cyberpunk.
Its why you see Davos talking about "Stakeholder Capitalism' which is a term for Corporate interests taking more control over sectors of life traditionally run by governments.
Think about NAFTA and why backlash to it was a key motive behind the Zapatista movement.
Or how global tech companies how mass power over the populace to the point where the Facebook algorithm launched a genocide in Myanmar.
Hell the basis of huge chunk of the world capitalism system is based on extracting value across borders from poorer countries to richer ones. A sweatshop in Thailand follows the same format as the plantations of the Merctanlist age.
The NAFTA comparison is even brought up in the comic with he reference to a North American Union and Subsidiaries
It's a symbol that means hope
>"You said you weren't going to bring the helmet man"
Isn't America's hole schtick that there's only one in the multiverse? I guess Maker shenanigans could explain that.
I'm pretty sure she's not in any other books right now so that COULD be Actual America, but at the same time that trait might've been tossed in the retcon hole with the Utopian Parallel so maybe not
It could just be someone with similar powers to Sunspot
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Thank Christ Carol is verified dead
She could be the same one
We haven't seen her on 616 in a minute
It would actually be kind of cool if this was "our" America Chavez from the future who accidentally ended up in 6160.
Indeed. And The Maker has ties with 616, so he could have snatched her.
Why did it take so much energy for one floor destroying blast?
One would assume Midas reinforced the ceiling of the containment chamber for his cross-dimensional power source/cancer cure/onahole
I wish she was carrying me. I'm not a fan of Chavez but it's a new her so I'll give her a chance.
look at them BIG ASS FEET
Tbh, multiple Americas could use the same hole.
Please tell me Frank isn’t just another run of the mill faggot ass mass shooter, right?
That’s really not interesting
Is it a new her?
The retcon may have ended that.
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Interesting that they're going to write her coming from the future
Does she then know about Tony becoming Kang?

>"Save it? You barely know the place!"
>"Love her? You don't even know her name."
Man's pretty shill for someone who got a broken neck.
random choice, I like it
>last panel
Because he's midas, get it
probably "The Red Skulls" or something like that
That's one big bitch on the right there
I just assumed because everyone else is but we don't know for sure
I want to climb Janet and conquer her peaks.
It seem like Hank will have to shed the dad bod in the future.
All the america talk while she was right there in the background made it pretty obvious
Carol's dead.
she had mini which retconned this
>The ultimates now have two teleporters and one time traveler.
Two issue in and they seem already pretty powerful.
She-Hulk is next issue
I think the one panel might actually be a clue at what the Red Skull is in this universe, as Camp hinted on twitter months back there was something to do with him in here.
>There was only two positive results in the Ultimates 1.0: Spider-man and another.
Who it could be? Can't be Harry...
Father Matthew?
Not bad, I guess.
But then they're no longer living.
Just another opportunity to spend and make money, gotta role with the punches. Like he said, he thinks he's so in control it doesn't really matter. Sure, he'd prefer certain outcomes, like presumably not having a broken neck, but everything will come up Midas eventually.
She looks older, so it may literally just be a future America.
This Page comes completely out of left field in my reading. is that the point? Am I retarded?
The story is part Cap learning what happened while he was frozen and part attacking the white house.

That page is from Cap learning about what happened
The timeline is all messed up in my brain. Did a lot of the Maker's council people just stop aging to to special reed richards SCIENCE?
I have literally no idea what Chavez is or does.
Her powers are Flying Brick + Teleport (Interdimensional).
Oh shit, I think Cap not being visible in the panels is what fucked my brain there. Thanks
If you're telling me she just fucking throws herself at people like a human dart or something I will be very happy.
Flying Brick is shorthand for Super-Strength+High Durabilty+Flight

Example: 90s Rogue is a Flying Brick
Well that's fine too, not as cool though.
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She-Hulk is cute! CUTE!
I think it was stated that the US hasn't existed since 1969
This is the second time a child has asked that question
>Though since he left the details to Stane, he probably did most of the dirty work of "ruling."
Well, Stane did recall to Howard the he didn't want to know "How the meat is made" and when he did. He was absolutely horrified. So yeah Howard pretty much lived in blissful ignorance, but he did tell Tony that Stane "delt with that side of stuff" and he did alot.
This book is really fucking good. How come?
Because it's Marvels SBR baybee
Not so random when you explore the issues themes
Seconding this
>Spider-Man and Ultimates the only two books getting attention.

The more things change...
Steel Ball Run. Is a manga from the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga. It takes place in an alternate universe where counterparts are similar yet vastly different and I feel like that's the same for the new Ultimate Universe. It's still in it's infancy so who knows
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Is this guy supposed to be Ned Beatty?
We've been in practice mode for like 5 issues and with it's pacing it feels like UXM has taken place at most of the course of a few days and while I'm not saying I need a team comprised of everyone we know at X-Mansion the book vears on being too different
Black Panther is the weakest but not bad by any means.
X-Men is just built different.
UXM is really getting in my nerves. They already killed Wolverine and I don't get even Cyke, but a little girl with one eye beam.
Honestly, it wouldn't make sense if those people were alive in the Makerverse. He knows exactly how dangerous the heavy hitter mutants are. I like that Hickman had the cojones to give the book to Momoko, and just tell her to do whatever the hell she wants. You don't see that very often these days
It's not a bad book, but it isn't Ultimate X-Men.
I think it's actually just the same child, with us just seeing a preview of it in the last issue.
What should Ultimate X-Men be, knowing that the Maker has essentially killed every mutant of note?
A team of mutants trying to undo the mess the Maker did, but by the eyes of the mutants. Just like X-Men on the 616 is a fairly-well structured team of at least one adult figure. Not two girls coming of age.
Feels like Marvel’s Gundam 00 to me tbqh
You act like the only option is to be a dreadfully slow and boring tale of Japanese schoolgirls
I think the idea is that this group of girls will BECOME the team of mutants trying to undo the mess the maker did. An idea that came to my mind would be that this book would make more sense as a bi-monthly or even weekly book (But that's a serious amount of work to put on one person). Maybe even have say, a team forming in Japan and a team forming in a place like South America, since we know nothing of it
It's not that the only option is slow, it's that I have zero issue with it being slow or localized. Mainly because again, I believe it's going to expand into something bigger.There's what, 17 months to play with here?
>Polynesian She-Hulk
I can dig it
It's just a group of girls imitating the powers of well-stablished characters.
I disagree. In 616 we have 42,093,872 Omega Level Telepaths, having Two Storms in 6160 is fine in my book, especially considering the effort's being made to clearly have one as the alpha dog, and the other as the beta dog
There's a lot of overlap with Ultimate there. It's wildly different from what we consider to be an X-Men book, and the pacing is fucking terrible for a monthly book, but I'm all for a mainstream cape book that completely bucks the trend of what a superhero comic is "supposed" to be.

Especially in comparison to the paint-by-numbers shit MacKay pooped out today.
>He knows exactly how dangerous the heavy hitter mutants are
And yet. Storm is alive and well. Magik, Colossus, Sunfire, Silver Samurai, and Omega Red are on his side....Unless Storm is the mole on Ultimate Black Panther
>at least one adult figure
That's going to be Psylocke in #7. Mind you Niko is also part of the group as well.
>Unless Storm is the mole on Ultimate Black Panther
god can you imagine
Probably easier to convert people to his side with Xavier (likely) kicking buckets in hell. Though Storm being in Africa IS weird. Maybe she was in Wakanda, which for some reason is just impenetrable to the Maker's council
The worst member of the Runaways, hooray.
come now, she's not Gert
With the prophecy that she's going to bear the next heir to the royal line, it's going to be hairy
I'm apathic at Gert, but Niko makes me not want to read any comic this bitch is in.
it'd mean something interesting happens in the comic so I wouldn't bet on it but it'd be absolutely wild if they made Storm a villain
>it'd mean something interesting happens in the comic
Oh come on now. Ra and Konshu avatars have the green Orb now. That's big, plus the Tchalla goes on a spirit quest this month.
It would also mean we got a Storm vs Maystorm angle, with Maystorm likely getting BTFO
>with Maystorm likely getting BTFO
Oh most definitely
>this time for sure
>A heartbroken Maystorm just getting her shit kicked in by Storm for an entire issue
I apparently missed something in UBP. Last I read T'Challa and friends were in the cave looking at the green orb. Did I miss a release lmao?
Evil Storm is pretty unexplored territory now that I think about it
>Did I miss a release lmao?
Yeah. #5 came out two weeks ago. Don't feel too bad about it. When it came out no one posted the storytime so I just searched for it. But we also get the reveal of a certain suit as well.
I guess so
You’re acting as though socialists aren’t fucking hypocritical pieces of shit that become capitalists while simultaneously bemoaning it. They’re called champagne socialists.
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Ultimate Janet has a filthy mouth and I love her for it
ok but Midas pretty clearly isn't anywhere near a socialist or communist or anything of the sort.
Right, but this guy was directly talking about how the extraction of wealth from the land was the whole point, bragging about the high price he's setting on pharmaceutical wonders, about how *commerce* was paramount above governments and nations, about how the accumulation of wealth is man's noblest purpose, and so on. It's among the least subtle things anyone has ever written.

I'm sure he drinks champagne, but he's no socialist.
Is the @#$% thing a 616 thing, while is 6160?
Using symbols for swears is just a comics thing in general, although I have seen the black bars in 616 as well. X-Terminators uses a hybrid of them both.
I guess it depends on the letterer or whoever? I don't think I'll ever forget
kek, I love the memes that came from that desu
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It would seem Camp subscribes to a certain school of thought regarding subtle writing
It being on the nose both makes sense and is great. This is a dystopic world, these faglords don't need to hide they're controlling and perversing it.
yeah but there's also >>144447431
That's Howard trying to save him, which means that he must have removed LBJ or Nixon, neither of whom I have much sympathy for.
Yeah it does look more like Howard actually, but Midas says he got the White House in 1963 so I still think he helped assassinate Kennedy and Howard just couldn't stop it in time. The Maker would have taken power soon after so I doubt either Johnson or Nixon ever saw their presidencies.
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Honestly everything involving Wakanda in the Ultimate universe makes no sense, like I guess I get Maker seemingly only went back the I guess the 50s/60s but the idea he left Wakanda more or less completely untouched with all it's Vibranium intact seems like a massive oversight on his end but I guess Marvel isn't willing to potentially insight Twitter wrath
Camp wasn't lying when he talked about how this team's going to be walking that line between heroes and terrorists. In this case, potentially causing thousands of deaths rather than letting someone continue to be used as a slave.
I'm honestly just here for the overarching Hickman plot, even though I feel like I'm going to get burnt just like Krakoa again (writers just wanting to play in a sandbox instead of moving forward). UXM and UBP felt like independent stories from the #1's, though kinda want to check out UBP once the Moon Knight stuff goes down.
This may not turn out well but I can't say it ain't great to see ultimate janet in action after the last time.
She a mutie here or no?
She didn't seem to have powers until Iron Lad and the Ultimates offered them to her
Why would she be a mutant? Have I missed something?
>Why would she be a mutant? Have I missed something?
Ultimate Jan was a mutie.
>She didn't seem to have powers until Iron Lad and the Ultimates offered them to her
I was literally just thinking about how if she ever went evil she could just slaughter people in the most fucked up ways. like lowering the air pressure around someone until their body starts boiling from the inside out
I think it might be
>Howard was trying to protect JFK and failed
>Midas was the one who had JFK killed
>cheap fan service is good
No wonder /co/ is eating this crap up.
the mutants in 6160 will probably be like 616, a deviant race born from a celestial experiment, etc

1610 mutants was a disease, for those who don't know
Yeah, UXM should have Wolverine seducing teenagers.
don't be gross and weird
Mutants seem to be magic aligned in this 'verse. Maybe descendant of witches, wizards, demons etc...
The fact Nico Minoru identify as one suggest this.
>UXM should have Cyclops seducing teenagers.
I fixed it for ya.
that’s the way it’s always been, IP is a recent invention that goes against normal cultural development

And fucking dropped.

Why the fuck is America Chavez in this book? Who fucking asked for her?

Even if Hickman pretty much made her explicitly straight AND INO, who fucking wants her in the Ultimate line?
Or they can just use Americop and have Bart Gallows be gay. I mean, he already dresses like a Tom of Finland leather cop plus he wears a blank featureless mask like noted sapphic Destiny.

Just give him Morph as a sidekick and they can be the male version of Destiny and Mystique in this new universe.
>Why the fuck is America Chavez in this book?
To be Dicked by the Chad Steve.
Waid's Cap was ALWAYS dogshit.

Remember, the faggot ditched 10/10 waifus Bernie and Rachel for old hag Sharon Carter (now 100% more "death to America!" screeching), Cap being expelled from the US and his citizenship revoked AND the whole "Maybe you shouldn't kill Hitler" arc which tied into Mark Waid's obscene mancrush on Red Skull, in spite of Waid's "he protests too much" alleged hatred of Nazis.
>Ra and Konshu avatars have the green Orb now.
They do?
Not really. Claremont infamously wasted his chance to continue where he was wanting to take the X-Men in X-Men Forever, had he not been kicked off the book, by having X-Men Forever revolve (that was utterly incompatible with what had happened in the comics leading up to the starting point of X-Men Forever) where it turns out that Storm was evil all along and spends the bulk of the series arching the X-Men after she seized control over Wakanda by killing BP and framing Killmonger.
>When it came out no one posted the storytime
Very telling of this book's popularity here.
>the mutants in 6160 will probably be like 616, a deviant race born from a celestial experiment, etc
>1610 mutants was a disease, for those who don't know
Ah alright didn't know how they were doing things since the Maker was involved, how closely tied to the old ultimate line it was.
Next wednesday is UltX-men, yes?
Khonshu used an agent to get a bit of it that was in Wakanda so they didn't get all of it just a bit of it.
Do we know what the green ball is?
Not sure, but dogs love chewing on the damn thing
>Ultimate Jan was a mutie.
But this isn't the same Ultimate Universe that Maker is from

History was different even before he started interfering
And then there's character's ages like Peter being middle aged while Tony is a teen
something that makes life grow a lot.
that's it
Nope, her powers comes from the suit.
Unfortunately but hey
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I knew I recognized the line somewhere
Tony being a teen can be explained as a Maker meddling through this very issue. JFK being shot and Howard being around makes that if Maker didn't meddle, a version of Tony would have been born much earlier
Is the pixelated face secret service something common in marvel, or am I the only one who doesn't like it?
didn't maker team up in the old ultimate universe against ol galan there? wanna see how he dealt with galactus now
>She a mutie here or no?
this timeline diverged from 616 so probably not
Not entirely. Peter is older than Tony for example.
But then he wouldn't be Tony because Maria would have dropped the egg decades before this Tony was born and Howard would have unloaded that sperm in a prostitute
i thought that was cause of time travel
I think it's just a 6160 thing, they show up in the Free Comic Day story as well, the one where they rescue Jim Hammond.
Marvel's logic in these things is weird, sure this might not be THAT Tony, but much like how MJ's stillborn daughter in 616 is Mayday, but there's still chance of another Mayday (looking at Mephisto's precog sequence), Tony is just Howard's firstborn here, probably
No, it was a different earth even before Maker intervened. All of his 'heavier' alterations start in about 1960.
huh i guess that explains why latveria is in kazakhstan
Yeah. Its also a plot point because Maker being from a 1610 means that he can't be killed by shooting at his past self. This is why Kang need to fight directly.
i thought the maker was immortal in general
Didn't prevent Kang from shooting half of Maker's brain.
I hope he shows up against dude, love me some OG human torch
she was in 616 ultimates tbf
Again soon, not against dude..
I have no doubt he'll show up a few more times before the 18 months are up. I think I heard somewhere that the second 6-issue arc will focus more on the secondary members like Jan and Hank, so hopefully Jim has some screentime as well.
the writer was hired based on his ability to write good stories, rather than based on how similar his identity is to the characters. he has also been given freedom to decide the story with the other people working on the ultimate line, instead of having his stories given to him by a marvel studios product researcher.
>Midas lives in a gilded palace and provides for common people off the back of weaponized suffering
That's like the historical definition of communism anon
That's EVERY form of governance
I have to assume that Hickman has a ton of creative control in 6160, if not full control. He hand picked these writers and has essentially let them run wild.
what happens when he wants to end it and editorial & his handpicked writers wrest it from him?
Hickman goes to DC and fails to write a good Superman book
This is way better than the original Ultimates already. Thanks OP!
This is way worse than the original Ultimates already.
Fuck you OP!
Tbf I'm assuming when he gets out Maker won't be a joke on top of having to deal with the mountain of other things gone wrong in the world
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Also that doing my damnedest to avoid sound like on of those types but I do think it's shitty the entire team is all female and based on what we've seen in solicitations for future issues that isn't changing
The Maker has a quintillon of years inside the dome to prepare for the fight, sho who knows what he has done.
He spent the entire time trying to learn the Colonels 11 herbs and spices
He might already know this though.
Natsu hasn't said or done anything yet, but I do think that Natsu might just be a very pretty boy

Between being based on Cyclops and Natsu traditionally being a boy's name
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My wife (male) Natsu!
Like there are a dozen Saint Seiya characters with that exact hair style

All male. Even the ones you would think were female
>be The Maker
>finally becomes free from your timewarp prison after getting an insane amount of prep time to fight against this universe's version of the avengers and other heroes
>lose because you didn't account for a group of japanese high school magic girls
That right there is an Eisner Award Winning story
The most willfully misinterpreted page in all of comics history.
I hope we get a mutant with the hot blooded protagonist sideburns.
>blinded Captain Frenchie in one eye
>crippled Midas
How will the Ultimates fuck up the next villain they fight?
Rape Victim She Hulk
So, who will be the next villains considering they are going in Hulk's territories?
Leader, Abomination, and Red Hulk all strike me as possibilities.
kinda sucked.
t. midas
How about the U-foes?
That’d be fun. Hell just make them this universe’s Fantastic Four.
They could also be used for issue 4, who is centered on Reed.
>"Cool or uncool?"
>"…It fucking sucks, Tony"
Storm also exists in Ultimate Black Panther
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2Storm is based
>400 posts
>barely any discussion about the comic at hand
It feels like people like Ultimate universe spitefully, because they hate 616 so much. None of the books are even remotely interesting
yeah that whole discussion about the appearance of America Chavez and the implications of that didn't happen, a debate over whether Midas is a commie didn't happen, speculation about what comes next didn't happen, considering the implications of this issue on the larger 6160 universe didn't happen, etc, etc
>If I ignore the entire thread I can claim that no one likes the Ultimate Universe at all

Shut the fuck up, Slott
We even had a discussion on whether or not the Red Skull started a punisher terrorist/paramilitary org
Who is the next villain?
It appears She Hulk is on the cover of #3
There was nothing to misrepresent in the previous Ultimate Cap’s words. The fact this new Ultimate Cap is basically the same as his 616 version personality wise shows how much the original Ult. Cap was a mistake.
>mfw a Mutant tells me they want me to stop calling them freaks
Isn't she going to join the team as her main Hulk? I imagine the one who is going to get disabled is Bruce.
I like this New Ultimates so far.
So, the Maker positioned himself as the hero of Earth before becoming it's supreme leader. I guess I should've seen it coming
Going to start using this IRL and hope it catches on
Janet better always be this awesome
You dumb fucking goal-post moving faggot.

But yeah, they were misrepresented. You faggots ignored the context and bend over backwards to pretend France did not actually surrender, ignore that Cap isn't weeks out of WW2 at the point, ignore that he's saying them to a Nazi alien to whom the French surrendered to.
You sound very mad, no wonder you are unironically defending Ult. Cap.
Hopefully no one here was unlucky enough to read Rivera's on going, I used to be one of you, but it's kind of wild to be reading it now and Midas turns out to be the Big Bad in that, though only his crazy dominatrix theme'd daughter ever showed up. Someone's actually out there reworking this stuff into a less bonkers story.

In fact, there's a lot here that ties into a bunch of stuff that's not immediately apparent. Midas capturing America Chavez in some wacko, thinly veiled get rich/powerful scheme is the point of Rivera's mind bending run. But Midas himself is older, out of Marvel Boy and there too does he wear the golden, original Iron Man armor. There too is most of his character (specifically pirates being what HE was) is established, with his wacko vile, profit driven villainy and but especially him needing to bathe in Cosmic Radiation for powers. The connections get weirder cause this was all dreamt up up by one Grant Morrison for his Marvel Boy run, and Marvel Boy himself would end up briefly hanging around America back in her second team series.

Fun comicbook shit.
Finally, a universe worth reading, keep being based Hickman
I didn't even realize Fart Girl was Midas's daughter
ngl I like this Chavez design over the 616 one
She fits right in with the deranged aesthetic of the series, but no, she's a 00's Morrison original. Just like that fucked up evil Mary Marvel, now that I think about it. Probably even used the same artist.

(They did display her name, Oubliette Midas, in big letters for her intro, but I don't really blame people for not realizing what they meant for a number of reasons.)
NTA but I like Ult. Cap
>no midriff
>no booty shorts
it's better than her weird wrestler outfit from Rivera's run, at least
I'm listening
>kirby engines
>concept dungeons hold living corporations prisoner
>random nonsense Nostradamus call forwards to things that didn't exist at the time
>stupid fucking villainess outfits
>yeah that's a Grant Morrison run
Damn you 52-Meme Man, you've trapped me in a cage of circumstantial and coincidental comic book references!
Huh? The little girl Cyclops is a boy?
Honestly? Would
I don't think it's been confirmed either way

But Natsu is traditionally a boy's name.
And since this is basically a manga, long hair isn't an indication either way
... then our boy Summer (Natsu in nipanese) got transformed into a bishonen feminine boy? Jesus.
>Oh Cyclops was a guy the whole time
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No way this isn't a little girl.
I didn't know, that looks pretty boyish to me
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>this eyelash
First time?
At least Psylocke's name in 6160 is written correctly.

>After the climactic finale of issue #6 and the surprise new teammate they found, Mei, Hisako, Nico and the mutants need some guidance! Fortunately, the mysterious Kanon is an older student with a surprising amount of expertise…
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I'm not sure how to handle the Boyclops revelation
>Mei, Hisako, Nico and the mutants
Does that mean Mori and Natsu join the team in #5/6?
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I'm still in denial that Scott got transformed into a little girl, but I can't dismiss the fact.
Yeah. Surge will be the last member so far.
I thought she was going to be an antagonist/ rival. Of course a departure from her 616 counterpart. Makes me wonder if she's going to be a hot head too
I'm shooting blind here, but I believe Surge will be the last member even by being a rival. The only antagonist so far is the Shadow King.
I still wonder if they'll do it here in the 6160
Yeah true. I just thought two electrical characters on the team would feel redundant. But Surge does have speed on her side
Silver Samurai will be a little girl and since Wolverine is dead, they'll clone him into Laura some day. Highly doubt we will see Jimmy Hudson or Daken in this reality since the X-Men is the X-Girls.
I brought this up earlier in the thread too. I'm thinking the same things. Would be cool if they did. Ultimates #2 had nods to Morrisons Marvel boy, and Sunfire having control of Japan feels like a nod to house of M as well.
Last member is probably Rogue since we've seen her on a cover

Surge might stay with the Emperor's faction
imagine shota daken though, would be a missed opportunity to not use daken considering he's japanese
I'm still not feeling this X-Little Girls Adventures.
Would be cool to mesh Jimmy and Daken into one, but I bet it'll be Laura.
Pretty fucking cool issue honestly
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As anons can see, not the first time Midas has literally tried to get his mitts on America
He also has the cure for broken necks in his desk drawer. Cap is gonna feel so stupid when he learns.
God I hate X-nips so much
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>killing scumbags
>killing innocent people
>the same thing
Please tell me you’re trolling
Why is ult. X-Men basically Cunny Itchy Tsubaki?
Ultimate X-men is too based for you.
I like it. It’s a lot better than Ultimate Black Panther.
>Last member is probably Rogue since we've seen her on a cover
Would be anticlimatic. Imagine setting up a mystery member only to spoiler them a few covers ago.
Yeah shills and trannies are out in full force defending this mid universe with shallow comments. Only usm gets real discussion and praise because it's the only good one. Ultimates doesn't even good art and the story is kind of dumb. BP is just dull both art and storywise and uxm's only merit is good but niche art but it's main audience is anime pedos. All of these books barely feel comnected and in the same universe tonally, especially uxm with all its OC donutseel versions of x men characters
The anon above is seething.
The anon above is dilating
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Both this and the last issue of Ultimates show that, for some god forsaken reason, the writer is putting some amount of effort into this. Just like picking apart the seams of the last issue, it was fun to have this issue prompt me to actually catch up on what happened with Chavez after that somewhat insufferable Young Avengers series Gillen did. In fact, I vaguely thought she'd started there, but America Chavez's comic history is rather convoluted and the original appearance of her in Vengeance is, if not entirely unrecognizable with where she ended up post YA, at least somewhat incongruous.

She's not been in much worth caring about, but what was fun was slowly piecing together that the writer might have some method to their madness. You read this issue, with no context, and it's a somewhat entertaining if decompressed story about Cap dealing with how fucked the US is with a very entertaining villain ranting at him about it that ends in a pun. Actually examining the history of the new principle characters in it is kind of shocking. Gabi Rivera's run of America was utterly reviled here and is still somewhat unreadable, but a fairly poorly executed subplot in it about Midas, who never shows up in person, trying to use her for profit gets turned into a much more significant sort of symbolism here. Meanwhile Midas himself spawns fully formed from Grant Morrison's head in a largely forgotten short series about Noh-varr, forgotten entirely except for that's his origin and is the basis for his run-ins with both incarnations of the Young Avengers. Ironically, Midas is merely a singular, profit driven villain in Morrison's story, and his odd appearance in an Iron-Man Annual at the time obviously meant to explain his costume, and it's the Rivera run that saw the obvious opportunity to turn him into a full on modern corporate effigy.
All of this makes this individual issue feel stronger, but is all completely not obvious to a casual reader. It's a, frankly, kind of insane amount of background to what in the moment feels a bit like a cheap set up for a pun: corporate shill literally enslaving America for profit. But now it's a recontexualization of both of their themes, wielding Midas's lust for super heroic traits to use for profit and cosmic radiation to use for personal power from Noh-varr to America, and further more his twisted relationship and definition of love of his daughter to her as well. Turning him from a villain who's other biggest claim to fame is being a bit player in Original Sin into another foil for Captain America. Not to mention his golden iron-man armor is now directly coming from this Tony's father. It's the kind of nutty comicbook stuff that, if not entirely significant, is at least rewarding to poke at. You pull the thread and a message from the author shows up going "I was thinking of this too."

USM and UXM have their own strengths I appreciate. UBP is whatever, honestly, too lacking in both a solid personal theme nor AU-style hook. Ultimates is clearly leaning into being a less cynical and more all encompassing fusion of a lot of Marvel history in ways that less immediately obvious than they appear than the previous Ultimate Marvel. While this issue is more batshit in its influences, I mean, 00's Marvel Boy and Rivera America?, the first one was similar in being straight forward at first blush while hiding more underneath the surface if you decided to interrogate it a bit.
Iron man and omega red at the Berlin Wall.

Roxxon in the savage land
I guess we're gonna learn how these people ended up so long lived
SCIENCE! I kinda like how this universe is kibda like a throwback to silver age Marvel when even gangster get to have access to tractor beams and shit.
This is it. They don't want twitter nogs raging about muh precious Wakanda.
Gooning over Sue
Hickman and Momoko KINO
Is Kanon gonna secretly be one of Sunfire's goons?
I don't think they'll do that to Psylocke. It's likely Surge will be the villain and/or turncoat
We still have midboss shadow king.
He's just like me
>t. Marvel newfag
Midas seems like a Villain that would be right up my alley, are there other stories with him, aside from the Morrison one referenced above?
He was on Original Sin by Aaron

His daughter shows up more than he does
She was in Aaron's Thor and teamed up with the new Silver Samurai
And there was a Judgment Day story where she laid siege to the Baxter Building
I don't see Surge being an enemy. Momoko's built her mutant Japanese schoolgirl X-Men and will run with this cast somehow. Shadow King will either fall in the next two issues or BTFO the girls [like Kingpin vs Spidey and Goblin] and they'll have to bring him down in round 2 around issue 12.
If the preview say anything, she is friend with Shadow (king).
Also the kid in #4 was a little shit.
>Midas says he got the White House in 1963
Where did he say that?

Also, while I'm at it, who's Midas? Not a character I recall from 616.

You might remember his daughter the gimp
>Where did he say that?
He strongly implied it in the last panel >>144447314
This wasnt the preview I saw wtf
Mah man, you gotta search https://aiptcomics.com/2024/07/11/exclusive-marvel-preview-ultimate-x-men-2024-5/
Is it 2024 in this universe or is it earlier? Just how old is this guy?
Old but that doesn't matter in comics with super-science.
every 6160 chapter takes place in the month it came out in
I certainly remember the daughter, she was the highlight of Aaron's otherwise crappy Thor run. Her scenes with Daario were one of the rare bits of sexiness in modern comics.
Which part of her dad's biography is the Morrison run people are praising?

Come to think of it, he brags how he's been bathing in alien radiation and it's changed him, so longevity might be part of it.
That's daring. What happens is an artist can't keep up and a book is delayed?
>That's daring. What happens is an artist can't keep up and a book is delayed?
i wouldnt know

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