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It's unironically fucking over (pic related) https://m.youtube.com/user/ZeratheWolf
I always knew that Tamers was a furfag
What happened?
someone found out that more than one youtube channel has used the sonic tts voice. No one tell him about the moonman videos, I don't want tamers to get cancelled
Somebody in his Sharty thread found out that the account has the same email address as Tamers so we know that it's is 100% him.
Huh. Seems like their big discovery is that the guy that's been making homoerotic Bardonic art for over a decade is probably gay.
this faggot was never funny
This channel shows Tamers face by the way https://m.youtube.com/@furlongist
he looks exactly like his voice
Why is it always the fucking Sharty?
He obviously was, all sonic fans are
Tamers tried to kill Trump
I never got why it was supposed to be such hot shit either
They saw a small group of people having fun watching an obscure youtube animator and I guess that upset them. Kinda sad
Trump's a Modern Sonic fan confirmed
An underage spic got spooked that /co/ doxxed HIM instead of Tamers. That underage spic tried to get KiwiFarms to doxx Tamers. They did, and didn’t give the spic any information because they realized Tamers is bitchin’. So that underage spic went to the sharty to get them to doxx Tamers. They did, but since the sharty is fucking retarded, they didn’t realize Tamers is a genius.

All this because Tamers, /co/, and KiwiFarms mocked the underage spic for liking Tails, having a Tails OC, and falling in love with Flora, one of Tamers’ characters.
It's funny that they manage to be that incompetent. I wonder if this is what it was like to live with the Soviet Union.
>tamers is a gay white trash furry twink

In other news, water is wet. Who gives a shit?
His skateboard trampoline video was cool.
>something happened to this guy that some people liked!
>"eerrm actually he was never funny."
Nice try, samefag
They want to be like old 4chan, but they're all irony-poisoned underage brown people so they end up fucking everything up and generating 0 lulz every single time.
They’re so incompetent they came to /co/ and demanded Tamers doxx himself to prove that he’s actually autistic and not pretending. That was their line. They seriously think /co/ will stop watching his stuff once he’s been “outed” for… what? Being horny??
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Tamers will continue like nothing happened and kino will resume.

And on top of that they're hypocrites who whine about Discord and troons while being literal Discordtroons themselves.
channel bio seems like a joke copypasta, do people actually believe it's serious?
Things will eventually correct. They really don't get that they're a tiny anthill that nobody serious worries about because they lack originality.
Nta but I always thought he was overhyped too
I don't know where else to ask so here goes: what's the music used in Sonic fist fights the Oracle of Delphius trailer? Audiotag and some music recognition plugins just give errors
nobody knows what it is, unfortunately
>Tamers tried to kill Trump
Impossible! If Tamers really were the one, you wouldn't have written "tried to kill" and GOP would have to find a new candidate.
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Sup, Tamers.
PS Bartleby is a spineless bitchboy.
Get a life.
Shit like this is why people aren't going to bother posting shit online anymore, hell it's why I've started to consider if posting my own works online is worth it with the internet getting worse and all these lunatics being set off by even the mildest thing
Giving in to despair is the exact opposite course of action you should be taking right now. I can’t control how you feel, but I do hope that you won’t let jealous bitches get in the way of doing what you want.
>but they’ll make fun of me
Lmao who the fuck are they to you??
Blame tamers himself for this
I forced myself to watch a whole episode of his show like i always do with the stuff YOU GUYS recommend and it was shit. If i wanted dumbshit humor id just bingewatch athf
Thanks for the link anon. Sad to see it's unknown, though.
>but they’ll make fun of me
I didn't say anything about that being the issue whatsoever, the issue is being doxxed and having personal information exposed because someone felt like it for some nonsensical reason. That has been happening more and more often to users who aren't even that audacious and I find it to be disconcerting
More than likely it’s either someone’s piano cover of some ancient MIDI sound file or it’s a license-free generic pop song sample that’s supposed to have generic lyrics added to it in the sound room. Any reason you’re trying to find it?
Just practice smart op.sec. and you’ll be fine. If you’re that paranoid, then upload your content from a laptop with its own dedicated wifi landline connection, running on Linux, which is turned off when not in use and never connects to another device. Hell, you can get super paranoid and destroy a thumb drive used to exchange data every time you use it.
Well said anon, people should create because they want to, and share regardless of what others think
I get where you're coming from, but I don't think it'd be the worst thing having if IRL people found out about my (kinda terrible and cringy) drawings, even the lewd ones. I do think the obsession with finding out who people are is creepy and weird, and personally I blame it on all the parasocial relationships people tend to develop
There's also the simple concrete security of not making yourself a target. Most cancel culture or witchhunter types will stop if you log off or don't respond. In fact, they might make you much more popular.
Which is what Tamers has been doing. If more of his fans were oldfags that remembered the slogan “don’t feed the trolls”, then /co/ threads about SU would be more bearable. As it stands, too many young retards want to respond to demonstrably awful posts, unaware they’re giving cretins the first attention, even if it’s negative, they’ve ever gotten in their lives.
It's stuck in my head and I was curious.
I blame overly centralized social media. It kills any other type of site that could exist, and destroys any chance that a unique culture could come up outside of mostly anarchic anonymous places like this. I think that as the 20s go on we'll return to forums and blogs as the most dominant form of social media instead of platforms.
Not fucking likely. The only way that would ever happen is if people were willing to host sites without worrying about profit, since advertising and credit card companies would pull support if something disagreeable appeared on a site trying to host their platforms. We couldn’t have had 90s and early 00s fan sites, shrines, forums, and repositories in our current environment.
Shit sucked who cares
dont feed the trolls image macros would probably replace the trolls with pepes…
Advertising on the internet is already broken as is, being entirely controlled by Google and Facebook, who will run your ads to diminishing reach, so I don't see why we can't go back to advertising as it was back, with paying for spreads maintained by the sites themselves alongside this new form of influencer advertising. Furry sites and Wikipedia do fine, so when more businesses become aware of how internet advertising can work they'll be sure to stop going to the shell game.

Credit card companies are definitely a problem, but that's mostly for porn. If you maintain your own site and rate limit it with verification required, or paywall, hate speech doesn't have to be a problem. I also think a financial provider for that can be made at this point, there's just no real will because the current system sort of works.
He was never that popular to begin with. And he's a pedophile.
e621 just got obliterated because they didn’t like flat chests on certain drawings, and Wikipedia does “just fine” because the staff controlling article narratives literally do it for free. Which is why, again, anything that’s made as an alternative to the current normal has to operate at a substantial loss. That loss will be even higher if we want to go full-doom and consider it to need a standing legal team because it potentially gets assaulted like, say, Omegle.
You say that because the SU characters are underage? His humor feels from the 00s, where more people understood that real life =/=fiction and that making pedobear memes about fictional characters was unrelated to one's real life values.
Anyway, reading this thread I still don't get why any of what happened should affect him. Looking forward to his next video kino.
He definitely wasn't that funny, people really built him up like he was a comedic genius. Shit that's trying I be bad is just straight up bad
Yeah man, Tamers was totally going to know 13 years ahead of time that some brown kids on a söyjak forum were going to dox him. Fucking idiot
Imagine a bunch of children figured out that taking a sledgehammer to things people enjoy gets a reaction out of them and now apply it to attention starved virgins with nothing going on in their lives besides getting their microdicks simulated by people responding to them acting like retards.
Who gives a shit. Tamers drive and creative output is admirable enough to outlast anything and I say that as someone who doesnt really care for his content at all.
literally nothing you can say about tamers is more retarded and sad then doxxing a z list creator out of butt hurt
No shit he is a gay white trash furry, what next, are you going to reveal that he has a fart fetish?
sharty-tards stay losing
Honestly, I can't wait for Tamers to just keep making videos as if nothing happened, and continues to do so long after the sharty is gone and forgotten
I'm kinda surprised they weren't more interested in Carlos, he's underage and already in a femboy grooming discord
Why should I care?
How will this effect Flora?
Wasn't this posted here a few times?
>Age: 17
All things considered, Tamers has actually been infinitely more careful about how much he shares about himself than the vast majority of people on the internet nowadays.
Bullshit. Carlos you little bitch fuck off back to mexico.
The Obi-wan icon with the Earthbound/Captain Planet video + the description makes it obvious this s Tamers trolling back when he was a kid before his main channel blew up, just like he did on Deviantart
Knowing Tamers, this is probably ironic
>the guy who makes videos about Sonic Underground characters getting their giant asses slapped is a gay furry
Damn never would have guessed
Haha based Tamers
you're talking about THIS guy? who cares if he got an "embarassing" second channel when his main channel features fat p*ony butts
>mobile screenshot
Not even opening it.
I think i speak for all sonic underground fans when i say i am absolutely SHOCKED that tamers12345 is a gay midwestern furry and will be BOYCOTTING his videos from now on.
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That bio is 100% how people wrote online in the 00s, could be a joke, could be what he wrote 10-15 years ago and never changed, could be sincere, could be a mix of all 3
Well there goes the theory of Tamers pretending to be so gay so much that it loops around to him being the straightest man of all time.
Why is it always the flyovers?
>pretending to be gay
no such thing.
>i only sucked a dick IRONICALLY
Not just the SU. Sonic and his brother are underages. Most of his characters are underages and he still sexualizes them.
>Sonic and his brother are underages. Most of his characters are underages and he still sexualizes them.
Unironically rope yourself moral fag
Anon, I'm not sure how to tell you this but Sonic Underground is cartoon characters. You're getting mad over raunchy jokes in a Sonic Underground cartoon animated in MS paint by an autist from the Midwest, and acting like it's comparable to real life child pornography.
¡Hola Carlos! You don't need an 's' at the end of underage. You should ask your school teacher about adjectives and plurals!
Why does everyone I like have to be ruined
How the frick are you idiots still replying to obvious bait? Have none of you ever heard the phrase “don’t feed the trolls”? Or are you seriously so stupid you think Tamers needs YOU to defend him against actual IRL losers he’s never talked to in the first place??
Tamersfags lost Mariotehplumbergods won
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Hold up are you telling me Tamerrs is GAY?! NO I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT
she will no longer be treated like shit
he has multiple repulsive sexualized videos of sonic and bartleby when they were babies.
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me neither
Who is this Joseph person and why does Tamers consider him to not be a faggot is this one of Tamers donors is he the one who gets special preairing video priveleges
Does this mean the shitty threads about this guy will end?
>Someone remade my bugmongler pic I lost a million years ago
It really needs his grin but thanks
absolutely not. this is literally nothing.
i don't even watch this dude.
What is lonley
why does tamers treat flora like shit and not like she deserves?
I really didn't need to see his face
His occupation.
This seems like a giant nothingburger and a precursor to the antics he does on his main YouTube account.
>Age: 17
I had cringe profiles when I was 17.
Some random nigga from Massachusetts has been labelled as tamers not long ago, it's another nothingburger.
Well you're being fed false information, because everyone knows that Tamers is an illegal Cuban DREAMER living in the armpit of Florida.
>Flora has to destroy tamers to get a chance at fucking Sonia
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Actually, Florafags hate the idea of Flora craving Sonia's McNuggies, and since Tamers has never, EVER promoted Flonia, they should be 100% on Tamers' side.
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>Tamers is gay
I have but 2 responses to this.
1. It would explain why he draws Knuckles like this.
2. I don't care because he draws Sonia like this.
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>Tamers is gay
Well shit I could'a told you that
he's even uglier than old movie sonic. he doesn't even go fast and he's bartleby's property.
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They also doxxed Speedoru literally just because he draws porn and his indie animation series is successful. Basedteens literally just do this if they can feel vindicated in destroying a niche internet microcelebrity. Considering that they also leak passwords it's safe to say glowniggers will nuke their site from orbit once they fly too close to the sun.
Im pretty sure whoever this is, its not Tamers. OP is just retarded and thinks whoever uses that text to speech AI thing to make videos is him.
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I better not see any Anons acting unwise about autistic stupid blue fairy thing creatures.
Tamers is like 30 yrs old lol
>that sonic and sonia duet
>knuckles acting like a moralfag
i can't believe tamers12345 made this
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I am very confused. How do we know this is tamers?
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I don't know why Sonic is singing this in a costime but otherwise this shows Aleena did a fine job raising him.
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>chronic smoker
>blown out vagina from triplets
>vagina itself smells like piss and sweat
>perpetually angry
>perpetually suicidal
>not human
whats the appeal
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I can fix her
These aren't even flaws
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You wouldn't get it...
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that's from 2011
by checking the sharty thread.
Now they're saying Tamers is a man who lives in Massachusetts, born in 1997. When the one thing Tamers openly shares about himself is that his birthday is March 12th 1995. I'm calling bullshit
They don't know how to doxx people so they tried to get him to doxx himself. When that didn't work for some reason (lmao) they decided to create lies and push a narrative. Unfortunately, they don't realize that they're dealing with a fan base smarter than their collective room-temperature IQs.
kek, what ep was this again?
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Tamers should add himself to the list the next time he's calling our those trying to doxx him
I live in Mass too
I hope to meet tamers12345 some day in real life
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They are mentally retarded thirdies and children. They mostly do that because they have nothing better to do.
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>read the /raid/ thread
>they just found an old youtube channel and a couple associated fandom profiles
>they can't make up their mind whether tamers is from kansas or mass
>there's only 1 (one) face posted but it's some rando that some basedteen is reaching to prove is tamers
incredible detective work by the sharty. i can't believe that tamers is a gay furry.
I also love how anyone one who says that they has Tamers dox never actually post it.
He makes fun of fucking Ohio in his videos, why would retards think he's from Kansas (there's nothing there) or Massachusetts (where the fuck is there an enclave of white trash in that state)? Ohio meanwhile has shit cities like Lima and the Youngstown-Warren-Boardman tri-city area. Fucking retarded thirdies don't know BALLS about the US but they SURE FRICKIN' LOVE MEDDLING WITH US.
The profile is 11 years old
Not your type huh? I guess you're more into the bara aesthetic then
They must live pretty pathetic lives if that's the sort of thing that brings them joy. Genuinely subhuman
Shit, now he's definitely getting canceled!
Because that's how the Mobian KKK dress, obviously
You literally listed some of her best qualities
I did find it funny they went to the trouble of making an image comparing facial features without realizing they have facial blindness due to autism
>i can't believe that tamers is a gay furry.
Surely his audience will leave him now, it's not like half of them are gay furries themselves
I'm neither gay nor furry, I just think that Sonia and Aleena are cute as heck
>I'm neither gay nor furry
Yet, anon. Yet! Liking women is pretty much the gayest thing there is
every time you kiss a girl you kiss all the boy mouths, balls, and butts they kissed before kissing you congrats bro your the biggest homo there is next to maybe manic
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I warned you faggots that fandom was a curse upon any good thing. Not every fucking neat thing needs a congregating fanbase. These threads were the start of it all.
No? Bitch?? I'm the one who warned everyone, not you! I deserve the credit for warning everyone to stay anonymous and stop trying to be individuals in a space like this, not you, you fat fuck!
I only kiss the purest of girls
She’s perfect.
>Fucking retarded thirdies don't know BALLS about the US but they SURE FRICKIN' LOVE MEDDLING WITH US.
Heh good pun, I hate those faggots

chaste bros, we won
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literally me on the right
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assume the position
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That psychotic Echidna twink will be the death of me
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This .gif reminds me of how my parents refused to do dishes so after all of the dishes were dirty they would just buy paper plates and then wait for the church people to come to our house and do our dishes for us and getting angry looks from them all the time but they always did it anyways because its was like a church service thing
I've been theorizing forever that Tamers is secretly a high profile animator or furry artist. Tamers was probably at anthrocon last week plowing so much man ass and those bitches would have no idea of just who he was
Everyone knows that he's the spoiled child of a rich oil baron from the heart of Texas that was given a small home of his own in the middle of nowhere, so he couldn't do any harm to the family business. They even let him legally change his name to his DeviantArt title so he won't refer to himself by their family name. His mom refused to cut ties and checks up on him every so often, but since she doesn't understand him all that well, she messes up on gifts and presents.
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im glad he figured out how to draw expressions like these
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looks just like tamers himself!
What was wrong with your parents?
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They're just bad people is all. My dad's a "fuck you I got mine" boomer that kicked me out the day high school ended so I didn't get to go to my grad party and my mom is a bipolar alcoholic that would either spend all day sleeping or force me to massage her while she was naked and would cry uncontrollably in public if I didn't tell her I love her.
That’s clearly just MeatCanyon
actually our sorces says that is the tamers12345
The sh@rty hasn’t been usable since that pedo doll took it over. When soot and kuz were in charge, maybe it could have become the next big imageboard, but that once in a decade chance has long since passed. Now it is a dead husk of itself. Just ignore it and let it die. It will never be the next 4chan. It will never be the next eight chan. At this point I doubt it will ever be noteworthy again with what went down with its current owner.
Is this tamers #1 or tamers #2?
this is all clarly hugh his fault blame hugh not carlos or the other website
To be fair it’s the kiwi farms not the sh@rty. Farmers use the sh@rty as a place to anonymously dump doxers they’d get shit for on the farms. The site has still become niggerhell but even in the tamers12345 fox thread there, they are pissed at OP.
>phone posting
*Even in the tamers fox thread the basedteens are pissed at OP
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>Most of his characters are underages and he still sexualizes them.
That's just one of the things that makes him based.
what exactly are you trying to prove by posting that image in every tameroid thread?
>It's KF
No it isn't, it's sharty. Not only has tamers had a KF thread for 8 years where people are fans and agreed not to bother him but Shartyniggers have been arguing in that thread for weeks insulting KF users for "shielding" Tamers by telling them to fuck off and stop trying to harrass him.
You really think we're all newfags who don't know dick about Tamers, KF, and you losers? Buddy we know all about the raid threads. We know about Carlos being so monumentally asspained he went to you to try and doxx Tamers. KF knows that Tamers is cool and should be left alone. You evolutionary cul-de-sacs are the ones prying into his life... and failing so spectacularly that you think he's in Kansas. Or was it Massachusetts? Or was it Nebraska?

Credit where credit's due, they did work out that Tamers has a mouth and at least one eye AND were able to find someone who matches that extremely narrow description
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That may be, but none of the people they've accused of being Tamers have the giant testicles the real Tamers is swinging.
I know right? It's not like there's that many guys with massive pendulous balls and a dump-truck ass walking around. Just follow the sounds of thunderclaps if you want to meet him!
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havent seen sleengofriends for a while... everything okay? your not all apart of this to right?
I just prefer talking about the actual content instead of Tamers personal life so I'm staying out of it until the next thread
This is 100 percentage hugh doing all of this which is why I find it so funny when people accuse Carlos because Carlos may have strong opinions but he wouldn't do something stupid and obviously.
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I've been talking in the thread to the few anons that are just discussing the show, and making the occasional sassy comment about Carlos and the sharty.
I'm doing fine, and I'm sure Tamers is too, since he probably knows the best way to weather this sort of thing is to just ignore it. As for doxing, the only people I want creepily watch from the bushes are Sleet and Braeburn, and once Tamers opens a portal to the Tamersverse, that's exactly where you'll find me
Honestly the best approach
This implies that ATHF is bad though.
Basedteens? Sharty?
Anyone willing to apoonfeed an out of touch fag? I have no idea what are you talking about.
drawing a sleet right this moment. we haven't seen much of them lately, i hope we can soon
that's not true, their fuckups have provided me with many lulz
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Naked massages aside, she kind of sounds like my mom, except replace alcohol with crack and she'd try to get tough with everyone.
I'm 32 and I'm still living with her, hope you got out, Anon.
Years before he did videos he was just doing half-joke erotic pictures of Bartleby and Sonic at an alarming frequency that really could not be explained by
>Haha wouldn't it be funny
Pokemon: Eevee
Name: James
Age: 2 1/2 (Dog year's 17)
Lvl: 8
Orientation: Gay
Weight: 36 pound's
Died of a heart attack while trying to open a bag of Cheetos, rest in power king.
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Retarded low lives from the sounds of it.
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As the Sonic Underground teaches us, most people have really shitty parents, and that kind of generational abuse creates a never-ending cycle of pain. There are some people who don't want to ever have kids because of their upbringing, and there are other people who want to have kids specifically because they know where their parents failed. You'd think it'd be easy to just not be a butthole, but apparently not. Too many parents want their kids to be something they're not, and that's so very, very sad...
>People thought he wasn't an actual gay furry because he joked about it
That's literally gay furry humor.
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So does that mean Tamers is also a /pol/-tier racist?
He self inserts as the Joker, he is probably politically blackpilled.
He self-inserts as the Batman, and the Carlos from Mexico, and the Bartleby's Dad. I think that you don't understand what you're talking about, but you still have a very strong opinion on the subject for some reason.
shut up
Basedjack Party (The Sharty) is a splinter from 4chan's Q&A that's mostly known for being full of zoomers and child pornography.
Didn't /qa/ lose?
alt-chan made by /qa/ users after the board got wiped. It has change owners more than three times already and is now filled with third worlders and underages obssesed with playing defender of moral and good values when spamming CP and gore. Think of it as a place for rejects from kiwifarms.
I genuinely can't think of such a place because I'm so used to being around good people like you all... I love you all (no homo).
I don’t know about you guys but I want to fuck Flora
Yes. And not only that, the sharty lost.
In fact, the sharty stays losing.
>Verification not required.
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It sucks he got doxxed and all, but there's nothing really shocking here like he was into kids or murdered a pregnant lady some shit
>He's a gay furry
REAALLLYYY??? I never would've guessed.
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Tamers response to the doxxing for anyone curious
he's talking about people taking screenshots of small knuckles poorly animated parts. i don't think it has anything to do with this.
The joke is that Tamers doesn't give a shit to the level that he posted this of all things on is twitter for the first in a year
It’s because the doxxing is wrong and anyone with half a brain knows the thirties didn’t find the right person. In the GR15 episode he mocked them for “doxxing” a church, and the retards didn’t get the hint. Why waste time telling them they’re wrong again? Tamers isn’t a bitch.
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that was before the sharty thread
Which you created because you can’t stand someone more talented than you laughing at how pathetic you are, and you’re too stupid to know when to quit no matter how much you fail.
>Help! Help! Anon is raping a national treasure!
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>Age: 17
>Literally just 1 video of lucas from Mother 3 saying PK love using Text to Speech
>Channel description just this
Even if this was Tamers which it isn't it was very clearly a gag throwaway account that was tossed during a bygone era.
tamers has a bunch of mother videos on his channel and lucas has sonic's voice. tamers also has obi-wan in his videos.
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15 recordings today from tamers and i. cybershell if you're reading this i fucking love cops.
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>Hernandez is a fucking Mexican. He shouldn't even be in this country in the first place. I'm already paying for their shit with my taxes. I'm only taking back what's mine.
I know, Aleena, I know, and I agree with you 100%. Thank goodness Mexicans don't exist on /co/.
The 4chan staff are the ones responsible for everything that continues with søyjaks and it's groups. The 4chan staff let /qa/ fester with all kinds of the worst posting ever until /qa/ spammed /lgbt/. The 4chan staff didn't want anyone talking about, or complaining about 4chan on /qa/, so they let discussion about 4chan get drowned out by shit.
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Hola, my name is Carlos. I am currently in Mexico, with mi familia, and we makin' tacos, and burritos. When, the commercial, for Bartleby's book came on TV, and I was like, "¡Ay, Mama! I need that shit, bi--"
>inb4 "the only carlos that actually matters"
the closest tamers has been to adding me into his videos. and it's from before even i knew about him.
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It's crazy how this kid saw the glow-up video and immediately latched onto Flora. Then tried to emulate Tamers. Then tried to doxx Tamers because he didn't understand that Flora is a joke character everyone makes fun of.
How the fuck did they find that shit out?! Like fucking magic, people just find shit, I don't fucking get it.
not crazy at all "floli" attracts all the pedos


Where do I start with this shitpost? I saw the pool episode and thought it was kinda meh, with some great ridiculous parts but a little too much gay humor for me to keep watching.
It depends on what you're looking for, a few modern episodes people really like are:
General Audiences:
I kinda assumed Rubin was the one grooming Carlos
holy fuck stop talking about carlos the problem here is tamers and you're are all ignoring the perpetrator of violence and a pretending to have autism and also a furry homosex for carlos who has done nothing wrong but pointed these all out?
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These threads are almost as bad as YT chat now. Learn that Tamers can overcome anything.
>fake Tamers
>Youtube itself
>Modern Sonic fans
He's beaten them all. Have faith, bitches.
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You cannot beat a GOD
>quick! quick! go for the kansas angle again!
>but wasnt that already proven wrong?
Actually as much as I love Tamers and think that anyone who wants to dox him is a big faggot they are right about him living in Kansas.
Yeah because a guy in Kansas would make fun of Ohio just because, right?
>as much as I love Tamers
You know what? I'm going to take you at face value rather than be cynical. You're right :^) Tamers lives in Kansas. Do NOT look at any other state, everyone. Focus on Kansas.
The profiles are 11 years old, retards. If you are too young to remember what internet culture was like back then, I would like to think you're too young to use this site. Tamers is kino, just watched his World War 3 film this evening.

>Breaking news: gay furry is discovered to be a gay furry
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You are all scared and I find that amusing because it shoes just how pathetic all of you fans are. I know that you will all abandon him once we finally get him. We will show everyone his face and we will tell everyone in his life what he's has been doing. We will tell his boss. We will tell everyone. And you cannot stop us. All you can do is cry here like girls. We won and you al lost. Deal with it.
>Youtube itself
Dude successfully disputed a copyright claim from Disney on his youTube. He's barely shown us even a fraction of his true strength
Where's the animation Carlos? You promised us you'd show us how much better you are at animating. If Tamers can put out 20-40 minutes of animation a fortnight, surely you've made a few minutes worth by now?
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I peeked at my medical results before the doctor now I'm worried about that then I see this cocksucking thread and now I'm depressed. Bad things come in 3s as they say. Jesus Christ what I would give to see one of these motherless sharty fucks IRL.
Don't be sad, bitch. Be glad because we wouldn't know how strong our bonds of friendship are without diversity's adversity.
Take care of yourself anon. If it helps, anything immediately life threatening and they'd be calling you
>Jesus Christ what I would give to see one of these motherless sharty fucks IRL.
See them? You'd smell them well before that. They don't call it the sharty for nothing
Well said! We're already entering a new era of the Tamersverse with the forbidden horse show spin-off, and we haven't even gotten to the Zach Bell revival yet!
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>make a joke Flora meditation video a week ago
>since then it has gotten as many views as real Tamers content
>viewer metrics show they are all from India
>they all arrived in a day
>a couple thousand street sheeters clicked on this thinking it was one of their spiritual binary beats videos
I don't know what to say.
GR15 Episode 2 really made them mad when he made fun of how stupid they were, didn't it? I'm sure Tamers is shaking in his Bartleby costume.

What the fuck is it about Flora that attracts thirdies so easily lmao
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>scary demon with bright red hair
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>indians worship the only character who doesnt poop themselves
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Damn it anon, you owe me a new keyboard! I don't know what's funnier, the part at the end or all the Indians simping for Flora in the comments
>hi flora i just wanted to say thank you so much. what a wonderful lady. you are you are so amazing
Florafags amirite?
You'd think they'd like the one with the Indian accent!
>scary demon with bright red hair.may she find serenity
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>one guy's funny meditation video he did on a whim incidentally makes Florafags look even worse
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I kinda feel bad for them
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the number of people this relevation will get to stop watching his content is exactly zero
what revelation is it anyway? I've been checking this thread occasionally and I still don't know what the big deal is. It isn't like his name and address is exposed from this, is it literally just that he may have had a second channel years ago he did nothing with?
I don't even know what the revelation is
he's pretending to be autistic and is a gay furry (these two revelations are incompatible) but it could just be a faildox anyways?
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That's why it's so funny. Thirdies are such narcissistic black holes they think their fantasies will be reality. They have spent MONTHS fantasizing about /co/ having a mental breakdown over Tamers.

The revelation is that he's a guy from Massachusetts who did kickflips on a skateboard on a trampoline... No, wait, it's that he's in a family of four from Kansas... No, wait, it's that he's a 17 year-old gay furry from Nebraska... No, wait, they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. They're spamming different things non-stop hoping that Tamers will "confess" and doxx himself because they can't do it. You can see when they tried to "4D chess mastermind" Tamers into revealing himself by accusing him of not having autism and demanding he prove he's actually autistic here:
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Would Flora try to convert them into christianity?
Ironic since the Christcuck Republitard Party just prayed to some Indian god a few hours ago...
>it's safe to say glowniggers will nuke their site from orbit once they fly too close to the sun.
Yeah so? They’ll just go to one of their billion other splinter sites.
True but the logic we're running on is that /pol/ is full of 3rd worlders and Mexicans and have gone off to dozens of splinters/bunkers and they're totally incapable of doing anything. Same as these dunderheads. They don't have the kind of people who can pinpoint Shia Lebouf's flag based on airplane travel.
>splinters/bunkers and they're totally incapable of doing anything.
Yeah true, there’s this one sharty splinter (I can’t remember the name of it) where it’s just this one guy talking to himself.
>They don't have the kind of people who can pinpoint Shia Lebouf's flag based on airplane travel.
I dunno, sometimes they can get to people. Remember that they’re the ones who doxxed gooseworks (and then tried to make /co/ scared or something by raiding the board). They also nock over small twitch streamers in their “free time”.
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Betrayal will not go unpunished.
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No, sometimes they get lucky that people get spooked because they think they're dealing with fucking Weev or anakata, when it's actually Pablo and Sanjay.

do you think he regrets making her
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I just watched the SU episode where Flora was introduced and its so weird how the end of the episode was her only appearance until Tamers resurrected her out of relevance purgatory.
She also spent a good portion of the episode under some kind of curse that made her look like a grandma
Jesus christ
>Flora agrees to WFH charity relaxation courses on behalf of her local parish & community service for burning down a building
This sounds like an actual episode. I can picture her not only using Tibetan singing bowls and other not Christian things without realizing it makes no sense but also getting a disproportionately huge audience of Indian men who are there because they lust after her.
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>flora realizes
>wont condone lustful ways even if it made her popular
>decides to pick up trash on the highway like everyone else instead
>learns that 1 person had no ulterior motives and was actually meditating with her
>respects her christian beliefs
>will do the meditation classes for him alone
I'm almost certain the gooseworx dox was already floating around years ago
I think they just copy pasted it
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Imagine moralfagging for Sonic the fucking Hedgehog, that's like saying you shouldn't be allowed to draw Mickey Mouse porn
You autistic teenagers rattle me up
difference is 4chan /pol/ doesn't allow users to post their own database breaches, something soiteens love to do on their /raid/ing board
900 different users of baraag, patreon and twitter got hacked by some fag from there
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>erm excuse me but if you like or do anything I will plaster your real identity everywhere and make all google searches refer to you as a pedophile
Wow, what a compelling internet you seek to create. You're really rekindling that old 4chan /b/ spirit by mercilessly squashing anyone with any eccentricities (or indeed thoughts or feelings) whatsoever. This is absolutely not just a bunch of bitter, unintelligent manchildren who have been brainwashed from birth into equating conformity with absolute survival. You're not a paranoid little faggot quivering inside your own head, desperate and petrified of the thought of anyone ever saying or doing anything you personally don't understand. In no way are you the direct equivalent to the people you claim to hate at the other end of the terminally-online horseshoe. I can't wait to see what amazing wasteland you create once you've effectively chased everyone away under pain of virtual lynch mobs.
My grandma is on Facebook and my Wife sends me tiktoks. I'm a phoneposter what did you expect?
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>You're really rekindling that old 4chan /b/ spirit by mercilessly squashing anyone with any eccentricities (or indeed thoughts or feelings) whatsoever. This is absolutely not just a bunch of bitter, unintelligent manchildren who have been brainwashed from birth into equating conformity with absolute survival
People are free to shit on Kiwifarms for a bunch of things but after I looked around upon learning they have a Tamers thread I'll give them one thing: They just want to point and laugh and understand that you won't have anything to laugh at if you antagonize the weirdos and harass them into inactivity.
I cannot overstate enough how much I hate the over centrified, sanitized modern internet where people cannot be weird and genuine and instead have to hide behind multiple layers of faggy irony.
Can't fathom how people are okay with this and see no issue in it.
That’s cute. It’s also entirely meaningless. The website that has the thread that everyone links to? I already have the thread OP’s home address and name because they don’t practice proper operational security, because they’re too poor to know how. Again, these losers are relying solely on scare tactics because they are valueless. I mean that. There’s no point revealing who they are because there is no one in their lives to inform. That’s how pathetic they are, how pathetic all of them are.

It’s how pathetic you are as well.
They act like they're continuing on some great imageboard tradition, but fail to see that cruelty for cruelty's sake only ever comes across as cringe. It's like kicking over a kid's sandcastle and wondering why everyone is glaring instead of laughing
>I can't wait to see what amazing wasteland you create once you've effectively chased everyone away under pain of virtual lynch mobs.
I genuinely believe cancel culture is going out of style, since more and more creators are realizing that if you just ignore it, no one actually gives a shit
>I cannot overstate enough how much I hate the over centrified, sanitized modern internet where people cannot be weird and genuine and instead have to hide behind multiple layers of faggy irony.
I think we're seeing a slow turnaround with this too. With the flooding of bots and increasing distrust of large corporations, small imageboards and forums are seeing a slow revival. It's honestly refreshing to see
>I think we're seeing a slow turnaround with this too. With the flooding of bots and increasing distrust of large corporations, small imageboards and forums are seeing a slow revival. It's honestly refreshing to see
I'd love if this keeps up. There was always this itch for a forum but they were all ghost towns with like a handful of active users.
be glad you don't know about the Foodists
Or, worse, the forums are swarmed by ads for Indian products, primarily penis growth powders for some reason. The one I think about off the top of my head is the forum for the World of Warcraft Single-Player Project website that works to allow people to run their own servers.
this you big guy
post tamers zoophilia
every character in everything he's ever made can speak and think like a human
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I want to lick the chilli off of Sleet's body
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god i want to commit UNSPEAKABLE LEVELS OF ZOOPHILIA on sleet i sure hope that some third-world shitholer doesnt find a moral imperative to try and find out who i am while they jack off to actual ch*ld pornography
I think the popularity of Discord has shown there's a real desire for people to set up and manage their own niche communities. I'm a lot more active in small forums now than I ever was back before megasites like reddit and twitter took over. I think we're nearing the point where companies will start selling turnkey solutions for hosting a forum that handles all the tech stuff (registering a domain, installing/managing forum/imageboard software, spam control, etc), leaving the customer to just handle forum administration. You can already do this for less than $10 a month if you're tech-inclined, and it's only a matter of time before someone packages it all up
greener pastors lel
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Gross. Everyone knows Sleet is for self-inserting, and having Dingo ravishing you!
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Carlos, I played your SRB2 mod before I realized who made it... I THOUGHT IT FUCKING SUCKED
can you all just talk about positive thinks for once instead of being mean and looking to blame others for your problem? we get it all you hate all of the other websites and you think you're are better then all of them but if you're are then you should post happy thinks? like flora?
Okay here's a Flora. Would you play Legos with her? https://files.catbox.moe/yrdcn9.png
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Where do you get the inspiration for your drawings?
I'm actually not that guy but I can definitely see the similarities
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I know you made this as a joke but its actually relaxing to listen to. Make another one but it ends with Aleena molesting her.
This is so fucking funny
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Aleena would NEVER...!
>"Flora are you trying to hypnotize men over the internet again?"
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tamers treats the audience less like idiots than actual shit you pay for on netflix
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Catholics believe in penance right? Well yours is to let Sonia watch you pee 10 times.
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if you said "swallow piss like the rest" then i wouldve laughed
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Fuck with the best, swallow piss like the rest, bitch.
>if you just ignore it, no one actually gives a shit
I've unironically seen people start doxxing and suicide-baiting cancelers. people are sick and tired of this behavior.
Nah OP is slandering. (not that I care if he's a furry, his content is still good)
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Tamers is cancel proof
The content he puts out to the public is already as offensive as you can get .
It’s why you never see anything bad happen to Johnny Ryan
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knuckles is so fucking lucky bro
>tfw no higger gf
it was the bakery episode and i liked flora during late 2021 after seeing fanart on the discord servers. the only "proof" you have is that i only posted here after the glow up video since i saw anons talking about flora.
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the rightful ruler of Mobius wouldn't be such a pansy, he's in a food coma.
I read this whole thread and looked at the YouTube channels and shit and still have no idea what you guys are talking about. Can someone speak to me like im a retarded child and explain the issue?
From what I can tell, people think they doxxed tamers but they probably didn't? And there are several accounts all being claimed to be tamers but no real proof? What relevance does moonman have to do with this? What is actually going on. Please break it down for me.
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pic related will explain everything
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People are understandably worried that getting doxxed might make Tamers leave.
Doxxing a beloved content creator is funny to cretins so they're rushing in and fail.
Even then, Tamers would probably continue anyway like nothing happened.
>What relevance does moonman have to do with this? What is actually going on. Please break it down for me.
Moonman and his hatred for blacks is never not relevant, regardless of context.
tamers sonic uses the same voice as moonman
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>the guy that makes youtube sonic videos is a gay furry
Did you just wake from a 2009 coma or did you really not have enough braincells to do some deductive reasoning?
I have now read the entire thread and I still have no clue what this is all about.
So theres a YouTube channel with some gay furry shit that may be related to Tamers?
Where exactly is the evidence? Who exactly cares? Of course Tamers is a gay fart fetish furry, thats what makes him entertaining.
Third-worlders are third-worlders for a reason, and it’s not from “exploitation”.
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He says that about echidnas, yet he uses the H-word when referring to hedgehogs?
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>So theres a YouTube channel with some gay furry shit that may be related to Tamers?
That's what OP thinks.

>Where exactly is the evidence?
There is none.

>Who exactly cares? Of course Tamers is a gay fart fetish furry, thats what makes him entertaining.
And as long as it baked another Tamers bread, who can be mad?
I mean he's correct, Knuckles has very blatant antisocial tendencies and at this point is casually murdering people who probably don't deserve it.
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That was him saying he didn't want Knuckles dating a hedgehog.
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That's such a golden episode lmao
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yeah the one where ugly disgusting hip hedgehog appeared.
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>vaguely know tamers from 20 years ago
>we were on the same sonic forum (now defunct)
>only know him because he talked to me about knuckles in private messages
>recognize him on youtube because he shared his deviantart
>look up the sharty thread
>usernames arent what he used nor sound like what he would use
>dont know his face but none of them (nor the names) look right
>not the correct state of residence (this one he mentioned to me so I know it 100%)
>would-be doxxers are basically begging for help because tamers practiced opsec and their leads are dry
This is more pathetic than any Sonic fan could ever hope to be. Sharty hits a lower low than any other site by being incompetent.
>(now defunct)
>private messages
0 proof
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>Provide achived links and private messages to Tamers since we can't do it! Now!!
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>The only man on earth that knows where Tamers12345 lives is Uncle Chuck himself
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>basedjack obsessed zoomers are incompetent
Who knew
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>aleena being 3' 6" is the hedgehog equivalent of a human woman being 7' tall
No wonder she's so strong.
We call her "Queen" for a reason, since her official title was always "Fuhrer" while ruling Mobius.
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That Uncle Chuck looks like he venerates Domingo
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Does Rick know what her cute hedgehog feet do to me?
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my heros
I know everyone drools after hedgehog women but hedgehog men look incredibly huggable the way Rick draws them. You can almost excuse the profuse shitting.
Shut the fuck up, bitch
so its all this bitches fault?
Why do I give a shit?
Someone saved my edit!
>your not all apart of this to right?
Of course they are. They'd want nothing more for him to turn out to be a gay furry because it justifies their feeble existence
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Don't hate her for what others have done in her name.
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Chuck looks so cute!
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jesus, anon.

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